学习笔记:The Best of MySQL Forum


I have tagged many of the better forum threads. 'Better' is based on how good I thing the answer was. (<bias> I wrote many, but not all, of the better answers. </bias>) 
-- Rick James, MySQL Geek

The Best of the Best

Function and indexesindex
is good have single index an composite index on same fieldcompound index, index, LIKE
GROUP causing Using Temporary Using Filesortsummary tables
Question about indexesindex, PRIMARY KEY
Optimize table and fragmentationdefragmentation, OPTIMIZE TABLE
Optimize Inner Join With WHERE BETWEEN datesindex, optimizer
Slow query. Why is it slow?index examples
Multiple Tables Split By Datebig
When to use separate tables.phone numbers
Jet Profiler says I'm slow....pagination
Does LIMIT 1 without ORDER BY ID bring the record with minimum ID?index, InnoDB
Problem with a query performanceINDEX, not using index
User defined fields in a schemaEAV, JSON, key-value
Large Table Architecturesummary
Thai Characters display as ???charset
any cheat-sheet style documents?password, root
random sorting - what is the quickest method?random
Data model metadata design and data driven joinsER, key value
How much space take each column in tabledatatype size
Efficient MySQL for pagination of large amounts of data on websitepagination
next/previous on a date select queryleft off
index performance on "limit" conditionindex, limit
Trying to retrieve data where a variable is in an arraycommalist
adding index to a tableALTER
Slow Mysql optimizerslow
New to InnoDB (want to convert from MyISAM)myisam vs innodb
Selecting max for each daytop N
JOIN vs Denormalize table vs Vertical partitionnormalize, vertical partition
HELP! making choises on Performance - Storage engine - Cachingmyisam vs innodb
select limit records from 600000 recordsrand
Partitioning with range(to_days) issuepartition, summary
INNO DB performance problems with temporary tablesjoin, union
limiting rows returnedgroup by trick
Memory mirror for read-only tables? 
Top n Scorestop N
Slave is lagging from masterreplication lag
How does group by algorithm works?group by trick
Preferable Index Lengthindex
How to create partition on existing table?partition
User password being modified as a result of grant statements?grant
MySql 4.1 optimization search poor performancegroup by, limit
How do I combine 3 queries into oneLAST_INSERTED_ID, on duplicate key
Deadlock occuring since setting a unique index.on duplicate
Advice on redundant indexingindex
Select * from MyISAM table returns PK order / filesort order30%, range, table scan
linked datakey value, rdf
Optimising max_heap_table_size & tmp_table_sizememory, tmp tables
Database Design for huge set of datadata warehouse, summary
Need Help - Server was hackedlogin, root
image display problem from mysql databaseimage
Converting latin1 charset to utf8charset
using GROUP_CONCATgroup by
Performance LONGTEXT / LONGBINARY768, blob, parallel
Column for mutiple and not-predefined valuescomma
Unsure about query... random column?group by
Performance with select query that joins two tables one with 45MM and another with 12MMclassic
Solving table locking issueslocks, summary tables
Alternative to FOUND_ROWS()count, found_rows, innodb, pagination
Having tough time with spanish/catalan characters in my PHP/MySQL appcharset
Processor at 99.9%, memory at 5%. Configuration help?key_buffer
random readsfiling cabinets, myisam, perf
Design approach for summary table by 3 itemssummary
Query performance question (using index slows down?)pagination
How to scale MySQL Cluster to support PB storagebig, petabyte, sharding
Query performance on database with joinspagination
Complex Select with Min/Max Syntaxgroup by trick
problem with concat() distinct() min() and GROUP BYgroup by
Your PHP server doesn't have the MySQL module loaded or you can't use the mysql_(p)connect functionsphp install
Storage capacitylimits
InnoDB log group capacity errormemory, text, varchar

Lots more

Tags are alphabetical, but it may help to use the browser's search. Threads with multiple tags show up multiple times.

1005Soln. for MySql 1005 (Can't create table)
ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'Azienda.#sql-697_c9' (errno: 150)
10060Solotion of errno: 10060(1)
Connect remote server using ODBC connection
10061Running MySQL with no Internet
Can't connect to Mysql (10061), before never had the problem. What coudl have caused that?
1016Replication error?
1067How do I change this table to get it to load
Erroe #1067
10xSlow Query stuck on "Sending Data"
12Got error 12 from storage engine
1206Question about merging big tables?
121Foreign Key Error 121
1236Replication fun
134error 134
1364MYSQL Error n4 1364 (authentication string no default) while configuring
1366 string errordata type and Character set for DUTCH language
139Got error 139 from storage engine
150Soln. for MySql 1005 (Can't create table)
errno: 150 - foreign key constraint was not correctly formed
ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'Azienda.#sql-697_c9' (errno: 150)
Help! Foreign Key error from SQL generated by workbench modelling
ERROR 1005: Can't create table (errno: 150)
Alter table add foreign key causes can't create table error
16kbEstimate table size
2 rangesIndex with two date fields using comparison operators
2-field indexproblem for selecting range of date between 2 dates
2002ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61)
MySQL error, please help
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
MySQL startup - ERROR 2002 (HY000)
Could socket failure be related to InnoDB errors?
how do you fix error 2002
MySQL Error Nr. 2002
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
2006Running Large scripts from command line
2dSimple query seems to be ignoring date index
3 machinesMulti-Master replication in MySQL 5.1
30%Select * from MyISAM table returns PK order / filesort order
4gMAX_ROWS on Partitions
5.5 regressionperformance degrades. why???
50xindex is not used why?
5xhow to optimize this query
64-bit32-bit BIGINT value
768Is BLOB stored in InnoDB buffer pool?
:=Using a Parameter in Load Data Infile Command (Instead of direct filename)
compare two rows in the same column
RANK() emulator?
Trying to Update Table with Rank...
accentsaccent sensitivity in fulltext search
Searching with accented words
accessConfigure Database
Access 97 to MySQL
Microsoft Access & mySQL
Database Import
Db access/privileges philosophy
MS Access transfer to MySQL on host server
Converting Access to MySQL
help please
acidCOUNT(*) very slowly in large InnoDB table
what's the purpose of InnoDB
How does MySQL ensure ACID nature of transactions ?
adDatabase Sharding at Netlog, with MySQL and PHP
add pkAdding primary key afterwards
aiError Duplicate entry - Master-Slave replication
aliasesspeed of query/can index help?
allow_invalid_datesLoad data infile not working
alterTable fragmentation and optimization
Reverse Index columns
How to clean up database after deleting records
enable keys, force sort, not keycache
Will increaseing table size affect current data?
Large table designissue
Require suggestion for changing character set in Master master replication setup
adding index to a table
Performing table inserts/selects while a alter-table query is running?
Migrating from latin1 to utf-8
Adding columns to live tables
does innodb table need 'optimize table'?
alter enumNeed to change datatype for an enumerated field
alter on dual masterAlter table with million of records - estimate how long does it take
alter tableIndex re-creation after composite primary key change
alter via copyseeking for better solution to change indexed column size
Alter large table(MYISAM)
Partitioning and multiple threads
analyzeANALYZE TABLE not working correctly
Mysql does not use index, even if example is trivial?
and2unionIndex structure
apparmor ubantuProblem with LOAD_FILE
application lockTable Row Locking
aramaicBest collation to use for ancient languages
attributesTheoretical Database Table Structure
audio playerMySQL + PHP Audio Reference
audit trailAudit Trail Help...again
Snapshot Table -- over the long run
auditing changes via replication
upon retrieving the last insert id get the table name?
auditingHow to audit entire database?
auto-normalizeImporting a Tab-Delimited file into multiple tables
autocommitturning autocommit off by default
Replication Slave update question
autocommit=offHow to identify which connection has locked a particular table
autocompleteunderstanding the best design method for links table
Automatic Extension Question
autoincrement without primary key
auto_increment behaviour
AUTO_INCREMENT value increases by powers of two after INSERT ... SELECT
insert ignore ... auto increment value
Automatic field in a table
Suggestable Engine
autoincrement id missing when i do load data local into file
MySQL Workbench 5.2.35: Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax
Resetting Auto Increment?
table with multiple primary key
auto_increment gapProblem with "false" increment in InnoDB using a table with UNIQUE constraint
auto_increment gapsCan Autoincrement find the next free number ?
b*tchIs this database structure correct? Please help oh wise ones :)
back ticshow to drop database named as database
backslashesCorrect syntax to search for backslashes "\"
backupmysql with innodb and myisam
MySQL Replication
Replicating a big db
MySQL Enterprise Backup Remotely
Replication setup (for the first time)
backup optionsHow can we ensure if mysql backups are consistent
backup replayrestoring a DB from slave to the master in a replicated 2 node environment
bad design patternselect top x with a union
bankingEnsuring data integrity
batch insertBatch Insert
batch normalizationAlternate for Varrays in Oracle
batched insertsHow to improve the insertion speed
how to update with array (containing arrays) into table? or inserting? hot to combine with escaping?
bbwcMixed engines within same database
benchmarkAnyone know where a recent MySQL benchmark vs others can be found?
benefical subqueryLarger than expected tmp files querying InnoDB format database
best practiceReal-world DB schema
betweenSlow query
bigAbout performance for Database of millions of records
Questions about performance for huge table (100M+ rows)
A lot of rows for a very specific task
How to scale MySQL Cluster to support PB storage
use index on a view
Up to 1 million rows Performance + Design Help
MySQL Appropriate for 1T- 5T DW ?
