
REM Copies one or more files from one location to another.
REM [/d] - Allows the encrypted files being copied to be saved as decrypted files at the destination.
REM [/v] - Verifies that new files are written correctly.
REM [/n] - Uses a short file name, if available, when copying a file with a name longer than eight characters, or with a file extension longer than three characters.
rem [{/y|/-y}] - /y - Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /-y - Prompts you to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
REM [/z] - Copies networked files in restartable mode.
rem [{/a|/b}] - /a - Indicates an ASCII text file. /b - Indicates a binary file.
rem Source [{/a|/b}] [+ Source [{/a|/b}] [+ ...]] - Required. Specifies the location from which you want to copy a file or set of files. Source can consist of a drive letter and colon, a folder name, a file name, or a combination of these.
rem [Destination [{/a|/b}]] - Required. Specifies the location to which you want to copy a file or set of files. Destination can consist of a drive letter and colon, a folder name, a file name, or a combination of these.

REM Copies one or more files from one location to another.
REM [/d] - Allows the encrypted files being copied to be saved as decrypted files at the destination.
REM [/v] - Verifies that new files are written correctly.
REM [/n] - Uses a short file name, if available, when copying a file with a name longer than eight characters, or with a file extension longer than three characters.
rem [{/y|/-y}] - /y - Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /-y - Prompts you to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
REM [/z] - Copies networked files in restartable mode.
rem [{/a|/b}] - /a - Indicates an ASCII text file. /b - Indicates a binary file.
rem Source [{/a|/b}] [+ Source [{/a|/b}] [+ ...]] - Required. Specifies the location from which you want to copy a file or set of files. Source can consist of a drive letter and colon, a folder name, a file name, or a combination of these.
rem [Destination [{/a|/b}]] - Required. Specifies the location to which you want to copy a file or set of files. Destination can consist of a drive letter and colon, a folder name, a file name, or a combination of these.

REM Converts FAT and FAT32 volumes to NTFS.
REM [volume] - Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name to convert to NTFS.
REM /fs:ntfs - Required. Converts the volume to NTFS.
REM [/v] - Specifies verbose mode, that is, all messages will be displayed during conversion.
REM [/cvtarea:FileName] - For advanced users only. Specifies that the Master File Table (MFT) and other NTFS metadata files are written to an existing, contiguous placeholder file. This file must be in the root directory of the file system to be converted. Use of the /CVTAREA parameter can result in a less fragmented file system after conversion. For best results, the size of this file should be 1 KB multiplied by the number of files and directories in the file system, however, the convert utility accepts files of any size. For more information about using the /cvtarea parameter, see "File Systems" at the Microsoft Windows XP Resource Kits Web site.(http://www.microsoft.com/) Important  * You must create the placeholder file using the fsutil file createnew command prior to running convert. Convert does not create this file for you. Convert overwrites this file with NTFS metadata. After conversion, any unused space in this file is freed. 
REM [/nosecurity] - Specifies that the converted files and directory security settings are accessible by everyone.
REM [/x] - Dismounts the volume, if necessary, before it is converted. Any open handles to the volume will no longer be valid. 

REM Displays and alters the compression of files or directories on NTFS partitions. Used without parameters, compact displays the compression state of the current directory.
rem [{/c|/u}] - /c - Compresses the specified directory or file. /u - Uncompresses the specified directory or file.
REM [/s[:dir]] - Specifies that the requested action (compress or uncompress) be applied to all subdirectories of the specified directory, or of the current directory if none is specified.
REM [/a] - Displays hidden or system files.
REM [/i] - Ignores errors.
REM [/f] - Forces compression or uncompression of the specified directory or file. This is used in the case of a file that was partly compressed when the operation was interrupted by a system crash. To force the file to be compressed in its entirety, use the /c and /f parameters and specify the partially compressed file.
REM [/q] - Reports only the most essential information.
REM [FileName[...]] - Specifies the file or directory. You can use multiple file names and wildcard characters (* and ?).

REM Compares the contents of two files or sets of files byte by byte. Comp can compare files on the same drive or on different drives, and in the same directory or in different directories. When comp compares the files, it displays their locations and file names. Used without parameters, comp prompts you to enter the files to compare.
REM [data1] - Specifies the location and name of the first file or set of files you want to compare. You can use wildcard characters (* and ?) to specify multiple files.
REM [data2] - Specifies the location and name of the second file or set of files you want to compare. You can use wildcard characters (* and ?) to specify multiple files.
REM [/d] - Displays differences in decimal format. (The default format is hexadecimal.)
REM [/a] - Displays differences as characters.
REM [/l] - Displays the number of the line on which a difference occurs, instead of displaying the byte offset.
REM [/n=number] - Compares the first number of lines of both files, even if the files are different sizes.
REM [/c] - Performs a comparison that is not case-sensitive.

REM Changes the Command Prompt window foreground and background colors for the current session. Used without parameters, color restores the default Command Prompt window foreground and background colors.
REM [fb] - Sets the foreground f and background g colors. The following tables lists valid hexadecimal digits that you can use as the values for f and g.  Value   Color  0   Black;  1   Blue;  2   Green;  3   Aqua;  4   Red;  5   Purple;  6   Yellow;  7   White;  8   Gray;  9   Light blue;  A   Light green;  B   Light aqua;  C   Light red;  D   Light purple;  E   Light yellow;  F   Bright white

REM Starts a new instance of the command interpreter, Cmd.exe. Used without parameters, cmd displays Windows XP version and copyright information.
rem [[{/c|/k}] - /c - Carries out the command specified by string and then stops. /k - Carries out the command specified by string and continues.
REM [/s] - Modifies the treatment of string after /c or /k.
REM [/q] - Turns the echo off.
REM [/d] - Disables execution of AutoRun commands.
rem [{/a|/u}] - /a - Creates American National Standards Institute (ANSI) output. /u - Creates Unicode output.
REM [/t:fg] - Sets the foreground f and background g colors. The following tables lists valid hexadecimal digits that you can use as the values for f and g.   Value   Color  0   Black;  1   Blue;  2   Green;  3   Aqua;  4   Red;  5  Purple;  6   Yellow;  7   White;  8   Gray;  9   Light blue;  A   Light green;  B   Light aqua;  C   Light red;  D   Light purple;  E   Light yellow;  F   Bright white
rem [/e:{on|off}] - /e:on - Enables command extensions. /e:off - Disables commands extensions.
rem [/f:{on|off}] - /f:on - Enables file and directory name completion. /f:off - Disables file and directory name completion.
rem [/v:{on|off}] - /v:on - Enables delayed environment variable expansion. /v:off - Disables delayed environment variable expansion.
REM string] - Specifies the command you want to carry out.

