Perl Examples


use 5.010
use warnings

# std out
print "hello world\n";

# variable interpolation
$barney="fred ate a $meal";
$barney='fred ate a '.$meal;

# std in

# chomp

# defined
if (defined($madonna)) {
print "the input is $madonna";

# array
$fred[-1]=="ijkmn"; # true

# list
qw(fred barney betty wilma);
qw! yahoo\! google ask msn !; # we can also use any other delimiter

# list assign
($fred, $barney)=qw(flintstone rubble slate granite); # ignore slate and granite
($wilma,$dino)=qw[filntstore]; # $dino will be undef
@rocks=qw(bedrock slate lava); # assign to whole list

# push and pop: set or get at the tail of the array
$fred=pop(@array); # $fred is 9 and @array is (5,6,7,8)
push(@array,0)	 # @array is (5,6,7,8,0)
@others=qw/ 9 8 7 8 /;
push @array @others # @array now get 4 new member

# shift and unshift: set or get the head of the array
@array=qw/ dino fred barney /;
$m=shift(@array) # $m is dino and @array is ("fred" "barney")
unshift(@array,"dino") # now @array is ("dino" "fred" "barney")

# splice target_list start_index splice_length replaced_with
@array=qw(pepples dino fred barney betty)
1-@removed=splice @array,2 # now @removed is qw(fred barney betty) and @array is qw(pepples dino)
2-@removed=splice @array,1,2 # now @removed is qw(dino fred) and @array is qw(pepples barney betty)
3-@removed=splice @array,1,2,qw(wilma) # replace dino and fred in array with wilma

# interpolate list 
$rocks=qw(flintstone slate rubble)
print "quartz @rocks limestone\n";
print "this is $rocks[2]\n";	
print "littlepretty881203\"; # yahoo is not a list

# foreach
1-foreach $rock (qw/ bedrock slate lava/){
print "one rock is $rock.\n"; 

2-@rocks=qw/bedrock slate lava/;
foreach $rock (@rocks){

# default variable $_
foreach (1..10){
print "count to $_\n";

# reverse
@fred=reverse @fred

# sort: according to char code order
@rocks=qw/ bedrock slate rubble granite/
@rocks=sort @rocks

# subprograme: call with &
sub sum{
sub larger {
  if ($fred>$barney) {

# argument of subprogram: @_ list
sub max {
  if ($_[0]>$_[1]) {

# lexical variable or private variable: my
sub max {
# check number of arguments
  if (@_!=2) {
    print "Warning! &max should get exactly two arguments\n"; 
  if ($m>$n) {
    $n; } # improved &max that take as many arguments as you give sub max {   my($max_so_far) = shift @_;   foreach(@_){     if ($_>$max_so_far) {       $max_so_far=$_;     }   }   $max_so_far; } # return sub which_element_is {   my($what, @array)=@_;   foreach (0..$#array){     if ($what eq $array[$_]) {       return $_;     }   }   -1; } my @names=qw/ fred barney betty dino wilma/; my $result=&which_element_is("dino",@names); # permanent variable: keep variable's value between subprograme's call sub running_sum { state $sum=0; state @numbers; foreach my $number (@_){   push @numbers,$number;   $sum+=$number; } say "the sum of (@numbers) is $sum"; } running_sum(5,6) # the sum of (5,6) is 11 running_sum(1..3) # the sum of (5,6,1,2,3) is 17 running_sum(4) # the sum of (5,6,1,2,3,4) is 21 # input and output # STDIN while (defined($_=<STDIN>)) { print "I saw $_"; } # diamond sign while (defined($line=<>)) { chomp(line); print "It was $line that I saw\n"; } # call parameter @ARGV # format STDOUT printf "hello, %s: your password expires in %d days!\n",$user,$days_to_die; # print array my @items=qw(wilma dino pepples); my $format="the items are: ". ("%10s\n"*@items) # copy %10s @itmes times printf $format, @items; # open file handler open CONFIG, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', 'dino'; # use file dino as input stream open BEDROCK '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $fred; # use file $fred as output sream, refresh open LOG, '>>:encoding(UTF-8)', &get_logfile_name(); # use file logfile as output, append # use file handler # close file handler close CONFIG; # die if (!open LOG,'>>',logfile) { die "cannot create logfile: $!"; # $! error explaination } # or use autodie # another printf: say my @array=qw(a b c d) say "@array"; # scalar variable file handle open my $rocks_fh,'<','rocks.txt' or die "could not open rocks.txt: $!\n"; while (<$rocks_fh>) { chomp($_); ... } # hash: $hash_name{'key_name'}=value; $family_name{'fred'}='flintstone'; $family_name{'barney'}='rubble'; # access hash %some_hash=('foo',35,'bar',12.4,2.5,'hello'); @array=%some_hash; # unwinding hash's keys and values into an array # reverse hash: exchange keys and values my %inverse_hash=reverse %any_hash # easy way to define a hash my %last_name=( fred=>'flintstone', dino=>undef, barney=>'rubble', betty=>'rubble', ); # hash functions my %hash=('a'=>1,'b'=>2,'c'=>3); my @k=keys %hash; my @v=values %hash; my $count=keys %hash; #number of keys in hash # each: return the pair of key and value while (($key, $value)=each %hash) { print "$key => $value"; } # process hash in key's order foreach $key (sort keys %hash) { $value=$hash{$key}; print "$key => $value"; } # exists: if exist some key if (exists $book{"dino"}) { ... } # delete the key and the value delete $books{$person}; # %ENV hash print "PATH is $ENV{PATH}\n"; # Regular expression: pattern # simple pattern: included with '/' and '/' $_="yabba dabba doo"; if (/abba/) { # will use $_ as default match argument print "Matched."; } # Unicode properties if (/p{Space}) { # if the character is whitespace } if (/p{Digit}) { # if the string has a digit } if (/P{Space}) { # if the character is NOT whitespace } # metacharacter . will match any a character # * will match 0 or more than 0 # any old junk: .*, which match any characters any times # + will match 1 or more than once # ? will match 1 or 0 # () will grouped serval characters # | will match if either side matches # [] create character set # \d: digit set # \s=[\f\t\n\r] # \h: horizonal whitespace, \v: vertical whitespace # \R: match \r \n in DOS or Unix # [^\d]=\D, Caption means not








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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