Multiple Tables Split By Date
bigintPerformance Issue
bind-addressERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
binlogBinlog not being updated...
DRBD and Binary logs
binlog off endCould not parse relay log event entry
binlog-do-dbslave replicates databases it should not
binlog-row-event-max-sizeERROR 1153 (08S01) at line 356771902 in file: 'mysqlmulti-bins.sql': Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
blobslow queries and high % of wait I/O
MySQL blob performance
block splitsRow size computation
bookKimball book recommendations & Schema question
Online/Free Book Recommendations
Is MySQL the tool I need?
Getting started, need WINDOWS information
book recommendationsReading list suggestions for query skills
Any tips for an MS SQL DBA trying to break into MySQL?
Tips to close a reference book
booleanStrange result from DELETE query - can anyone explain?!
bragQueries to limit only this month and next month
btreeIs this model correct?
COUNT(*) very slowly in large InnoDB table
Index re-creation after composite primary key change
bucketizingCounting occurences of data falling betwen a series of limits (buckets)
bufferINSERT/UPDATE within transactions (autocommit=0)
buildinsWhy does "in ()" give syntax error?
bulkBulk collect
Best primary key or index
bulk insertBulk Insert Prepared Statement
bulk_insert_buffer_sizeImporting huge dump files into mysql
c apiWhich strategy is better to traverse a big table?
cacheBasic Standards of Mysql server variable setting
cachesre writing database
Linking to a LUT more than once
cannot connecctUnable to connect to database: Can't connect to MySQL server on '[database server]' (4)
canonical stringCharset and Collation Question
case rangeOptimizing a Query on a Very Large Table
changelogHow much data to save
auditing changes via replication
changesDatabase upgrade character column sizes may have changed
char vs intBest primary key or index
char vs varcharCHAR vs VARCHAR
Query to find values that are the same in multiple tables
char(0)What is quicker for searching out of these two?
character set filenameHow to get database encoded name in mysql 5.6
charsetProblem inserting german and french characters
Having tough time with spanish/catalan characters in my PHP/MySQL app
Can replicating between versions cause crashed tables?
Converting latin1 charset to utf8
Weird utf-8 encoding problem using webserver that does not occur in command line client
cannot change character set
MYSQL doesn't 'see' accents
Encoding problem...
connection collation
Thai Characters display as ???
chcpCharacter set for French Candian ?
chcp 65001Proper display of special latin1 characters in Powershell / MySql client ?
checksumCHECKSUM TABLE on InnoDB
chinese collationChinese sorting and filtering on an table with charset UTF-8
chinese regexphow to retrieve only Chinese text from a table?
chunking big operationoptimising a create table as select
chunksHow to process very large result set from a dynamic cursor
circularmysql very slow after million insert/delete
cjkAsian language problems
classicAny way to optimize join to find rows without conditional foreign rows?
Performance with select query that joins two tables one with 45MM and another with 12MM
I have queries that sporadically take a very long time
Portal Database design help
3 Table Join (indexed) results in where-temp-filesort
JOIN, LIMIT, ORDER performance problems
clone slavereplication - slave copy - unclear points
Moving dbs to new server
cloudpartioning question
clusterQuery optimization question
MySQL training on Cluster and High Availability
collationUnproper order of sorting in utf8. Collation?
"Duplicate entry" error using utf8_unicode_ci
Will changing Default Collation on live BSD box cause any problem?
A tip: Avoiding implicit charset matching errors
Can someone please explain this misbehavior?
collation benchmarkCase sensitive vs non case sensitive performance
collation on spIllegal mix of collations
combining diacriticalsSearching database for strings with Swedish characters
commasearch comma separated db column
Split Values by comma and Check in another Table?
Column for mutiple and not-predefined values
Iterating through SQL table
parse by delimiter and search a data field?
Setting up some new tables
arrays or joins for multiple values?
comma-join"In" Statement Returning 6 Records…overall SQL statement returns 22
Trying to retrieve data where a variable is in an array
Having an argument about table design
commalist normalizationNeed Help W/ Query
commandlineerror logging
complexSlow SELECT on two tables
compound gtShowing recordsets from tables with one (main table) to many (secondary table) relationship
compound indexRange on primary key using secondary index.
Index on Datetime Col is not used When Where Clause combines two or more predicates
Multi-Column indexes
is good have single index an composite index on same field
computer scienceDelete Query
concatCONCAT Dates returning "BLOB" or '?'
conditional averagesum and display issue
connectionsmysql max_connections
Database Pool Size
Site closes when two many connections
consecutive valuesHighest interval between two date same table
construct queriesBasic update statement
continuous compound indexNewbie question about correct settings to achieve better performance
conversionMixed encoded DB Latin1 & UTF8
convert_tzconverting timezone for data in specific table
coresThe result of MySQL's high concurrency and very large data performance benchmark.
InnoDB Plugin Version 1.0.3 for MySQL 5.1.30/31/32 Released
Maximize MySQL Performance on DBT2 Benchmark with Virtualization Technology on T5240 Server
Something awfull with latest mysql on latest FreeBSD
Help make my big new server fast
Intra-Query Parallelism in MySQL Server
MySQL + 2 x Intel Xeon (6 cores) performance problem
Queries on MyISAM
Why does MySQL's performance decrease when queries are executed in parallel?
countAlternative to FOUND_ROWS()
COUNT(*) very slowly in large InnoDB table
any faster select count(*)
Slow queries with very large table
count the disk hitsis it good add 3 index on a table with 30,000 insert in every 15 minutes?
count(*) cachingcount(*) speed in InnoDB
covering indexStrange performance with JOIN/COUNT
cp850Characters not getting stored
cpusMySQL 20x faster on RHEL 4 over Solaris 10?
crashReplicating server has died
critical readseparate the Query and direction
Three Node Replication (US West, US East and Europe)
MySQL Master(Active) - Master(Active) Replication
csvExport Recordset query to a file nightly? Ubuntu and MySQL
current_userCan see Databases can't see tables
cursorCursor usage with Prepared Statements
custom collationProblem with LIKE on index over custom utf8 collation, 5.0
dagUnary many-to-many relationships
data directorydata file location
data maskingTools for Scrubbing Entire Mysql Database
data modelsCar Parts Catalogue Database design
data warehouseKimball book recommendations & Schema question
Online/Free Book Recommendations
Slow Inserts
Database Design for huge set of data
Inserting 5000 samples per sec in real time
mysql TABLE tuning and performance
Query optimization or better table design?
innodb or myisam for logging
MySql table disappears at random after multiple TRUNCATE queries
databaseOne big DB or two not-too-big DBs? FKs across DBs are slower?
database layerhow to upgrade database schema in M-M environment
datatype sizeEstimating disk space required for MySQL DB
Confused about integer disk space
Estimating Index Size on Innodb Tables
How much space take each column in table
datatype storagehow table rows are stored at the file level
physical bytes
data_freefile_per_table=1 question
fragmentation in innodb index
data_lengthAutomatic Extension Question
dateUPPER with substring is not working
Query Question
MySQL Date Query issue
how to convert timestamp value to string in MySql
date moduloGrouping by hour, day, weekday, week, month and year
date rangeQuery taking a lot of time if there is no record in table
date reformatCasting Varchar to a date
datetimeTime series database design
Calculating TIME ELAPSED SINCE in days OR hours OR minutes
missing data after partitioning - bug?
datetime in partitionlet table grow for two months then delete first month
datetime vs timestamplet table grow for two months then delete first month
store SET time_zone as part of a VIEW statement
daysequenceQuery results from one table against a list created by another
db statsDeployment Statistics....
dbddbd::mysql not in ppm on windows
deadlockmysql_ping before transaction commit
deadlock vs lock_wait_timeouthard to test select for update scenario
deadlockslock block deadlocks
decimalIs it possible to get MORE results by adding an AND clause to a SQL query?
size of Decimal(18,4)
Math function logarithm
defaultHow do I change this table to get it to load
Should I add a default value for a field that is set to NOT NULL
definerView problems when updating to 5.5 from 5.1
defragmentationOptimize table and fragmentation
deletemysql very slow after million insert/delete
Statement/row questions
would like best table/index structure advice?