REM Clears the Command Prompt window.

REM Displays or specifies whether automatic system checking is scheduled to be run on a FAT, FAT32, or NTFS volume when the computer is started.
rem volume: [...] | [/d] | [/t[:time]] | [/x volume: [...]] | [/c volume: [...]] - volume: [...] - Required. Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. Displays a message that identifies the file system of the specified volume. If automatic file checking is scheduled to be run, this parameter displays a message indicating whether the volume has been corrupted, which requires you to run chkdsk. /d - Restores all chkntfs default settings, except the countdown time for automatic file checking. Default behavior is to check all volumes when the computer is started. /t[:time] - Changes the Autochk.exe initiation countdown time to the specified amount of time entered in seconds. If you do not specify :time, /t displays the current countdown time. /x volume: [...] - Excludes the specified volume from being checked when the computer starts, even if the volume is marked as requiring chkdsk. /c volume: [...] - Schedules the specified volume to be checked when the computer starts.

REM Creates and displays a status report for a disk based on the file system. Chkdsk also lists and corrects errors on the disk. Used without parameters, chkdsk displays the status of the disk in the current drive.
REM [volume:][[Path] FileName] - Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name and the location and name of a file or set of files that you want chkdsk to check for fragmentation. You can use wildcard characters (that is, * and ?) to specify multiple files.
REM [/f] - Fixes errors on the disk. The disk must be locked. If chkdsk cannot lock the drive, a message appears that asks you if you want to check the drive the next time you restart the computer.
REM [/v] - Displays the name of each file in every directory as the disk is checked.
REM [/r] - Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information. The disk must be locked.
REM [/x] - Use with NTFS only. Forces the volume to dismount first, if necessary. All open handles to the drive are invalidated. /x also includes the functionality of /f.
REM [/i] - Use with NTFS only. Performs a less vigorous check of index entries, reducing the amount of time needed to run chkdsk.
REM [/c] - Use with NTFS only. Skips the checking of cycles within the folder structure, reducing the amount of time needed to run chkdsk.
REM [/l[:size]] - Use with NTFS only. Changes the log file size to the size you type. If you omit the size parameter, /l displays the current size.

REM Displays the number of the active console code page, or changes the console's active console code page. Used without parameters, chcp displays the number of the active console code page.
REM [nnn] - Specifies the code page. The following table lists each code page supported and its country/region or languag. Code page   ountry/region or language  437   United States;  850   Multilingual (Latin I); 852   Slavic (Latin II);  855   Cyrillic (Russian);  857   Turkish;  860   Portuguese;  861   Icelandic;  863   Canadian-French;  865   Nordic;  866   Russian; 869   Modern Greek

REM Displays the name of the current directory or changes the current folder. Used with only a drive letter (for example, chdir C:), chdir displays the names of the current drive and folder. Used without parameters, chdir displays the current drive and directory.
REM [[/d] - Changes the current drive or the current directory for a drive.
REM [Drive:][Path] - Specifies the drive (that is, if it is different from the current drive) and directory to which you want to change.
REM [..]] - Specifies that you want to change to the parent folder.

REM Displays the name of the current directory or changes the current folder. Used with only a drive letter (for example, chdir C:), chdir displays the names of the current drive and folder. Used without parameters, chdir displays the current drive and directory.
REM [[/d] - Changes the current drive or the current directory for a drive.
REM [Drive:][Path] - Specifies the drive (that is, if it is different from the current drive) and directory to which you want to change.
REM [..]] - Specifies that you want to change to the parent folder.

REM Calls one batch program from another without stopping the parent batch program. The call command accepts labels as the target of the call. Call has no effect at the command-line when used outside of a script or batch file. 
REM [[Drive:][Path] FileName [BatchParameters]] - Specifies the location and name of the batch program you want to call. The FileName parameter must have a .bat or .cmd extension.   BatchParameters - Specifies any command-line information required by the batch program, including command-line options, file names, batch parameters (that is, %0 through %9), or variables (for example, %baud%).
REM [:label - Specifies the label to which you want a batch program control to jump. By using call with this parameter, you create a new batch file context and pass control to the statement after the specified label. The first time the end of the batch file is encountered (that is, after jumping to the label), control returns to the statement after the call statement. The second time the end of the batch file is encountered, the batch script is exited. For a description of the goto :eof extension that allows you to return from a batch script, see Related Topics.
REM [arguments]] - Specifies any command-line information that you pass to the new instance of the batch program that begins at :label, including command-line options, file names, batch parameters (that is, %1 through %9), or variables (for example, %baud%).

REM Displays or modifies discretionary access control list (DACL) files.
REM FileName - Required. Displays DACLs of specified files. 
REM [/t] - Changes DACLs of specified files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
REM [/e] - Edits a DACL instead of replacing it.
REM [/c] - Continues to change DACLs, ignoring errors.
REM [/g User:permission] - Grants access rights to the specified user. The following table lists valid values for permission.  Value   Description  n   None  r   Read  w   Write  c   Change (Write)  f   Full Control
REM [/r User  [...]] - Revokes access rights for the specified user.
REM [/p User:permission  [...]] - Replaces access rights for the specified user. The following table lists valid values for permission.  Value   Description  n   None  r   Read  w   Write  c   Change (Write)  f   Full Control 
REM [/d User  [...]] - Denies access for the specified user.

