
identifierClick Element|identifier=my_elementMatches by @id or @name attribute
idClick Element|id=my_elementMatches by @id attribute
nameClick Element|name=my_elementMatches by @name attribute
xpathClick Element|xpath=//UIATableView/UIATableCell/UIAButtonMatches with arbitrary XPath
classClick Element|class=UIAPickerWheelMatches by class
accessibility_idClick Element|accessibility_id=tAccessibility options utilize.
androidClick Element|android=new UiSelector().description('Apps')Matches by Android UI Automator
iosClick Element|ios=.buttons().withName('Apps')Matches by iOS UI Automation
cssClick Element|css=.green_buttonMatches by css in webview




Background Appseconds=5

Puts the application in the background on the device for a certain duration.

Capture Page Screenshotfilename=None

Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log.

filenameargument specifies the name of the file to write the screenshot into. If nofilenameis given, the screenshot is saved into fileappium-screenshot-<counter>.pngunder the directory where the Robot Framework log file is written into. Thefilenameis also considered relative to the same directory, if it is not given in absolute format.

csscan be used to modify how the screenshot is taken. By default the bakground color is changed to avoid possible problems with background leaking when the page layout is somehow broken.

Clear Textlocator

Clears the text field identified bylocator.

Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.

Click Buttonindex_or_name

Click button

Click Elementlocator

Click element identified bylocator.

Key attributes for arbitrary elements areindexandname. Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.

Close All Applications 

Closes all open applications.

This keyword is meant to be used in test or suite teardown to make sure all the applications are closed before the test execution finishes.

After this keyword, the application indices returned byOpen Applicationare reset and start from1.

Close Application 

Closes the current application.

Element Name Should Belocator,expected 
Element Should Be Disabledlocator,loglevel=INFO

Verifies that element identified with locator is disabled.

Key attributes for arbitrary elements areidandname. Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.

Element Should Be Enabledlocator,loglevel=INFO

Verifies that element identified with locator is enabled.

Key attributes for arbitrary elements areidandname. Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.

Get Contexts 

Get available contexts.

Get Current Context 

Get current context.

Get Network Connection Status 

Returns an integer bitmask specifying the network connection type. Android only. Seeset network connection statusfor more details.

Get Source 

Returns the entire source of the current page.

Go Back 

Goes one step backward in the browser history.

Go To Urlurl

Opens URL in default web browser.


Open Applicationhttp://localhost:4755/wd/hubplatformName=iOSplatformVersion=7.0deviceName='iPhone Simulator'browserName=Safari
Go To URL    
Hide Keyboard 

Hides the software keyboard on the device, using the specified key to press. If no key name is given, the keyboard is closed by moving focus from the text field. iOS only.

Input Passwordlocator,text

Types the given password into text field identified bylocator.

Difference between this keyword andInput Textis that this keyword does not log the given password. Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.

Input Textlocator,text

Types the giventextinto text field identified bylocator.

Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.

Input Valuelocator,text

Sets the given value into text field identified bylocator. This is an IOS only keyword, input value makes use of set_value

Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.


Lock the device

Log Sourceloglevel=INFO

Logs and returns the entire html source of the current page or frame.

Theloglevelargument defines the used log level. Valid log levels areWARN,INFO(default),DEBUG,TRACEandNONE(no logging).

Long Presslocator

Long press the element

Long Press Keycodekeycode,metastate=None

Sends a long press of keycode to the device. Android only. Seepress keycodefor more details.

Open Applicationremote_url,alias=None,**kwargs

Opens a new application to given Appium server. Capabilities of appium server, Android and iOS, Please check

remote_urlYesAppium server url


Open Applicationhttp://localhost:4723/wd/hubalias=Myapp1platformName=iOSplatformVersion=7.0deviceName='iPhone Simulator' 
Open Applicationhttp://localhost:4723/wd/hubplatformName=AndroidplatformVersion=4.2.2deviceName=${CURDIR}/demoapp/
Page Should Contain Elementlocator,loglevel=INFO

Verifies that current page containslocatorelement.

If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optionalloglevelargument. Givin

Page Should Contain Texttext,loglevel=INFO

Verifies that current page containstext.

If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optionalloglevelargument. GivingNONEas level disables logging.

Page Should Not Contain Elementlocator,loglevel=INFO

Verifies that current page not containslocatorelement.

If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optionalloglevelargument. Givin

Page Should Not Contain Texttext,loglevel=INFO

Verifies that current page not containstext.

If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optionalloglevelargument. GivingNONEas level disables logging.


Pinch in on an element a certain amount.

Press Keycodekeycode,metastate=None

Sends a press of keycode to the device. Android only. Possible keycodes & meta states can be found in

Meta state describe the pressed state of key modifiers such as Shift, Ctrl & Alt keys. The Meta State is an integer in which each bit set to 1 represents a pressed meta key. For example META_SHIFT_ON = 1 META_ALT_ON = 2 MetaState=1 --> Shift is pressed MetaState=2 --> Alt is pressed MetaState=3 --> Shift+Alt is pressed


  • keycode - the keycode to be sent to the device
  • metastate - status of the meta keys
Pull Filepath,decode=False

Retrieves the file atpathand return it's content. Android only.


