TMS320x2833x, 2823x Boot ROM,,SPI Boot固化源码

机制分析,通过配置GPIO87,GPIO86, GPIO85, GPIO84这几个引脚,DSP上电后决定进入哪个Boot模式(spisciiiccan等)。




2.20 SPI_BootFunction

The SPI loaderexpects an SPI-compatible 16-bit or 24-bit addressable serial EEPROM or serialflash

device to bepresent on the SPI-A pins as indicated in Figure 2-28. The SPI bootloadersupports an 8-bit

data stream. Itdoes not support a 16-bit data stream.



The SPI-A loaderuses following pins:





The SPI boot ROMloader initializes the SPI module to interface to a serial SPI EEPROM or flash.Devices

of this typeinclude, but are not limited to, the Xicor X25320 (4Kx8) and Xicor X25256(32Kx8) SPI serial

SPI EEPROMs andthe Atmel AT25F1024A serial flash.

The SPI boot ROMloader initializes the SPI with the following settings: FIFO enabled, 8-bitcharacter,

internal SPICLKmaster mode and talk mode, clock phase = 1, polarity = 0, using the slowestbaud rate.

If the download isto be performed from an SPI port on another device, then that device must besetup to

operate in theslave mode and mimic a serial SPI EEPROM. Immediately after entering theSPI_Boot

function, the pinfunctions for the SPI pins are set to primary and the SPI is initialized. Theinitialization is

done at theslowest speed possible. Once the SPI is initialized and the key value read, youcould specify a

change in baudrate or low speed peripheral clock


// TI File $Revision: /main/4 $

// Checkin $Date: July 2, 2007 16:41:42 $


//FILE: Shared_Boot.c

//TITLE: 2833x Boot loader shared functions


// void CopyData(void)

// Uint32 GetLongData(void)

// void ReadReservedFn(void)



// $TI Release: 2833x/2823x Boot ROM V2 $

// $Release Date: March 4, 2008 $


#include "DSP2833x_Device.h"

#include "TMS320x2833x_Boot.h"

// GetWordData is a pointer to the function that interfaces to the peripheral.

// Each loader assigns this pointer to it's particular GetWordData function.

uint16fptr GetWordData;

Uint16 BootMode;

// Function prototypes

Uint32 GetLongData();

void CopyData(void);

void ReadReservedFn(void);


// void CopyData(void)


// This routine copies multiple blocks of data from the host

// to the specified RAM locations. There is no error

// checking on any of the destination addresses.

// That is it is assumed all addresses and block size

// values are correct.

//Multiple blocks of data are copied until a block

// size of 00 00 is encountered.



void CopyData()


struct HEADER {

Uint16 BlockSize;

Uint32 DestAddr;

} BlockHeader;

Uint16 wordData;

Uint16 i;

// Get the size in words of the first block

BlockHeader.BlockSize = (*GetWordData)();

// While the block size is > 0 copy the data

// to the DestAddr. There is no error checking

// as it is assumed the DestAddr is a valid

// memory location

while(BlockHeader.BlockSize != (Uint16)0x0000)


BlockHeader.DestAddr = GetLongData();

for(i = 1; i <= BlockHeader.BlockSize; i++)


wordData = (*GetWordData)();

*(Uint16 *)BlockHeader.DestAddr++ = wordData;


// Get the size of the next block

BlockHeader.BlockSize = (*GetWordData)();





// Uint32 GetLongData(void)

//-----------------------------------------------------// This routine fetches a 32-bit value from the peripheral

// input stream.


Uint32 GetLongData()


Uint32 longData;

// Fetch the upper 1/2 of the 32-bit value

longData = ( (Uint32)(*GetWordData)() << 16);

// Fetch the lower 1/2 of the 32-bit value

longData |= (Uint32)(*GetWordData)();

return longData;



// void Read_ReservedFn(void)

//-------------------------------------------------// This function reads 8 reserved words in the header.

// None of these reserved words are used by the

// this boot loader at this time, they may be used in

// future devices for enhancements. Loaders that use

// these words use their own read function.


void ReadReservedFn()


Uint16 i;

// Read and discard the 8 reserved words.

for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++)






// TI File $Revision: /main/5 $

// Checkin $Date: May 8, 2007 12:28:35 $


//FILE: SPI_Boot.c

//TITLE: 2833x SPI Boot mode routines


//Uint32 SPI_Boot(void)

// inline void SPIA_Init(void)

// Uint16 SPIA_SetAddress_KeyChk(void)

// inline void SPIA_Transmit(u16 cmdData)

// inline void SPIA_ReservedFn(void);

// Uint32 SPIA_GetWordData(void)




// $TI Release: 2833x/2823x Boot ROM V2 $

// $Release Date: March 4, 2008 $


#include "DSP2833x_Device.h"

//SPRU963A – September 2007 – Revised August 2008 Bootloader Code Overview 79

//Submit Documentation Feedback

//Bootloader Code Listing (V2.0)

#include "TMS320x2833x_Boot.h"

// Private functions

inline void SPIA_Init(void);

inline Uint16 SPIA_Transmit(Uint16 cmdData);

inline void SPIA_ReservedFn(void);

Uint16 SPIA_GetWordData(void);

Uint16 SPIA_SetAddress_KeyChk(void);

// External functions

extern void CopyData(void);

Uint32 GetLongData(void);


// Uint32 SPI_Boot(void)

//--------------------------------------------// This module is the main SPI boot routine.

// It will load code via the SPI-A port.

// It will return a entry point address back

// to the ExitBoot routine.


Uint32 SPI_Boot()


Uint32 EntryAddr;

// Assign GetWordData to the SPI-A version of the

// function. GetWordData is a pointer to a function.

