c语言编程 英语考试模拟系统6,学位外语考试模拟试题6

Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Jenny: I’m very tired and thirsty.

Jackie: Why don’t you have a cup of tea?

Jenny: __________ .

A. Nice to meet you B. I’m fine. How are you?

C. That’s a good idea D. Absolutely true

2. Mark: How much does it cost to visit the British Museum?

Johnson: __________.

A. Five hours B. It’s free

C. It’s fine D. Very high quality

3. Gentleman: About how long will it take to get there?

Taxi Driver: Oh, at this time of the day, it won’t take long…____.

A. about 15 to 20 minutes B. about 25 dollars

C. about 10 hours D. about 100 meters

4. Andy: I heard you’re moving to New York. I’m going to miss you.

Ryan: _________ . Let’s keep in touch.

A. No, I can’t B. Yes, I do

C. Me either D. Me too

5. Karen: Do you have these shoes in size seven?

Clerk: __________ . But let me look in the stockroom.

A. Yes, absolutely B. I’m not sure

C. That’s it D. No, not at all

6. Keith: Good morning. Could I speak to your customers services department, please?

Receptionist: Certainly. __________

Keith: This is Keith Jones.

A. Who’s calling? B. But I’m sorry.

C. Where’re you from? D. Please wait a minute.

7. Lucy: We had a terrible holiday!

Mike: __________ ?

Lucy: Yes. It rained all the time.

A. Do you B. Have you

C. Did you D. Would you

8. Burt: Can you keep an eye on my luggage, please”

Kevin: _________ . I’d be glad to.

A. But I can’t B. No problem

C. No way D. I’ve no idea

9. Alex: How much is a standard room?

Clerk: ________ .

A. Five miles per hour B. Ten kilos per person

C. Nine meters high D. $55 per night

10. Michell: What do you think of Liverpool, Lars?

Lars: ___________ .

A. It’s really interesting B. It doesn’t matter

C. It’s none of my business D. It’s free

11. Laurie: I’ve got a bad cold and a sore throat. Can you give me something for it?

Chemist: _________ .

A. It’s very cold B. It’s very painful

C. You’re very nice D. Yes, of course

12. Jercy: Do you know what time he’ll be back?

Mike: ________ , I think.

A. In about an hour B. About three hundred dollars

C. About three hours D. Within three meters

13. Customer: Can I have two cups of coffee, please?

Clerk: Sure…__________ .

A. That’s nice of you B. It’s my pleasure

C. That’s £3 D. That’s OK

14. Nancy: You didn’t like the meal, did you?

Charlie: _________ . Well, it hadn’t been cooked properly.

A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn’t

C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’t

15. Receptionist: Could I have your first name, please?

Marc: __________ .

A. It’s Marc B. Sorry, it’s late

C. It’s fantastic D. It’s funny

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano located just east of Naples, Italy. It is the only volcano on the continent of Europe to have erupted in the last one hundred years, though other volcanoes have erupted on islands in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1631, approximately three thousand people were killed by an eruption from Mount Vesuvius. Since 1631, the 4,200 foot high volcano has erupted at least twenty one times. Mount Vesuvius is considered particularly dangerous because today, nearly three million people live in the direct path of a potential future eruption.

Mount Vesuvius is most famous for its landmark eruption in the year 79 AD, which buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in layers of burning ash. The only account of the eruption that survives is from Pliny the Younger. From his dramatic account, scientists believe the cloud of ash he witnessed that descended upon Pompeii was twenty miles high. The city of Pompeii was completely buried. It was rediscovered in 1748, more than 1600 years after the eruption. The people of Pompeii were found buried under 12 layers of soil. Many of the buildings were amazingly well-preserved, as were the bodies of those who were just going about their daily routines when the eruption occurred. The ruins at Pompeii have provided archaeologists with valuable information about how people in the Roman Empire lived. Today, Pompeii is one of the most visited sites in Italy.

