English trip V1 - 24. Accommodations Teacher:Maple Key: make suggestions 提出建议

In this lesson you will learn to make suggestions. 在本课程中,您将学习如何提出建议。


Which place  would you choose to visit?Why?

I choose to go to sand beach,

第一种回答:There is  sound of surf, sunshine and fresh air.

第二种,用动词回答:I  can  listen to the sound of surf, enjoy sunshine, step on the beach and breathe fresh air.

It's relaxing to visit the beach


词汇(Key Word )

accommodation 住处

camp 露营;扎营

campsite 营地

choose  选择,决定

suggestion  示意;建议

tent 帐篷;住处

cottage  村舍;小别墅

houseboat  游艇;船屋

tent  帐篷

apartment  公寓

villa  n. 别墅;郊区住宅

flat n. 平地;公寓;平面

five-star hotel  五星酒店

log cabin  木屋


# Positive  积极性的词

attractive  adj. 迷人的; 有魅力的; 引人注目的; 招人喜爱的           at trac ti ve

peaceful  adj.和平的; 平静的; 安静的; 爱好和平的                       pea ce ful

friendly  adj. 友好的,亲密的; 有帮助的; 互助的                          fri en dly

comfortable  adj. 舒适的; 安逸的,处于轻松的; 充裕的               com for tab le

delicious  adj. 美味的,可口的; 有趣的; 喷香                              de li cious

beautiful   adj.美丽的,美好的; 极好的                                       beau ti ful

fantastic  adj.极好的; 很大的; 怪诞的; 不切实际的;                     fan tas tic

modern    adj.现代的; 近代的; 新式的; 当代风格的                     mo dern


# Negative  消极性的词

ugly    adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的                             u gly

expensive  adj. 昂贵的,花钱多的; 豪华的                                  ex pen si ve




Where are you going?你打算去哪里呢?

That sounds great.I love camping  听起来不错,我喜欢露营

Yes,I'm going away for a week 是的,我要离开一个我星期

I have 5 days off next week  我下个星期请五天假

I don't know what to do  我不知道要干什么

My credit card isn't working.  我的信用卡不能用了


countryside: Outside, away from the city

plan: You decide to do something in the future

camping:  You sleep outside in a tent

hotel: You stay in a room and you don't clean or cook


Jim: Hi, Ana. Are you planning a holiday?

Ana: Hi,Jim. Yes,I'm going away for a week.

Jim: Oh,where are you going?

Ana:I'm going to the French countryside.

Jim: Great! There are lots of great hotels in France.  # Lots of 后面只能接可数名词复数  e.g.  Iris has a lot of money(可以用)  Iris has lots of money X(不可以用)

Ana: I'm not staying at a hotel.I'm staying at a campsite.

Jim: That sounds fun.I love camping.


Shall we go to the company together?

Let's go and see the pands.

Why don't you go with me?

What about going for a walk?

You had better stay at home.

Don't play in the street.

Would you like another cup of tea?

Will you please come tomorrow?





Making suggestions by using You could... or Why don't you...

1. You could stay in a hotel.

2. Why don't you stay at a friend's house?

3. You could go to the beach

4. Why don't you stay at home?



The Hotel Room

There was a lady from the countryside who came to the city and checked into a hotel.

She said to the bellman,"I refuse to take a tiny room like this,with no window and no bed in it!

You can't treat me like a fool just because I don't travel much! I'm going to complain to the manager!

So the bellman said very politely,"Madam,this isn't your room.It's the elevator!"


bellman  n. 更夫;传达员;鸣钟者

refuse vt. 拒绝;不愿;抵制

tiny adj. 微小的;很少的

treat   n. 请客;款待

fool n. 傻瓜;愚人;受骗者

trave l n. 旅行;游历;漫游

complain  vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

politely  adv. 有礼貌地;客气地;委婉地;殷勤地







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