匈牙利 hungary
管理 规则 regulation 监控玩具安全的条例 regulations governing the safety of toys 所有公司都必须遵守规定 All companies must comply with the regulations
批准 approve to offcially accept a plan, proposal, etc
形象 image 提升警察形象的努力 attempts to improve the image of the police
人民的名义 in the name of the people
虚构的城市 imaginary city
使...保持安静 silence 她抬手示意孩子们安静下来She held up her hand to silence the children 巴恩斯未能封住批评者的嘴巴 Barnes has failed to silence his critics.
VOA the voice of silence
发动抗议 stage a protest
the coincidence is too much
有罪 guilty 是形容词
庭院旧货 yard sale
佣金 commission
有政治动机的 politically motivated
梗概 简要报告 rundown
贪污成风 endemic corruption
最新剧情 latest episode
youtube停机地图 youtube outage map
派遣 派往 dispatch 货物一般在24小时内派送 Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours
一群猴子 A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation. If you see them, send them this information as text(screenshots frighten them)
you scare these god damn monkeys
Good luck and may god help you fix this problem
国际刑警组织 Interpol
房地产 real estate
搞清楚某件事 make sense of
时事通讯 newsletter
运动器材 a sport implement
空军二号 Air Force Two 空军一号 Air Force One
无意中听到 overhear 不巧一名当地记者无意中听到了这些话。Unfortunately, a local journalist overheard the remark.
言论 评论 remark 最近我在 programmers.stackexchange.com 也强调说,我绝对不能把那些”一指禅“的人视为程序员。As I recently remarked on programmers.stackexchange.com, I can't take slow typists seriously asprogrammers.
职业训练 vocational training
未来的 tomorrow 未来的电脑体积更小,功能更强大。The computers of tomorrow will be smaller and more powerful
新兴的 emerging
说白了 说穿了 basically 说白了,我就是懒 Basically, I'm just lazy
筛选 screen 现在可以给婴儿作糖尿病筛查了 It is now possible to screen babies for diabetes
父类 super class or parent class
子类 child class
子系统 subsystem
库尔德人分散在5个国家。 The Kurds are spread out across five nations.
他们经历过战争吗? Have they been subjected to the war?
按合约要求的 contractually
汽车 automobile 汽车工业 the automobile industry
学科 discipline 这个词有意思,开音节,但是line不读元音的name
终生 lifelong
功能 capability
优秀的设计能把一所房子和花园合为一体。 Good design brings a house and garden together as a single entity.
思想作为一个独立的实体存在 The mind exists as a separate entity.
异性恋 非同性恋的 hetro
完整 正直 诚实 廉政 integrity
机密 机密性 confidentiality
block time 阻塞时间
计时要求 timing requirement
可用性 availability
互用性 interoperability
显示屏 monitor
未来版本将完全符合行业标准。 Future versions will be fully compliant with the industry standard
与... 相一致 相符 consistent with 与第一定律相符Consistent with the first law
协议协定 agreement
超过超出 exceed工作时间每周不得超过42小时 Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week
积累的 渐增的 comulative 学习是个逐渐积累的过程。Learning is a cumulative process
争论 获胜的机会 contention
一致解释 consistent interpretation
数据项 data items
类别种类 范畴 category
目录 catalog 谜画中有一只猫(cat)站在一根木头上,谜底是Catalog A picture of a cat on a log is a rebus for catalog.
建筑师 architect
进程 process
策略 tactic 为加速和平进程而采取的策略 a tactic employed to speed up the peace process
抖动 jitter
带宽 bandwidth
延迟 latency 网络延迟 network latency
经营成本 运营成本 operational cost
资格学历 qualification 他离校时没有拿到任何文凭。 He left school without any qualifications.
适当的 合适的 appropriate 适合求职面试穿的服装 clothes appropriate for a job interview
陈述 声明 阐明 state 请说出你的姓名和地址 please state your name and address
需求 requirement
交通拥堵 traffic congestion
覆盖 包 铺 overlay 木头上包了一层银 The wood is overlaid with silver
具体的 concrete 对于每个具体问题要具体分析 We should make a concrete analysis of each specific question 缺少具体证据的 the lack of any concrete evedence 有关具体事情和问题的对话 a dialogue about concrete issues and problems
有用的 有益的 useful 懂一点日语非常有用 A little Japanese can be really useful 你能不能过来帮点忙 Can you come and make yourself useful 对教师可能有用的技巧 techniques that could be useful to teachers
教训 课 lesson 珍珠港事件对美国来说是一次痛苦的教训 Pear Harbor was a painful lesson for the US
平凡之路 be ordinary 这本书描写的是普通人 The book is about ordinary people 现在你们大家就从中吸取教训吧 Now let that be a lesson to you all 政府没有吸取历史的教训 The government has failed to learn the lesson of history
提供服务 deliver a service
服务终端 service outage 预定的设备停歇器 a scheduled outage period
储运消耗 中断供应 运行终端outage 停电器 a power outage 运行中断期间,只需要进行一次重启 dring the outage, a reboot is all you nee
副作用 side effect 这种药物的副作用 the side effects of the medication 一种没有不良副作用的天然药物 a natural remedy with no harmful side effects
掩饰 戴面具 化妆 mask 掩饰负面情绪的策略 strategies used to mask negative emotions
充足的 适当的 胜任的 adequate 农民们迟迟没有为退休做好安排 Farmers have been slow to make adequate provision for their retirement 我们检测有些防晒霜不能提供足够的防紫外线保护 Some creames we tested failed to give adequate protection against UV light
协调 协同 coordinate 我无法让大脑运作起来协调肌肉运动 I couldn't get my brain to fuction or coordinate my muscles.
