
Jump Game

The Problem

Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array. Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position.

Determine if you are able to reach the last index.


Example #1

Input: [2,3,1,1,4]
Output: true
Explanation: Jump 1 step from index 0 to 1, then 3 steps to the last index.

Example #2

Input: [3,2,1,0,4]
Output: false
Explanation: You will always arrive at index 3 no matter what. Its maximum
             jump length is 0, which makes it impossible to reach the last index.
从尾巴到头部进行遍历,if maxCurrentJumpLength=numberIndex+numbers[numberIndex]>leftPosition then leftPositon=当前索引
 * GREEDY approach of solving Jump Game.
 * This comes out as an optimisation of DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING BOTTOM_UP approach.
 * Once we have our code in the bottom-up state, we can make one final,
 * important observation. From a given position, when we try to see if
 * we can jump to a GOOD position, we only ever use one - the first one.
 * 即从尾巴到头
 * In other words, the left-most one. If we keep track of this left-most
 * GOOD position as a separate variable, we can avoid searching for it
 * in the array. Not only that, but we can stop using the array altogether.
 * We call a position in the array a "good" one if starting at that
 * position, we can reach the last index. Otherwise, that index
 * is called a "bad" one.
 * @param {number[]} numbers - array of possible jump length.
 * @return {boolean}
export default function greedyJumpGame(numbers) {
  // The "good" cell is a cell from which we may jump to the last cell of the numbers array.

  // The last cell in numbers array is for sure the "good" one since it is our goal to reach.
  let leftGoodPosition = numbers.length - 1;

  // Go through all numbers from right to left.
  for (let numberIndex = numbers.length - 2; numberIndex >= 0; numberIndex -= 1) {
    // If we can reach the "good" cell from the current one then for sure the current
    // one is also "good". Since after all we'll be able to reach the end of the array
    // from it.
    const maxCurrentJumpLength = numberIndex + numbers[numberIndex];
    if (maxCurrentJumpLength >= leftGoodPosition) {
      leftGoodPosition = numberIndex;

  // If the most left "good" position is the zero's one then we may say that it IS
  // possible jump to the end of the array from the first cell;
  return leftGoodPosition === 0;




const maxJumpLength = Math.min(
    numbers[startIndex], // Jump is within array.
    numbers.length - 1 - startIndex, // Jump goes beyond array.





 * BACKTRACKING approach of solving Jump Game.
 * This is the inefficient solution where we try every single jump
 * pattern that takes us from the first position to the last.
 * We start from the first position and jump to every index that
 * is reachable. We repeat the process until last index is reached.
 * When stuck, backtrack.
 * @param {number[]} numbers - array of possible jump length.
 * @param {number} startIndex - index from where we start jumping.
 * @param {number[]} currentJumps - current jumps path.
 * @return {boolean}
export default function backtrackingJumpGame(numbers, startIndex = 0, currentJumps = []) {
  if (startIndex === numbers.length - 1) {
    // We've jumped directly to last cell. This situation is a solution.
    return true;

  // Check what the longest jump we could make from current position.
  // We don't need to jump beyond the array.
  const maxJumpLength = Math.min(
    numbers[startIndex], // Jump is within array.
    numbers.length - 1 - startIndex, // Jump goes beyond array.

  // Let's start jumping from startIndex and see whether any
  // jump is successful and has reached the end of the array.
  for (let jumpLength = maxJumpLength; jumpLength > 0; jumpLength -= 1) {
    // Try next jump.
    const nextIndex = startIndex + jumpLength;

    const isJumpSuccessful = backtrackingJumpGame(numbers, nextIndex, currentJumps);

    // Check if current jump was successful.
    if (isJumpSuccessful) {
      return true;

    // If previous jump wasn't successful then retreat and try the next one.

  return false;







 * DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING TOP-DOWN approach of solving Jump Game.
 * This comes out as an optimisation of BACKTRACKING approach.
 * It relies on the observation that once we determine that a certain
 * index is good / bad, this result will never change. This means that
 * we can store the result and not need to recompute it every time.
 * We call a position in the array a "good" one if starting at that
 * position, we can reach the last index. Otherwise, that index
 * is called a "bad" one.
 * @param {number[]} numbers - array of possible jump length.
 * @param {number} startIndex - index from where we start jumping.
 * @param {number[]} currentJumps - current jumps path.
 * @param {boolean[]} cellsGoodness - holds information about whether cell is "good" or "bad"
 * @return {boolean}
export default function dpTopDownJumpGame(
  startIndex = 0,
  currentJumps = [],
  cellsGoodness = [],
) {
  if (startIndex === numbers.length - 1) {
    // We've jumped directly to last cell. This situation is a solution.
    return true;

  // Init cell goodness table if it is empty.
  // This is DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING feature.
  const currentCellsGoodness = [...cellsGoodness];
  if (!currentCellsGoodness.length) {
    numbers.forEach(() => currentCellsGoodness.push(undefined));
    // Mark the last cell as "good" one since it is where we ultimately want to get.
    currentCellsGoodness[cellsGoodness.length - 1] = true;

  // Check what the longest jump we could make from current position.
  // We don't need to jump beyond the array.
  const maxJumpLength = Math.min(
    numbers[startIndex], // Jump is within array.
    numbers.length - 1 - startIndex, // Jump goes beyond array.

  // Let's start jumping from startIndex and see whether any
  // jump is successful and has reached the end of the array.
  for (let jumpLength = maxJumpLength; jumpLength > 0; jumpLength -= 1) {
    // Try next jump.
    const nextIndex = startIndex + jumpLength;

    // Jump only into "good" or "unknown" cells.
    // This is top-down dynamic programming optimisation of backtracking algorithm.
    if (currentCellsGoodness[nextIndex] !== false) {

      const isJumpSuccessful = dpTopDownJumpGame(

      // Check if current jump was successful.
      if (isJumpSuccessful) {
        return true;

      // If previous jump wasn't successful then retreat and try the next one.

      // Mark current cell as "bad" to avoid its deep visiting later.
      currentCellsGoodness[nextIndex] = false;

  return false;




 * DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING BOTTOM-UP approach of solving Jump Game.
 * This comes out as an optimisation of DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING TOP-DOWN approach.
 * The observation to make here is that we only ever jump to the right.
 * This means that if we start from the right of the array, every time we
 * will query a position to our right, that position has already be
 * determined as being GOOD or BAD. This means we don't need to recurse
 * anymore, as we will always hit the memo table.
 * We call a position in the array a "good" one if starting at that
 * position, we can reach the last index. Otherwise, that index
 * is called a "bad" one.
 * @param {number[]} numbers - array of possible jump length.
 * @return {boolean}
export default function dpBottomUpJumpGame(numbers) {
  // Init cells goodness table.
  const cellsGoodness = Array(numbers.length).fill(undefined);
  // Mark the last cell as "good" one since it is where we ultimately want to get.
  cellsGoodness[cellsGoodness.length - 1] = true;

  // Go throw all cells starting from the one before the last
  // one (since the last one is "good" already) and fill cellsGoodness table.
  for (let cellIndex = numbers.length - 2; cellIndex >= 0; cellIndex -= 1) {
    const maxJumpLength = Math.min(
      numbers.length - 1 - cellIndex,

    for (let jumpLength = maxJumpLength; jumpLength > 0; jumpLength -= 1) {
      const nextIndex = cellIndex + jumpLength;
      if (cellsGoodness[nextIndex] === true) {
        cellsGoodness[cellIndex] = true;
        // Once we detected that current cell is good one we don't need to
        // do further cells checking.

  // Now, if the zero's cell is good one then we can jump from it to the end of the array.
  return cellsGoodness[0] === true;







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