  • path - the path to the file on the device
  • decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)
Pull Folderpath,decode=False

Retrieves a folder atpath. Returns the folder's contents zipped. Android only.


  • path - the path to the folder on the device
  • decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)
Push Filepath,data,encode=False

Puts the data in the file specified aspath. Android only.


  • path - the path on the device
  • data - data to be written to the file
  • encode - True/False encode the data as base64 before writing it to the file (default=False)
Register Keyword To Run On Failurekeyword

Sets the keyword to execute when a AppiumLibrary keyword fails.

keyword_nameis the name of a keyword (from any available libraries) that will be executed if a AppiumLibrary keyword fails. It is not possible to use a keyword that requires arguments. Using the value "Nothing" will disable this feature altogether.

The initial keyword to use is set inimporting, and the keyword that is used by default isCapture Page Screenshot. Taking a screenshot when something failed is a very useful feature, but notice that it can slow down the execution.

This keyword returns the name of the previously registered failure keyword. It can be used to restore the original value later.


Register Keyword To Run On FailureLog Source# RunLog Sourceon failure. 
${previous kw}=Register Keyword To Run On FailureNothing# Disables run-on-failure functionality and stores the previous kw name in a variable.
Register Keyword To Run On Failure${previous kw}# Restore to the previous keyword. 

This run-on-failure functionality only works when running tests on Python/Jython 2.4 or newer and it does not work on IronPython at all.

Remove Applicationapplication_id

Removes the application that is identified with an application id


Reset Application 

Reset application


Scrolls from one element to another Key attributes for arbitrary elements areidandname. Seeintroductionfor details about locating elements.

Set Network Connection StatusconnectionStatus

Sets the network connection Status. Android only. Possible values: Value |(Alias) | Data | Wifi | Airplane Mode

0 |(None) | 0 | 0 | 0 1 |(Airplane Mode) | 0 | 0 | 1 2 |(Wifi only) | 0 | 1 | 0 4 |(Data only) | 1 | 0 | 0 6 |(All network on) | 1 | 1 | 0


Shake the device


Swipe from one point to another point, for an optional duration.

Switch Applicationindex_or_alias

Switches the active application by index or alias.

index_or_aliasis either application index (an integer) or alias (a string). Index is got as the return value ofOpen Application.

This keyword returns the index of the previous active application, which can be used to switch back to that application later.


${appium1}=Open Applicationhttp://localhost:4723/wd/hubalias=MyApp1platformName=iOSplatformVersion=7.0deviceName='iPhone Simulator'
${appium2}=Open Applicationhttp://localhost:4755/wd/hubalias=MyApp2platformName=iOSplatformVersion=7.0deviceName='iPhone Simulator'
Click ElementsendHello# Executed on appium running at localhost:4755     
Switch Application${appium1}# Switch using index     
Click ElementackHello# Executed on appium running at localhost:4723     
Switch ApplicationMyApp2# Switch using alias     
Page Should Contain TextackHello Received# Executed on appium running at localhost:4755     
Switch To Contextcontext_name

Switch to a new context


Tap on element

Wait Until Page Containstext,timeout=None,error=None

Waits untiltextappears on current page.

Fails iftimeoutexpires before the text appears. Seeintroductionfor more information abouttimeoutand its default value.

errorcan be used to override the default error message.

See alsoWait Until Page Does Not Contain,Wait Until Page Contains Element,Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Elementand BuiltIn keywordWait Until Keyword Succeeds.

Wait Until Page Contains Elementlocator,timeout=None,error=None

Waits until element specified withlocatorappears on current page.

Fails iftimeoutexpires before the element appears. Seeintroductionfor more information abouttimeoutand its default value.

errorcan be used to override the default error message.

See alsoWait Until Page Contains,Wait Until Page Does Not ContainWait Until Page Does Not Contain Elementand BuiltIn keywordWait Until Keyword Succeeds.

Wait Until Page Does Not Containtext,timeout=None,error=None

Waits untiltextdisappears from current page.

Fails iftimeoutexpires before thetextdisappears. Seeintroductionfor more information abouttimeoutand its default value.

errorcan be used to override the default error message.

See alsoWait Until Page Contains,Wait Until Page Contains Element,Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Elementand BuiltIn keywordWait Until Keyword Succeeds.

Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Elementlocator,timeout=None,error=None

Waits until element specified withlocatordisappears from current page.

Fails iftimeoutexpires before the element disappears. Seeintroductionfor more information abouttimeoutand its default value.

errorcan be used to override the default error message.

See alsoWait Until Page Contains,Wait Until Page Does Not Contain,Wait Until Page Contains Elementand BuiltIn keywordWait Until Keyword Succeeds.


Zooms in on an element a certain amount.







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