



pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

contract Dice2Win {

/// Constants

// Chance to win jackpot - currently 0.1%
uint256 constant JACKPOT_MODULO = 1000;

// Each bet is deducted 2% amount - 1% is house edge, 1% goes to jackpot fund.
uint256 constant HOUSE_EDGE_PERCENT = 2;
uint256 constant JACKPOT_FEE_PERCENT = 50;

// Minimum supported bet is 0.02 ETH, made possible by optimizing gas costs
// compared to our competitors.
uint256 constant MIN_BET = 0.02 ether;

// Only bets higher that 0.1 ETH have a chance to win jackpot.
uint256 constant MIN_JACKPOT_BET = 0.1 ether;

// Random number generation is provided by the hashes of future blocks.
// Two blocks is a good compromise between responsive gameplay and safety from miner attacks.
uint256 constant BLOCK_DELAY = 2;

// Bets made more than 100 blocks ago are considered failed - this has to do
// with EVM limitations on block hashes that are queryable. Settlement failure
// is most probably due to croupier bot failure, if you ever end in this situation
// ask dice2.win support for a refund!
uint256 constant BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS = 100;

/// Contract storage.

// Changing ownership of the contract safely
address public owner;
address public nextOwner;

// Max bet limits for coin toss/single dice and double dice respectively.
// Setting these values to zero effectively disables the respective games.
uint256 public maxBetCoinDice;
uint256 public maxBetDoubleDice;

// Current jackpot size.
uint128 public jackpotSize;

// Amount locked in ongoing bets - this is to be sure that we do not commit to bets
// that we cannot fulfill in case of win.
uint128 public lockedInBets;

/// Enum representing games

enum GameId {


uint256 constant MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER = 2 ** 56;
uint256 constant MAX_BET_MASK = 2 ** 64;
uint256 constant MAX_AMOUNT = 2 ** 128;

// Struct is tightly packed into a single 256-bit by Solidity compiler.
// This is made to reduce gas costs of placing & settlement transactions.
struct ActiveBet {
    // A game that was played.
    GameId gameId;
    // Block number in which bet transaction was mined.
    uint56 placeBlockNumber;
    // A binary mask with 1 for each option.
    // For example, if you play dice, the mask ranges from 000001 in binary (betting on one)
    // to 111111 in binary (betting on all dice outcomes at once).
    uint64 mask;
    // Bet amount in wei.
    uint128 amount;

mapping (address => ActiveBet) activeBets;

// Events that are issued to make statistic recovery easier.
event FailedPayment(address indexed _beneficiary, uint256 amount);
event Payment(address indexed _beneficiary, uint256 amount);
event JackpotPayment(address indexed _beneficiary, uint256 amount);

/// Contract governance.

constructor () public {
    owner = msg.sender;
    // all fields are automatically initialized to zero, which is just what's needed.

modifier onlyOwner {
    require (msg.sender == owner);

// This is pretty standard ownership change routine.

function approveNextOwner(address _nextOwner) public onlyOwner {
    require (_nextOwner != owner);
    nextOwner = _nextOwner;

function acceptNextOwner() public {
    require (msg.sender == nextOwner);
    owner = nextOwner;

// Contract may be destroyed only when there are no ongoing bets,
// either settled or refunded. All funds are transferred to contract owner.

function kill() public onlyOwner {
    require (lockedInBets == 0);

// Fallback function deliberately left empty. It's primary use case
// is to top up the bank roll.
function () public payable {

// Helper routines to alter the respective max bet limits.
function changeMaxBetCoinDice(uint256 newMaxBetCoinDice) public onlyOwner {
    maxBetCoinDice = newMaxBetCoinDice;

function changeMaxBetDoubleDice(uint256 newMaxBetDoubleDice) public onlyOwner {
    maxBetDoubleDice = newMaxBetDoubleDice;