REM Creates new cabinet archive or extracts files from an existing one.
REM [options] - Options. L - Lists files contained within a CAB file. N - Creates a CAB file. X -  Extract file(s) from cabinet.
rem [/m {lzx:Compression|mszip|none}] - Sets compression type. If no compression type is specified, MSZIP format is used. LZX:Compression - Uses LZX compression. Valid Compression values are 15 to 21. MSZIP - Uses MSZip format. NONE - Uses no compression.
REM [/p] -  Preserves path names. Absolute paths are not allowed.
REM [/P Pathname] - Strips the specified Pathname from files when they are added to the CAB file. Note: The /P option can be used multiple times to strip out multiple paths.
REM [/r] -  Recurses into subdirectories when adding files.
REM [/s] - Reserves space in the CAB file for signing. For example, /s 6144 reserves 6K bytes.
REM [/I SetID] - Sets the CAB set ID when creating CAB files. The default set ID is 0. Note: When using the /d parameter, the NewCabFileName should contain a single "*" character where the cabinet number will be inserted.
REM [/c] - Confirms which files will be extracted.
REM [/o] -  Specifies that existing files with the same name as those being extracted will be overwritten without asking for confirmation.
REM FileName - L - Specifies the name of the CAB file for which the contents are to be listed. The CabFileName may include a path (for example, c:\test\mycab.cab). N - Specifies the name of the new cab file. The file must have a .cab file type. Note:     When using the /d parameter, the NewCabFileName should contain a single "*" character where the cabinet number will be inserted. X - CabFileName.cab:    Specifies the name of the CAB file that contains the files to be extracted. The CabFileName may include a path (for example, c:\test\mycab.cab). FileNameOrPattern: Specifies the file or pattern of files to extract from the CAB file. For example, myfile.ini mfiles.* will extract the file myfile.ini and all files with a file name of mfiles regardless of type. Pathname: Specifies that path to which the files should be extracted. The path must end with a back slash example, c:\myfiles\. If no path is specified, the current path is used.

REM Used for backward compatibility with MS-DOS. Allows to use Ctrl+C in DOS to stop the application.

REM Displays, sets, or removes the read-only, archive, system, and hidden attributes assigned to files or directories. Used without parameters, attrib displays attributes of all files in the current directory. 
rem [{+r|-r}] - +r Sets the read-only file attribute.   -r Clears the read-only file attribute.
rem [{+a|-a}] - +a Sets the archive file attribute.   -a Clears the archive file attribute.
rem [{+s|-s}] - +s Sets the system file attribute.   -s Clears the system file attribute.
rem [{+h|-h}] - +h Sets the hidden file attribute.   -h Clears the hidden file attribute.
REM [[Drive:][Path]FileName] - Specifies the location and name of the directory, file, or set of files for which you want to display or change attributes. You can use wildcard characters (that is, ? and *) in the FileName parameter to display or change the attributes for a group of files.
REM [/s - Applies attrib and any command-line options to matching files in the current directory and all of its subdirectories.
REM [/d]] - Applies attrib and any command-line options to directories.

REM Schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at a specified time and date.  You can use at only when the Schedule service is running. Used without parameters, at lists scheduled commands.
REM [[\\ComputerName] - Specifies a remote computer. If you omit this parameter, at schedules the commands and programs on the local computer.
REM hours:minutes - Specifies the time when you want to run the command. Time is expressed as hours:minutes in 24-hour notation (that is, 00:00 [midnight] through 23:59).
REM [/interactive] - Allows command to interact with the desktop of the user who is logged on at the time command runs.
REM [{/every - Runs command on every specified day or days of the week or month (for example, every Thursday, or the third day of every month).
REM date - Specifies the date when you want to run the command. You can specify one or more days of the week (that is, type M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su) or one or more days of the month (that is, type 1 through 31). Separate multiple date entries with commas. If you omit date, at uses the current day of the month.
REM /next:]}] - Runs command on the next occurrence of the day (for example, next Thursday). 

REM Displays or modifies file name extension associations. Used without parameters, assoc displays a list of all the current file name extension associations.
REM [.ext[=[filetype]]] - .ext - Specifies the file name extension.filetype - Specifies the file type with which you want to associate the specified file name extension.

rem Displays or modifies file types used in file name extension associations. Used without parameters, ftype displays the file types that have open command strings defined.
rem [FileType[=[OpenCommandString]]] - FileType Specifies the file type you want to display or change. OpenCommandString Specifies the open command to use when opening files of this type.

rem Formats the disk in the specified volume to accept Windows files. 
rem volume - Required. Specifies the mount point, volume name, or drive letter of the drive you want to format. If you do not specify any of the following command-line options, format uses the volume type to determine the default format for the disk. 
rem [/fs:file-system] - Specifies the file system to use FAT, FAT32, or NTFS. Floppy disks can use only the FAT file system.
rem [/v:label] - Specifies the volume label.
rem [/q] - Performs a quick format. Deletes the file table and the root directory of a previously formatted volume but does not perform a sector by sector scan for bad areas. You should use the /q command-line option to format only previously formatted volumes that you know are in good condition.
rem [/a:UnitSize] - Specifies the allocation unit size to use on FAT, FAT32, or NTFS volumes. If you do not specify UnitSize, it is chosen based on volume size. The following table lists valid values for UnitSize.  512   Creates 512 bytes per cluster.  1024   Creates 1024 bytes per cluster.  2048   Creates 2048 bytes per cluster.  4096   Creates 4096 bytes per cluster.  8192   Creates 8192 bytes per cluster.  16K   Creates 16 kilobytes per cluster.  32K   Creates 32 kilobytes per cluster.  64K   Creates 64 kilobytes per cluster.  
rem [/c] - NTFS only. Files created on the new volume will be compressed by default.
rem [/x] - Causes the volume to dismount, if necessary, before it is formatted. Any open handles to the volume will no longer be valid.

