HTML5的nobr,Supported HTML

HTML Tagsa

Specifies a hyperlink or a page anchor.Syntax ... DiscussionWhen the href attribute is used with the a element, the text or image enclosed by the element becomes a hyperlink, linked to the URL specified by URL. When the name attribute is used, the element becomes an anchor that can be linked to by a hyperlink.abbr

Specifies an abbreviated form of a string. Use abbr instead of acronym.Syntax abbrev DiscussionIn Safari, the string specified by abbr is displayed onscreen while the content of fullstring is revealed in help element form by holding the mouse over the abbreviated value. This element is also useful for applications that read the underlying HTML code of a page, such as screen readers. Use abbr instead of acronym.acronym

Obsolete. Specifies the acronym form of a string. Use abbr instead.DiscussionThe acronym element behavior was identical to the behavior of the abbr element.AvailabilityThe acronym element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.address

Specifies a street address.Syntax

DiscussionThe address element specifies a street address. The address enclosed within the element is italicized. Line breaks (such as ones between a street address and a city/state/zip) are not automatically inserted.applet

Obsolete. Embeds a Java applet within a page. Use embed or object instead.DiscussionThe applet is displayed at the location of the element in the page. The location of the applet is given by the URL specified by an archive parameter.AvailabilityThe applet element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.area

Specifies a specific area within an image map.SyntaxDiscussionThe area element defines discrete areas within an image map (defined by an enclosing map element). The area defined by this element acts as a hyperlink, linked to the URL specified by URL, bounding shape specified by shape, and coordinates specified by coords.article

Specifies an independent section of a page.DiscussionUse article instead of div to contain a forum post, newspaper article, or blog entry. An article may be nested inside another article element.aside

Specifies a section of a page that is tangentially related to the surrounding content.DiscussionThe aside element can indicate parenthetical content like pull quotes or

Embeds audio into a webpage.Syntax







controls="true" >DiscussionThe audio element might contain fallback content for browsers that do not support this element. Any content enclosed within the audio element is ignored by browsers that support the audio element (but it must be valid HTML).

The audio element supports inclusion of source elements to provide multiple versions of an audio clip encoded with different codecs, at different bit rates, and so on. These source elements must be the first elements inside the audio element before any fallback content. See source for more information.b

Displays text in a bold style.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed in the bold style, but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Consider using em to add emphasis and strong to indicate importance before choosing b. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.base

Defines the base URL for all linked objects on a page.SyntaxDiscussionThe URL specified by href acts as the base URL for any relatively linked object—such as an image, hyperlink, or Java applet—on the page. If a URL is specified absolutely (with a fully qualified URL), it is not affected by this element. The base element must be placed in the head section of a page.basefont

Obsolete. Specifies the base font for a page. Use CSS styling instead.DiscussionThe font is used as the default font for the page unless otherwise specified. The font is specified by face, its size is specified by size, and its color is specified by color. These attributes and their various options are defined in basefont.AvailabilityThe basefont element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.bdi

Specifies text that may be displayed in a unique direction.Syntax

English content and Arabic content

DiscussionUse bdi when the directional display of the text is unknown. Unlike bdo elements, bdi elements are not automatically displayed in a unique direction. Seebdo

Displays text in a different direction.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed left to right if dir is set to ltr; it is displayed right-to-left if it is set to rtl. Seebig

Obsolete. Displays text in a large size. Use CSS styling instead.DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed in a larger size but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.AvailabilityThe big element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.blockquote

Displays text in an indented quotation style.Syntax

DiscussionThe text specified by content is indented (on both sides of the text block), but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.body

Defines the entirety of the document body.Syntax

content DiscussionThe content specified by content comprises most of the content of the

Represents a single line break.Syntax
DiscussionLayout should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.button

Defines an interactive button on a page.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed within the frame of the button. This differs from the button input type in that you can specify content within the button element.canvas

Specifies an advanced drawing region.SyntaxDiscussionThe canvas element specifies the location of an advanced drawing region. The canvas element supports the same attributes as the img element with the exception of the src attribute, which is ignored for the canvas element. You can specify any of the other attributes you would normally specify for an image. The identifier specified by id is required for Dashboard widgets, as are the height and width specified by height and width, respectively.


