public class ArrayBag implements BagADT { private static Random rand=new Random();
private final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY =100;
private final int NOT_FOUND=-1;
private int count;
private Object[] contents;
/** * Create an empty bag using the default capacity */ public ArrayBag() { count=0; contents=new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY]; }
/** * Create an empty bag using the specified capacity */ public ArrayBag(int initialCapacity) { count=0; contents=new Object[initialCapacity]; }
/** * Returns the number of elements currentl in this bag */ public int size() { return count; }
/** * Returns true if this bag is empty and false otherwise */ public boolean isEmpty() { return(count==0); }
/** * Adds the speacified element to the bag,expanding the capacity of the array if necessary. */ public void add(Object element) { if(size()==contents.length) { expandCapacity(); } contents[count]=element; count++; }
/** * Creates a new array to store the contents of the bag with twice the capcity of the old one. */ public void expandCapacity() { Object[] larger=new Object[contents.length*2]; for(int index=0;index<contents.length;index++) { larger[index]=contents[index]; } contents=larger; }
/** * Adds the contents of the parameter to this bag. */ public void addAll(BagADT bag) { Iterator scan=bag.iterator(); while(scan.hasNext()) { add(; } }
/** * Remove a random element from the bag and returns it.Throws and EmptyBagException if the bag is empty */ public Object removeRandom()throws EmptyBagException { if(isEmpty()) { throw new EmptyBagException(); } int choice=rand.nextInt(count); Object result=contents[choice]; contents[choice]=contents[count-1]; contents[count-1]=null; count--; return result; }
/** * Removes one occurance of the specified element from the bag and returns it. * Throws and EmptyBagException if the bag is empty and a NoSuchElementException if
*the target is not in the bag. */ public Object remove(Object target)throws EmptyBagException,NoSuchElementException { int search=NOT_FOUND; if(isEmpty()) { throw new EmptyBagException(); } for(int index=0;index<count&&search==NOT_FOUND;index++) { search=index; } if(search==NOT_FOUND) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } Object result=contents[count-1]; contents[search]=contents[count-1]; contents[count-1]=null; return result; }
/** * Returns a new bag that is the union of this bag and the parameter. */ public BagADT union(BagADT bag) { ArrayBag both=new ArrayBag(); for(int index=0;index<count;index++) { both.add(contents[index]); } Iterator scan=bag.iterator(); while(scan.hasNext()) { both.add(; } return both; }
/** * Returns true if this bag contains the specified target element. */ public boolean contains(Object target) { int search=NOT_FOUND; for(int index=0;index<count&&search==NOT_FOUND;index++) { if(contents[index].equals(target)) { search=index; } } return(search!=NOT_FOUND); }
/** * Returns true if this bag contains exactly the same elements as the parameter. */ public boolean equals(BagADT bag) { boolean result=false; ArrayBag temp1=new ArrayBag(); ArrayBag temp2=new ArrayBag(); Object obj; if(size()==bag.size()) { temp1.addAll(this); temp2.addAll(bag); Iterator scan=bag.iterator(); while(scan.hasNext()) {; if(temp1.contains(obj)) { try { temp1.remove(obj); temp2.remove(obj); } catch(EmptyBagException emptyE) { System.out.println("The current Bag is Empty!"); } catch(NoSuchElementException nosuchE) { System.out.println("The current Bag has no such element!"); } } } result=(temp1.isEmpty()&&temp2.isEmpty()); } return result; }
/** * Returns an iterator for the elements currently in this bag */ public Iterator iterator() { return new ArrayIterator(contents,count); }
/** * Returns a string representation of this bag. */ public String toString() { String result=""; for(int index=0;index<count;index++) { result=result+contents[index].toString()+"\n"; } return result; } }