rem Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.
rem /d - If set contains wildcards, then command will match against directory names instead of file names.
rem /r - Execute the command in each directory of the tree.
rem [[Drive :]Path] - Directory name
rem /l - You should specify sequence of numbers instead of set parameter. It should be written in the following format: (start,step,end). The set is sequence of numbers from start to end with the specified step between them.
rem /f - Pass the first blank separated token from each line of each file. Blank lines are skipped.
rem ["options"] - You can override the default parsing behavior by specifying the optional "options" parameter. This is a quoted string which contains one or more keywords to specify different parsing parameters.
rem %%variable - Required. Represents a replaceable parameter. Use %variable to carry out for from the command prompt. Use %%variable to carry out the for command within a batch file. Variables are case-sensitive and must be represented with an alpha value, such as %A, %B, or %C.
rem in - Type IN - it's needful for command to run properly
rem (set) - Required. Specifies one or more files, directories, range of values, or text strings that you want to process with the specified command. The parentheses are required.
rem do - Type DO - it's needful for command to run properly

rem Searches for patterns of text in files using regular expressions.
rem [/b] - Matches the pattern if at the beginning of a line.
rem [/e] - Matches the pattern if at the end of a line.
rem [/l] - Uses search strings literally.
rem [/r] - Uses search strings as regular expressions. Findstr interprets all metacharacters as regular expressions unless you use /l.
rem [/s] - Searches for matching files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
rem [/i] - Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
rem [/x] - Prints lines that match exactly.
rem [/v] - Prints only lines that do not contain a match.
rem [/n] - Prints the line number before each line that matches.
rem [/m] - Prints only the file name if a file contains a match.
rem [/o] - Prints seek offset before each matching line.
rem [/p] - Skips files with non-printable characters.
rem [/offline] - Processes files with offline attribute set.
rem [/g:file] - Gets search strings from the specified file. 
rem [/f:file] - Reads file list from the specified file.
rem [/c:string] - Uses specified text as a literal search string. 
rem [/d:dirlist] - Searches a comma-delimited list of directories.
rem [/a:ColorAttribute] - Specifies color attributes with two hexadecimal digits.
rem [strings] - Specified text to be searched for in FileName.
rem [[Drive:][Path] FileName [...]] - Specifies a file or files to search.

rem Searches for a specific string of text in a file or files. After searching the specified file or files, find displays any lines of text that contain the specified string.
rem [/v] - Displays all lines that do not contain the specified string.
rem [/c] - Counts the lines that contain the specified string and displays the total. 
rem [/n] - Precedes each line with the file's line number.
rem [/i] - Specifies that the search is not case-sensitive.
rem string - Required. Specifies the group of characters that you want to search for. You must enclose string in quotation marks (that is, "string").
rem [[Drive:][Path]FileName[...]] - Specifies the location and name of the file in which to search for the specified string.

rem Compares two files and displays the differences between them.
rem [/a] - Abbreviates the output of an ASCII comparison. Instead of displaying all of the lines that are different, fc displays only the first and last line for each set of differences.
rem [/b] - Compares the files in binary mode. Fc compares the two files byte by byte and does not attempt to resynchronize the files after finding a mismatch. This is the default mode for comparing files that have the following file extensions: .exe, .com, .sys, .obj, .lib, or .bin.
rem [/c] - Ignores the case of letters.
rem [/l] - Compares the files in ASCII mode. Fc compares the two files line by line and attempts to resynchronize the files after finding a mismatch. This is the default mode for comparing files, except files with the following file extensions: .exe, .com, .sys, .obj, .lib, or .bin.
rem [/lbn] - Sets the n number of lines for the internal line buffer. The default length of the line buffer is 100 lines. If the files that you are comparing have more than this number of consecutive differing lines, fc cancels the comparison.
rem [/n] - Displays the line numbers during an ASCII comparison.
rem [/t] - Prevents fc from converting tabs to spaces. The default behavior is to treat tabs as spaces, with stops at each eighth character position.   
rem [/u] - Compares files as Unicode text files. 
rem [/w] - Compresses white space (that is, tabs and spaces) during the comparison. If a line contains many consecutive spaces or tabs, /w treats these characters as a single space. When used with the /w command-line option, fc ignores (and does not compare) white space at the beginning and end of a line. 
rem [/nnnn] - Specifies the number of consecutive lines that must match before fc considers the files to be resynchronized. If the number of matching lines in the files is less than nnnn, fc displays the matching lines as differences. The default value is 2.
rem [drive1:][path1]filename1 - Specifies the location and name of the first file you want to compare. Filename1 is required.  
rem [drive2:][path2]filename2 - Specifies the location and name of the second file you want to compare. Filename2 is required.

rem Exits the current batch script or the Cmd.exe program (that is, the command interpreter) and returns to the program that started Cmd.exe or to the Program Manager.
rem [/b] - Exits the current batch script. 
rem [ExitCode] - Specifies a numeric number.

rem Deletes specified files.
rem [Drive:][Path]FileName - Specifies the location and name of the file or set of files you want to delete. Filename is required. You can use multiple file names. Separate file names with spaces, commas, or semicolons.
rem [/p] - Prompts you for confirmation before deleting the specified file.
rem [/f] - Forces deletion of read-only files.
rem [/s] - Deletes specified files from the current directory and all subdirectories. Displays the names of the files as they are being deleted.
rem [/q] - Specifies quiet mode. You are not prompted for delete confirmation. 
rem [/a[:attributes]] - /a - Deletes files based on specified attributes. attributes - Specifies any of the following file attributes: r   Read-only; a   Archive; s   System; h   Hidden;  -   Prefix meaning "not"  

rem Ends localization of environment changes in a batch file, restoring environment variables to their values before the matching setlocal command.

rem Turns the command-echoing feature on or off, or displays a message. Used without parameters, echo displays the current echo setting.
rem [{on|off}] - Specifies whether to turn the command-echoing feature on or off. 
rem [message] - Specifies text you want to display on the screen.

rem Calls Doskey.exe, which recalls Windows XP commands, edits command lines, and creates macros.
rem {/reinstall | /listsize=size | /macros:[{all | exename}] | /history | /insert | /overstrike | /exename=exename | /macrofile=FileName | macroname=[text]} - /reinstall - Installs a new copy of Doskey.exe. Clears the command history buffer. /listsize=size - Specifies the maximum number of commands in the history buffer. /macros  - Displays a list of all doskey macros. You can use a redirection symbol (>) with /macros  to redirect the list to a file. You can abbreviate /macros to /m. all - Displays doskey macros for all executables. exename - Displays doskey macros for the specified executable. /history - Displays all commands stored in memory. You can use a redirection symbol (>) with /history to redirect the list to a file. You can abbreviate /history  as /h. {/insert |  /overstrike} - Specifies whether new text you type is to replace old text. If you use /insert, new text that you type on a line is inserted into old text (that is, as if you pressed the INSERT key). If you use /overstrike, new text replaces old text. The default setting is /overstrike. /exename=exename - Specifies the program (that is, executable) in which the doskey macro runs. /macrofile=FileName - Specifies a file containing macros that you want to install. macroname=[text]  - Creates a macro that carries out the commands specified by text. Macroname specifies the name you want to assign to the macro. Text specifies the commands you want to record. If text is left blank, macroname is cleared of any assigned commands.