Defines a caption for an HTML table.Syntax

content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed as a caption for the table in which the caption is

Deprecated. Defines a region of content to be centered. Use CSS styling instead.DiscussionThe content wrapped by the center element is centered within its enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.AvailabilityThe center element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.cite

Specifies a citation.Syntax content DiscussionThe cite element specifies a citation. The text enclosed within the element is italicized.code

Specifies text as computer code.Syntax content DiscussionThe code element specifies a block of code. The text enclosed within the element uses a "teletype" monospaced character font.col

Specifies attributes of columns in a table.Syntax

DiscussionThe col element allows you specify attributes for a given table column, with those attributes specified by properties. A series of col elements must be placed in order of the actual table columns. These elements must be placed within a table or a colgroup.colgroup

Specifies attributes for multiple columns in a table.Syntax

DiscussionThe colgroup element specifies attributes for multiple table columns, with those attributes specified by properties. For example, to set center column alignment for three different columns, you would use . These elements must be placed within a table.command

Obsolete. Specifies a command the user can invoke. Use menuitem instead.DiscussionThe command element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.datalist

Contains a set of option elements for a control.Syntax





Specifies a definition for a term.Syntax

content DiscussionThe dd element specifies a definition for a term within an HTML definition list. The text enclosed within the element is indented under the term specified by the enclosing dt block.del

Specifies a block of deleted text.Syntax content DiscussionThe del element specifies a block of deleted text, which is marked with a horizontal line through the center.details

Specifies a control for additional information, typically displaying a disclosure triangle.Syntax

Summary info

Detailed information

DiscussionNested content is revealed on user interaction. The summary element should be included in a details element.AvailabilityThe details element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.dfn

Specifies a definition.Syntax content DiscussionThe dfn element specifies a definition of any sort.dir

Obsolete. Specifies a directory list. Use CSS styling or list elements as appropriate.DiscussionThe dir element specifies a directory list, each element of which is specified by an li element. List styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements, and the structure should be defined instead with the ul and ol elements.AvailabilityThe dir element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.div

Specifies a styleless section in a document.Syntax

DiscussionThe div element specifies a section in a document as a block element. Multiple divs stack vertically on the page. Use CSS styles to tune the style properties of this element.dl

Specifies a definition list.Syntax

DiscussionThe dl element specifies a definition list. Within the bounds of this block, terms to be defined should be marked using the dt element, and their definitions should be marked using the dd element.dt

Specifies a definition term.Syntax

content DiscussionThe dt element specifies a definition term. It should be used to mark an actual term within the bounds of a definition list (dl). Definitions should follow each term, and be marked using the dd element.em

Specifies emphasized text.Syntax content DiscussionThe em element specifies a block of emphasized text. Use CSS to finely tune styles instead of using HTML style elements.embed

Deprecated. Embeds an object within a page. Use the object element to embed objects.DiscussionThe object, if visible, is displayed at the location of the element in the page, with a height specified by height and a width specified by width. The location of the object is given by the URL specified by src, or code if the applet is in a standard Java class file.AvailabilityThe embed element has been deprecated in the HTML 4.01 standard.fieldset

Specifies a set of fields.Syntax

caption input

caption input

DiscussionThe fieldset element encloses a set of input fields, and draws a box around them. The fields themselves are made with input elements specified by input and the names of the fields are plaintext specified by caption.figcaption

Specifies a caption for a figure element.figure

The content specified by figure may be removed without affecting the page flow.Syntax

Description of image

Figure 1. An HTML element.

