office web applications 2010 安装在windows7中

2011022322195523.pngOffice web application 2010要求安装在server 系统上的,下面我们来将office web applications 2010 安装在windows7中

一、下载office web application

我们可以到官方网站上,下载office web applications 的bate版 并通过hotmail 获取key(不作重点介绍)

二、将office web applications copy 到一硬盘上



在dos 命令行下进行相应的目录



我们是将言文件解压到E:\sharepoint 下面



五、我们在文件中加入一命令:<Setting Id="AllowWindowsClientInstall" Value="True"/>



六、安装office web applications

在dos 命令提示行下面输入E:\sharepoint\setup.exe即可安装

(原理同在windows7下面安装sharepoint server 2010 )一样。



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版本修改记录: V2.2.0.2修改: 修改了HttpPost相对路径的一些问题。 V2.2.0.0增加: [id(0x00010041), helpstring("Get Rev Index")] HRESULT GetRevCount( [out,retval] long * pbool); [id(0x00010042), helpstring("Get Rev Index Info")] HRESULT GetRevInfo([in] long lIndex, [in] long lType, [out,retval] BSTR* pbool); [id(0x00010043), helpstring("Set Doc Prop")] HRESULT SetValue([in] BSTR strValue, [in] BSTR strName, [out,retval] long* pbool); [id(0x00010044), helpstring("Set Doc Variable")] HRESULT SetDocVariable([in] BSTR strVarName, [in] BSTR strValue,[in] long lOpt, [out,retval] long* pbool); [id(0x00010045), helpstring("Save page To Doc")] HRESULT SetPageAs([in] BSTR strLocalFile, [in] long lPageNum, [in] long lType,[out,retval] long* pbool); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LoadDso.js var s = "" s += "" s += "" document.write(s) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 接口文档: /* 1.新建 */ //新建Word document.all.FramerControl1.CreateNew("Word.Document"); //新建Excel document.all.FramerControl1.CreateNew("Excel.Sheet"); /* 2.打开文件 */ //打开制定的本地文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open("C:\\TestBook.xls"); //制定用Word来打开c:\plain.txt文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open("C:\\Plain.txt",false, "Word.Document"); //打开服务器的文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open "https://secureserver/test/mytest.asp?id=123",true, "Excel.Sheet", "MyUserAccount", "MyPassword"); //打开服务器的文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open("http://localhost/1.doc", true); /* 3.保存文件 */ //到本地 document.all.FramerControl1.Save("c:\\1.doc",true); //服务器 /*增加Http协议Post上传接口,可以Post一个动态页面(jsp,asp,php...),由动态页面负责解析数据 bool HttpInit(); bool HttpAddPostString(BSTR strName, BSTR strValue); bool HttpAddPostCurrFile(BSTR strFileID, BSTR strFileName); BSTR HttpPost(BSTR bstr); */ //初始化Http引擎 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpInit(); //增加Post变量 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpAddPostString("RecordID","20060102200"); document.all.FramerControl1.HttpAddPostString("UserID","李局长"); //上传打开的文件 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpAddPostCurrFile("FileData", "文档名.doc"); //执行上传动作 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpPost(""); /* 4.修订留痕 */ //进入留痕状态 document.all.FramerControl1.SetTrackRevisions(1); //进入非留痕状态 document.all.FramerControl1.SetTrackRevisions(0); //接受当前修订 document.all.FramerControl1.SetTrackRevisions(4); /* 5.设置当前用户 */ document.all.FramerControl1.SetCurrUserName("张三"); /* 6.设置当前时间(笔迹留痕会显示("Like 2006:02:07 11:11:11") */ document.all.FramerControl1.SetCurrTime("2006:02:07 11:11:11"); /* 7.