rem Copies the contents of the floppy disk in the source drive to a formatted or unformatted floppy disk in the destination drive. Used without parameters, diskcopy uses the current drive for the source disk and the destination disk.
rem [drive1: [drive2:]] - drive1 - Specifies the drive containing one of the floppy disks. drive2 - Specifies the drive containing the other floppy disk.
rem [/v] - Verifies that the information is copied correctly. This command-line option slows down the copying process.

rem Compares the contents of two floppy disks. Used without parameters, diskcomp uses the current drive for both disks that you want to compare.
rem [drive1: [drive2:]] - drive1 - Specifies the drive containing one of the floppy disks. drive2 - Specifies the drive containing the other floppy disk.

rem Displays a list of a directory's files and subdirectories. Used without parameters, dir displays the disk's volume label and serial number, followed by a list of directories and files on the disk, including their names and the date and time each was last modified. For files, dir displays the name extension and the size in bytes. Dir also displays the total number of files and directories listed, their cumulative size, and the free space (in bytes) remaining on the disk. 
rem [Drive:][Path][FileName] - Specifies the drive and directory for which you want to see a listing.
rem [/p] - Displays one screen of the listing at a time. To see the next screen, press any key on the keyboard.
rem [/q] - Displays file ownership information.
rem [/w] - Displays the listing in wide format, with as many as five file names or directory names on each line.
rem [/d] - Same as /w but files are sorted by column.
rem [/a[[:]attributes]] - Displays only the names of those directories and files with the attributes you specify. If you omit /a, dir displays the names of all files except hidden and system files. If you use /a without specifying attributes, dir displays the names of all files, including hidden and system files. The following list describes each of the values you can use for attributes. The colon (:) is optional. Use any combination of these values, and do not separate the values with spaces. h   Hidden files;  s   System files;  d   Directories;  a   Files ready for archiving;  r   Read-only files;  -h   Files that are not hidden;  -s   Files other than system files;  -d   Files only (not directories);  -a   Files that have not changed since the last backup;  -r   Files that are not read-only 
rem [/o[[:]SortOrder]] - Controls the order in which dir sorts and displays directory names and file names. If you omit /o, dir displays the names in the order in which they occur in the directory. If you use /o without specifying SortOrder, dir displays the names of the directories, sorted in alphabetic order, and then displays the names of files, sorted in alphabetic order. The colon (:) is optional. The following list describes each of the values you can use for SortOrder. Use any combination of the values, and do not separate these values with white spaces. n   In alphabetic order by name;  e   In alphabetic order by extension;  d   By date and time, earliest first;  s   By size, smallest first;  g   With directories grouped before files;  -n   In reverse alphabetic order by name (Z through A);  -e   In reverse alphabetic order by extension (.ZZZ through .AAA);  -d   By date and time, latest first;  -s   By size, largest first;  -g   With directories grouped after files 
rem [/t[[:]TimeField]] - Specifies which time field to display or use for sorting. The following list describes each of the values you can use for TimeField. c   Creation;  a   Last access;  w   Last written  
rem [/s] - Lists every occurrence, in the specified directory and all subdirectories, of the specified file name. 
rem [/b] - Lists each directory name or file name, one per line, including the file name extension. /b does not display heading information or a summary. /b overrides /w.  
rem [/l] - Displays unsorted directory names and file names in lowercase. /l does not convert extended characters to lowercase. 
rem [/n] - Displays a long list format with file names on the far right of the screen.  
rem [/x] - Displays the short names generated for files on NTFS and FAT volumes. The display is the same as the display for /n, but short names are displayed after the long name. 
rem [/c] - Displays the thousand separator in file sizes.  
rem [/4] - Displays four-digit year format.

rem Deletes specified files.
rem [Drive:][Path]FileName - Specifies the location and name of the file or set of files you want to delete. Filename is required. You can use multiple file names. Separate file names with spaces, commas, or semicolons.
rem [/p] - Prompts you for confirmation before deleting the specified file.
rem [/f] - Forces deletion of read-only files.
rem [/s] - Deletes specified files from the current directory and all subdirectories. Displays the names of the files as they are being deleted.
rem [/q] - Specifies quiet mode. You are not prompted for delete confirmation. 
rem [/a[:attributes]] - /a - Deletes files based on specified attributes. attributes - Specifies any of the following file attributes: r   Read-only; a   Archive; s   System; h   Hidden;  -   Prefix meaning "not"  

rem Displays the current system date setting. Used without parameters, date displays the current system date setting and prompts you to type a new date.
rem [mm-dd-yy] - Sets the date specified where mm is month, dd is day, and yy is year.
rem [/t] - Displays the current date without prompting you for a new date.

rem Moves one or more files from one directory to the specified directory.
rem [{/y|/-y}] - /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /-y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
rem [Source] - Specifies the path and name of the file or files to move. If you want to move or rename a directory, Source should be the current directory path and name.
rem [target] - Specifies the path and name to move files to. If you want to move or rename a directory, target should be the desired directory path and name.

rem Displays one screen of output at a time.
rem [/c] - Clears screen before displaying page.
rem [/p] - Expands form-feed characters.
rem [/s] - Changes multiple blank lines to one blank line.
rem [/tn] - Changes tabs to the number of spaces specified by n.
rem [+n] - Displays first file beginning at the line specified by n.
rem [files] - Specifies list of files to display. Separate file names with a space.