DiscussionTypically includes an image or video; may include a caption (figcaption).font

Obsolete. Defines a font style for the content the element encloses. Use CSS styling instead.DiscussionThe content specified by content is altered based on a variety of properties, such as face, size, and color. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.AvailabilityThe font element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.footer

Specifies content for the section footer.AvailabilityThe footer element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.form

Specifies an HTML form.DiscussionThe form element specifies a form on a page. Each individual form (with its variety of inputs such as checkboxes, text fields, and password fields) should be enclosed in its own form element. If using the form for some kind of submission, the form's submit button should also be enclosed within this element.

Form elements are described inframe

Obsolete. Displays a URL in an inline frame. Use iframe instead.DiscussionThe frame element specifies a directory list, each element of which is specified by an li element. List styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements, and the structure should be defined instead with the ul and ol elements.AvailabilityThe frame element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.frameset

Obsolete. Specifies a frameset. Use iframe instead.DiscussionThe frameset element specifies the overall frameset for a number of frames (each specified with the frame element. The URL for the frame is specified by src. The size of each column should be specified by the cols and rows properties.AvailabilityThe frameset element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.h1 - h2 - ... - h6

Specifies various headers.Syntax content DiscussionHeading elements specify a block of header text, with h1 representing the largest font size and h6 representing the smallest. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.head

Specifies metainformation about the HTML document.Syntax

content DiscussionThe head element can contain a number of informational elements, such as title for the page title or style for a CSS definition block.header

Specifies .Syntax content Discussion.hgroup

Specifies .Syntax content

Specifies a horizontal line.DiscussionThe hr element specifies a horizontal line. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.html

Specifies the HTML document.DiscussionThe html element specifies an HTML document, and should encompass all the content of the page.i

Displays text in an italic style.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed in the italic style, but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Consider using the em, strong, mark, cite, and dfn elements before choosing i. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.iframe

Displays a URL in an inline frame.SyntaxDiscussionThe URL specified by src loads into an inline frame placed wherever the iframe element is entered.img

Displays an inline image.Syntaximg.jpgDiscussionThe image file specified by src or srcset is displayed inline in the enclosing element. Descriptors in srcset refer to maximum pixel width (w), height (h), or density (x).input

Displays an input for an HTML form.SyntaxDiscussionThe input element specifies an input mechanism in an HTML form. The available types of input are listed inins

Specifies a block of inserted text.Syntax content DiscussionThe ins element specifies a block of inserted text, which is marked with an underline.kbd

Specifies text as keyboard text.Syntax content DiscussionThe kbd element specifies a block of keyboard text. The text enclosed within the element uses a "teletype" monospaced character font.keygen

Provides public key generation for forms.SyntaxDiscussionThe keygen element places a form element on the page, which generates a 512, 1024, or 2048-bit public key as its value. The challenge specified by challenge and the public key are DER encoded and digitally signed with a private key (stored in a local database). The result is then encoded in Base64 and is returned as the value of this field.label

Specifies a label for input controls.Syntax content DiscussionThe label element specifies a label for the input control whose name is specified by for. The text specified by content makes up the body of the label.layer

Specifies individual layers on a webpage. The layer element is not well-supported and should be replaced with iframe frames using CSS styling techniques in HTML 4.01 Transitional documents. In HTML 4.01 Strict documents, layer should be replaced with object or div.Syntax content DiscussionThe layer element specifies an independent layer of content on a webpage.legend

Specifies the caption for a fieldset.Syntax content DiscussionThe legend element specifies the label for a fieldset (specified by the fieldset element). The caption specified by content is merged with the box surrounding the

Specifies a list element.Syntax

content DiscussionWithin a list block (specified by ul for an unordered list, or ol for an ordered list), li specifies single list element, whose content is specified by content. List styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style

Specifies a connection to an external file.SyntaxDiscussionThe link element specifies an external file that is related to the HTML document it is enclosed in. For example, you should use link in the head of an HTML document to specify an external CSS stylesheet.listing

Obsolete. Indicates a block of preformatted text. Use pre and code instead.AvailabilityThe listing element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.main

Specifies the main content of the body element.DiscussionOnly one main element is included in a body element. The main content should not be nested in other block

