[转载]Top 40 Free Downloadable Open Source Social Networking Soft


This is Vivalogo's list of best free, downloadable, open source social networking software (kinda hard to say all these words :) ).
Unlike some other lists you may find on the net, this one contains only really downloadable and functional software.
Note: listed in no particular order.


spree is an expert search engine where users ask questions to find other participating users, who are knowledgeable in that area and willing to help.


iSocial is a free social networking CMS software that allows you to create your own Friendster and Orkut like sites. Use bookmarks, dating and create groups with just one mouse click.


Mahara is fully featured electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder, and social networking system for connecting users and creating online communities.


This is a Social Network module for xoops CMS. You have seen Facebook, Orkut, Myspace , try Yogurt for Xoops!


VMukti is a Unified Social Collaborative conferencing engine. Allows access through personalized, mashable web-interface. Core features:- Video conferencing, Audio conferencing, IP Telephony, Desktop sharing, Chat, Whiteboard, Presentation & More.

The PeopleAggregator

The PeopleAggregator is a next-generation social networking system that goes beyond the idea of social networks as mating games, and attempts to use open standards, network inter-connectivity and massive flexibility.


Appleseed is (augmented) social networking software, ie Friendster, only distributed. Sites running Appleseed will interoperate, and form the 'Appleseed Social Network.' Development is focused on privacy and security, as well as ease of configuration.

Mugshot Project

The Mugshot site lets you track what your friends are doing online across a variety of popular web sites ? music, photos, blog posts, and more.


Web 2.0 bookmarking system, both social (with tags) and private (with folders). Import and export your bookmarks from Firefox, IE, Mozilla, Netscape. Admin management section, translations, groups, bookmarklets, Firefox extension, RSS feeds, and more!


Akarru is a social bookmarking engine, is used to build social bookmarkings sites, like www.blogmemes.com. Users posts links and promote links to front page using voting system.


Web-based social bookmarking system. Allows multiple users to store, share and tag their favourite links online.


SemanticScuttle is a social bookmarking tool (based on Scuttle) experimenting new features as hierarchical tags, collaborative descriptions or OpenID authentification.


Create collaborative social websites (like Ning, Myspace, Yahoo or Google groups). Each group can create a multiple web pages. They get a drop in guestbook, blog, forum and wiki. Each group is fully customizable using xHTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.


Clonesumating is the open source version of the code that runs CONSUMATING.COM. It features many state of the art social networking functions including user profiles, user tagging, matching and discovery based on quirky tag combinations, group activities such as weekly photo contests and blog questions, an event calendar, RSS feeds for everything, etc. It is written primarily in mod_perl.

BeWelcome Rox

Get to know the global village and other cultures, share your place. BW Rox is the platform driving www.bewelcome.org and other social networks, aiming to bring people together in real life. Organize your travel or stay abroad, travelblog, meetings, ...


ICEcore open team collaboration software uses social networking to unify team workspaces w/ real-time web conferencing. Collaboration for knowledge networking, program management, communities-of-practice, telework, ...


Memephage is an automated web log (blog). It passively gathers and summarizes links from various places. Currently: IRC, social MUDs, e-mail, and web browsers. Uses the POE multitasking and networking framework for Perl.


A platform for the delivery and support of online learning. It differs from many other elearning platforms in that its aim is to concentrate on the social/interactive aspects of teaching and learning rather than the delivery of content to students.


Elgg is an open source social networking platform developed for LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) which encompasses weblogging, file storage, RSS aggregation, personal profiles, FOAF functionality and more.


CommunityNews uses social bookmarking and bayesian techinques to provide periodic postings to blogs. Users can vote for or against RSS sources ti increase the chances that the source is used again. Spam filtering (bayesian) is provided by spam bayes.


OpenPNE is a Social Networking Service Engine written in PHP. It has many features(friend control,friend invitation,diary,blog feeds,message box,etc).


Feed Aggregator Reader (branched from FeedOnFeeds) with Social Bookmarks (del.icio.us, Blogger, Newsvine, Technorati, mailto), Article Starring, Feed Tagging, OPML, Article Search, Reblogging and Refeeding, Aging, and Edit feed attributes.


NewsCloud is an open source media platform for citizen journalism and the social news network hosted at NewsCloud.com.

Feed Me Links

Feed Me Links stores your bookmarks online so you can get to them anywhere. Import your favorites and share your links with friends. Add tags to organize your links. Discover new things.


WorldSpace is a user-extensible shared virtual environment, aimed at being a next-generation social networking system.

Social Networking POC

A networking site on the lines of Orkut.Right now we plan to build it on Jboss seam and use a Java content management system like apache Jackrabbit as the backend. It would be more of a POC than an actual commercial app.


Zoints is intimately aware that online communities are the most important aspect of the internet. Our free software solutions are designed to help solve the three major problems forum owners face: Member acquisition, Member retention and Profitability.


A simulation of the world, there will be a global map representation and players can choose a country or civilization and develop it's social, political and military existence.


PHPizabi is one of the most powerful social networking platforms on the planet. With literally thousands of websites powered by PHPizabi including everything from simple friends sites to the most complex networking super sites out there.


Ozcode is the source code behind Ozmozr.com, a microformat-aware RSS aggregator, social networking, resource sharing, identity aggregation and presentation site.


TallStreet.com is a new search engine concept where users make investments, with fictional money, in their favourite websites and the rankings are determined entirely by the users.


Jamss is a social news site based off of Digg.com. Jamss allows for peer submission and review of web articles and can be adapted to fit a variety of themes. Jamss runs on PHP/MySQL.


Dolphin is open-source and free, although there is a cost associated with removing the company?s links from your site.