rem Displays system status, changes system settings, or reconfigures ports or devices. Used without parameters, mode displays all the controllable attributes of the console and the available COM devices. Because you can use mode to perform many different tasks, the syntax you need to use to carry out each task is different. Click the task that you want to perform.
rem comm[:] - Specifies the number of the asynchronous-communications (COM) port
rem [baud=b] - Specifies the transmission rate in bits per second. The following table lists valid abbreviations for b and its related rate.  11   110 baud;  15   150 baud;  30   300 baud;  60   600 baud;  12   1200 baud;  24   2400 baud;  48   4800 baud;  96   9600 baud;  19   19,200 baud
rem [parity=p] - Specifies how the system uses the parity bit to check for transmission errors. The following table lists valid p values. The default value is e. Not all computers support the values m and s.  n   none;  e   even;  o   odd;  m   mark;  s   space
rem [data=d] - Specifies the number of data bits in a character. Valid values for d are in the range 5 through 8. The default value is 7. Not all computers support the values 5 and 6.
rem [stop=s] - Specifies the number of stop bits that define the end of a character: 1, 1.5, or 2. If the baud rate is 110, the default value is 2. Otherwise, the default value is 1. Not all computers support the value 1.5.
rem [to={on|off}] - Specifies whether infinite time-out processing is on or off. The default is off.
rem [xon={on|off}] - Specifies whether the xon or xoff protocol for data-flow control is on or off.
rem [odsr={on|off}] - Specifies whether output handshaking that uses the Data Set Ready (DSR) circuit is on or off. 
rem [octs={on|off}] - Specifies whether output handshaking that uses the Clear To Send (CTS) circuit is on or off.
rem [dtr={on|off|hs}] - Specifies whether the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) circuit is on or off, or set to handshake.
rem [rts={on|off|hs|tg}] - Specifies whether the Request To Send (RTS) circuit is set to on, off, handshake, or toggle.
rem [idsr={on|off}] - Specifies whether the DSR circuit sensitivity is on or off.

rem Creates a directory or subdirectory.
rem [Drive:]Path - Drive: Specifies the drive on which you want to create the new directory. Path Required. Specifies the name and location of the new directory. The maximum length of any single path is determined by the file system.

rem Creates a directory or subdirectory.
rem [Drive:]Path - Drive: Specifies the drive on which you want to create the new directory. Path Required. Specifies the name and location of the new directory. The maximum length of any single path is determined by the file system.

rem Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label (that is, the name) of a disk. Used without parameters, label changes the current volume label or deletes the existing label.
rem [Drive:] - Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon) of the disk you want to name.
rem [label] - Specifies the name for the volume.

rem Performs conditional processing in batch programs.
rem /i - Forces string comparisons to ignore case. You can use /i on the string1==string2 form of if. These comparisons are generic, in that if both string1 and string2 are both comprised of all numeric digits, the strings are converted to numbers and a numeric comparison is performed.
rem [not] - Specifies that the command should be carried out only if the condition is false
rem expression - Specifies a condition
rem command - Specifies the command that should be carried out if the preceding condition is met.
rem else - Type 'ELSE' to add command that will be run if the expression specified appears to be false
rem else-expression - Specifies a command-line command and any parameters to be passed to the command in an else clause.

rem Provides online information about system commands (that is, non-network commands). Used without parameters, help lists and briefly describes every system command.
rem [command] - Specifies the name of the command about which you want information.

rem Enables the ability to display an extended character set in graphics mode. 
rem [xxx] - Specifies the code page for which you want the appearance of extended characters in graphics mode defined. The following table lists each valid code page identification number and its Country/Region or language.  437   United States;  850   Multilingual (Latin I);  852   Slavic (Latin II);  855   Cyrillic (Russian);  857   Turkish;  860   Portuguese;  861   Icelandic;  863   Canadian-French;  865   Nordic;  866   Russian;  869   Modern Greek
rem [/status] - Identifies the code page that graftabl is using.

rem Within a batch program, directs Windows XP to a line identified by a label. When the label is found, it processes the commands that begin on the next line.
rem label - Specifies the line in a batch program that you want to go to.

rem Adds string as comment that don't affect processing a batch program.
rem [Comment] - Text that explains contents of the batch file.

rem Copies files and directories, including subdirectories.
rem Source - Required. Specifies the location and names of the files you want to copy. This parameter must include either a drive or a path.
rem [Destination] - Specifies the destination of the files you want to copy. This parameter can include a drive letter and colon, a directory name, a file name, or a combination of these.
rem [/w] - Displays the following message and waits for your response before starting to copy files: Press any key to begin copying file(s) 
rem [/p] - Prompts you to confirm whether you want to create each destination file.
rem [/c] - Ignores errors.
rem [/v] - Verifies each file as it is written to the destination file to make sure that the destination files are identical to the source files.
rem [/q] - Suppresses the display of xcopy messages.
rem [/f] - Displays source and destination file names while copying.
rem [/l] - Displays a list of files that are to be copied.
rem [/g] - Creates decrypted destination files. 
rem [/d[:mm-dd-yyyy]] - Copies source files changed on or after the specified date only. If you do not include a mm-dd-yyyy value, xcopy copies all Source files that are newer than existing Destination files. This command-line option allows you to update files that have changed.
rem [/u] - Copies files from Source that exist on Destination only.
rem [/i] - If Source is a directory or contains wildcards and Destination does not exist, xcopy assumes destination specifies a directory name and creates a new directory. Then, xcopy copies all specified files into the new directory. By default, xcopy prompts you to specify whether Destination is a file or a directory.
rem [/s [/e]] - /s - Copies directories and subdirectories, unless they are empty. If you omit /s, xcopy works within a single directory.  /e - Copies all subdirectories, even if they are empty. Use /e with the /s and /t command-line options. 
rem [/t] - Copies the subdirectory structure (that is, the tree) only, not files. To copy empty directories, you must include the /e command-line option.
rem [/k] - Copies files and retains the read-only attribute on destination files if present on the source files. By default, xcopy removes the read-only attribute. 
rem [/r] - Copies read-only files.
rem [/h] - Copies files with hidden and system file attributes. By default, xcopy does not copy hidden or system files.
rem [{/a|/m}] - /a - Copies only source files that have their archive file attributes set. /a does not modify the archive file attribute of the source file. For information about how to set the archive file attribute by using attrib, see Related Topics.  /m - Copies source files that have their archive file attributes set. Unlike /a, /m turns off archive file attributes in the files that are specified in the source. For information about how to set the archive file attribute by using attrib, see Related Topics.
rem [/n] - Creates copies by using the NTFS short file or directory names. /n is required when you copy files or directories from an NTFS volume to a FAT volume or when the FAT file system naming convention (that is, 8.3 characters) is required on the destination file system. The destination file system can be FAT or NTFS.
rem [/o] - Copies file ownership and discretionary access control list (DACL) information.
rem [/x] - Copies file audit settings and system access control list (SACL) information (implies /o).
rem [/exclude:file1[+[file2]][+[file3]] - Specifies a list of files containing strings.
rem [{/y|/-y}] - /y - Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.  /-y - Prompts to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
rem [/z] - Copies over a network in restartable mode.