Performing multiple updates and selects
Very slow DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT on a new server
CPU Usage during DELETE and OPTIMIZE
MYsql getting crash
Cursor usage with Prepared Statements
Replication lag when no primary key on InnoDB
delimitererror using divide operator in function in mysql 5.5.9
deltaQuery to find difference between data
designSimple Database Design Problem
diffneed help with cross referenced tables
dimensionsOptimizing a query so that the smaller table is handled first
dimsappropriate database design and query
directory structureChanging Data directory
disaster recoveryMysql SAN Related Scenarios
disaster recovery topologiesHow to configure multiple instances on 2 hosts?
disk hitsdelete timing-feasible?
disk usageOld databases that are no longer required
dissect explainoptimize request with order by and limit
distinctdistinct vs. group by
dllFatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\practice\testsql.php on line 17
Apache/MySQL/PHP Problem
dnsSlow Connection
How to troubleshoot slow response from MySQL
doubleMySQL Workbench 5.2.35: Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax
double encodingCharacter encodings issues with php, mysql, apache
fulltext search with utf8 characters (umlaut) with 5.1
double pressUnwanted multiple inserts: Should I use insert or replace into?
double rangeOptimizing a query so that the smaller table is handled first
drbdDRBD and Binary logs
drupaltemp table or query for API
dual masterMySQL Master/Master Replication
MySQL settings for multiple server setup
Replicating server has died
What is Best solution for DR and 24*7 using two identical systems, cluster is not available here(hw)
Multi Master and Slave MySQL servers
Is this a suitable plan
Masters in HA and slaves in LB
Multi-master & Multi data-paths
Replication & failover with 4 servers
Can anyone give an advise in Multy-master structure
Replication after dump
Mysql 2 server replication setup with fail over
dual master maintenancePerformance maintaining a live database
dual master setupMaster database crashed
Solving problems with mysql replica
dumptake incremental backup
dump masterre syncing a broken replicatoin
duplicate keyError Duplicate entry - Master-Slave replication
eah disasterRE: Academic Paper
eavSearching by using an index table, efficient queries?
How to speed up Query with WHERE AND/OR, with Subqueries using IN
Different data types
User defined fields in a schema
edge listrelationship query question
either but not bothCompare two tables
encryptionBuilding Memory Table from AES Encrypted Physical Table
entitiesSimple Database Design Problem
Circular reference
Database Structure Help
Learning Management System MySql Database design
enumENUM columns and blank values
using enum as means of compression
<char dimension with charset UTF8>
enum alternativesPoblem with a create table Query
enum trickCorrecting spelling errors in an ENUM definition
eq_range_index_dive_limitOptimizer executes inperformant subquery first
erQuery Performance Problem
Modeling and Normalizing
Searching by using an index table, efficient queries?
school exercise I am suck on
Database efficiency question
Data model metadata design and data driven joins
Simple Database Design Problem
Circular reference
Database Structure Help
DB structure - Managing a collection of books
My First Database (HELP)
Learning Management System MySql Database design
Designing a forum - general design logic question
Lookup Table with Optional Fields? Null primary key for blanks?
Problem creating table with 2 primary keys
erdERD Design HELP!
error -1got error -1 while reading table 'tablename'
error 108InnoDB: File (unknown): 'flush' returned OS error 108. Cannot continue operation
error 150query not running
#1005 - Can't create table (errno: 150)
error 24Replication error?
escapingdelete query doesnt work with php
replacing (escaping) unescaped apostrophes already in mysql
"#" symbol inside text of databse
How do I assign unique id to call data?
ethernetconnect 46 pcs on my pc MySql server
etlUpdate more than 30,000 records row by row
uploading 300+MB files to MySQL db
euro signload data infile: "Incorrect string value" with special chars
eventsEvents: what if server is down?
Has anyone used "event" in mysql
excelConnecting to MySQL from Excel 2007
Import Excel in MySQL??
exchange partitionPartition data backup and restore
exchange partition with tableIs there a SWITCH equivalent in MySQL?
exclusion joinwhich kind of join?
exit handleTransaction won't end
expand and contractQuestion about LIMIT
explainSlow select with sub queries
greatest-n-per-group performace for different data types
understanding towards Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort is right?
Help optimizing query/index
failoverSwitching to backup DB on error
Mysql 2 server replication setup with fail over
fast ingestionMySql table disappears at random after multiple TRUNCATE queries
fast random updateOptimize multiple writes on the same row
federatedHow do I find out details of a Server link for Federated tables?
feed processinguploading 300+MB files to MySQL db
fieldRe: MYSQL Sorting IN by orignal order?
file privCSV import with mysqlimport
file redirectionStore dump from DB on Server A to Server B (File) and test restore on C
filesortQuery Optimization - order by
always uses filesort even after adding indexes
Subquery with range uses filesort
filesystemdatabases and log files on separate hard drives
file_per_tableAll Innodb tables using seperate ibd, but ibdata1 still being modified?
filing cabinetsrandom reads
find id holeHow to create a solid sequence?
firewallReplication: Connecting Slave and Master
Error encountered on slave "Waiting to reconnect after a failed master event read"
first partitionI searched table on one partiton, but MySQL scanning two partitons
first slaveStart slave fails
Initial setup of replication with large tables
Setting up replication in a Windows Sever 2003 environment
Replication setup (for the first time)
fixedEstimate table size
how table rows are stored at the file level
fixed vs dynamicMYSQL manual using MANY frequently changing Varchar(255)
Questions related to Row Format, Encoding, and performance
fkForeign Key Error 121
Need help to improve innodb performance
another fool having problems with FK in InnoDB
flagsНоw better to store large number of flags?
best for true or false, Yes or No
floatBug in the floating point value
Is it possible to get MORE results by adding an AND clause to a SQL query?
Math function logarithm
float double decimalComparison Between Floating Point Types
float unequalBINARY operator not working properly
for updatetable locking
foreachwrite trim into INSERT and SELECT Queries
foreign keySoln. for MySql 1005 (Can't create table)
dropping a foreign key constraint
Why use JOINS when have FK
ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'Azienda.#sql-697_c9' (errno: 150)
Multiple references of a PK
Error 1005 Errno 150
#1005 - Can't create table (errno: 150)
foreign keysdrop all constraints, then reinstate all constraints??? is there a way to do this??
Can't create table with Foreign Keys - errno:150??
found_rowsAlternative to FOUND_ROWS()
fractional seconds[SOLVED] DATETIME does not keep fractional seconds (5.6.11)
fragmentationTable fragmentation and optimization
Performance increased after mysqldump restoration ?
does innodb table need 'optimize table'?
ft_min_word_lenWorking with short words in full text search
fulltextmatch against search won't match strings with a forward slash in them
accent sensitivity in fulltext search
Using FULLTEXT index with a boolean on the matched field?
Seeking advice on setup
Cascading deletes
Query not returning result in fulltext search boolean modeeven though records exist
functions good practiceConnecting to MySQL on numerous pages
gap lockMinimize row locking for update statement
gapsscanning for data gaps in time series
general log timestampNo timestamps in general query log
geoUnused index, slow query
GEO Search with large table is very slow
grantOne big DB or two not-too-big DBs? FKs across DBs are slower?
remote access and privilages
Re: Can't seem to create a new user account
How to change mysql username from "root" to "apps"
Make Table or Catalog Read Only
User password being modified as a result of grant statements?
MySQL users question
Why doesn't root get full privileges?
Revoke privileges from user issue!
Creating a restricted user account
grant host namesconnect as remote server
Can't connect with non-root user to created database
grant localhostcreating database users
graphingBuilding Graphs with MySql data
group byproblem with concat() distinct() min() and GROUP BY
Unsure about query... random column?
MySql 4.1 optimization search poor performance
distinct vs. group by
Noob query issue
group by trickComplex Select with Min/Max Syntax
Listing threads by newest posts?
How does group by algorithm works?
Subquery and JOIN's
limiting rows returned
max function
Help with minimum/group by
create function help
select max date in Inner Join
aggreate data
query returns unwanted duplicates
Require help to formulate a query.
Slow Query
Assistance required for query with subquery
Last or Max?
Unexpected Result when using MAX(id) and GROUP BY
group union[Query help] Table transformation
groupwise maxmax row from table
groupwise-maxselect max date in Inner Join
group_concatmultiple rows into one line string with
Simple statement
group_concat. joinDatabase efficiency question
guidSELECT took lengthy of time
How can I decide which partition type can I chose
GUID field
guid performanceDeadlock Detection in InnoDB storage engine
haMySQL HA 2 instances + iscsi shared data dir
replication or mirroring?
When do I start... partitioning?
Fail Over
hacker protectionHow do I assign unique id to call data?
handlerHANDLER statement questions
Expected query time?
hashHow should I make text column search faster?
havingSimple statement
heartbeat for replicationmeasuring slave lag without sysdate() - 4.1.13
hide passwordRunning backup in cron without clear text pw
hierarchyReturn the level and count of a closure table.
select max date in Inner Join
Building a widget/graph from mysql view
Unary many-to-many relationships
relationship query question
challenging problem -spliting different values within one field
high cpuMysql using 95% of cpu
highwaterMilli and Micro seconds in mysql
hintsIntermittent slow performance
historyMAX_ROWS on Partitions
Snapshot Table -- over the long run
Mysql cluster 7.1.5 can't use table partition!
