java 音频变调_java使用Sonic 算法对音频变速不变声、变调、调整音量

/*Sonic library

Copyright 2010, 2011

Bill Cox

This file is part of the Sonic Library.

This file is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.*/

public classSonic {private static final int SONIC_MIN_PITCH = 65;private static final int SONIC_MAX_PITCH = 400;//This is used to down-sample some inputs to improve speed

private static final int SONIC_AMDF_FREQ = 4000;//The number of points to use in the sinc FIR filter for resampling.

private static final int SINC_FILTER_POINTS = 12;private static final int SINC_TABLE_SIZE = 601;//Lookup table for windowed sinc function of SINC_FILTER_POINTS points.

private static final short sincTable[] ={0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -4, -6, -7, -9, -10, -12, -14,-17, -19, -21, -24, -26, -29, -32, -34, -37, -40, -42, -44, -47, -48, -50,-51, -52, -53, -53, -53, -52, -50, -48, -46, -43, -39, -34, -29, -22, -16,-8, 0, 9, 19, 29, 41, 53, 65, 79, 92, 107, 121, 137, 152, 168, 184, 200,215, 231, 247, 262, 276, 291, 304, 317, 328, 339, 348, 357, 363, 369, 372,374, 375, 373, 369, 363, 355, 345, 332, 318, 300, 281, 259, 234, 208, 178,147, 113, 77, 39, 0, -41, -85, -130, -177, -225, -274, -324, -375, -426,-478, -530, -581, -632, -682, -731, -779, -825, -870, -912, -951, -989,-1023, -1053, -1080, -1104, -1123, -1138, -1149, -1154, -1155, -1151,-1141, -1125, -1105, -1078, -1046, -1007, -963, -913, -857, -796, -728,-655, -576, -492, -403, -309, -210, -107, 0, 111, 225, 342, 462, 584, 708,833, 958, 1084, 1209, 1333, 1455, 1575, 1693, 1807, 1916, 2022, 2122, 2216,2304, 2384, 2457, 2522, 2579, 2625, 2663, 2689, 2706, 2711, 2705, 2687,2657, 2614, 2559, 2491, 2411, 2317, 2211, 2092, 1960, 1815, 1658, 1489,1308, 1115, 912, 698, 474, 241, 0, -249, -506, -769, -1037, -1310, -1586,-1864, -2144, -2424, -2703, -2980, -3254, -3523, -3787, -4043, -4291,-4529, -4757, -4972, -5174, -5360, -5531, -5685, -5819, -5935, -6029,-6101, -6150, -6175, -6175, -6149, -6096, -6015, -5905, -5767, -5599,-5401, -5172, -4912, -4621, -4298, -3944, -3558, -3141, -2693, -2214,-1705, -1166, -597, 0, 625, 1277, 1955, 2658, 3386, 4135, 4906, 5697, 6506,7332, 8173, 9027, 9893, 10769, 11654, 12544, 13439, 14335, 15232, 16128,17019, 17904, 18782, 19649, 20504, 21345, 22170, 22977, 23763, 24527,25268, 25982, 26669, 27327, 27953, 28547, 29107, 29632, 30119, 30569,30979, 31349, 31678, 31964, 32208, 32408, 32565, 32677, 32744, 32767,32744, 32677, 32565, 32408, 32208, 31964, 31678, 31349, 30979, 30569,30119, 29632, 29107, 28547, 27953, 27327, 26669, 25982, 25268, 24527,23763, 22977, 22170, 21345, 20504, 19649, 18782, 17904, 17019, 16128,15232, 14335, 13439, 12544, 11654, 10769, 9893, 9027, 8173, 7332, 6506,5697, 4906, 4135, 3386, 2658, 1955, 1277, 625, 0, -597, -1166, -1705,-2214, -2693, -3141, -3558, -3944, -4298, -4621, -4912, -5172, -5401,-5599, -5767, -5905, -6015, -6096, -6149, -6175, -6175, -6150, -6101,-6029, -5935, -5819, -5685, -5531, -5360, -5174, -4972, -4757, -4529,-4291, -4043, -3787, -3523, -3254, -2980, -2703, -2424, -2144, -1864,-1586, -1310, -1037, -769, -506, -249, 0, 241, 474, 698, 912, 1115, 1308,1489, 1658, 1815, 1960, 2092, 2211, 2317, 2411, 2491, 2559, 2614, 2657,2687, 2705, 2711, 2706, 2689, 2663, 2625, 2579, 2522, 2457, 2384, 2304,2216, 2122, 2022, 1916, 1807, 1693, 1575, 1455, 1333, 1209, 1084, 958, 833,708, 584, 462, 342, 225, 111, 0, -107, -210, -309, -403, -492, -576, -655,-728, -796, -857, -913, -963, -1007, -1046, -1078, -1105, -1125, -1141,-1151, -1155, -1154, -1149, -1138, -1123, -1104, -1080, -1053, -1023, -989,-951, -912, -870, -825, -779, -731, -682, -632, -581, -530, -478, -426,-375, -324, -274, -225, -177, -130, -85, -41, 0, 39, 77, 113, 147, 178,208, 234, 259, 281, 300, 318, 332, 345, 355, 363, 369, 373, 375, 374, 372,369, 363, 357, 348, 339, 328, 317, 304, 291, 276, 262, 247, 231, 215, 200,184, 168, 152, 137, 121, 107, 92, 79, 65, 53, 41, 29, 19, 9, 0, -8, -16,-22, -29, -34, -39, -43, -46, -48, -50, -52, -53, -53, -53, -52, -51, -50,-48, -47, -44, -42, -40, -37, -34, -32, -29, -26, -24, -21, -19, -17, -14,-12, -10, -9, -7, -6, -4, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};private shortinputBuffer[];private shortoutputBuffer[];private shortpitchBuffer[];private shortdownSampleBuffer[];private floatspeed;private floatvolume;private floatpitch;private floatrate;private intoldRatePosition;private intnewRatePosition;private booleanuseChordPitch;private intquality;private intnumChannels;private intinputBufferSize;private intpitchBufferSize;private intoutputBufferSize;private intnumInputSamples;private intnumOutputSamples;private intnumPitchSamples;private intminPeriod;private intmaxPeriod;private intmaxRequired;private intremainingInputToCopy;private intsampleRate;private intprevPeriod;private intprevMinDiff;private intminDiff;private intmaxDiff;//Resize the array.