确定 identify 确定时间,地点和怎样实行它们 identify when and where and how you'll implement them
实践中获得 captured from practice 捕捉某个值得纪念的时刻 to capture a mometn
手机流量 network traffic or data traffic
吞吐量 流量throughput 货物流量大的大商店 a large store with a high throughput of goods
方案 scenario 某个自动化方案 some automated scenario
蔑视的眼神 a disdainful look 对大众娱乐不屑一顾的教授们 professors who are disdainful of popular entertainment
填充 populate 如何创建 配置和填充设计元素 how you create, configure, and populate design elements 机构中的元素(组件) the behaviors and interactions of the elements that populate thos structures
符合条件 qualify 符合条件的儿童可获得免费的学生午餐。 Free school lunches are given to children who qualify.
网络攻击 cyper attack
海岸警卫队 coast guard
在我的字典里 in my vocabulary
最起码的要求,底线 Bottom line
调色剂,增色剂,色粉(打印机里加的粉) toner
俗话说,通常意义上讲 In common parlance,
更有价值 outweigh 这项计划利大于弊 The benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages.
组成 be composed of 由人组成的 be composed of people 法律体制由人组成,而人是会犯错误的。The legal system is composed of people, and people make mistakes.
分歧 divergence 严重分歧 substantial divergence 党内严重分歧 There's a substantial divergence of opinion within the party
充分利用 capitalise on 那么,从这个意义上你是可以说,生态保护主义者利用了熊猫的吸引力。 So in that sense, yes you could argue that conservationists capitalise on the panda's appeal.
计量单位 unit The watt is a unit of electrical power 瓦是电功率单位。
他迷上赌博,最后失去了一切。 Gambling became an obsession, and he eventually lost everything
SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics
FBI federal bureau of investigation
联邦快递 federal express
许多年轻女孩都过于担心自己的体重 A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight
数据流量 data traffic
风华正茂 in one's prime she's 40 and still in her prime
关键点的显示 show points of interest
繁杂纷纭的观点 a diversity of opions
(另一个有资格的人)第二意见 second opinon
职场性别歧视 sexism in the workplace
依我看 in my opinion
散着头发 she wear her hair loose 扎起来 she wear her hair up
有鉴于此 to this end
嗅觉 sense of smell she has a good sense of smell
从塔上可以一览城市的全貌 The tower offers a panorama of the city.
多情浪子 the office Romeo
罗密欧与朱丽叶ˌRomeo and ˈJuliet
朱莉娅读中学时成绩全部是A。Julia got straight A’s (= all A’s ) in high school.
空中交通管制塔 an air traffic control tower
熄火 light off
行贿 pay the bribary
锻炼 workout
皱纹 wrinkles
仰卧起坐 sit-ups
作弊 cheat
情景剧 每周一集 sitcome
内部消息 inside information 炒股的内部消息
告诉我 let me know
保重 take care
恕我冒昧 if i may (ask)
起飞 takeoff
不仅如此 not just that
单列总队 single file
不现实 not real
再说 also Also, reincarnation is not real
差一点 this close
操持 maintain how do you maintain a family on 900 a month? 每个月900怎么维持一家人的生活
傻逼 sucker
免费的 on the house The bottled water is on the house. 这里提供免费瓶装水。
别害怕 fear not
开玩笑的吧 seriously?
就这样吧 well this is it
改掉坏习惯 it's difficut to break bad habits. 坏习惯很难改
自以为是 不愿认错的男子a proud man who would not admit his mistakes
法院裁决 rule The court ruled that the contract must be terminated. 法院裁决该合同必须终止。
至关重要的 paramount importance
马克思主义的观点 a marxist perspective
以恒定的速度行驶 travelling at a constant speed
忠实的朋友 a constant friend
一块巧克力 a bar of chocolate
保持高标准 The hotel prides itself on maintaining high standards 这家酒店以保持高标准而自豪
等一下,正在想 wait a minute, I'm thinking
进入隧道入口 As the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on. 火车进入隧道入口时,灯亮了起来。
孩子们看着那枚硬币沉到池底 the kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool.
这种葡萄酒是用橡木酒桶放陈的 The wine is aged in oak barrels. wine是葡萄酒 啤酒是beer 白酒是alcohol
酗酒 alcohol abuse people with alcohol problems
还没有机会 I haven't had a chance to thank him yet. 我还没有机会向他表示谢意。
别总是 I wish you'd stop trying to prove me wrong all the time. 希望你别老想着证明我错了