Ospo is an opensource social portal project. It use standard function (add, remove friends, top10), forums integration, music module (artists directory with albums, songs), shoutcast integration, blog (add, delete, modify, view) and so on.


AstroSPACES is the world's first open source social networking solution. Coded from scratch, it is highly efficient and very easy to use.


FlightFeather's goal is "social networking for everyone". This means that anyone should have a chance to run a popular social networking site -- on minimal hardware, and without wasting bandwidth.


Social Networking Open Source Software, an open source social networking framework, written in PHP, Javascript and MySQL with an AJAX UI.


OpenSocialNetwork is a social network of open source. Its main task is to create a social network releasing the source code.


S3B - Social Semantic Search and Browsing - is a middleware that delivers a set of search and browsing components that can be used in J2EE web applications to deliver user-oriented features based on semantic descriptions and social networking.


Facelift is a visualization and analysis software for online social networking services. It displays a given community as a node-link diagram and provides several search / filtering functions as well as cluster analysis features.


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### 回答1: VxWorks-6.9是一个实时操作系统,具有可下载内核模块(Downloadable Kernel Module)功能。可下载内核模块是一种可以在运行时加载和卸载的软件组件,可以很方便地扩展系统功能或增加新的设备驱动程序。 下载运行可下载内核模块(.o文件)的过程如下: 1. 编写或获取所需的内核模块源代码,并将其编译为目标文件(.o文件)。 2. 将目标文件(.o文件)通过FTP、TFTP或其他网络传输工具,传输到运行VxWorks-6.9的目标设备上。 3. 在VxWorks-6.9中使用提供的命令进行内核模块的加载和运行。例如,可以使用ld命令来将目标文件载入内存,并调用模块的初始化函数。 在加载和运行内核模块之前,需要确定相应的模块位置和入口点等参数。可以通过功能丰富的命令行接口来操作内核模块,命令如下: - ld <filename>:将指定的目标文件加载到内存中。 - lsSym <symbolname>:查看某个模块导出的符号。 - callFunc <symbolname>:调用符号所代表的函数。 通过这些命令,可以将内核模块成功加载到VxWorks-6.9操作系统中,并运行模块的初始化函数,从而实现相应的功能扩展或设备驱动。 总之,VxWorks-6.9具有可下载内核模块的功能,允许用户在运行时加载和卸载软件组件,从而灵活扩展系统功能或增加新设备的驱动程序。加载内核模块的过程包括将目标文件传输到目标设备上,并通过相关命令进行加载和运行。 ### 回答2: VxWorks是一种实时操作系统,可在嵌入式系统中运行。VxWorks-6.9是VxWorks系列操作系统的一个版本。在VxWorks-6.9中,可通过下载和运行可加载内核模块(Downloadable Kernel Module)来扩展系统功能。 可加载内核模块是一种动态加载到系统内核的代码,用于增加新的驱动程序、文件系统或其他系统功能。这些模块以.o文件的形式提供,使用工具链将其编译成.o文件。 下载和运行可加载内核模块可以分为以下步骤: 1. 编写可加载内核模块的源代码,并使用VxWorks提供的工具链(如GNU工具链)进行编译。编译过程将生成.o文件。 2. 将生成的.o文件移动到目标嵌入式系统上,可以通过网络、串口或其他可用的通信方式进行传输。 3. 在目标系统上使用VxWorks的命令行界面或其他管理工具进入系统。 4. 执行VxWorks命令,将可加载内核模块从外部存储器下载到系统内核中。命令可以是"ld"或"load"。 5. 检查可加载内核模块是否成功加载。可以使用"i"或"i"命令。如果成功加载,将显示已加载的模块列表。 6. 执行已加载的可加载内核模块。可以使用"->"命令,后跟模块名和参数。模块将开始执行其提供的功能。 总的来说,下载和运行VxWorks-6.9的可加载内核模块需要在目标系统上将.o文件传输到内核,并使用VxWorks命令完成加载和执行操作。这样,就可以扩展系统的功能并满足特定需求。 ### 回答3: VxWorks是一款实时嵌入式操作系统,具有强大的可定制性和高度可靠性。在VxWorks 6.9版本中,可下载的内核模块是一种将特定功能组件编译为二进制代码的方法,这些组件可以在运行时加载和执行。 首先,为了创建可下载的内核模块,需要使用VxWorks提供的开发工具链。这些工具链包括编译器、连接器和调试器等,可以通过Wind River Systems或其他渠道获得。 编写可下载内核模块的源代码后,使用工具链中的编译器将其编译为目标文件(.o文件)。在VxWorks中,目标文件通常使用GNU编译器集合(GCC)生成。 接下来,需要将目标文件(.o文件)传输到目标设备。可以使用多种方法进行传输,比如使用FTP、TFTP或串行连接。 一旦目标文件传输到目标设备,就可以使用VxWorks shell或类似的工具加载和运行该模块。在shell命令行中,使用`ld`命令将目标文件加载到内核地址空间中。 加载完成后,可以使用VxWorks提供的API或调试工具进行对该模块的调用和测试。这些API可以在VxWorks文档中找到,并采用C或其他支持的编程语言进行调用。 需要注意的是,使用可下载的内核模块应遵循VxWorks的编程规范和安全性要求,以确保系统的稳定性和可靠性。此外,编写和加载可下载的内核模块需要具备相关的嵌入式系统开发经验和知识。 总而言之,通过VxWorks提供的工具链和API,可以编写、加载和运行可下载的内核模块。这种使用二进制代码实现模块化功能的方法提高了系统的可定制性和灵活性,并为嵌入式应用提供了强大的运行环境。


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