GetWordData = SPIA_GetWordData;

// 1. Init SPI-A and set

// EEPROM chip enable - low


// 2. Enable EEPROM and send EEPROM Read Command


// 3. Send Starting Address for Serial EEPROM (16-bit - 0x0000,0000)

// or Serial Flash (24-bit - 0x0000,0000,0000)

// Then check for 0x08AA data header, else go to flash

if(SPIA_SetAddress_KeyChk() != 0x08AA) 


// 4.Check for Clock speed change and reserved words


// 5. Get point of entry address after load

EntryAddr = GetLongData();

// 6. Receive and copy one or more code sections to destination addresses


// 7. Disable EEPROM chip enable - high

// Chip enable - high

GpioDataRegs.GPASET.bit.GPIO19 = 1;

return EntryAddr;



// Uint16 SPIA_SetAddress_KeyChk(void)

//-----------------------------------------------// This routine sends either a 16-bit address to

// Serial EEPROM or a 24-bit address to Serial

// FLASH. It then fetches the 2 bytes that make

// up the key value from the SPI-A port and

// puts them together to form a single

// 16-bit value. It is assumed that the host is

// sending the data in the form MSB:LSB.


Uint16 SPIA_SetAddress_KeyChk()


Uint16 keyValue;

// Transmit first byte of Serial Memory address


// Transmit second byte of Serial Memory address


// Transmit third byte of Serial Memory address (0x00) if using Serial Flash

// or receive first byte of key value if using Serial EEPROM.

keyValue = SPIA_Transmit(0x0000);

// If previously received LSB of key value (Serial EEPROM), then fetch MSB of key value

if (keyValue == 0x00AA)


keyValue |= (SPIA_Transmit(0x0000)<<8);




// Serial Flash is being used - keyValue will be received after 24-bit address in the next 2 bytes

// Fetch Key Value LSB (after 24-bit addressing)

keyValue = SPIA_Transmit(0x0000);

// Fetch Key Value MSB (after 24-bit addressing)

keyValue |= (SPIA_Transmit(0x0000)<<8);


return keyValue;



// void SPIA_Init(void)

//----------------------------------------------// Initialize the SPI-A port for communications

// with the host.


inline void SPIA_Init()


// Enable SPI-A clocks


SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SPIAENCLK = 1;

SysCtrlRegs.LOSPCP.all = 0x0002;

// Enable FIFO reset bit only


// 8-bit character

SpiaRegs.SPICCR.all = 0x0007;

// Use internal SPICLK master mode and Talk mode

SpiaRegs.SPICTL.all = 0x000E;

// Use the slowest baud rate

SpiaRegs.SPIBRR = 0x007f;

// Relinquish SPI-A from reset

SpiaRegs.SPICCR.all = 0x0087;


// Enable pull-ups on SPISIMO/SPISOMI/SPICLK/SPISTE pins

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO16 = 0;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO17 = 0;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO18 = 0;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO19 = 0;

GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.all &= 0xFFF0FFFF;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.bit.GPIO16 = 1;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.bit.GPIO17 = 1;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.bit.GPIO18 = 1;

GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.all |= 0x00000015;

// SPI-A pins are asynch

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAQSEL2.bit.GPIO16 = 3;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAQSEL2.bit.GPIO17 = 3;

// GpioCtrlRegs.GPAQSEL2.bit.GPIO18 = 3;

GpioCtrlRegs.GPAQSEL2.all |= 0x0000003F;

// IOPORT as output pin instead of SPISTE

GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.bit.GPIO19 = 0;

GpioCtrlRegs.GPADIR.bit.GPIO19 = 1;

// Chip enable - low

GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO19 = 1;





// Uint16 SPIA_Transmit(Uint16 cmdData)


// Send a byte/words through SPI transmit channel


inline Uint16 SPIA_Transmit(Uint16 cmdData)


Uint16 recvData;

// Send Read command/dummy word to EEPROM to fetch a byte

SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = cmdData;

while( (SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG) !=1);

// Clear SPIINT flag and capture received byte

recvData = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF;

return recvData;



// void SPIA_ReservedFn(void)


// This function reads 8 reserved words in the header.

// The first word has parameters for LOSPCP

// and SPIBRR register 0xMSB:LSB, LSB = is a three

// bit field for LOSPCP change MSB = is a 6bit field

// for SPIBRR register update

//If either byte is the default value of the register

// then no speed change occurs. The default values

// are LOSPCP = 0x02 and SPIBRR = 0x7F

// The remaining reserved words are read and discarded

// and then returns to the main routine.


inline void SPIA_ReservedFn()


Uint16 speedData;

Uint16 I;

// update LOSPCP register

speedData = SPIA_Transmit((Uint16)0x0000);


SysCtrlRegs.LOSPCP.all = speedData;


asm(" RPT #0x0F ||NOP");

// update SPIBRR register

speedData = SPIA_Transmit((Uint16)0x0000);

SpiaRegs.SPIBRR = speedData;

asm(" RPT #0x0F ||NOP");

// Read and discard the next 7 reserved words.

for(I = 1; I <= 7; I++)







// Uint16 SPIA_GetWordData(void)


// This routine fetches two bytes from the SPI-A

// port and puts them together to form a single

// 16-bit value. It is assumed that the host is

// sending the data in the form MSB:LSB.


Uint16 SPIA_GetWordData()


Uint16 wordData;

// Fetch the LSB

wordData = SPIA_Transmit(0x0000);

// Fetch the MSB

wordData |= (SPIA_Transmit(0x0000) << 8);

return wordData;


// T


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