rem Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if they exist. A serial number is displayed for a disk formatted with MS-DOS version 4.0 or later.
rem [Drive:] - Specifies the drive that contains the disk for which you want to display the volume label and serial number.

rem Displays the Windows version number.

rem Displays the contents of a text file. Use the type command to view a text file without modifying it.
rem [Drive:][Path] FileName - Specifies the location and name of the file or files that you want to view. Separate multiple file names with spaces.

rem Graphically displays the directory structure of a path or of the disk in a drive.
rem [Drive:][Path] - Drive: - Specifies the drive that contains the disk for which you want to display the directory structure.  Path - Specifies the directory for which you want to display the directory structure.
rem [/f] - Displays the names of the files in each directory.
rem [/a] - Specifies that tree is to use text characters instead of graphic characters to show the lines linking subdirectories.

rem Creates a title for the command prompt window.
rem [string] - Specifies the title for the command prompt window.

rem Displays or sets the system time. Used without parameters, time displays the system time and prompts you to enter a new time.
rem [/t] - Displays the current system time, without prompting you to enter a new time.
rem [/time] - Same as /t.
rem [hours:[minutes[:seconds[.hundredths]]][{A|P}]] - hours - Specifies the hour. Valid values are in the range 0 through 23.  minutes - Specifies minutes. Valid values are in the range 0 through 59.  seconds - Specifies seconds. Valid values are in the range 0 through 59.  hundredths - Specifies hundredths of a second. Valid values are in the range 0 through 99.  {A|P} - Specifies A.M or P.M. for the 12-hour time format. If you type a valid 12-hour time but do not type A or P, time uses A for A.M.

rem Associates a path with a drive letter. Used without parameters, subst displays the names of the virtual drives in effect.  
rem [drive1: [drive2:]Path]  - drive1: - Specifies the virtual drive to which you want to assign a path.  drive2: - Specifies the physical drive that contains the specified path (if different from the current drive).  Path - Specifies the path that you want to assign to a virtual drive.
rem [/d] - Deletes a virtual drive.

rem Starts a separate Command Prompt window to run a specified program or command. Used without parameters, start opens a second command prompt window.
rem ["title"] - Specifies the title to display in Command Prompt window title bar.
rem [/dPath] - Specifies the startup directory.
rem [/i] - Passes the Cmd.exe startup environment to the new Command Prompt window.
rem [/min] - Starts a new minimized Command Prompt window.
rem [/max] - Starts a new maximized Command Prompt window.
rem [{/separate | /shared}] - /separate - Starts 16-bit programs in a separate memory space.  /shared - Starts 16-bit programs in a shared memory space.
rem [{/low | /normal | /high | /realtime | /abovenormal | belownormal}] - /low - Starts an application in the idle priority class.  /normal - Starts an application in the normal priority class.  /high - Starts an application in the high priority class.  /realtime - Starts an application in the realtime priority class.  /abovenormal - Starts an application in the abovenormal priority class.  /belownormal - Starts an application in the belownormal priority class.
rem [/wait] - Starts an application and waits for it to end.
rem [/b] - Starts an application without opening a new Command Prompt window. CTRL+C handling is ignored unless the application enables CTRL+C processing. Use CTRL+BREAK to interrupt the application.
rem [FileName] - Specifies the command or program to start.
rem [parameters] - Specifies parameters to pass to the command or program.

rem Reads input, sorts data, and writes the results to the screen, to a file, or to another device.
rem [/r] - Reverses the sort order (that is, sorts from Z to A, and then from 9 to 0).
rem [/+n] - Specifies the character position number, n, at which sort begins each comparison.
rem [/m kilobytes] - Specifies the amount of main memory to use for the sort, in kilobytes (KB).
rem [/l locale] - Overrides the sort order of characters defined by the system default locale (that is, the language and Country/Region selected during installation).
rem [/rec characters] - Specifies the maximum number of characters in a record, or a line of the input file (the default is 4,096, and the maximum is 65,535).
rem [[drive1:][path1]filename1] - Specifies the file to be sorted. If no file name is specified, the standard input is sorted. Specifying the input file is faster than redirecting the same file as standard input.
rem [/t [drive2:][path2]] - Specifies the path of the directory to hold the sort command's working storage, in case the data does not fit in main memory. The default is to use the system temporary directory.
rem [/o [drive3:][path3]filename3] - Specifies the file where the sorted input is to be stored. If not specified, the data is written to the standard output. Specifying the output file is faster than redirecting standard output to the same file.

rem Changes the position of batch parameters in a batch file.

rem Starts localization of environment variables in a batch file. Localization continues until a matching endlocal command is encountered or the end of the batch file is reached.
rem {enableextension | disableextensions} - enableextension - Enables the command extensions until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.  disableextensions - Disables the command extensions until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.
rem {enabledelayedexpansion | disabledelayedexpansion} - enabledelayedexpansion - Enables the delayed environment variable expansion until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.  disabledelayedexpansion - Disables the delayed environment variable expansion until the matching endlocal command is encountered, regardless of the setting prior to the setlocal command.

rem Displays, sets, or removes environment variables. Used without parameters, set displays the current environment settings.
rem [[/a [expression]] - Sets string to a numerical expression that is evaluated. variable - Specifies the variable you want to set or modify.
rem [/p] - Sets the value of variable to a line of input.
rem [variable=string] - Specifies the string you want to associate with the specified variable. Variable - specifies the variable you want to set or modify.