16. In the last one hundred years, _______ volcano(es) erupted on the European Continent.

A. twenty one B. two

C. only one D. seventeen

17. Today, Mount Vesuvius is considered particularly dangerous because __________ .

A. it is the most active volcano in the world

B. three million people will be in danger if it erupts

C. three thousand people were killed in 1631 eruption

D. this volcano is 4,200 foot high

18. It was in the _______ eruption that the city of Pompeii was destroyed.

A. 1631 B. 1748

C. 1600 D. 79

19. The landmark eruption of Mount Vesuius happened ________ .

A. completely out of people’s expectation

B. after people around were well prepared

C. before the buildings were well-preseved

D. after people around moved out

20. Which of the following is NOT true about Pompeii?

A. The city of Pompeii was completely buried in 79 AD eruption.

B. Now many people will visit Pompeii when they go to Italy

C. The bodies of those who were buried in the eruption were not well-preserved.

D. 1,600 years after the eruption, Pompeii was rediscovered.

Passage Two

The United Kingdom is a large island located in Europe. It also includes part of the island of Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Over 60 million people live in the United Kingdom. The vast majority of the population, however, lives in England. The government of the United Kingdom is considered a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a government in which the monarch (king or queen) is head of state. Now, Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of the United Kingdom. In reality, however, she exercises very little political power.

The history of the United Kindgom is full of wars, invasions, revolutions, and interesting rulers. Numerous castles, fortifications, old cathedrals, and ruins are evidence of the kingdom's past. The "UK," as it is often called, was once the world's most powerful nation. Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, and even the United States are among nations that used to be controlled by the United Kingdom. It is also the birthplace of the English language.

There are many remarkable landmarks to see in the United Kingdom such as the Tower of London, Big Ben, Oxford University and the mysterious Stonehenge. Oxford University, founded sometime in the 12th century, is the oldest university in the English speaking world. Many of the United Kingdom's former prime ministers attended Oxford. Stonehenge, located near Salisbury, England, is a group of giant standing stones arranged in a circular formation. Archaeologists believe the formations are over 4,500 years old. No one knows exactly what Stonehenge is meant to represent.

21. In the United Kingdom, most of the people live in ________ .

A. England B. Scotland

C. Wales D. Northern Ireland

22. In a constitutional monarchy, _________ is the head of the state.

A. the prime minister B. constitution

C. the king or queen D. Queen Elizabeth II

23. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The United Kingdom is an European country.

B. Now, in the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II has the greatest political power.

C. The United Kingdom has a population of 60 million.

D. Constitutional monarchy is generally considered the form of government in the United Kingdom.

24. The English language is originally from _________ .

A. Canada B. Australia

C. the United States D. the United Kingdom

25. If you visit Stonehenge, you will see _________ .

A. many ancient castles

B. a group of huge standing stone

C. an old university

D. a huge clock

Passage Three

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. His career in exploration started when he was very young. As a teenager he traveled the seas and eventually made Portugal his base. He appealed to the kings of Portugal, France and England to finance a westward trip to the Indies, but all denied his request. After ten years of monumental efforts but fruitless results, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance Columbus in the hopes of acquiring great wealth. On August 3, 1492, Columbus and three ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, left Palos, Spain and headed westward.

After stopping in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, Columbus' ships hit the open seas. Covering about 150 miles a day, the trip was long and arduous. The crew was afraid of sea monsters and grew more restless every day when land was not sighted. Columbus offered a reward for the first person to sight land. On October 12, a crew member aboard the Pinta sighted one of the Bahama Islands. Columbus set foot on what he believed was one of the Spice Islands, a group of islands in Asia (now known as Indonesia), where valuable spices and riches came from. He named the land San Salvador. Columbus failed to find the riches he expected, and continued to search for China. He next visited Cuba and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). He encountered native peoples who he named "Indians" because he believed they were inhabitants of the Indies.

Columbus returned to Spain a hero. He was named viceroy of the Indies. He soon returned to the New World but never found the riches he expected. Some began to believe that Columbus had found "a new world" rather that a shortcut to the Indies.

26. Christopher Columbus’ request was ________ when he asked the king of France to finance a westward trip to Indies.

A. refused B. granted

C. discussed D. agreed

27. On August 3, 1492, Columbus’ westward trip financed by the king of ________ began.

A. Portugal B. France

C. Spain D. England

28. Which of the following is not one of Columbus’ three ships

A. Nina B. Santa Maria

C. Palos D. Pinta

29. ‘Crew’ means _________ .

