_fsopen参数说明 #include<share.h> _fsopen 共享模式访问文件 //安全性比fopen高 _fsopen 以共享的方式打开文件或者流 FILE *_fsopen( const char *filename, const char *mode, int shflag ); filename Name of the file to open. //需要打开的文件名 mode Type of access permitted. //可以访问的类型 shflag Type of sharing allowed. //共享访问类型 _SH_COMPAT Sets Compatibility mode for 16-bit applications. //以兼容模式打开16位程序 _SH_DENYNO Permits read and write access. //充许读和写 以此模式打开类似fopen _SH_DENYRD Denies read access to the file. //拒绝读 _SH_DENYRW Denies read and write access to the file. //拒绝读和写 _SH_DENYWR Denies write access to the file //拒绝写 #include <share.h> int main(void) { FILE *f1,*f2; char s1[256],s2[256]; //同时打开文件读取 /*f1=fopen("share.txt","r"); f2=fopen("share.txt","r");*/ f1=f2=NULL; f1=_fsopen("share.txt","r",_SH_DENYRW);//独占文件访问wb // f2=_fsopen("share.txt","r",_SH_DENYRW); if (!f1) { perror("打开出错"); }else { fgets(s1,256,f1); printf("%s \n",s1); } fclose(f1); f2=fopen("share.txt","r"); if (!f2) { perror("打开出错"); }else { fgets(s2,256,f2); printf("%s \n",s2); } //关掉指针 fclose(f2); getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }