
1. Approximately what percentage of the world‘s gross domestic product is spent on projects? ()

A. 10 percentB. 25 percentC. 50 percentD. 75 percent2. Which of the following is not a potential advantage of using good project management? ()

A. Shorter development timesB. Higher worker moraleC. Lower cost of capitalD. Higher profit margins3. A ______ is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. ()

A. programB. processC. projectD. Portfolio4. Which of the following is not an attribute of a project? ()

A. projects are uniqueB. projects are developed using progressive elaborationC. projects have a primary customer or sponsorD. projects involve little uncertainty5. Which of the following is not part of the triple constraint of project management? ()

A. meeting scope goalsB. meeting time goalsC. meeting communications goalsD. meeting cost goals6. ______ is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. ()

A. Project managementB. Program managementC. Project portfolio managementD. Requirements management7. Project portfolio management addresses ______ goals of an organization, while project management addresses ______ goals. ()

A. strategic, tacticalB. tactical, strategicC. internal, externalD. external, internal8. Several application development projects done for the same functional group might best be managed as part of a ______. ()

A. portfolioB. programC. investmentD. collaborative9. Which of the following is not one of the top ten skills or competencies of an effective project manager? ()

A. people skillsB. leadershipC. integrityD. technical skills10. What is the certification program called that the Project Management Institute provides? ()

A. Certified Project Manager (CPM)B. Project Management Professional (PMP)C. Project Management Expert (PME)D. Project Management Mentor (PMM)11. Until the 1980s, project management primarily focused on providing schedule and resource data to top management in the military, computer, and construction industries.()

A. TrueB. False12. A difference between operations and projects is that operations end when their objectives have been reached, whereas projects do not.

TrueFalse13. Every project should have a well-defined objective.

TrueFalse14. Projects should be developed in increments.

TrueFalse15. Resources in a project should be used effectively because they are limited.

TrueFalse16. A project manager's primary role is to provide the funding for a project.

TrueFalse17. One of the main reasons why project management is challenging is because of the factor of uncertainty.

TrueFalse18. Questions about how a team will track schedule performance is related to a project's scope.

TrueFalse19. In order to be realistic, a project manager should always set discrete goals instead of a range of objectives.

TrueFalse20. Managing the triple constraint primarily involves making trade-offs between resources and quality.

TrueFalse21. The only responsibility of a project manager is to meet the specific scope, time, and cost goals of a project.

TrueFalse22. A project's stakeholders includes its customers, users, and suppliers.

TrueFalse23. Opponents of a project do not belong to the category of stakeholders.

TrueFalse24. The importance of stakeholders' needs and expectations is limited to the beginning of a project.

TrueFalse25. Project procurement management primarily involves identifying stakeholder needs while managing their engagement throughout the life of the project.

TrueFalse26. The primary role of project stakeholder management is to ensure that the project will satisfy the stated needs for which it was undertaken.

TrueFalse27. Project human resource management is concerned with making effective use of the people involved with a project.

TrueFalse28. Stakeholder analyses, work requests, and project charters are tools used in integration management.

TrueFalse29. Earned value management is a tool primarily used in human resource management.

TrueFalse30. Responsibility assignment matrices and project organizational charts are examples of tools used in procurement management.

TrueFalse31. Maturity models, statistical methods, and test plans are examples of tools used in quality management.

TrueFalse32. According to a 2013 CHAOS study, user involvement is the most important factor that contributes to the success of IT projects.

TrueFalse33. Project managers work with the project sponsors to define success for particular projects.

TrueFalse34. Good project managers assume that their definition of success is the same as the sponsors.

TrueFalse35. Program managers are change agents.

TrueFalse36. Effective program managers recognize that managing a project is much more complex than managing a program.

TrueFalse37. Individual projects always address strategic goals whereas portfolio management addresses tactical goals.

TrueFalse38. It is mandatory for project managers working on large information technology projects to be experts in the field of information technology.

TrueFalse39. To be a successful manager, the only skills an IT project manager needs to possess is excellent technical skills.

TrueFalse40. The introduction of new software makes basic tools, such as Gantt charts and network diagrams, inexpensive and easy to create.

TrueFalse41. The enterprise project management software, which aids project and portfolio management, is a low-end tool.

TrueFalse42. Which of the following is a difference between projects and operations?()

A. Projects are undertaken to sustain an organization's business whereas operations are not.B. Operations are undertaken to create unique products, services, or results whereas projects are not.C. Projects are temporary endeavors whereas an organization's operations are ongoing in nature.D. Operations have well-defined objectives whereas projects do not need to have a unique purpose.43. Which of the following is true of projects?()

A. They have an indefinite beginning and end.B. They have a unique purpose.C. They are developed using regressive elaboration.D. They are permanent in nature.44. The role of a _____ is to provide direction and funding for a project.()

A. project sponsorB. project managerC. support staff memberD. project team45. Galaxy, a construction company, buys a particular brand of tiles manufactured by Tiles and Floors, an eco-friendly tile manufacturing company. However, Tiles and Floors has declared bankruptcy and closed down. At present, Galaxy is facing a crisis because there are no other manufacturers in the market that supplies eco-friendly tiles. Which of the following constraints is Galaxy currently facing?()

A. ResourcesB. TimeC. ScopeD. Cost46. Steve, an engineer in a construction company, is at present working on a home construction project. The home is being built for the Robinson family, the owners of the home. Steve is working with his project team and support staff to ensure the project is completed on time. In such a scenario, the project sponsor is _____.()

