android studio 错误记录 org.xwalk.core.XWalkView和webview标签




root@ponkan:/ # pm uninstall com.example.lyj.crosswalk
root@ponkan:/ # 
root@ponkan:/ # pm install /mnt/usb/sda1/crosswalk.apk
	pkg: /mnt/usb/sda1/crosswalk.apk
root@ponkan:/ # 
root@ponkan:/ # am start -n com.example.lyj.crosswalk/.MainActivity
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.example.lyj.crosswalk/.MainActivity }
[dvfs_boost] this client is not running
root@ponkan:/ # 
root@ponkan:/ # [dvfs_boost] this client is not running

root@ponkan:/ # 
root@ponkan:/ # logcat -c && logcat &   
[1] 2983
root@ponkan:/ # --------- beginning of main
01-01 08:00:57.727  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:00:58.034  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:00:58.336  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:00:58.646  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:00:58.948  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:00:59.250  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:00:59.552  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
pm uninstall com.example.lyj.crosswalk
01-01 08:00:59.854  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Read Data Length: 16
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] CPU Clock: 0
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage: 95
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage Type: 0
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Read): 20
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Orginal CPU Power: 880 mV
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x15)
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x18)
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x1B)
01-01 08:01:00.082  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x1C)
01-01 08:01:00.084  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Write Data Length: 8
01-01 08:01:00.084  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Write): 20
01-01 08:01:00.084  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Result: 0
01-01 08:01:00.156  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:00.361  2989  2989 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
01-01 08:01:00.365  2989  2989 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-01 08:01:00.422  2989  2993 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
01-01 08:01:00.460  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:00.531  2989  2989 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry
--------- beginning of system
01-01 08:01:00.536  1604  1624 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.example.lyj.crosswalk appid=10601 user=-1: uninstall pkg
01-01 08:01:00.601  1604  1638 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.example.lyj.crosswalk appid=10601 user=0: pkg removed
01-01 08:01:00.618  1604  1728 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
01-01 08:01:00.626  2837  3002 D Documents: Update found 7 roots in 4ms
01-01 08:01:00.640  2333  3003 D VoicemailCleanupService: Cleaning up data for package: com.example.lyj.crosswalk
01-01 08:01:00.655  2204  2204 D com.changhong.gdappstore: AppBroadcastReceiver--uninstalled app package:com.example.lyj.crosswalk
01-01 08:01:00.694  2406  2406 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:516 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:516 
01-01 08:01:00.707  1604  1604 I art     : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8277(833KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(161KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 6MB/10MB, paused 2.232ms total 99.538ms
01-01 08:01:00.708  1604  1638 I art     : WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 42.859ms for cause Explicit
01-01 08:01:00.720  2632  2632 W Launcher: setApplicationContext called twice!
01-01 08:01:00.731  1604  1604 D JobSchedulerService: Receieved: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED
01-01 08:01:00.731  1604  1604 D BackupManagerService: Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.example.lyj.crosswalk flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
01-01 08:01:00.762  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:00.763  2632  2656 W Launcher.Model: Nobody to tell about the new app.  Launcher is probably loading.
01-01 08:01:00.817  1604  1638 I art     : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4104(258KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 6MB/10MB, paused 1.685ms total 108.504ms
01-01 08:01:00.911  2989  2989 I art     : System.exit called, status: 0
01-01 08:01:00.912  2989  2989 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0.
root@ponkan:/ # 
root@ponkan:/ # pm install /mnt/usb/sda1/crosswalk.apk
01-01 08:01:01.063  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:01.365  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:01.372  3012  3012 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
01-01 08:01:01.377  3012  3012 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
01-01 08:01:01.423  3012  3015 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
01-01 08:01:01.533  3012  3012 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry
	pkg: /mnt/usb/sda1/crosswalk.apk
01-01 08:01:01.558  2813  2831 D DefContainer: Copying /mnt/usb/sda1/crosswalk.apk to base.apk
01-01 08:01:01.666  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:01.968  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:02.269  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:02.571  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:02.873  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:03.175  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:03.477  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:03.779  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Read Data Length: 16
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] CPU Clock: 0
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage: 103
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage Type: 0
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Read): 21
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Orginal CPU Power: 950 mV
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x1C)
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x1F)
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x22)