// Ability to top up jackpot faster than it's natural growth by house fees.
function increaseJackpot(uint256 increaseAmount) public onlyOwner {
    require (increaseAmount <= address(this).balance);
    require (jackpotSize + lockedInBets + increaseAmount <= address(this).balance);
    jackpotSize += uint128(increaseAmount);

// Funds withdrawal to cover costs of dice2.win operation.
function withdrawFunds(address beneficiary, uint256 withdrawAmount) public onlyOwner {
    require (withdrawAmount <= address(this).balance);
    require (jackpotSize + lockedInBets + withdrawAmount <= address(this).balance);
    sendFunds(beneficiary, withdrawAmount, withdrawAmount);

/// Betting logic

// Bet transaction - issued by player. Contains the desired game id and betting options
// mask. Wager is the value in ether attached to the transaction.
function placeBet(GameId gameId, uint256 betMask) public payable {
    // Check that there is no ongoing bet already - we support one game at a time
    // from single address.
    ActiveBet storage bet = activeBets[msg.sender];
    require (bet.amount == 0);

    // Check that the values passed fit into respective limits.
    require (gameId < GameId.MaxGameId);
    require (msg.value >= MIN_BET && msg.value <= getMaxBet(gameId));
    require (betMask < MAX_BET_MASK);

    // Determine roll parameters.
    uint256 rollModulo = getRollModulo(gameId);
    uint256 rollUnder = getRollUnder(rollModulo, betMask);

    // Check whether contract has enough funds to process this bet.
    uint256 reservedAmount = getDiceWinAmount(msg.value, rollModulo, rollUnder);
    uint256 jackpotFee = getJackpotFee(msg.value);
    require (jackpotSize + lockedInBets + reservedAmount + jackpotFee <= address(this).balance);

    // Update reserved amounts.
    lockedInBets += uint128(reservedAmount);
    jackpotSize += uint128(jackpotFee);

    // Store the bet parameters on blockchain.
    bet.gameId = gameId;
    bet.placeBlockNumber = uint56(block.number);
    bet.mask = uint64(betMask);
    bet.amount = uint128(msg.value);

// Settlement transaction - can be issued by anyone, but is designed to be handled by the
// dice2.win croupier bot. However nothing prevents you from issuing it yourself, or anyone
// issuing the settlement transaction on your behalf - that does not affect the bet outcome and
// is in fact encouraged in the case the croupier bot malfunctions.
function settleBet(address gambler) public {
    // Check that there is already a bet for this gambler.
    ActiveBet storage bet = activeBets[gambler];
    require (bet.amount != 0);

    // Check that the bet is neither too early nor too late.
    require (block.number > bet.placeBlockNumber + BLOCK_DELAY);
    require (block.number <= bet.placeBlockNumber + BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS);

    // The RNG - use hash of the block that is unknown at the time of placing the bet,
    // SHA3 it with gambler address. The latter step is required to make the outcomes of
    // different settlement transactions mined into the same block different.
    bytes32 entropy = keccak256(gambler, blockhash(bet.placeBlockNumber + BLOCK_DELAY));

    uint256 diceWin = 0;
    uint256 jackpotWin = 0;

    // Determine roll parameters, do a roll by taking a modulo of entropy.
    uint256 rollModulo = getRollModulo(bet.gameId);
    uint256 dice = uint256(entropy) % rollModulo;

    uint256 rollUnder = getRollUnder(rollModulo, bet.mask);
    uint256 diceWinAmount = getDiceWinAmount(bet.amount, rollModulo, rollUnder);

    // Check the roll result against the bet bit mask.
    if ((2 ** dice) & bet.mask != 0) {
        diceWin = diceWinAmount;

    // Unlock the bet amount, regardless of the outcome.
    lockedInBets -= uint128(diceWinAmount);