A. the sea monsters

B. the people who worked aboard the ships

C. the people who cannot see the land

D. the people who are exposed to the open seas

30. During Columbus’ westward trip, he did not reach ________ .

A. Canary Islands B. the Bahama Islands

C. Cuba D. China

Passage Four

Online distance education creates a virtual learning community where face-to- face contact with classmates and faculty member(s) is either limited or non-existent. Interactions between members of the virtual community are through e-mails, postings on list serve and bulletin boards, all of which are primarily written communication. For students who are better at expressing themselves orally, this is an adjustment. Frequency of feedback in a virtual learning community is greater than classroom based interactions because exchanges are not restricted by time and space. Students have to learn to manage this increased flow of electronic messaging. Siegle reports that the optimal number of students in a virtual classroom is 8-12 students. More students than this makes it difficult to manage, while fewer students is not conducive to meaningful dialogue. Students also have to develop an understanding of the "etiquette" inherent in electronic messages. Unless faculty members provide specific guidelines for communication in a virtual environment, many students, particularly students with learning disabilities, may find this to be frustrating. An oft cited example, is expecting e-mail inquiries to be answered instantaneously.

Interestingly, the belief that one is completely anonymous in a virtual learning environment is quickly exposed when students have to share all relevant communication in written form. Students have to learn to be comfortable exchanging personal information in writing, knowing that this becomes a documented record for the entire class to see. Most importantly, students have to learn to actively post questions and inquiries in the appropriate dialogue box because without non-verbal cues and other tacit communications, faculty are unable to react to those students who may be feeling lost or overwhelmed.

31. In a virtual learning community, ____________ .

A. classmates can always talk face to face with each other

B. teachers can interact with students face to face

C. communication is primarily in written form

D. there is no communication between the members

32. One benefit in virtual learning community is _________ .

A. students becoming better expressing themselves.

B. the greater frequency of feedback

C. exchanges restricted by space and time

D. the increased flow of electronic messaging

33. ‘Instantaneously’ means __________ .

A. immediately B. meanfully

C. inherently D. specifically

34. When students in a virtual learning community exchange personal information, ___________ .

A. they can remain anonymous

B. their real identity may be known to others

C. they do feel very comfortable

D. not all the members can see the information

35. Students have to learn to post in the appropriate dialogue box because _________ .

A. students are feeling lost or overwhelmed

B. non-verbal and other tacit communications are very useful here

C. faculty are unwilling to react to non-verbal cues

D. written information is the only way for faculty to know students’ questions and inquiries

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

36. Henry will not be able to _______ the meeting tonight because he will be teaching a class then.

A. concern B. offend

C. attend D. defend

37. Made of plastics, the machine is light in _________ .

A. weight B. strength

C. height D. length

38. This platform will _______ if all of us stand on it as it is not hard enough.

A. expand B. support

C. exceed D. collapse

39. Black people are by no means ________ to white people.

A. cooperative B. inferior

C. major D. minor

40. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical _________ women are in a minority.

A. profession B. professional

C. presentation D. atmosphere

41. The director was ________ of the way we were doing the work, which made many of us frustrated.

A. content B. optimistic

C. critical D. proud

42. The purpose of a tariff is to _______ imports to protect domestic industry.

A. cut down B. cut in

C. cut off D. cut on

43. The English language contains a ________ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.

A. latitude B. reward

C. regard D. multitude

44. It is a serious crime that people smuggle goods out of China to ________ paying customs duty.

A. invade B. avoid

C. interrupt D. interfere

45. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to ________ that all ships follow traffic rules in busy harbors.