设置和创建书签,此功能比较强大,设置书签数据、添加书签和添加红头文件就靠他了 SetFieldValue(BSTR strFieldName, BSTR strValue, BSTR strCmdOrSheetName) strFieldName:书签名 strValue:要设置的值 strCmdOrSheetName: 命令 ::ADDMARK:: 添加BookMark ::DELMARK:: 删除这个BookMark ::GETMARK:: 定位到这个BookMark ::FILE:: 插入的是文件 ::JPG:: 插入的是图片 一般来说:WORD书签是做好的,可以通过此接口把外界数据设置进书签去。 */ //在当前WORD位置插入标签,标签名为"book1",数值为"test" document.all.FramerControl1.SetFieldValue("book1","test","::ADDMARK::"); //设置书签"Time",数值为"2006-03-16 22:22:22" document.all.FramerControl1.SetFieldValue("Time","2006-03-16 22:22:22",""); //在书签位置"hongtou",插入红头文件"" 这样,红头就自动插进去了 document.all.FramerControl1.SetFieldValue("hongtou","","::FILE::"); /* 8.设置菜单显示情况 BOOL SetMenuDisplay(long lMenuFlag) lMenuFlag为以下数值的组合 #define MNU_NEW 0x01 #define MNU_OPEN 0x02 #define MNU_CLOSE 0x04 #define MNU_SAVE 0x08 #define MNU_SAVEAS 0x16 #define MNU_PGSETUP 0x64 #define MNU_PRINT 0x256 #define MNU_PROPS 0x32 #define MNU_PRINTPV 0x126 */ //只有“新建”菜单可用 document.all.FramerControl1..SetMenuDisplay(1); //只有“打开”菜单可用 document.all.FramerControl1.SetMenuDisplay(2); //只有“打开”和“新建”菜单可用 document.all.FramerControl1.SetMenuDisplay(3); /* 9.保护文档和解保护文档 lProOrUn:1:保护文档;0:解除保护 lProType: wdNoProtection = -1, wdAllowOnlyRevisions = 0, wdAllowOnlyComments = 1, wdAllowOnlyFormFields = 2 strProPWD:密码 */ //完全保护文档,密码为"pwd" document.all.FramerControl1.ProtectDoc(1,1,"pwd"); //解除文档保护 document.all.FramerControl1.ProtectDoc(0,1,"pwd"); /* 10.显示或隐藏修订内容 ShowRevisions(long nNewValue) nNewValue = 0 则隐藏修订 = 1 则显示修订 */ //显示修订留痕 document.all.FramerControl1.ShowRevisions(1); //隐藏修订留痕 document.all.FramerControl1.ShowRevisions(0); /* 11.插入合并文件, strFieldPath 文件路径,可以是http,ftp的路径 pPos = 0 //当前鼠标位置 1;文件开头 2;文件末尾 pPos的第4位为1的时候,代表插入的是图片 InSertFile(BSTR strFieldPath, long lPos) */ //文件头部插入文件 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("",1); //文件尾部插入文件 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("",2); //当前光标位置插入文件 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("",0); //文件头部插入图片 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("",9); //文件尾部插入图片 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("",10); //当前光标位置插入图片 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("",8); /* 0x31. 文档另存为 HRESULT SaveAs([in] VARIANT strFileName, [in] VARIANT dwFileFormat, [out,retval] long* pbool); 参数: strFileName:文件本地路径,如c:\\11.doc dwFileFormat: 文件格式 dwFileFormat的数值为: Excel: Type enum XlFileFormat { xlAddIn = 18, xlCSV = 6, xlCSVMac = 22, xlCSVMSDOS = 24, xlCSVWindows = 23, xlDBF2 = 7, xlDBF3 = 8, xlDBF4 = 11, xlDIF = 9, xlExcel2 = 16, xlExcel2FarEast = 27, xlExcel3 = 29, xlExcel4 = 33, xlExcel5 = 39, xlExcel7 = 39, xlExcel9795 = 43, xlExcel4Workbook = 35, xlIntlAddIn = 26, xlIntlMacro = 25, xlWorkbookNormal = -4143, xlSYLK = 2, xlTemplate = 17, xlCurrentPlatformText = -4158, xlTextMac = 19, xlTextMSDOS = 21, xlTextPrinter = 36, xlTextWindows = 20, xlWJ2WD1 = 14, xlWK1 = 5, xlWK1ALL = 31, xlWK1FMT = 30, xlWK3 = 15, xlWK4 = 38, xlWK3FM3 = 32, xlWKS = 4, xlWorks2FarEast = 28, xlWQ1 = 34, xlWJ3 = 40, xlWJ3FJ3 = 41, xlUnicodeText = 42, xlHtml = 44 }; Word: Type enum WdSaveFormat { wdFormatDocument = 0, wdFormatTemplate = 1, wdFormatText = 2, wdFormatTextLineBreaks = 3, wdFormatDOSText = 4, wdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks = 5, wdFormatRTF = 6, wdFormatUnicodeText = 7, wdFormatEncodedText = 7, wdFormatHTML = 8 }; PPT: enum PpSaveAsFileType { ppSaveAsPresentation = 1, ppSaveAsPowerPoint7 = 2, ppSaveAsPowerPoint4 = 3, ppSaveAsPowerPoint3 = 4, ppSaveAsTemplate = 5, ppSaveAsRTF = 6, ppSaveAsShow = 7, ppSaveAsAddIn = 8, ppSaveAsPowerPoint4FarEast = 10, ppSaveAsDefault = 11, ppSaveAsHTML = 12, ppSaveAsHTMLv3 = 13, ppSaveAsHTMLDual = 14, ppSaveAsMetaFile = 15, ppSaveAsGIF = 16, ppSaveAsJPG = 17, ppSaveAsPNG = 18, ppSaveAsBMP = 19 }; */ /* 0x32. 