New to design; how to optimize 3 column single table with high I/O?
holidaysQuery results from one table against a list created by another
horizontal partitioningRAM requirements- new server
hosts fileSlow connection
How to troubleshoot slow response from MySQL
htmlwhy do I need to set encoding in the browser in order to see Arabic letters
html entitiesStoring Special Characters in Table
htmlentitiesProblem with fulltext search using encoded german umlauts (strange behaviour of "MATCH(column) AGAINST ('keyword' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")
htmlspecialcharsSomething like Server.HTMLEncode for MySQL
hugeWhich storage engine?
load data infile real-time data load
trillion records?
huge pagesinnodb memory usage vs swap
hugepagessanity check on innodb config
ibdHow to restore innoDB tables without ibdata1 with innodb_file_per_table=1
BLOB storage file
ibd recoveryInnoDB Transportable Tablespaces - Recovering Data from Stranded .ibd Files is a Thing of the Past
ibdataHow do we resize ibdata file?
ibdata1After creating tablespace .ibd, Mysql doesnot start
Switch to file_per_table using a slave
Different ibdata files for every database
mysqldump and import to de-fragment tables
data_free not empty
All Innodb tables using seperate ibd, but ibdata1 still being modified?
changing from 1 big file to file_per_table
ibdata1 contentsibdata1 and undo log
iblogConnection lost
Different ibdata files for every database
Innodb Log File Error
idReal-world DB schema
identifying relationshipPlease explain identifying/non-identifying relationships
ie cachingMYSQL appears to not recache Selected table after Insert
ieee754Sum of doubles giving incorrect value
imageImage database in mySQL
image display problem from mysql database
retrieving a photo from mysql database
saving image in mysql
User-friendly approaches to displaying subtable data
image as blobWhere are BLOBs useful?
image outputShow images from database
imagecreateShow images from database
imagesUsing images with php and sql
img srcShow images from database
implodeloop doesnt seem to run
importNeed to Convert Date Time at Query runtime
impossible positionGot fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log
inPHPMYADMIN hangs on this query!.HELP!!!!
Efficient string comparison to a group of values
Why isn't an index being used here (nested query)
Optimizer executes inperformant subquery first
in selectUsing NOT IN
Optimizing a query so that the smaller table is handled first
in-listPHP filesize and storing a big WHERE clause in a variable
incompatibilitiesMoving Mysql to a new server
Re: max(DateField)+C <> max(DateField+C)
indexRe: Large range query stops using indexes
Slow query on very large table
index selection
How does index perform with LIKE?
how to solve this complex query
making a row unique
GEO Search with large table is very slow
how to optimize this query
Order by using filesort on where
Advice on redundant indexing
Help with optimize SELECT
does unique index do more than just being a constraint?
Preferable Index Length
Mysql does not use index, even if example is trivial?
Statistics used by optimizer.
Concat Occasionally Drops a Character or Two
Query is so slow
Index not being used
Is index needed or not?
Rebuild Indexes Online after Insert/Update
combined index ignored
Multi column indexing question
index performance on "limit" condition
Problems with query not using expeced indexes
Attempt to split big table into smaller one made query slower
Primary key - link to data ?
Need help on indexing
Improving Slow Query
Indexes: how many, how much?
Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
InnoDB to MyISAM
Query with > 500000 entities in in where clause crashes server
tables with 3,500,000 rows, indexed but still v slow
multicolumn index & forcing index to avoid filesort
COUNT(*) very slowly in large InnoDB table
performance issue on order by index
Estimating Index Size on Innodb Tables
Join Statement with math operation
Huge row size compared to MyIsam
Need Database Structure Help
Size of INDEX_LENGTH is higher than DATA_LENGTH !
Index recomendations
Slow query with order by and limit
11 millions records : more than 30 seconds to retrieve simple request
Table marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Partition on day of year
Stop using filesort
physical bytes
Best primary key or index
Problem with a query performance
Help optimizing query/index
Creating an Index
Does LIMIT 1 without ORDER BY ID bring the record with minimum ID?
Understanding MySql optimization of Queries
Optimize Inner Join With WHERE BETWEEN dates
Slow insert rate in mysql innodb
Question about indexes
is good have single index an composite index on same field
Function and indexes
index creationchecking status of CREATE INDEX
index designMySQL not using indexes
Backup and trimming data idea
index detailshow index grows in size
index examplesSlow query. Why is it slow?
index joinideal indexing for inner join, rowcount of 1
index not usedIndexing is done for single table, but its not working for most of the queries.
index orderOptimization of where clause
index sizeI've got two Tables and wonder why a table with less data can have a bigger keysize?
index-10-30MySQL 5.1.49 - Optimal settings for memory usage
indexingLooking for understanding of optimizing queries
Issues with possible duplicate indices on table
information schemaSHOW VARIABLES: which table holds my.cnf startup varibles?
Wrong info from Information_schema
information_schemacreating data dictionary
Procedure is not working
init_connectEncoding problem
injectionUnique Constraint Using My Own Definition of "Equals"
Db access/privileges philosophy
inner joinOptimizing query
innodbevaluating table locking
ANALYZE TABLE not working correctly
slow queries and high % of wait I/O
Reduce Index space
Alternative to FOUND_ROWS()
mysql very slow after million insert/delete
Negative consequences of converting to InnoDB?
Insert into table on duplicate key update - performance issue
COUNT(*) very slowly in large InnoDB table
Replication lag when no primary key on InnoDB
Huge row size compared to MyIsam
New to design; how to optimize 3 column single table with high I/O?
Does LIMIT 1 without ORDER BY ID bring the record with minimum ID?
innodb analyzeDifferent Servers Using Different Index for Same Query on Same Data
innodb blocksVarchar does it cause data file to continously grow
innodb corruptionTable corruption
innodb count(*)Slow access to large tables
innodb fragmentationIs my data fragmented?
fragmentation in innodb index
innodb freeCan I automatically reuse the free space of a table that in the InnoDB
innodb free spacedata_free not empty
InnoDB File Size
fragmentation in innodb index
innodb fulltextMySQL 5.6: InnoDB Full Text Search (FTS)
innodb indexproblem about second index on innodb
innodb internalsJemeryCole/Twitter: Deep Dive into InnoDB Internals
innodb iobuffer pool read/write?
innodb log filesSetting innodb_log_file_size disables the innodb engine
innodb pkNeed help to improve innodb performance
innodb primary keyPrimary key for referee table.
innodb random divescan mysql use 2 different execution plans for the same query ?
innodb row sizeRow size
innodb semaphore contentionquantifying activity at the buffer pool?
innodb settingsInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_free = 0
innodb sizeAutomatic Extension Question
innodb transportable tablespacInnoDB Transportable Tablespaces - Recovering Data from Stranded .ibd Files is a Thing of the Past
innodb vs myisamInnoDB to MyISAM Disadvantages?
Innodb v/s Myisam
innodb_buffer_pool_sizeMax size of innodb_buffer_pool_size
innodb_file_per_tablepoor performance on good hardware
Can we have different tablespace for indexing in innodb storage engine?
How to create TableSpace
Separate databases in separate files
How to stop a database growing in size on the disk
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commitlimitation on request per second
Very slow query for no apparent reason
MySQL InnoDB performance tuning
innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlogGetting "Lock wait timeout exceeded;" when using "for update"
MySQL 5.6.12 and many deadlock
innodb_log_file_sizeSwitch off InnoDB logging - Possible?
Reset Root Password causing ib_logfile issues
values in my.ini for 2GB RAM
Unexplained drop in performance?
Correctly setting mysql options for a huge DB with intense trafic
Power failure and innodb
innodb_log_file_size formulahow to calculate innodb log file size
innodb_max_purge_lagmysql very slow after million insert/delete
innodb_os_log_writtenMySQL Server locks up daily
innodb_stats_sample_pagesMore Stable Query Execution Times by Improving InnoDB Statistics
innodb_table_monitorForeign Key Error 121
insUpdating multiple rows with an array using PHP with mySQLi
insertSlow Inserts
Inserting 5000 samples per sec in real time
insert on duplicate keyProblem of indexing Country, State , City
insertion speedNeed mysql Configuration Parameters that affects Insertion rate
insertsNeed help to improve innodb performance
Insert into table on duplicate key update - performance issue
install on windowsSolution: Cygwin and DBD::mysql
installing phpApache 2.2.22 with PHP 5.2.17 don't connect to MySQL
interactive_timeoutClose conections
into outfileExport Recordset query to a file nightly? Ubuntu and MySQL
io bigrandom-access I/O
ipWhat data type should I use and what storage engine?
Help with the best table layout for message board
Slow query
ip rangeOptimize IP Range Join
optimize IP range join: postgresql is 496 times faster
update big table cause an excution time out
How can I optimize this query?
Keys ignored for larger tables!?
iterative updateUpdating 100 million record tables
java timeStoring Java Timestamp (long) in database as BIGINT?
joinSome general questions
JOIN table USING vd JOIN table ON table_field=another_table_field
PHPMYADMIN hangs on this query!.HELP!!!!
trouble figuring out joins, any gurus out there?
INNO DB performance problems with temporary tables
nested select
tables, joins or not, to script or not
After upgrade from 4.1.22 to 5.1.44 query not working
JOIN, and LEFT OUTER JOIN: I don't get it
Join Syntax Confusion
Difference between two SQL queries
join 101Need help with a more difficult query
join opt explainedMySQL 5.1.31 -- Same query scans widely different # of rows
join ordercan I use two join in a single query ?
join vs subqueryFaster SQL - newbie needs help
"Optimizing sub queries with joins"
join vs unionLeft Join between two large tables too slow!!
joinsProblem with SQL query :(
jsonUser defined fields in a schema
json for eavWhat's the worst that can happen with below database design? Immediately or in the future?
key valuelinked data
Query Optimization
Create tables: Shall i use one table or different tables in order to store data?