rem Replaces files in the destination directory with files in the source directory that have the same name. You can also use replace to add unique file names to the destination directory.
rem [drive1:][path1] FileName - Specifies the location and name of the source file or set of files.
rem [drive2:][path2] - Specifies the location of the destination file. You cannot specify a file name for files you replace. If you specify neither a drive nor a directory, replace uses the current drive and directory as the destination.
rem [/a] - Adds new files to the destination directory instead of replacing existing files. You cannot use this command-line option with the /s or /u command-line option.
rem [/p] - Prompts you for confirmation before replacing a destination file or adding a source file.
rem [/r] - Replaces read-only files as well as unprotected files. If you do not specify this command-line option but attempt to replace a read-only file, an error results and stops the replacement operation.
rem [/w] - Waits for you to insert a disk before replace begins to search for source files. If you do not specify /w, replace begins replacing or adding files immediately after you press ENTER. 
rem [/s] - Searches all subdirectories of the destination directory and replaces matching files. You cannot use the /s command-line option with the /a command-line option. The replace command does not search subdirectories specified in path1.  
rem [/u] - Replaces (updates) only those files on the destination directory that are older than those in the source directory. You cannot use the /u command-line option with the /a command-line option.  

rem Changes the name of a file or a set of files.
rem [Drive:][Path] filename1 - Specifies the location and name of the file or set of files you want to rename.
rem filename2 - Specifies the new name for the file. If you use wildcards (* and ?), filename2 specifies the new names for the files. You cannot specify a new drive or path when renaming files.

rem Changes the name of a file or a set of files.
rem [Drive:][Path] filename1 - Specifies the location and name of the file or set of files you want to rename.
rem filename2 - Specifies the new name for the file. If you use wildcards (* and ?), filename2 specifies the new names for the files. You cannot specify a new drive or path when renaming files.

rem Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk.
rem [Drive:][Path]FileName - Specifies the location and name of the file you want to recover.

rem Removes (that is, deletes) a directory.
rem [Drive:]Path - Specifies the location and name of the directory that you want to delete.
rem [/s] - Removes the specified directory and all subdirectories including any files. Use /s to remove a tree.
rem [/q] - Runs rmdir in quiet mode. Deletes directories without confirmation.

rem Removes (that is, deletes) a directory.
rem [Drive:]Path - Specifies the location and name of the directory that you want to delete.
rem [/s] - Removes the specified directory and all subdirectories including any files. Use /s to remove a tree.
rem [/q] - Runs rmdir in quiet mode. Deletes directories without confirmation.

rem Changes the Cmd.exe prompt. Used without parameters, prompt resets the command prompt to the default setting, the current drive letter followed by the current directory and a greater-than symbol (>).
rem [text] - Specifies any text and information you want included in your system prompt.

rem Sends a text file to a printer.
rem [/d:Printer] - Specifies the printer on which you want to print the job. You can specify a local printer by specifying the port on your computer to which the printer is connected. Valid values for parallel ports are LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3. Valid values for serial ports are COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4. You can also specify a network printer by its queue name (\\ServerName\ShareName). If you do not specify a printer, the print job is sent to LPT1.
rem [Drive:][Path] FileName [...] - Drive: - Specifies the logical or physical drive on which the file you want to print is located. This parameter is not required if the file you want to print is located on the current drive. Path - Specifies where, on the drive, the file you want to print is located. This parameter is not required if the file you want to print is located in the current directory. FileName - specifies, by name, the file you want to print. You can include multiple files in one command.

rem Stores the name of the current directory for use by the popd command before changing the current directory to the specified directory.
rem [Path] - Specifies the directory to which the current directory should be changed. This command supports relative paths. 

rem Changes the current directory to the directory stored by the pushd command.

rem Suspends processing of a batch program and displays a message prompting the user to press any key to continue.

rem Sets the command path in the PATH environment variable, which is the set of directories used to search for executable files. Used without parameters, path displays the current command path.
rem [[%path%] [Drive:]Path [;...]] - [Drive:]Path - Specifies the drive and directory to set in the command path. ; - Separates directories in the command path. %path% - Specifies Windows XP to append the command path to the existing set of directories listed in the PATH environment variable.

rem Label name
rem Name - Label name

rem Executes the command after another one has failed.

rem Executes the command after another one has succeeded.

rem Executes the command after another one has finished.

rem Redirects standard output of one command to the input of another command.

rem Gets standard input for command from file.
rem FileName - File to be used.

rem Appends standard output of command to file.
rem FileName - File to be used.

rem Writes standard output of command to file.
rem FileName - File to be used.

rem Specifies a true condition if variable is defined.
rem Variable - Variable to be checked.

rem Specifies a true condition only if the internal version number associated with the Command Extensions feature of Cmd.exe is equal to or greater than number. The first version is 1. It is incremented by one when significant enhancements are added to the command extensions. The cmdextversion conditional is never true when command extensions are disabled (by default, command extensions are enabled).
rem Number - Version number to be checked.

rem Errorlevel 0 means the command executed succesfully, and an errorlevel 1 or higher usually spells trouble.
rem Level - Value to be verified. The function returns TRUE if the return code (this parameter) was equal to or higher than the specified errorlevel.

rem Verifies whether the specified file exists.
rem FileName - Name of the file to be verified.

rem Returns negative value of the argument.
rem Value - Value to be negated.

rem Executes the command specified in 'IF' statement if the first value to be compared is greater than the second one or equal to it.
rem Argument1 - First value to be compared.
rem Argument2 - Second value to be compared.

rem Executes the command specified in 'IF' statement if the first value to be compared is greater than the second one.
rem Argument1 - First value to be compared.
rem Argument2 - Second value to be compared.

rem Executes the command specified in 'IF' statement if the first value to be compared is less than the second one or equal to it.
rem Argument1 - First value to be compared.
rem Argument2 - Second value to be compared.

rem Executes the command specified in 'IF' statement if the first value to be compared is less than the second one.
rem Argument1 - First value to be compared.
rem Argument2 - Second value to be compared.

rem Executes the command specified in 'IF' statement if the values to be compared are NOT equal .
rem Argument1 - First value to be compared.
rem Argument2 - Second value to be compared.

rem Executes the command specified in 'IF' statement if the values to be compared are equal .
rem Argument1 - First value to be compared.
rem Argument2 - Second value to be compared.

rem Compares two values between each other and returns boolean result.
rem Argument1 - First value to be compared.
rem Argument2 - Second value to be compared.







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