Specifies a browser-processed image map.SyntaxDiscussionThe map element encloses the area elements that define the regions of an image map. The identifier specified by id and the name specified by name should be used by an img element’s usemap property.mark

Specifies a highlighted element.DiscussionThe mark element can be used to highlight search results.marquee

Obsolete. Specifies a horizontally scrolling block of content. Use JavaScript instead.DiscussionThe marquee element specifies a block of content that scrolls horizontally.AvailabilityThe marquee element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5

Specifies a menu list.DiscussionThe menu element specifies a menu list. Within the bounds of this block, terms to be defined should be marked using the dt element, and their definitions should be marked using the dd element. The menu element was deprecated in the HTML 4.01 standard but reintroduced in HTML5.meta

Specifies metainformation about an HTML page.SyntaxDiscussionThe meta element specifies a list of metainformation about a page, such as keywords for a search engine to index. The title specified by name defines what metainformation you are displaying. The text specified by content is the actual metainformation.

For information on Apple-specific meta tag keys, seemeter

Displays a gray horizontal bar with an area of color inside, representing a scalar or fractional value. Similar to the progress element.Syntax

Player 1: 16 out of 20 honor 16 out of 20

Player 2: 20% of recruitable heroes 20% of recruitable heroes

DiscussionUse progress to illustrate task completion. Use meter to show a value in a range.AvailabilityThe meter element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.nav

Specifies a section with navigation links.Syntax

Obsolete. Specifies a region of content with no embedded line breaks. Use CSS styling instead.DiscussionThe content displays with no line breaks. Use the nobr element for text blocks that must remain on one line.AvailabilityThe nobr element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.noembed

Obsolete. Specifies content to display when embedded objects are not supported. Use object if necessary.DiscussionThe noembed element specifies a block of content that displays in browsers that do not support embedded objects.AvailabilityThe noembed element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.noframes

Obsolete. Specifies content that displays in browsers that do not support frames. There is no replacement element.DiscussionThe noframes element specifies a block of content that displays in browsers that do not support frames or have them deactivated. Because frames are no longer supported the noframe element is not needed.AvailabilityThe noframes element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.nolayer

Specifies content that displays in browsers that do not support layers.Syntax content DiscussionThe nolayer element specifies a block of content that displays in browsers that do not support layers.noscript

Specifies content to display in browsers that do not run scripts.Syntax

content DiscussionThe noscript element specifies a block of content that displays in browsers that do not support the execution of scripts or have them deactivated.object

Embeds an object within a page.Syntax content

content DiscussionThe object is displayed at the location of the element in the page, with a height specified by height and a width specified by width.

The location of the object is given by the URL specified by archive for a Java archive, data for some arbitrary embedded data (an image, for example), or codebase for object code of any other type.ol

Specifies an ordered list.Syntax

  1. content
DiscussionThe ol element specifies an ordered, numbered list. Within the bounds of this block, list items should be defined using the li element.optgroup

Specifies a group of options.Syntax options DiscussionWithin a select input type, the optgroup element specifies a subgroup of options. Within the bounds of this block, individual options are specified using the option element. The title of the subgroup is specified by label, and in Safari is displayed as bold gray text, with the subgroup’s associated options indented under it.option

Specifies a list option.Syntax title DiscussionWithin a select input type, the option element specifies a single selectable option. The form value of the option is specified by value, and its visible name is specified by title. These elements can be placed directly within a select input type or within an optgroup within a select element.output

Specifies the result of a calculation.Syntax content DiscussionUse a script to add the result to the text specified by content.AvailabilityThe output element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.p

Displays a paragraph.Syntax


DiscussionThe p element indicates a paragraph in the document.param

Represents a parameter for an object declaration.SyntaxDiscussionThe param element represents a specific parameter for an embedded object element. You can place any number of these, but they must be enclosed within the object block. The parameter’s name/key is specified by name and its value is specified by value.plaintext