How best to storing User Profile data
Help collating multiple rows from multiple tables into a single row
Large number of columns causing - Unknown Error
table/query help
How to speed up Query with WHERE AND/OR, with Subqueries using IN
Data model metadata design and data driven joins
key-valueUser defined fields in a schema
key_bufferProcessor at 99.9%, memory at 5%. Configuration help?
Queries slow down daily, optimizing helps -> why?
large multiple table update taking a very long time, help!
mysql max_connections
key_buffer_size versionHelp make my big new server fast
key_lenMulti-Column indexes
key_readsMemory settings for server with 4GB RAM
What happens if the size of an index file exceeds physical RAM?
killhow to stop it
kvOpinions on this schema please =)
Having an argument about table design
language recommendationMySQL / WebFront End / Best Language to support?
last_inserted_idHow do I combine 3 queries into one
last_insert_idLooking up a value in a 'subtable' and inserting it if it doesn't exist
Update query problems
Transaction deadlock with many threads
Select and update at the same time (with selected value)?
Problem of indexing Country, State , City
lat lngSlow select on table with 1.8 million rows (filtering on lng/lat)
How to improve query performance in expression related order by?
lat-lngselect query in from clause creates problem
latitude and longitudeOptimised way to search over 2 milllion poi data in mysql
latitude/longitudequery not using index
layermysql user access level
When do I start... partitioning?
lead and lagOracle Analytical Functions
leaderboardRANK() emulator?
leap secondsPHP and MySQL time not same
lecturePoor Performance with tables over 1Million entries
left joinHelp w/ data modeling, 1 to 1, 1 to none? hack?
need help with cross referenced tables
Help with query with conditions
Help with Join Query
need help! query to get absentees list
left off30M rows - is dynamic sorting and selecting even possible?
How do deletes and updates affect fetching of rows?
Innodb PK in secondary index
next/previous on a date select query
left_offshould i go with myisam or innodb?
licensingMYSQL Community vs entreprise
likeis good have single index an composite index on same field
like suffixHow to fast search in 3 millions record?
limitMySql 4.1 optimization search poor performance
Using LIMIT in a SELECT statement which does a JOIN
index performance on "limit" condition
Index not working as I expect
limit helps/hurts optimizationMySQL Explain rows limit
limitsStorage capacity
Max quantity users in MySQL
Data object standards
Maximum Constraints Per Table
ln -sHow to Install MYSQL that comes with SLES 10 on a SAN mount point instead
loadTesting the updated database whether it is properly updated or not
load balancerMaster-Master Active-Passive loadbalancing with ultramonkey
load dataAppend with LOAD DATA INFILE
need to upload .txt to SQL table.
Load Infile - Not able to import microsecond level datetime from CSV
CSV import with mysqlimport
loading data problem
Proper syntax of LOAD DATA INFILE
load data expressionMass Import Innodb
load data localload data errror ONLY on remote server
load data paradigmsImporting Data from an XML Document into a MySQL Table
load data set variableNull values are replaced with zeros in infile.
load data variablesIs it possible to use variables and string functions with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE?
localhostcreating connection to "Server Administrator"
locateComparing strings
lockingMinimize row locking for update statement
locksSolving table locking issues
Help with locks
Are queries queued?
lock block deadlocks
log filesLog files filling up
log sequenceIndex not used in certain DELETE-queries?
log-slow-slave-statementsReplication server is running behind
loginMysql and CentOS 5.2
Need Help - Server was hacked
MySQL on Ubuntu mess...pls. help
login accessAccess
logsmysqldump for BLOB?, InnoDB log files?
log_warningsPrevent logging for unsafe statements
long running transactionQuery id on SHOW INNODB STATUS
longblobMySQL kills itself when cannot allocate X bytes
look forimpact of havig both concurrent_insert=2 and low_priority_updates=1 together?
loop thruCursor usage with Prepared Statements
Select query too slow from merge table of 1 billion records
lots of tablesMySQL 4.1 to 5.1 large scale upgrade
lowerUsing DECODE with SELECT and LIKE
lower_case_table_namesChange DB to case-insensitive = problems
lvmReplication setup (for the first time)
maatkitHow to know if a slave is identical to his master ?
mac installProblems creating my.cnf / options file
make commalistwhile loop - how to remove last comma
many tablestables per company - why not
many-to-manyNeed help on designing simple db
Problem creating table with 2 primary keys
Simple many to many query...
many:manyBulk data question
1 to many and many to many help
Learning Management System MySql Database design
Unary many-to-many relationships
many:many relationshipbest practices in relationship
mappingBasic conception for database
mapping tableTables optimization for messages feature
Inverse Lookup in Key-Value Storage: avoid disk seeks
INSERT IGNORE ... SELECT performance question
master-masterHow best to support global website?
maxInnoDB to MyISAM
max-allowed-packet-sizeERROR 1153 (08S01) at line 356771902 in file: 'mysqlmulti-bins.sql': Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
maxclientsTo many sleeping connections
max_allowed_packetMaximum number of records the "SELECT IN" operation can handle!
MySQL server has gone away
How long does a query take?
max_allowed_packet and its impact on backup (and replication)
Not enough memory to allocate insert buffer of size 1073741824
max_connectionsDebugging too many connections
How to get MySQL concurrent query nos.
Does a too many connections error always really mean it?
Question on max_connections
Both master and slave stop accepting connections
Can the use of Ephemeral ports be disabled?
max_heap_table_sizeReal weird slow down with select count(distinct x) and high max_heap_table_size
max_join_size"SHOW VARIABLES" and "mysqladmin variables" show different settings
max_open_filesError 23, 1016: Partition with MyISAM
max_rowsWill increaseing table size affect current data?
max_updatesERROR 1226 (42000) at line 1129: User 'root' has exceeded the 'max_updates' resource (current value: 100)
md5Fastest way to check for an image in a table
How should I make text column search faster?
SHA-256 which data type is the best?
mebMySQL Enterprise Backup Remotely
medianHow do I get the median instead of average?
meet in the middleMultiple Databases - Search and retrieve.
meet me halfwayIgnoring certain characters with SELECT query
I'm looking for the best way to join two tables based on the matching of the words in a varchar field in one table against a varchar field on another table
memoryInnoDB log group capacity error
Anybody met this errors :Out of memory (Needed 16777224 bytes) ?
Slow Updates on Memory table - (detailed)
Optimising max_heap_table_size & tmp_table_size
how to estimate the real mysql memory consumption?
mhaDisaster Recovery with master-master replication
Setting up Circular replication in existing replication infrastructure
middleAnother Complex Query
regexp challenger
millisecondsDate/Time Query
Milli and Micro seconds in mysql
mixed replicationReplicating from innodb server to myisam server
mongodbComparison b/w mongodb and mysql
more_resultsstored procedure with cursor only returning one row in PHP -- works in MySQL client
move datadirNot able to move database to mounted LUN in linux
moving averageMoving average
mrrMySQL 5.6 update doubled IOs
mssqlDataMigration from Sqlserver to MYSQL (Experts help need!)
mssql conversionconvert mssql function to mysql function
mssql functionsConverting Functions from MSSQL to MYSQL
mssql to mysqlMigrate a MS SQL server database to MySQL
mtypeMySQL 5.6.21 signal 11 crashing instantaneously after START SLAVE
multi-masterMultimaster replication set up with a single slave
multiple disksChaning database dir to another hard drive
multiple key_buffersAnyway to identify the special key_buffer_size
multi_querystored procedure with cursor only returning one row in PHP -- works in MySQL client
mutexWhat's the difference between concepts--latch and mutex?
mutexesMySQL + 2 x Intel Xeon (6 cores) performance problem
Why does MySQL's performance decrease when queries are executed in parallel?
my.cnfSlave is not updating some tables .....
my.ini locationError 10061: connect to MySQL server failed
my.ini my.cnfHow do I find what configuration files were loaded
mydBLOB storage file
myisamrandom reads
is 16 gb ram enough for handing mysql database of size 100 gb having myisam as storage engine ?
myisam advantagesTransactional vs. NonTranscational For The Layman?
myisam auto_incrementHow MySQL MYISAM manage the auto_increment column
myisam indexesSignificance of Primary Keys
myisam pointer sizeTable full message when data is just over 16MB
myisam vs innodbshould i go with myisam or innodb?
Database effeciency
HELP! making choises on Performance - Storage engine - Caching
New to InnoDB (want to convert from MyISAM)
myisam-innodbError Duplicate entry - Master-Slave replication
myisam_max_sort_file_sizeenable keys, force sort, not keycache
Repair Will Not Use Filesort
"Alter table enable keys" randomly using "Repair with keycache"
mysql historyWhy does MySQL's performance decrease when queries are executed in parallel?
mysql server has gone awayRunning Large scripts from command line
mysqldumpAborting Optimize Table for Innodb
How To bakcup Databse per table ?
