Technical Debt Quadrant 技术债象限

14 October 2009                 Martin Fowler

There's been a few posts over the last couple of months about TechnicalDebt that's raised the question of what kinds of design flaws should or shouldn't be classified as Technical Debt.
A good example of this is Uncle Bob's post saying a mess is not a debt. His argument is that messy code, produced by people who are ignorant of good design practices, shouldn't be a debt. Technical Debt should be reserved for cases when people have made a considered decision to adopt a design strategy that isn't sustainable in the longer term, but yields a short term benefit, such as making a release. The point is that the debt yields value sooner, but needs to be paid off as soon as possible.
一个很好的例子是Bob大叔的这篇“a mess is not a debt”的帖子。他的论调是那些对良好设计实践无知的人编写的腐坏的代码不应该是技术债。技术债应当是为了用于这样的情况的:人们为了一个获得一个短期的收益,如一次发布,经过慎重考虑而采取的不适用于长期存在的一个设计策略。重点是债务快速产生了价值,但是需要尽快偿还掉。
To my mind, the question of whether a design flaw is or isn't debt is the wrong question. Technical Debt is a metaphor, so the real question is whether or not the debt metaphor is helpful about thinking about how to deal with design problems, and how to communicate that thinking. A particular benefit of the debt metaphor is that it's very handy for communicating to non-technical people.
I think that the debt metaphor works well in both cases - the difference is in nature of the debt. A mess is a reckless debt which results in crippling interest payments or a long period of paying down the principal. We have a few projects where we've taken over a code base with a high debt and found the metaphor very useful in discussing with client management how to deal with it.
The debt metaphor reminds us about the choices we can make with design flaws. The prudent debt to reach a release may not be worth paying down if the interest payments are sufficiently small - such as if it were in a rarely touched part of the code-base.
So the useful distinction isn't between debt or non-debt, but between prudent and reckless debt.
There's another interesting distinction in the example I just outlined. Not just is there a difference between prudent and reckless debt, there's also a difference between deliberate and inadvertent debt. The prudent debt example is deliberate because the team knows they are taking on a debt, and thus puts some thought as to whether the payoff for an earlier release is greater than the costs of paying it off. A team ignorant of design practices is taking on its reckless debt without even realizing how much hock it's getting into.
Reckless debt may not be inadvertent. A team may know about good design practices, even be capable of practicing them, but decide to go "quick and dirty" because they think they can't afford the time required to write clean code. I agree with Uncle Bob that this is usually a reckless debt, because people underestimate where the DesignPayoffLine is. The whole point of good design and clean code is to make you go faster - if it didn't people like Uncle Bob, Kent Beck, and Ward Cunningham wouldn't be spending time talking about it.
草率的技术债可能不是无意造成的。一个团队也许知道良好的设计实践,甚至有能力去实践它们,但是却决定“快而烂”的干,因为她们支付不起编写整洁的代码所需要花费的时间。草率的技术债通常是因为人们对设计偿还期限的估计不足,在这点上我同意Bob大叔。良好设计和整洁代码的全部要点是让你走的更快。如果不是这样,像Bob大叔,Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham这些人就不会花时间去讨论它了。
Dividing debt into reckless/prudent and deliberate/inadvertent implies a quadrant, and I've only discussed three cells. So is there such a thing as prudent-inadvertent debt? Although such a thing sounds odd, I believe that it is - and it's not just common but inevitable for teams that are excellent designers.
I was chatting with a colleague recently about a project he'd just rolled off from. The project that delivered valuable software, the client was happy, and the code was clean. But he wasn't happy with the code. He felt the team had done a good job, but now they realize what the design ought to have been.
I hear this all the time from the best developers. The point is that while you're programming, you are learning. It's often the case that it can take a year of programming on a project before you understand what the best design approach should have been. Perhaps one should plan projects to spend a year building a system that you throw away and rebuild, as Fred Brooks suggested, but that's a tricky plan to sell. Instead what you find is that the moment you realize what the design should have been, you also realize that you have an inadvertent debt. This is the kind of debt that Ward talked about in his video.
我常常从最优秀的开发人员那听到这个。重点是当你在编程序,你在学习。情况往往是在你理解最好的设计方案应该是什么时,你已经在项目上编了1年的代码。也许人们应该这样规划项目,花一年的时间搭建一个系统后扔掉燃火重新搭建,就像Fred Brooks建议的那样,但是这个棘手的方案卖不出去。在你发现在你意识到设计应该是怎样时,你也意识到了你有了一个无意的技术债。这就是Ward在他的视频中提到的。
The decision of paying the interest versus paying down the principal still applies, so the metaphor is still helpful for this case. However a problem with using the debt metaphor for this is that I can't conceive of a parallel with taking on a prudent-inadvertent financial debt. As a result I would think it would be difficult to explain to managers why this debt appeared. My view is this kind of debt is inevitable and thus should be expected. Even the best teams will have debt to deal with as a project goes on - even more reason not to recklessly overload it with crummy code.


技术务管理的未来将变得更加重要和挑战性。随着技术的迅速发展和应用的广泛,技术务已成为许多组织面临的现实问题。未来,管理技术务将需要针对不同组织和行业的需求,采用更加灵活和定制化的方法。 一方面,技术务管理将需要更加全面和系统化的方法。这将包括更多的自动化和工具支持,以加快识别和解决潜在的技术务问题。自动化测试、持续集成和部署等工具和方法将发挥更重要的作用,帮助追踪和管理技术务的积累。 另一方面,技术务管理也需要与业务目标和战略紧密结合。更进一步,技术务管理需要成为组织文化的一部分,得到高层管理层的积极支持和推动。这将需要跨部门的合作和协同,以确保技术务管理的有效实施和持续改进。 未来,技术务管理还将越来越强调长期规划和预见性。随着技术的不断演进,现有技术的更新和替代周期可能会进一步缩短。因此,组织需要提前规划技术转型和升级,以减少技术务的积累和影响。 最后,技术务管理还将受到数据驱动决策的影响。随着大数据和人工智能的快速发展,组织将能够更好地收集、分析和理解技术务的数据。这将有助于更准确地评估和衡量技术务的成本和风险,从而制定更有效的管理策略。 总而言之,未来的技术务管理将面临更大的挑战和机遇。通过采用全面系统化的方法、与业务目标紧密结合、长期规划和预见性以及数据驱动决策,组织将能够更好地管理和减少技术务,保持技术的持续创新和竞争力。




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