A. SteveB. the support staffC. the project teamD. the Robinson family47. Project _____ management involves defining and managing all the work required to complete the project successfully.()

A. human resourceB. scopeC. timeD. cost48. Project _____ management ensures that the project will satisfy the stated or implied needs for which it was undertaken.()

A. costB. timeC. riskD. quality49. Which of the following project management knowledge areas primarily involve generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information?()

A. Project cost managementB. Project procurement managementC. Project time managementD. Project communications management50. Project procurement management mainly involves:()

A. making effective use of the people involved with the project.B. buying goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization.C. generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information.D. identifying and analyzing stakeholder needs while managing and controlling their engagement.51. Which of the following project management knowledge areas is an overarching function that affects and is affected by the different knowledge areas?()

A. Project cost managementB. Project stakeholder managementC. Project integration managementD. Project communications management52. An important tool for project scope management is _____.()

A. fast trackingB. crashingC. a Gantt chartD. a work breakdown structure53. Which of the following tools are most likely to be used in project time management?()

A. Payback analysisB. Impact matricesC. Gantt chartsD. Fishbone diagrams54. Fast tracking is an example of a tool used in _____ management.()

A. timeB. qualityC. communicationD. risk55. In which of the following areas of management is payback analysis most likely to be used?()

A. Human resourceB. CommunicationC. CostD. Quality56. A _____ is a tool used in quality management.()

A. probability matriceB. checklistC. request for proposalD. critical path analysis57. Team building exercises and motivation techniques are tools used in _____ management.()

A. procurementB. scopeC. human resourceD. cost58. Which of the following tools can best help in efficient communication management?()

A. Kick-off meetingsB. Impact matricesC. Requests for quotesD. Fast tracking59. A _____ is a tool used in risk management.()

A. work breakdown structureB. project organizational chartC. critical path analysisD. probability matrice60. Which of the following statements is true of project management?()

A. It is a simple discipline with a limited scope.B. It has specific tools which work universally across all kinds of projects.C. It does not guarantee successes for all projects.D. Its framework consists solely of project management knowledge areas.61. Which of the following is true of program managers?()

A. They report to project managers who represent the next level in the hierarchy.B. They recognize that managing a program is simpler than managing a project.C. They provide leadership and direction for project managers heading the projects within a program.D. They are responsible solely for the delivery of project results.62. A difference between strategic and tactical goals is that:()

A. strategic goals are more specific than tactical goals.B. tactical goals encompass broader dimensions than strategic goals.C. tactical goals are more important for a project than strategic goals.D. strategic goals are long-term in nature whereas tactical goals are short-term.63. Which of the following questions reflect the strategic goals of project portfolio management?()

A. Are we carrying out projects well?B. Are projects on time and on budget?C. Are we investing in the right areas?D. Do stakeholders know what they should be doing?64. Martha works as a project manager at a bank. Due to certain changes in external factors, Martha needs to make a few alterations in the tactical goals of her project. In such a scenario, which of the following will best help Martha cope with the change?()

A. NegotiationB. Project environment knowledgeC. MotivationD. Soft skills65. Joe is a project manager in an IT company and has over the years, gained substantial knowledge in his area of work. However, while managing his team, he often loses his temper. In addition, he fails to be an active listener when his team members approach him with work related challenges. In which of the following areas does Joe need to develop his skills in?()

A. Application area knowledgeB. Project environment knowledgeC. Standards and regulationsD. Human relations skills66. Which of the following best defines the role of leaders?()

A. They focus on short-term objectives.B. They work on achieving primarily tactical goals.C. They work solely toward day-to-day details of meeting specific tasks.D. They inspire people to reach goals.67. A Gantt chart is a standard format for displaying project schedule information by listing project activities and their corresponding start and finish dates in a ____ format.()

A. calendarB. line graphC. bar graphD. pie chart68. A critical path :()

A. is the shortest path through a network diagram.B. represents schedule information in calendar form.C. determines the earliest completion date of a project.D. is a quality management tool to ensure a project meets the minimum quality standards.69. A _____ is an organizational group responsible for coordinating the project management function throughout an organization.()

A. Project Management OfficeB. Project Management ProfessionalC. Project Management CenterD. Portfolio Group70. Which of the following provides certification as a Project Management Professional?()

A. PMSB. PMCC. PMID. PMP71. Which of the following refers to a set of principles that guides decision making based on personal values of what is considered right and wrong?()

A. EthicsB. CivicsC. LawsD. Politics72. Which of the following is true of low-end tools of the project management software?()

A. They are designed for especially large projects with multiple users.B. Their main advantage is that they have unlimited functionality.C. They provide basic project management features.D. They are referred to as an enterprise project management software.73. Which of the following types of tools is usually recommended for small projects and single users?()

A. Low-endB. MidrangeC. High-endD. Upper range74. Enterprise project management softwares are also known as _____ tools of project management software.()

A. baselineB. midrangeC. low-endD. high-end75. Which of the following is a difference between low-end and midrange tools of the project management software?()

A. Low-end tools are designed to handle primarily multiple users whereas midrange tools are created to handle single users.B. Low-end tools provide robust capabilities to handle dispersed workgroups whereas midrange tools do not.C. Midrange tools provide basic project management features whereas low-end tools offer enterprise and portfolio management functions.D. Midrange tools are designed to handle larger projects than low-end tools.

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