    // Roll for a jackpot (if eligible).
    if (bet.amount >= MIN_JACKPOT_BET) {
        // The second modulo, statistically independent from the "main" dice roll.
        // Effectively you are playing two games at once!
        uint256 jackpotRng = (uint256(entropy) / rollModulo) % JACKPOT_MODULO;

        // Bingo!
        if (jackpotRng == 0) {
            jackpotWin = jackpotSize;
            jackpotSize = 0;

    // Remove the processed bet from blockchain storage.
    delete activeBets[gambler];

    // Tally up the win.
    uint256 totalWin = diceWin + jackpotWin;

    if (totalWin == 0) {
        totalWin = 1 wei;

    if (jackpotWin > 0) {
        emit JackpotPayment(gambler, jackpotWin);

    // Send the funds to gambler.
    sendFunds(gambler, totalWin, diceWin);

// Refund transaction - return the bet amount of a roll that was not processed
// in due timeframe (100 Ethereum blocks). Processing such bets is not possible,
// because EVM does not have access to the hashes further than 256 blocks ago.
// Like settlement, this transaction may be issued by anyone, but if you ever
// find yourself in situation like this, just contact the dice2.win support!
function refundBet(address gambler) public {
    // Check that there is already a bet for this gambler.
    ActiveBet storage bet = activeBets[gambler];
    require (bet.amount != 0);

    // The bet should be indeed late.
    require (block.number > bet.placeBlockNumber + BET_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS);

    // Determine roll parameters to calculate correct amount of funds locked.
    uint256 rollModulo = getRollModulo(bet.gameId);
    uint256 rollUnder = getRollUnder(rollModulo, bet.mask);

    lockedInBets -= uint128(getDiceWinAmount(bet.amount, rollModulo, rollUnder));

    // Delete the bet from the blockchain.
    uint256 refundAmount = bet.amount;
    delete activeBets[gambler];

    // Refund the bet.
    sendFunds(gambler, refundAmount, refundAmount);

/// Helper routines.

// Number of bet options for specific game.
function getRollModulo(GameId gameId) pure private returns (uint256) {
    if (gameId == GameId.CoinFlip) {
        // Heads/tails
        return 2;

    } else if (gameId == GameId.SingleDice) {
        // One through six.
        return 6;

    } else if (gameId == GameId.DoubleDice) {
        // 6*6=36 possible outcomes.
        return 36;


// Max bet amount for a specific game.
function getMaxBet(GameId gameId) view private returns (uint256) {
    if (gameId == GameId.CoinFlip) {
        return maxBetCoinDice;

    } else if (gameId == GameId.SingleDice) {
        return maxBetCoinDice;

    } else if (gameId == GameId.DoubleDice) {
        return maxBetDoubleDice;


// Count 1 bits in the bet bit mask to find the total number of bet options
function getRollUnder(uint256 rollModulo, uint256 betMask) pure private returns (uint256) {
    uint256 rollUnder = 0;
    uint256 singleBitMask = 1;
    for (uint256 shift = 0; shift < rollModulo; shift++) {
        if (betMask & singleBitMask != 0) {

        singleBitMask *= 2;

    return rollUnder;

// Get the expected win amount after house edge is subtracted.
function getDiceWinAmount(uint256 amount, uint256 rollModulo, uint256 rollUnder) pure private
  returns (uint256) {
    require (0 < rollUnder && rollUnder <= rollModulo);
    return amount * rollModulo / rollUnder * (100 - HOUSE_EDGE_PERCENT) / 100;

// Get the portion of bet amount that is to be accumulated in the jackpot.
function getJackpotFee(uint256 amount) pure private returns (uint256) {
    return amount * HOUSE_EDGE_PERCENT / 100 * JACKPOT_FEE_PERCENT / 100;

// Helper routine to process the payment.
function sendFunds(address beneficiary, uint256 amount, uint256 successLogAmount) private {
    if (beneficiary.send(amount)) {
        emit Payment(beneficiary, successLogAmount);
    } else {
        emit FailedPayment(beneficiary, amount);







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