Best Prctice export from MySQL 5.1 to 4.1
what should i do when backup ?
Partition-wise mysqldump backup script at MySQL Forge
MySQL Backups - Innodb
backup database
stored procedures and functions
moving mysql database
mysqldumpslowProblematic Query identification at the time of load on server
mysql_proxyMySQL Proxy - Production Worthy?
mysql_real_escape_stringAdding a filename to a MySql database
my_use_resultMemory Allocation error
nameOrder by using filesort on where
navicatImport and export flat files containing backslashes
netstatReplication: Connecting Slave and Master
networkSwitching to backup DB on error
net_buffer_lengthmax_allowed_packet and its impact on backup (and replication)
new slaveAdding slaves to replication environment
new slave from old1 Master -> Many slaves, need to update dump file
new thread1135 Can't create a new thread (errno 11)...
newbiebuilding tables
nmapReplication: Connecting Slave and Master
nondeterministic replicationA qq reg SBL with current_timestamp()
norindexing on every column?
normalizationDesign of tables
ERD Design HELP!
Is my database normalized?
How do I count the number of rows with certain data
select * where value>1
Newbie Normalization Question
Insert keys from 1 table into 2 others.
Rock/paper/scissors design
normalizeTime series database design
finding it hard to setup the relationships
Performing multiple updates and selects
Standard way to store user information
Database Normalization: Always the best thing to do?
JOIN vs Denormalize table vs Vertical partition
not using indexProblem with a query performance
nullafter moving database problems with NULL value
Using null to mean all or any
nullsNULL but TRUE
numaPoor performance of MySQL 5.5
numbering rowsSubQuery and result
o'brianMysql query produces different results for different users
odbcConfigure Database
How to open MySql?
offline backupOffline Backup
omgUPDATE a field SEVERAL times in 1 UPDATE
on duplicateDeadlock occuring since setting a unique index.
on duplicate keyHow do I combine 3 queries into one
one-to-manySubtypes can they be related
ooPHP OO mysqli query problem
open file limitmax_open_files error
optimizedoes innodb table need 'optimize table'?
optimize innodbOptimizer for innodb does not reduce "data_free"
optimize tableOptimize table statement
Optimize table and fragmentation
Execute table optimization concurrently
optimizerOptimize Inner Join With WHERE BETWEEN dates
optimizer_search_depthQuery Performance Problem
select with join of 25 tables crashes mysql database
orExtreme high load and low throughput using MySQL & Hybris on an HP DL380G5, quad-core Intel, 4GB RAM
Help optimize query
index usage dependent on in(group) content
Poor performance with an "OR"
or to unionLong execution time despite LIMIT 3
WHERE OR performance issue
oracleBitmap Index
order byunique ID field, getting next and previous existing ID from table
Re: MYSQL Sorting IN by orignal order?
distinct vs. group by
Query Optimization - order by
order by fieldOrder by my order. How to ?
How to keep order of values inside IN() operator
showing records in order given by in clause
order by listIN order
order by randSlow MySQL Queries
org chartBuilding a widget/graph from mysql view
osTable fragmentation and optimization
os limitError: ORDER BY clause
MySQL fails to start
over-normalizedBig problems on optimizing query
pagerIndex not used in certain DELETE-queries?
paginationMySQL Performance Tuning on my server
Query performance on database with joins
Slow search query
Query performance question (using index slows down?)
Alternative to FOUND_ROWS()
Very Slow Simple Query
break mysql query? Is this possible in my sql
Query that returns indexed fields involves FILESORT, why?
join in union
Efficient MySQL for pagination of large amounts of data on website
Showing recordsets from tables with one (main table) to many (secondary table) relationship
Use of memory table vs temporary table question
Heavy task on mysql by AJAX Pagination?
Jet Profiler says I'm slow....
pagination - precalcHandling Large Datasets
pairsQuery To Find the Number of Self-Joins?
paragraphRetaining paragraphs in text data type
parallelPerformance LONGTEXT / LONGBINARY
large multiple table update taking a very long time, help!
parallelismIntra-Query Parallelism in MySQL Server
partitionMAX_ROWS on Partitions
How to partition my table
Table partitioning
How to create partition on existing table?
Partitioning with range(to_days) issue
Partition-wise mysqldump backup script at MySQL Forge
Improving Slow Query
How to handle secondary keys in partitioning?
Exceptions with Partition Pruning
How can I decide which partition type can I chose
Open tables with Partitioning
MySQL performance help
partition by range on decimal type
count rows in a partition
How to stop a database growing in size on the disk
Simple query seems to be ignoring date index
partition add dropUsing MySQL Partitioning Instead of MERGE Tables
partition auto_incrementPartitioning by date, and maintaining uniqueness
partition by dayProblem with granularity choosen
Add new partition for Range by date
partition by listFortnight partitions
partition discardBackup one of the sections in innodb table
partition mapping tableHow to partition that table?
partition nullPartition Pruning
partition priority queueKEY vs RANGE partitioning
partition suggestionsMove from unpartitioned database to partitioned database
partition use casesWhen partition a table
passwordHelp on MySQL 4.1 & PHP 4.3.11
creating connection to "Server Administrator"
any cheat-sheet style documents?
What do you do with the database user passwords?
pdfMySQL blob performance
pemSSL error: Unable to get certificate from '/etc/mysql/newcerts/client-cert.pem'
percent improvementWhat hardware factors influence MySQL query execution time
percentileWhy I can't insert more than 100,000 rows in a script?(mysql+php)
can i quickly do a 95th percentile in mysql
Calculation of a '95th percentile'
Counting occurences of data falling betwen a series of limits (buckets)
perfslow queries and high % of wait I/O
random reads
Statement/row questions
Any way to optimize join to find rows without conditional foreign rows?
Very slow DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT on a new server
performanceCentOs or Oracle Linux?
performance_schemaMySQL Performance Schema: Overview
MySQL 5.6 update doubled IOs
permissionsReplication problem
persistent innodb statisticstimestamp, datetime as default value as current_timestamp [PARTITION]
petabyteHow to scale MySQL Cluster to support PB storage
phone numbersWhen to use separate tables.
phonesprinting fetched values
Creating a variable variable name
phpStoring Special Characters in Table
php build wheremutiple field query
php escapingMysql query produces different results for different users
php file uploadHow insert data in table using a .txt file
php flowCreating report filter by name in one table
php installYour PHP server doesn't have the MySQL module loaded or you can't use the mysql_(p)connect functions
Error when trying to configure PHP to work with MySQL
php log_errorsPasted text not saving
php mysql_fetch_arrayPHP access not working right
phpmyadmincannot change character set
physical copyphysical export
pipingStore dump from DB on Server A to Server B (File) and test restore on C
pivotNeed help with a Query....cross tab format
Pivot Table Rows into Columns stored procedure
insert 0 when combing tables?
Cross-table in stored procedure
Pivot tables
plesk ubuntuAlways get "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'" after installing
pluginPlugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
upgrading to innodb plugin
How to create TableSpace
polishUnproper order of sorting in utf8. Collation?
portugueseUsing accentuation or other special characters and printing with php.
ppmperl script hangs on query with where clause
precisionMath function logarithm
prefixindex usage dependent on in(group) content
Slow Query for Alphabetically Adjacent Terms
prefix indexVery slow sort on Order By for MySQL query.
preload cachePreloading Index - LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE problem
prepareprepared statements for multiple queries
prev valueGetting data from previous row
primary keyPrimary Index
Replication lag when no primary key on InnoDB
Question about indexes
table with multiple primary key
privilegesDb access/privileges philosophy
procedureProcedure is not working
progress baris automatically monitoring progress impossible?
pruneNoob question - simplist way to store last 4 viewed products?
pt-query-digestProblematic Query identification at the time of load on server
pt-table-checksumComparing large slaves to master
pt-table-syncComparing large slaves to master
ptaTracking past group memberships of multiple groups
pwd securityDesigning a forum - general design logic question
qcLinking to a LUT more than once
qc too bigRandomly slow Insert / Update on small table
qpsHelp make my big new server fast
Database Pool Size
query cacheQueries slow down daily, optimizing helps -> why?
Why is my entire database getting locked for a slow select query?
Query cache was never filled up
Understanding the Query Cache and the Innodb_buffer_pool???
A fast (>0.01s) query sometimes slow (>2s)
Query Cache Causing High CPU Load
Poor performance of MySQL 5.5
query cache noMySQL 5.5 and Query Cache
queuerow-level lock that prevents SELECT?
quotesdelete query doesnt work with php
Looking for Rule on quoting
quotingMySQL Output Help
raiddatabases and log files on separate hard drives
InnoDB and separated disks
5.1 to 5.5 upgrade causes significant write slowdown (MyISAM + indexes)
raid controllerInserts very slow
ramMySQL eats all of RAM memory
is 16 gb ram enough for handing mysql database of size 100 gb having myisam as storage engine ?
randevaluating table locking
small DB, big problems
select limit records from 600000 records
rand() to randomize rows only once daily
randomHorrible performance on BLOB's when using WHERE or ORDER BY
random sorting - what is the quickest method?
random divesAnalyze question
random fetchVery Large Non-Dynamic Table for Lookups
random idbest way to generate a random unique id
random indexFact Table Partition Design
rangeSelect * from MyISAM table returns PK order / filesort order
Simple Query -- Needs to be Mind Numbingly Fast!
rangesI want to write a user-defined Aggregate Function
What Method is Best
rankRANK() emulator?
your ranked out #x of X accounts?
