求100以内的质数编程python_如何编程求解 100 以内的质数?

Reg Hex Disassembly

1 001e MOV R0 ,R30 ; set display to 2

2 361f MOV R54,R31 ; initialise mask register for sign bit test

3 2021 MOV R32,R33 ; set candidate prime p=3

4 3c22 MOV R60,R34 ; the trial divisor q is stored in the adder as its

; negative: here it is initialised to -1, i.e. q=1

5 3d23 MOV R61,R35 ; other summand=-2

6 3c3d MOV R60,R61 ; next trial divisor q=q+2

7 3d20 MOV R61,R32 ; move p to adder summand input a, which holds remainder

8 3924 MOV R57,R36 ; for the first time round the loop, set the target

; for the branch if subtraction gives zero to 20: this

; detects the case p==q, which means we have done all

; the trial divisors and p is prime

9 3725 MOV R55,R37 ; if subtraction result non-zero, target is 13

10 383d MOV R56,R61 ; test a-q

11 3f38 MOV R63,R56 ; branch to selected target

12 3d3d MOV R61,R61 ; a-=q

13 3d3d MOV R61,R61 ; a-=q (continuing here if subtraction result not zero)

14 353d MOV R53,R61 ; move a-q to and-not register to check sign

15 3926 MOV R57,R38 ; target is 9 if a-q positive (round subtraction loop

; again)

16 3727 MOV R55,R39 ; else target is 5 (q does not divide p, so try next q)

17 3836 MOV R56,R54 ; test a-q AND 0x8000

18 3f38 MOV R63,R56 ; branch to selected target

19 3928 MOV R57,R40 ; reset target for other branch to 21 (a zero result

; from the subtraction now indicates q properly

; divides p and so p is composite)

20 0020 MOV R0 ,R32 ; p is prime: write it to the display

21 3d20 MOV R61,R32 ; move p to adder

22 3c1e MOV R60,R30 ; other summand=2

23 3f29 MOV R63,R41 ; goto 4 to try new p

24 203d MOV R32,R61 ; p+=2

25 ; unused

26 ; unused

27 ; unused

28 ; unused

29 ; unused

30 0002 ; constant 2

31 7fff ; constant mask for sign bit testing

32 0005 ; current candidate p

33 0003 ; constant 3

34 fffe ; constant -1

35 fffd ; constant -2

36 0014 20 ; branch target: trial divisor q equal to candidate p,

; and hence prime found

37 000d 13 ; branch target: trial divisor q less than candidate p

38 0009 9 ; branch target: more subtractions to do

39 0005 5 ; branch target: next trial divisor q

40 0015 21 ; branch target: subtraction gave zero, so p composite

41 0004 4 ; branch target: next candidate p

42 fffc ; constant -3

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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钱包余额 0