删除本地文件 HRESULT DeleteLocalFile([in] BSTR strFilePath); 参数: strFileName:文件本地路径,如c:\\11.doc */ /* 0x33.创建临时文件 HRESULT GetTempFilePath([out,retval] BSTR* strValue); 返回: 临时文件的路径地址。使用完后,用DeleteLocalFile 删除 */ /* 0x34.设置文档显示模式 HRESULT ShowView([in] long dwViewType, [out,retval] long * pbool); dwViewType的可取值为: enum WdViewType { wdNormalView = 1, wdOutlineView = 2, wdPrintView = 3, wdPrintPreview = 4, wdMasterView = 5, //这个是大纲 wdWebView = 6 }; */ //大纲模式 document.all.FramerControl1.ShowView(5); /* 0x39:下载远程文件 HRESULT DownloadFile( [in] BSTR strRemoteFile, [in] BSTR strLocalFile, [out,retval] BSTR* strValue); 参数: strRemoteFile:远程路径地址,http or Ftp strLocalFile: 本地保存地址,if strLocalFile == NULL then Create Temp File and return TempFile's Path */ /* 0x40:增加Http上传时候的,附加其他文件 HRESULT HttpAddPostFile([in] BSTR strFileID, [in] BSTR strFileName, [out,retval] long* pbool); 参数: strFileID:文件的ID,供服务器端页面解析 strFileName: 本地文件地址 */ /* 0x41,0x42.获取详细的修订信息。 GetRevCount( [out,retval] long * pbool); GetRevInfo([in] long lIndex, [in] long lType, [out,retval] BSTR* pbool); 例子如下 */ var vCount; vCount = document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevCount(); alert(vCount); var vOpt = 0; var vDate; for(var i=1; i<= vCount; i++){ vOpt = document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,2); if("1" == vOpt){ vOpt = "插入"; }else if("2" == vOpt){ vOpt = "删除"; }else{ vOpt = "未知操作"; } vDate = new String(document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,1)); vDate = parseFloat(vDate); alert(vDate); dateObj = new Date(vDate); alert(dateObj.getYear() + "年" + dateObj.getMonth() + 1 + "月" + dateObj.getDate() +"日" + dateObj.getHours() +"时" + dateObj.getMinutes() +"分" + dateObj.getSeconds() +"秒" ); alert("用户:"+document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,0) + "\r\n操作:" + vOpt + "\r\n内容:" + document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,3)); } /* 0x43.设置基本信息: HRESULT SetValue([in] BSTR strValue, [in] BSTR strName, [out,retval] long* pbool); 1.设置文件只读密码 SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:PassWord"); 2.设置文件修改密码 SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:WritePW"); 返回值: 0 正确 -1:不支持此命令,请确定您的第二个参数没有传错 -127:异常 */ //设置文件只读密码 document.all.FramerControl1.SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:PassWord"); //设置文件修改密码 document.all.FramerControl1.SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:WritePW"); /* 0x44.设置文档变量,这个很少能用到 HRESULT SetDocVariable([in] BSTR strVarName, [in] BSTR strValue,[in] long lOpt, [out,retval] long* pbool); strVarName: 变量名 strVlaue:变量值 lOpt: 操作类型, 按位 第一位为1: 表示update域关联的 第二位为1: 表示如果没有这个变量则添加 第三位为1: 未来支持 return: 0:OK -127:异常 */ /* 0x45: 分页保存 HRESULT SetPageAs([in] BSTR strLocalFile, [in] long lPageNum, [in] long lType,[out,retval] long* pbool); strLocalFile:本地路径 lPageNum:页数 */


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