Obsolete. Represents a MIME type. Use "text/plain" instead.DiscussionMIME types indicate the type of media to be displayed.AvailabilityThe plaintext element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.pre

Represents a block of preformatted text.Syntax

DiscussionThe pre element preserves the formatting of the block of text specified by content, specifically line breaks and multiple spaces. Normal text operation in Safari displays no difference between a single space and multiple consecutive spaces. In Safari, text enclosed in this element is also rendered in a monospace "teletype" font.progress

Displays a representation of task completion. Similar to the meter element.Syntax 45% DiscussionUse progress to illustrate task completion. Use meter to show a value in a range.AvailabilityThe progress element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.q

Displays an inline quotation.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed in quotes, but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.rp

Specifies parenthesis to display if the ruby element is not supported.Syntax

漢 ( Kan )

DiscussionAvailabilityThe rp element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.ruby

Specifies a ruby annotation showing pronunciation of East Asian characters.Syntax

漢 ( Kan )

AvailabilityTh ruby element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.rt

Specifies the pronunciation of East Asian characters.Syntax

漢 ( Kan )

AvailabilityThe rt element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.s

Deprecated. Defines a block of text in strikethrough style. Use del to indicate document edits.DiscussionThe content inside the s element is rendered with a horizontal line through the center. The del element is more appropriate to show text that was removed. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements when possible.AvailabilityThe s element has been deprecated in the HTML 4.01 standard.samp

Specifies text as sample code.Syntax content DiscussionThe samp element specifies a block of code. The text enclosed within the element uses a "teletype" monospaced character font.script

Embeds and executes script code.SyntaxDiscussionThe script element specifies a block of script code, such as JavaScript. The code specified by code is invisible onscreen, but is visible in the page source. Code embedded within script elements (unless defined inside functions) is executed immediately on page load. The MIME type of the script should be specified by type.section

Specifies a generic section of a document when article is not appropriate.Syntax



DiscussionThe content in a section should be related. If content is unrelated use a div element for grouping.AvailabilityThe section element was introduced in the HTML5

Specifies a selection input type.Syntax options DiscussionThe select element specifies a selection menu. This block must contain a set of option elements or optgroup elements containing options. In Safari, if the size property is explicitly set for this element, the input box resembles a Mac OS X combo box, otherwise it resembles a pop-up menu.small

Displays text in a small size.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed in a smaller size, but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.source

Provides a resource URI for a multimedia element such as audio or video.Syntax


type="video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2""




DiscussionSpecify type and codec information appropriately. Browsers use this information to choose the media that is most appropriate according to available codecs, and screen resolution.AvailabilityAvailable in Safari 3.1 and later.span

Specifies an inline styleless section in a document.Syntax content DiscussionThe span element specifies a section in a document. Multiple consecutive spans are placed horizontally on the page by default. Use CSS styles to tune the style properties of this element.strike

Obsolete. Defines a block of text in strikethrough style. Use the del instead.DiscussionThe content specified by content is rendered with a horizontal line through the center. The del element is more appropriate for this function. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.AvailabilityThe strike element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.strong

Specifies important text.Syntax content DiscussionThe strong element specifies a block of text with "strong" importance. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style

Defines an inline stylesheet.SyntaxDiscussionThe style element specifies a CSS stylesheet within the page. All CSS declarations should be placed within this block. This element should be placed in the head section of a page. If you are linking to an external stylesheet, use the link element instead.sub

Specifies text as subscript.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed in a smaller size and is subscripted, but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.summary

Specifies a summary for a details element.Syntax

Summary info

Detailed information

DiscussionWhen a details element summary is absent the heading "details" is used by default.AvailabilityThe summary element was introduced in the HTML5 specification.sup

Specifies text as superscript.Syntax content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed in a smaller size and is superscripted, but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements.table

Defines a data table.Syntax

DiscussionThe table element defines a table structure for a page. The HTML specified by content should contain the other structural elements such as table rows (tr) and table cells (td).tbody

Defines a table’s body.Syntax

content DiscussionThe tbody element defines the body for a table. This element is only a structural definition and by default does not render anything unique, so the HTML specified by content should contain the other structural elements such as table rows (tr) and table cells (td).td

Defines a table cell.Syntax

content DiscussionThe td element defines a cell within a table. Cells are usually enclosed by table row (tr) definitions. Consecutive table cells are placed horizontally onscreen.textarea

Specifies a text area input type.Syntax content DiscussionThe textarea element specifies a scrollable, multiline text input block. You can specify its size onscreen by specifying values for rows and cols.

