
Xiang Zhang, Erjing Lin, Yulian Lv. Multi-Target Search on Semantic Associations in Linked Data. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 14(1):71-97, 2018.

Xiang Zhang, Erjing Lin, Siyao Pi. Predicting Object Types in Linked Data by Text Classification. The 5th International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD2017). 391-396, 2017.

Xiang Zhang, Yulian Lv. Towards Multi-Target Search of Semantic Association. In Proceedings of the 6th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2016). 236-244, 2016.

Xiang Zhang, Yulian Lv, Erjing Lin. Object Clustering in Linked Data using Centrality. In Proceedings of China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS2016). 1-12, 2016.

Xiang Zhang, Wenyao Cheng. Pattern Mining in Linked Data by Edge-labeling. Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology. 21(2):168-175, 2016.

Xiang Zhang, Xing Li, Yunqing Wen, Kai Shen, Jingkun Hao. Building virtual ontologies insemanticweb. Journal of Southeast University. 45-4, 652-656, 2015.

Yunqing Wen, Xiang Zhang, Kai Shen, Peng Wang. Towards Building Virtual Vocabularies in the Semantic Web. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA2013). 2013, 193-204.

Wenbo Zhang, Xiang Zhang, Yuming Qian, Chao Xing, Peng Wang. Access Control Models for Information Retrieval in Social Network. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2013, 9(16):6511-6518.

Xiaowei Jiang, Xiang Zhang, Feifei Gao, Chunan Pu, Peng Wang. Graph Compression Strategies for Instance-focused Semantic Mining. In Proceedings of the 7th China Semantic Web Symposium & 2nd Web Science Conference (CSWS 2013). 2013. 50-61.

Chen Wang, Xiang Zhang, Yongtao Lv, Li Ji, Peng Wan. Searching Semantic Associations Based on Virtual Document. In Proceedings of the 7th China Semantic Web Symposium & 2nd Web Science Conference (CSWS 2013). 2013. 62-75.

Xiaowei Jiang, Xiang Zhang, Wei Gui, Feifei Gao, Peng Wang, Fengbo Zhou. Summarizing Semantic Associations Based on Focused Association Graph. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA2012). 564-576, Nanjing, China, 2012.

Xiang Zhang, Cuifang Zhao, Peng Wang, Fengbo Zhou. Mining Link Patterns in Linked Data. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM2012). 83-94, Harbin, China, 2012. 564-576.

Cuifang Zhao, Xiang Zhang, Peng Wang. A Label-based Partitioning Strategy for Mining Link Patterns. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS2012). 203-206.

Xiang Zhang, Cuifang Zhao.ONTRUSE:SearchingOntological Structures. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS2012). 361-364, Nanjing, China, 2012.

Xiang Zhang, Cuifang Zhao, Sanfeng Zhang, Peng Wang. A Partition-Based Approach to Mining Link Patterns. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS2012). 2165-2168, Nanjing, China, 2012.

Xiang Zhang, Rui Hu, Sanfeng Zhang. A Survey on Access Control in Online Social Networks. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS2012). 2865-2868. 2012.

Huansong Wang, Xiang Zhang.MaVis: Feature-based Defects Visualization in Software Testing. In Proceedings of the 2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology(SCET2012). 1-4, 2012.

Rui Hu, Xiang Zhang. Classification and Evaluation of Online Indexing Strategies. In Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2011). 233-238, 2011.

Peng Wang, Xiang Zhang, Yue You. Discovering Scholar Knowledge from Conference Web Pages. In Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2011). 173-178, 2011.

Xiang Zhang, Huaping Chen. Indexing Ontological Structure based on Neighbor Tree. In Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2010). 263-269, 2010.

Xiang Zhang, Gong Cheng, Weiyi Ge, Yuzhong Qu. Summarizing Vocabularies in the Global Semantic Web. Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST), 2009, 24(1):165-174.

Xiang Zhang, Weiyi Ge, Yuzhong Qu. Finding and Ranking Semantic Web Sites. Journal of Software, 2009, 20(10):2834-2843.

Xiang Zhang, Yuzhong Qu. RankingProblemsin Semantic Web. Computer Science, 2008, 35(2):196-200.

Xiang Zhang, Gong Cheng, Yuzhong Qu. Ontology Summarization Based on RDF Sentence Graph. In Proceedings of the 16th International World Wide Web Conference(WWW2007). 707-716, Banff, Canada, 2007.

Xiang Zhang, Huiying Li, Yuzhong Qu. Finding Important Vocabulary within Ontology. In Proceedings of the 1st Asian Semantic Web Conference(ASWC2006). 106-112, Beijing, China, 2006.

Xiang Zhang, Wennan Shen, Yuzhong Qu. WonderDesk - A Semantic Desktop for Resource Sharing and Management. In Proceedings of ISWC2005 Workshop on Semantic Desktop. 2005.

Huiying Li, Xiang Zhang, Honghan Wu, Yuzhong Qu. Design and Application ofRule-BasedAccess Control Policies. In Proceedings of ISWC2005 Workshop on Semantic Web and Policy. 34-41. 2005.

Jian Guan, Xiang Zhang, Jianming Deng, Yuzhong Qu. An Ontology-driven Information Retrieval Mechanism for Semantic Information Portals. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Semantics, KnowledgeandGrid (SKG2005). 614-620, 2005.

Yuzhong Qu, Xiang Zhang, Huiying Li. OREL: An Ontology-based Rights Expression Language. In Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web Conference (WWW2004), Poster Session. 324-325, 2004.

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系统根据B/S,即所谓的电脑浏览器/网络服务器方式,运用Java技术性,挑选MySQL作为后台系统。系统主要包含对客服聊天管理、字典表管理、公告信息管理、金融工具管理、金融工具收藏管理、金融工具银行卡管理、借款管理、理财产品管理、理财产品收藏管理、理财产品银行卡管理、理财银行卡信息管理、银行卡管理、存款管理、银行卡记录管理、取款管理、转账管理、用户管理、员工管理等功能模块。 文中重点介绍了银行管理的专业技术发展背景和发展状况,随后遵照软件传统式研发流程,最先挑选适用思维和语言软件开发平台,依据需求分析报告模块和设计数据库结构,再根据系统功能模块的设计制作系统功能模块图、流程表和E-R图。随后设计架构以及编写代码,并实现系统能模块。最终基本完成系统检测和功能测试。结果显示,该系统能够实现所需要的作用,工作状态没有明显缺陷。 系统登录功能是程序必不可少的功能,在登录页面必填的数据有两项,一项就是账号,另一项数据就是密码,当管理员正确填写并提交这二者数据之后,管理员就可以进入系统后台功能操作区。进入银行卡列表,管理员可以进行查看列表、模糊搜索以及相关维护等操作。用户进入系统可以查看公告和模糊搜索公告信息、也可以进行公告维护操作。理财产品管理页面,管理员可以进行查看列表、模糊搜索以及相关维护等操作。产品类型管理页面,此页面提供给管理员的功能有:新增产品类型,修改产品类型,删除产品类型。




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