Get row of a specific result
rank ordersp vs query window
rbrRow based Replication: Deadlock is not rolled back
rdfAbout performance for Database of millions of records
linked data
read committedMySQL Backups - Innodb
read-write separationForwarding writes to master
recoveryRestore InnoDB schema from partial backup
redo logsPower failure and innodb
redo transactionfix "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"
ref rangeQuery using "ref" instead of "range" access
regexpREGEXP() Question
RegExp Question
how to find particular string from text column
mysql regexp issue range
Pass Numeric Values From Form To Set Data Lenght +...
regressionMysql 5.1 to Upgrade Poor Performance
relayhow to setup master, primary slave master and slaves
remoteconnecting to Mysql server running on a different machine
renameBulk updates on live database
insert or load ? best practices and performance
rename tableImporting a database dump created with --single-transaction does not result in single-transaction import of the file
why my db don't use index?
reorganize partitionhelp making event for auto delete of partitions
repeatable readUncommitted rows are updated by a second transaction
repeatable-readMySQL server configuration for a 8 cpu+20gb RAM server
replmysql replication issue (Handling write load on slaves)?
replaceCharacter encodings issues with php, mysql, apache
replicationmaster-slave replication good solution?
Upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1
Replication multiple database
Can't restart slave - Could not initialize master info structure
Replication problem
Need advice to Setup replication server (INNODB)
replication or mirroring?
update slave after failover
Error Duplicate entry - Master-Slave replication
replication bugMySQL 5.6.21 signal 11 crashing instantaneously after START SLAVE
replication checklistsetup mysql replication on CentOS error
replication designsconflict resolution
replication lagSlave is lagging from master
Master - slave connection
replication sequence of eventsis it possible replicate with mysql5..5
reset root passwordSetting up root password
unable to create database even as root user
resignalStored procedure, stored function and signals
resizeDifferent ibdata files for every database
resize iblogCaonot change innodb_data_file_path
result cachingMemory Allocation error
resultsetQuestion: Technical Background Of The Result_Set
reverseHow to fast search in 3 millions record?
reverse lookupSlow Connection
revokeMake Table or Catalog Read Only
Revoke privileges from user issue!
revoke proxyCreate new user by using MySQL CREATE USER statement
rollbackTransaction won't end
rolling window averageNo Window Fns in MySQL?
rootResetting the Root Password on Windows
Need Help - Server was hacked
Debugging too many connections
creating connection to "Server Administrator"
any cheat-sheet style documents?
MySQL users question
Why doesn't root get full privileges?
rotHelp optimizing query/index
roundtripsAlternate for Varrays in Oracle
row sizeexact row size of InnoDB table
blob to mediumblob or largeblob
rowidinternal rowId
safe-updates"SHOW VARIABLES" and "mysqladmin variables" show different settings
sanWhat is the story of NAS and SAN file systems for Database?
How to Install MYSQL that comes with SLES 10 on a SAN mount point instead
scalingSkyblog, Friendster, twitter, yahoo mail..... how to design database for huge no. of users and rows
design distributed database
word index - is there a better solution?
scaling via slavesThree Node Replication (US West, US East and Europe)
schemaselect query not using indexes
Where to find a tool for differences between two database structures
Up to 1 million rows Performance + Design Help
I have queries that sporadically take a very long time
scrubbingTools for Scrubbing Entire Mysql Database
searchSearching with accented words
search formProblem with search when add BETWEEN to query
searchingSQL instructions enclosed in "/*! ... */"
seconds_behind_master"Seconds behind master"-Value jumping
secretsLong query locking up MySQL Server
securityReplciation Security
Actual Newbie Question with mysql connect
Changing Plain Text Passwords to Hashed Passwords
Database Encryption
Connecting as a User
Building Memory Table from AES Encrypted Physical Table
What do you do with the database user passwords?
selectRewrite Full Outer Join into Subquery
select *optimised way
self join trickgrouping query results in their order
selinuxMoved datadir and now get: ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file
startup mysql as service on redhat enterprise linux 6.4
semanagestartup mysql as service on redhat enterprise linux 6.4
sequenceA sequence solution for those that want it
Unique columns over two tables
Record Position in Ordered Selection
Last/highest ID?
Simulating sequences
server_idHow server id is communicated?
setsearch comma separated db column
set namesRe: Korean characters displaying as ???
load data character set question
import utf8 to latin
Data is being in non readable format.
Problem with Accented characters while migrating SQL server to MySql server
set names utf8Problems with Spanish characters
Encoding problem
setsHelp with query...
setup slaveNew to MySQL Replication
shardingperformance: sharding and replication ideal?
How to scale MySQL Cluster to support PB storage
Database Sharding at Netlog, with MySQL and PHP
Skyblog, Friendster, twitter, yahoo mail..... how to design database for huge no. of users and rows
Are there any pitfalls with having multiple MySQL databases on 1 server node?
When do I start... partitioning?
sharding steps
How to enable index fast in MyISAM table
shared memory modeHow to connect with Workbench to server in shared-memory mode ?
sharp sProblem inserting german and french characters
utf8_general_ci (MySQL 5.0.x vs. 5.1.36)
show master statushow to setup master, primary slave master and slaves
show slave statusslave stuck
sig alrmSIGALRM blocked by MySQL
signal exampleDate check on insert.
simple indexQuery Tuning techniques
skip grant tablesunable to create database even as root user
skip-name-resolve[SOLVED] Can't connect to remote server
skip-name-resolve and access issues
slamHelp collating multiple rows from multiple tables into a single row
slave initializationQuick replication questions
slave invalid positionExec_Master_Log_Pos doesn't move (invalid position?)
slavesSlave to master replication
slave_open_temp_tablesReplication, Stored Procedures & Temporary Tables
sleepTo many sleeping connections
sliding segmentAdding Segments in Table
slowselect query not using indexes
my system usage hits 100% at every 6 hours.
Slow search query
use index on a view
350+ million rows -- is this as fast as it can get? (too slow at the moment!)
Slow Mysql optimizer
slowerI have queries that sporadically take a very long time
slowlogMySQL using 80-90% of CPU
CPU usage spikes to 100% every week or so
Query Tuning techniques
MySQL performance on a HP DL385G7
snapshotMySQL & SAN
MySQL Replication
Replicating a big db
Mysql SAN Related Scenarios
Faster dump using mysqldump
snodgrassTime series database design
social searchTheoretical Database Table Structure
socketMySQL Socket Error
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
sort-unionQueries using WHERE IN and ORDER BY LIMIT
sort_buffer_sizeOptimizing MySQL filesort with small limit.
spcreate function help
sp backupHow to backup Stored Procedures
sp prepare limitERROR 1064 , in stored procedure
spaceAborting Optimize Table for Innodb
speed up insertsNo Limits - Memory Engine
speedupI need Optimizaton of a Query - DISTINCT
sql injectionTwo usefull functions(XSS/SQL injection).
Multi user issue
SQL Injection
$_POST Help :
Text box security
Multiple databases
Assistance with securing input
Numbers Vs. Characters in MySQL Database
sqlexceptionTransaction won't end
sqliteConvert MySQL to SQLite
sqlserverSwitching from Sql Server
sql_calc_found_rowsfull table scan for limit??
Query that returns indexed fields involves FILESORT, why?
resultset rows performance
sql_modeLoad data infile not working
sql_slave_skip_counterReplication Errors on Slave DB
sslSSL error: Unable to get certificate from '/etc/mysql/newcerts/client-cert.pem'
Failed to Setup SSL warning
SSL connection works but SSL Replication does not
ssnfield types syntax
start endHow MySQL Uses Indexes
start_timeIndex on datetime type
start_time end_timeQuery not using index
stateless htmlWhen to open/close the MySQLConnector
stateless httpHow many users on one connection?
stddevWhat is the SQL equvalance to VARIANCE
stopwordsFULLTEXT search failing
stored procedureMySQL Stored procedure Tutorial
stored procedure with cursor only returning one row in PHP -- works in MySQL client
strictTesting the updated database whether it is properly updated or not
Upgraded MySQL - Lot's of Similar Errors
string as numberProblem with MySQL SELECT
stripeCan a Mysql MyISAM or InnoDB table benefit from the STRIPE feature of disk device?
Can a Mysql MyISAM or a InnoDB table benefit from a set of multi-thread and multi-disk I/O device?
str_to_dateNeed to Convert Date Time at Query runtime
Datetime conversion fails
stumblingWhy INSERT performance has not increase in sub-table?
subqueriesWhy are no indexes used in this case?
subqueryPlease help with slow easy query
Get statistics using self joins
Performance of WHERE EXISTS query
100% cpu usage on single cpu core
nested select
tables, joins or not, to script or not
Partition on day of year
slow query in Inndb
Rewrite Full Outer Join into Subquery
subquery - 5.6 optimizationDead query
subquery can helpOptimizing it even more
Simple JOIN is extremely slow.