A.make sure B. set off

C. keep silent D. answer for

46. You are not allowed to take a second job unless your employer gives you __________ .

A. permission B. manual

C. magic D. instruction

47. Peter will take over as managing director when Bill ________ .

A. waits B. joins

C. encounters D. retires

48. Fresh fruits and vegetables are generally less ________ when they are in season.

A. expansive B. expensive

C. extensive D. intensive

49. He _________ very quickly after his illness.

A. retrieved B. discovered

C. recovered D. covered

50. I hate people who ________ the end of film that you haven’t seen before.

A.remove B. discourage

C. regard D. reveal

51. Where’s Mary? She’s ________ to be home and cleaning her room!

A. perceived B. regarded

C. considered D. supposed

52. The mayor is a woman with great integrity and therefore _______ our political and financial support.

A. deserves B. intends

C. raises D. declines

53. Scholars maintain that social development can easily ________ language changes.

A. take off B. come round

C. bring about D. run into

54. The little girl is ________ of the basic rules of English grammar, which leads to many errors in her writing.

A. suspicious B. ignorant

C. impulsive D. aware

55. The precious books were hopelessly ________ by long exposure in the cold, damp room.

A. harmed B. merged

C. ruined D. ensured

56. Our journey was slow because the train stopped ________ at different villages.

A. constantly B. continuously

C. continually D. gradually

57. It is considerate of you to turn down the radio ________ your sister is still ill in bed.

A. while B. so

C. how D. that

58. She should stop work; she has a headache because she ______ too long.

A. is reading B. has been reading

C. had read D. read

59. That they were wrong in the matters _______ now clear to us.

A. was B. were

C. are D. is

60. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _________ your advice.

A. had taken B. have taken

C. took D. would taken

61. When _______ at the door, she was given a warm welcome.

A. appears B. appearing

C. to appear D. appeared

62. He was warned _______ he should make the same mistake again.

A. if B. given

C. lest D. unless

63. You will see to ________ the engine does not get out of order.

A. it that B. that

C. which D. whether

64. ________ that John should have passed the examination.

A. There is no surprise B. It is surprised

C. Not to surprise me D. It is no surprise

65. I have never been to New York, but it’s the place _________ .

A. where I’d like to visit B. that I want to visit most

C. that I want to visit it most D. in that I’d like to visit

66. Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ________ formal language is used

A. at what B. in that

C. on which D. in which

67. The young man speaks Japanese fluently as if he _______ a Japanese.

A. were B. would be

C. is D. had been

68. You cannot be __________ careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.

A. so B. too

C. very D. much

69. A good writer is ________ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way.

A. that B. those

C. him D. one

70. At last she left the room and hurried to the airport only _______ the plane flying away.

A. seeing B. see

C. to see D. saw

71. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _________ it comes to classroom tests.

A. than B. when

C. as D. then

72. In on country ________ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A. other than B. more than

C. rather than D. better than

73. It has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell _________ can suddenly become sensitive to it when exposed to it often enough.

A. at large B. at last

C. at least D. at first

74. Teachers need to be aware of the ________ , intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience.

A. emotionally B. emotion

C. emotional D. emotions

75. Some women ___________ a good salary in a job instead of staying at home, but they decided not to work for the sake of family.

A. could have made B. would make

C. must make D. should have made

Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

An ideal home must be full of joy, warmth, love and deep concern. It is a place which is filled ___76___ an atmosphere of ___77___. It is a mental shelter when you are ___78___. There are always other members who are ___79___ to share your sorrow as well as your joy.

___80___ have an ideal home, you must learn to get ___81___ well with your family. For example, when you argue with one of your family, you should try to keep your temper and ___82___ him or her halfway. An ideal family is ___83___ on warm affection and mutual understanding; both of these can make a home more harmonious and inviting. Above all, in an ideal home, the members of the family must treat one ___84___ sincerely. They like to get together and communicate with one another in a democratic way and without any unreasonable arguments or quarrels.

___85___ joy, warmth, love and deep concern, the members of each family can team up to create an ideal home.

76. A. in B. with C. by D. for

77. A. fun B. risk C. regret D. harmony

78. A. away B. back C. hurt D. happy

79. A. ready B. reluctant C. busy D. ideal

80. A. As B. Such C. To D. So

81. A. between B. along C. among D. in

82. A. fight B. accompany C. encounter D. meet

83. A. based B.made C. shouted D. regarded

84. A. each B. other C. another D. both

85. A. During B. With C. Before D. After


Part V Writing (15 points)

Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic “The Harm of Overusing Cell Phones”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 越来越多的人使用手机进行联络;

2. 过度依赖手机会对心理健康产生危害;

3. 谈谈你的看法。

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