Safari on iOS extends the textarea element with two additional properties, autocorrect and autocapitalize, described intfoot

Defines a table’s footer.Syntax

content DiscussionThe tfoot element defines a footer for a table. This element is only a structural definition and by default does not render anything unique, so the HTML specified by content should contain the other structural elements such as table rows (tr) and table cells (td).

The meter element was introduced in the HTML5

Defines header text for a table column.Syntax

content DiscussionTable headers should be placed in their own table row, usually the first row in a table definition, and should correspond in number to table cell definitions in later rows. In Safari, the text specified by content is displayed in a bold face.thead

Defines a table’s header.Syntax content DiscussionThe thead element defines a header for a table. This element is only a structural definition and by default does not render anything unique, so the HTML specified by content should contain the other structural elements such as table rows (tr) and table cells (td).title

Defines the visible window title for the page.Syntax

content DiscussionThe text specified by content is displayed at the top of a browser window, but remains invisible in embedded WebKit web views unless requested programatically. The title element must be placed in the head section of a

Defines a table row.Syntax

content DiscussionThe tr element defines a row within a table. Table cells are usually enclosed by these rows. Consecutive table rows are placed vertically onscreen.track

Specifies a text component of the parent audio or video element.Syntax

DiscussionThe track element can indicate subtitles, captions, description, chapters or metadata through the kind attribute. SeeAvailabilityThe track element was introduced in the HTML5

Obsolete. Displays text in a "teletype" style. Use CSS styling instead.DiscussionThe text is displayed in a monospaced "teletype" style, but otherwise matches the style of the enclosing element. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements. Semantic HTML alternatives to tt include: kdb for keyboard input, var for variables, code for computer code, and samp for computer output.AvailabilityThe tt element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.u

Deprecated. Defines a block of underlined text. Use CSS styling instead.DiscussionThe content is underlined. The ins element is more appropriate for this function. Styles should be more finely tuned using CSS instead of using HTML style elements. Additionally, underlined text should not be used as it might be confused with actual hyperlinks.AvailabilityThe u element has been deprecated in the HTML 4.01 standard.ul

Specifies an unordered list.Syntax

  • content
DiscussionThe ul element specifies an unordered, bulleted list. Within the bounds of this block, list items should be defined using the li element.var

Specifies a variable.Syntax content DiscussionThe var element specifies a variable. The text enclosed within the element is

Embeds video into a webpage.Syntax











>DiscussionThe video element might contain fallback content for browsers that do not support this element. Any content enclosed within the video element is ignored by browsers that support the video element (but it must be valid HTML).

The video element supports inclusion of source elements to provide multiple versions of a video clip encoded with different codecs, at different bit rates, and so on. These source elements must be the first elements inside the video element before any fallback content. See source for more information.wbr

Specifies a block in which line breaks are permitted.Syntax content DiscussionWithin a nobr block (in which line breaks are enabled), any content specified by content is permitted to use line breaks. The line breaks themselves must still be requested using the br element.xmp

Obsolete. Represents a block of literal text. Use pre and code instead.DiscussionThe xmp element preserves the formatting of the block of text, specifically line breaks, multiple spaces, and the greater-than and less-than symbols that accompany HTML elements. This block is also prefaced with a newline element. In Safari, text enclosed in this element is also rendered in a monospace "teletype" font.AvailabilityThe xmp element has been declared obsolete in the HTML5 specification.

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