Strategy needed for picking random rows
subquery to joinHow kan I optimize this Code?
sum data_lengthMySQL 5.5.31 cripplingly slow
summaryDesign approach for summary table by 3 items
compressing tables
Database Design for huge set of data
InnoDB CPU Spikes
Very long query doubt... (Monster query...)
Slow JOIN to convert IP to Country Code
Best way to store/access large amounts of data?
should i go with myisam or innodb?
Large table designissue
Partitioning with range(to_days) issue
Multiple complex queries
UNIX_TIMESTAMP Duplicate key
views, unions and different dbs
Slow 'sending data' phase on mySQL query, for simple query
Thinking about sorting articles..
Index performance
Storing a large, dense tensor (35gb scientific data) -- is mysql appropriate?
Large Table Architecture
summary tableBitmap Index
To store or calculate on the spot?
summary tablesSolving table locking issues
Which storage engine?
Killed by joins. 1 minute selects in Access, 15 minutes in mySQL
GROUP causing Using Temporary Using Filesort
Partitioning or Not Partitioning?
super freakingselect with join of 25 tables crashes mysql database
surrogate keyPrimary key for referee table.
swapRegarding use of swap memory for MySQL.
Basic Standards of Mysql server variable setting
Strange disk usage in mysql datadir (partition)
swap tablesMySql table disappears at random after multiple TRUNCATE queries
swappingVery Slow Simple Query
symbolSimple query seems to be ignoring date index
symlinkDifferent data directories for different databases?
sync_binlogGot fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log
Got Fatal Error 1236 From Master Reading Data from binary log possibility to loose data/?
crash recovery of sync_binlog=1 and innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2
table designDB Design - Users Table
table lockSELECT queries Locking Problems
table name caseCase Sensitivity for View Names
table name casefoldingmysql and xampp
table of intsselect dates in a month that fall on a given day of the week
table scanSelect * from MyISAM table returns PK order / filesort order
field equal to OR between 2 fields?
full table scan for limit??
Optimising a GROUP BY and ORDER BY in a joined query
Question on bad execution plan
tablespaceHow to create TableSpace
tablespacesImporting Data with Single .ibd file
table_cacheOptimizing table_cache - Open files?
table_open_cacheOpen tables with Partitioning
teachingTeaching mysql to teens
teeimporting Text to MySQL
temp tableOutfile Using too much disk space
temporalMySQL 5.6.21 signal 11 crashing instantaneously after START SLAVE
temporary tableStorage engine used by temporary tables
textInnoDB log group capacity error
TINY TEXT vs Varchar(240) and TEXT vs Varchar(300-500)
large multiple table update taking a very long time, help!
thread stack overrunWriting my first Stored Procedure
What is wrong with my Stored Procedure?
timestampDifferent timestamps for time of creation and time of update
how to convert timestamp value to string in MySql
Date - unix_timestamp
timestamp defaultTimestamp fields
timestamp microsecondsconvert seconds to minuts
timestamp vs datetimeDATETIME vs. INT(11)?
#1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails?
timestamp(14)Error: Too big precision 14 specified for 'time'. Maximum is 6.
timezoneHow to time sync MySQL with system time
timestamp column behavior
Curdate() returning one day old date
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 12: Table 'mysql.time_zone_name' doesn't exist
Mysql ADDTIME can it do this ? Daylight savings time issue
converting timezone for data in specific table
TIMESTAMPADD and Daylight Savings Time issue???
Probable timezone problems: can anyone confirm and offer a solution?
timezone tablesconvert_tz giving null even after updating time zone files
time_zone_idCONVERT_TZ time_zone_id reliable?
tinyOracle CLOB in MySQL?
tmphow to solve this complex query
question about create a table
/tmp folder getting filled with #sqlXXX.MYI and #sqlXXX.MYD files
tmp tablesOptimising max_heap_table_size & tmp_table_size
tmpdirERROR 126 (HY000): Incorrect key file for table
tmp_table_sizeChanging tmpdir causes InnoDB to break
top nTop n Scores
Selecting max for each day
topn[SQL] Left join order
Select N per Value
touchPoor Performance with tables over 1Million entries
transactionTransaction/Locking Question
transaction rollbackmysql innodb transaction concurrency
transactionalwhat is transactiona and non transactional table in mysql?
transcoded columnspecific collation issue
transcriptionChecking for exact match in row
transposeQuery Slowness
treeMulti Level Sorting - Queries Question
Modifed Preorder Tree Transversal Child Roll Up (including grandchildren)
Building a widget/graph from mysql view
tree walkHow to transform NESTED SETS to XML?
triggerTrigger Replication is not same as in the documentation
Delete record with backup
trigger exampleMysql
Date check on insert.
trigger limitationsTriggers & sProcs
triple masterMulti master problem
trxlimitation on request per second
tuningMySQL Performance Tuning on my server
High CPU use (spikes) and Page Faults in VM
MySQL Performance Tuning Help
Optimal Mysql Configuration (my.cnf)
tv listingWhat Method is Best
typosStrange results when doing a Fuzzy comparison of two email addresses with the match/against function
unionPaging on Union queries
N-to-N Model: Table Size vs Complexity
Opinions on this schema please =)
Slow query - help me optimize ?
INNO DB performance problems with temporary tables
join in union
Poor performance with an "OR"
Rewrite Full Outer Join into Subquery
uniqueQuestion related to unique key
updatePerforming multiple updates and selects
update subselectcalculating total products in each category
upgradeUpgrade from 5.0 to 5.1
Can replicating between versions cause crashed tables?
Moving Mysql to a new server
replication from 4.1 to 5.5 and character set change
upgrade dual masterMaster Master Replication Upgrade from 5.0 to 5.5
upgrade via dumpbotched data post-upgrade
userMySQL users question
Why doesn't root get full privileges?
Revoke privileges from user issue!
using indexInnoDB CPU Spikes
using index for group-byIndex optimized left join with group by
utf8utf8 inputs store as html entities, how to retrievesubstr of utf8 inputs?
Mixed encoded DB Latin1 & UTF8
Re: Korean characters displaying as ???
Storing UTF-8 strings in MySQL Database
Character encodings issues with php, mysql, apache
load data character set question
Problem with Batch Import
what is the step to convert a db from latin1 to UTF8
UTF-8 problem
Require suggestion for changing character set in Master master replication setup
Storing Hebrew strings Ok, but gibberish when pulling data on another server
Migrating from latin1 to utf-8
problems with charset
replication from 4.1 to 5.5 and character set change
Windows: problem with unicode after update
utf8 bomProper display of special latin1 characters in Powershell / MySql client ?
utf8mb4Arabic text in mysql Varchar row
Charset and Collation Question
uuidUUID as a primary key
utf-8 uuid varbinary
varcharInnoDB log group capacity error
Join Statement with math operation
varchar indexmysql search performance
varchar vs tinytextVARCHAR vs. TEXT - some performance numbers
varchar(255)Outfile Using too much disk space
varianceWhat is the SQL equvalance to VARIANCE
vb6 textHow to store long string from VB6 to MySQL database
version diffsSimple performance question - differs on 2 computers
version incompatibilityNeed advice to Setup replication server (INNODB)
vertical partitionJOIN vs Denormalize table vs Vertical partition
JOIN, LIMIT, ORDER performance problems
Error while creating the table in InnoDB
Cascading deletes
vertical partitioningRAM requirements- new server
Partition by threadid or postid?
viewuse index on a view
view charsetDatabase migration failing.
viewsView insertion failing
Can we expect an enhancement for derived table merge optimization?
vistaperl script hangs on query with where clause
wait_timeouthow much time can i set in wait_timeout in mysql(wait_timeout variable)
Performance Issues - errno 12 on MySQL5.0.45/Windows Server 2003
MySQL 5.1.36 on FreeBSD 7.2 amd64/i386 not honoring wait_timeout
MySQL Timeout
Does a too many connections error always really mean it?
Close conections
Can the use of Ephemeral ports be disabled?
webMysql RAM
whereProblem with search when add BETWEEN to query
whereswrite trim into INSERT and SELECT Queries
Not working in MYSQL5.1
wide rowsInnodb with HUGE row of varchar(500)s
widthDisplay Width Clarification (numeric data types)
windows data dirWhere in the harddisk?
Where are the databases?
word boundaryhelp in select ... where ...like...
wordpressget info about a mysql call
world dbonline sample database to test MySqL queries against?
wrap around tablecombine this 2 simple querys into 1 query for performance.
combine this 2 simple querys into 1 query for performance.
wrong indexsimple uses of order by datetime keep causing 'using filesort'
x8 CPU Cores.....only 1 or 2 being used at the same time...
xssTwo usefull functions(XSS/SQL injection).
Text box security
Assistance with securing input
yashinori matsunobuDisaster Recovery with master-master replication
zerofillDisplay Width Clarification (numeric data types)
search for query that result one random url from domain






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