private short[] resize(short[] oldArray,intnewLength)


newLength*=numChannels;short[] newArray = new short[newLength];int length = oldArray.length <= newLength?oldArray.length : newLength;

System.arraycopy(oldArray,0, newArray, 0, length);returnnewArray;

}//Move samples from one array to another. May move samples down within an array, but not up.

private voidmove(shortdest[],intdestPos,shortsource[],intsourcePos,intnumSamples)


System.arraycopy(source, sourcePos*numChannels, dest, destPos*numChannels, numSamples*numChannels);

}//Scale the samples by the factor.

private voidscaleSamples(shortsamples[],intposition,intnumSamples,floatvolume)

{int fixedPointVolume = (int)(volume*4096.0f);int start = position*numChannels;int stop = start + numSamples*numChannels;for(int xSample = start; xSample < stop; xSample++) {int value = (samples[xSample]*fixedPointVolume) >> 12;if(value > 32767) {

value= 32767;

}else if(value < -32767) {

value= -32767;


samples[xSample]= (short)value;


}//Get the speed of the stream.

public floatgetSpeed()


}//Set the speed of the stream.

public voidsetSpeed(floatspeed)

{this.speed =speed;

}//Get the pitch of the stream.

public floatgetPitch()


}//Set the pitch of the stream.

public voidsetPitch(floatpitch)

{this.pitch =pitch;

}//Get the rate of the stream.

public floatgetRate()


}//Set the playback rate of the stream. This scales pitch and speed at the same time.

public voidsetRate(floatrate)

{this.rate =rate;this.oldRatePosition = 0;this.newRatePosition = 0;

}//Get the vocal chord pitch setting.

public booleangetChordPitch()


}//Set the vocal chord mode for pitch computation. Default is off.

public voidsetChordPitch(booleanuseChordPitch)

{this.useChordPitch =u

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