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x24)
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Write Data Length: 8
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Write): 21
01-01 08:01:03.792  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Result: 0
01-01 08:01:04.080  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:04.382  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:04.683  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:04.984  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:05.285  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:05.587  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:05.635  1604  1638 D PackageManager: Renaming /data/app/vmdl1401142026.tmp to /data/app/com.example.lyj.crosswalk-1
01-01 08:01:05.785  1604  1638 I PackageManager: Running dexopt on: /data/app/com.example.lyj.crosswalk-1/base.apk pkg=com.example.lyj.crosswalk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false
01-01 08:01:05.807  3030  3030 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
01-01 08:01:05.807  3030  3030 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --zip-fd=5 --zip-location=/data/app/com.example.lyj.crosswalk-1/base.apk --oat-fd=6 --oat-location=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@com.example.lyj.crosswalk-1@base.apk@classes.dex --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=div --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-none --swap-fd=7
01-01 08:01:05.888  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:06.189  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:06.491  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:06.793  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:07.094  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:07.291  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Read Data Length: 16
01-01 08:01:07.291  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] CPU Clock: 0
01-01 08:01:07.291  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage: 95
01-01 08:01:07.291  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage Type: 0
01-01 08:01:07.291  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Read): 22
01-01 08:01:07.291  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Orginal CPU Power: 1030 mV
01-01 08:01:07.291  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x24)
01-01 08:01:07.292  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x21)
01-01 08:01:07.292  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x1E)
01-01 08:01:07.292  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 950 mV (0x1C)
01-01 08:01:07.292  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Write Data Length: 8
01-01 08:01:07.292  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Write): 22
01-01 08:01:07.292  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Result: 0
01-01 08:01:07.396  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:07.541  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Read Data Length: 16
01-01 08:01:07.541  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] CPU Clock: 0
01-01 08:01:07.541  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage: 103
01-01 08:01:07.541  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Voltage Type: 0
01-01 08:01:07.541  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Read): 23
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Orginal CPU Power: 950 mV
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x1C)
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x1F)
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x22)
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Change to Voltage: 1030 mV (0x24)
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Write Data Length: 8
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Count (Write): 23
01-01 08:01:07.542  1155  1155 I MiSysSrv: [INFO] Data Exchange Result: 0
01-01 08:01:07.569  3030  3030 I dex2oat : Decided to run without swap.
01-01 08:01:07.698  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:07.831  3030  3034 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
01-01 08:01:07.999  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:08.195  3030  3036 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
01-01 08:01:08.196  3030  3030 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method int$MenuDropDownListView.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
01-01 08:01:08.301  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:08.602  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:08.904  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:09.205  2222  2387 I lc.vod.NetWork: ip address =
01-01 08:01:09.248  3030  3030 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 3.440s (threads: 4) arena alloc=0B java alloc=19MB native alloc=1321KB free=10MB
01-01 08:01:09.347  1604  1638 V BackupManagerService: restoreAtInstall pkg=com.example.lyj.crosswalk token=2 restoreSet=0
01-01 08:01:09.347  1604  1638 V BackupManagerService: Finishing install immediately
01-01 08:01:09.350  1604  1638 W Settings: Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
01-01 08:01:09.353  2837  3039 D Documents: Update found 7 roots in 1ms
01-01 08:01:09.358  1604  1728 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
01-01 08:01:09.364  1604  1604 D BackupManagerService: Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.example.lyj.crosswalk flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
01-01 08:01:09.366  1604  1604 W BackupManagerService: Removing schedule queue dupe of com.example.lyj.crosswalk
01-01 08:01:09.369  2204  2204 D com.changhong.gdappstore: AppBroadcastReceiver--installed packageName=package:com.example.lyj.crosswalk 
01-01 08:01:09.389  2632  2656 W Launcher.Model: Nobody to tell about the new app.  Launcher is probably loading.
Success01-01 08:01:09.424  1604  1638 I art     : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 32589(1853KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(718KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 6MB/10MB, paused 1.217ms total 70.264ms

01-01 08:01:09.425  3012  3012 I art     : System.exit called, status: 0
01-01 08:01:09.425  3012  3012 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0.
root@ponkan:/ # 







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