cnn 网络模型中train_val.prototxt与deploy.prototxt文件的区别与转换


1. train_val.prototxt 


(1)在train_val.prototxt文件中,开头要加入一下训练设置文件和准备文件。例如,transform_param中的mirror: true(开启镜像);crop_size: ***(图像尺寸);mean_file: ""(求解均值的文件),还有data_param中的source:""(处理过得数据训练集文件);batch_size: ***(训练图片每批次输入图片的数量);backend: LMDB(数据格式设置)。 然后接下来,训练的时候还有一个测试的设置,测试和训练模式的设置通过一个include{phase: TEST/TRAIN}来设置。接下来就是要设置TEST模块内容。然后其他设置跟上面一样,里面有个batch_size可以调小一点,因为测试的话不需要特别多的图片数量。 而以上这一块的内容在deploy里表现出来的只有一个数据层的设置。只需设置name,type,top,input_param这些即可。
(2)接下来,第一个卷积层的设置,train_val.prototxt文件中多了param(反向传播学习率的设置),这里需要设置两个param一个是weight的学习率,一个是bias的学习率,其中一般bias的学习率是weight学习率的两倍。然后就是设置convolution_param,但是在train_val里面需要有对weight_filler的初始化和对bias_filler的初始化。 然后就是设置激活激活函数。这一块由于没有初始化,所以两个文件都是一样的。 再接下来就是池化层,由于池化就是降低分辨率,所以这两边是一样的,只需要设置kernel_size,stride,pool即可。无需参数的初始化。 再下来时LRN层,该层的全称是Local Response Normalization(局部响应值归一化),该层的作用就是对局部输入进行一个归一化操作,不过现在有论文表明,这一层加不加对结果影响不是很大。但这一层的定义都是相同的。
(4)在第五个卷积层之后,进入了"fc6"层,该层是全连接层,这里train_val里面还是多两个param学习率的设置,和weight_filler、bias_filler的初始化设置,而两者共同的是有一个输出向量元素个数的设置:inner_product_param。 再接下来就是激活函数RELU。 再接下来就是Dropout层,该层的目的就是为了防止模型过拟合。这其中有一个dropout_ration的设置一般为0.5即可。
(7)再接下来train_val的最后一个层是"SoftmaxWithLoss"层,也是简单的定义了name,type,bottom,top就完了。而这一块的内容也不在deploy.prototxt文件中。 而在deploy.prototxt文件中直接定义了一个type:"Softmax"。


以下分别对比显示了CaffeNet 和VGG16 的文件:
(在这说明下VGG16 文件是我稍微改写了点,是方便后续做ssd网络用)

name: "CaffeNet"
layer {
name: "data"
type: "Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TRAIN
transform_param {
mirror: true
crop_size: 227
mean_file: "data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
# mean pixel / channel-wise mean instead of mean image
# transform_param {
# crop_size: 227
# mean_value: 104
# mean_value: 117
# mean_value: 123
# mirror: true
# }
data_param {
source: "examples/imagenet/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb"
batch_size: 256
backend: LMDB
layer {
name: "data"
type: "Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TEST
transform_param {
mirror: false
crop_size: 227
mean_file: "data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
# mean pixel / channel-wise mean instead of mean image
# transform_param {
# crop_size: 227
# mean_value: 104
# mean_value: 117
# mean_value: 123
# mirror: false
# }
data_param {
source: "examples/imagenet/ilsvrc12_val_lmdb"
batch_size: 50
backend: LMDB
layer {
name: "conv1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 11
stride: 4
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv1"
layer {
name: "pool1"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "pool1"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
layer {
name: "norm1"
type: "LRN"
bottom: "pool1"
top: "norm1"
lrn_param {
local_size: 5
alpha: 0.0001
beta: 0.75
layer {
name: "conv2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "norm1"
top: "conv2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 2
kernel_size: 5
group: 2
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 1
layer {
name: "relu2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv2"
top: "conv2"
layer {
name: "pool2"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv2"
top: "pool2"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
layer {
name: "norm2"
type: "LRN"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "norm2"
lrn_param {
local_size: 5
alpha: 0.0001
beta: 0.75
layer {
name: "conv3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "norm2"
top: "conv3"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 384
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3"
top: "conv3"
layer {
name: "conv4"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv3"
top: "conv4"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 384
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
group: 2
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 1
layer {
name: "relu4"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4"
top: "conv4"
layer {
name: "conv5"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv4"
top: "conv5"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
group: 2
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 1
layer {
name: "relu5"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5"
top: "conv5"
layer {
name: "pool5"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv5"
top: "pool5"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
layer {
name: "fc6"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "pool5"
top: "fc6"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 4096
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.005
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 1
layer {
name: "relu6"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc6"
layer {
name: "drop6"
type: "Dropout"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc6"
dropout_param {
dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
name: "fc7"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc7"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 4096
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.005
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 1
layer {
name: "relu7"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc7"
layer {
name: "drop7"
type: "Dropout"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc7"
dropout_param {
dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
name: "fc8"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc8"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 1000
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "accuracy"
type: "Accuracy"
bottom: "fc8"
bottom: "label"
top: "accuracy"
include {
phase: TEST
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
bottom: "fc8"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"





name: "CaffeNet"
layer {
  name: "data"
  type: "Input"
  top: "data"
  input_param { shape: { dim: 10 dim: 3 dim: 227 dim: 227 } }






























layer {
  name: "conv1"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "data"
  top: "conv1"
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 96
    kernel_size: 11
    stride: 4

layer {

  name: "relu1"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv1"
  top: "conv1"
layer {
  name: "pool1"
  type: "Pooling"
  bottom: "conv1"
  top: "pool1"
  pooling_param {
    pool: MAX
    kernel_size: 3
    stride: 2
layer {
  name: "norm1"
  type: "LRN"
  bottom: "pool1"
  top: "norm1"
  lrn_param {
    local_size: 5
    alpha: 0.0001
    beta: 0.75










layer {
  name: "conv2"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "norm1"
  top: "conv2"
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 256
    pad: 2
    kernel_size: 5
    group: 2
layer {
  name: "relu2"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv2"
  top: "conv2"
layer {
  name: "pool2"
  type: "Pooling"
  bottom: "conv2"
  top: "pool2"
  pooling_param {
    pool: MAX
    kernel_size: 3
    stride: 2
layer {
  name: "norm2"
  type: "LRN"
  bottom: "pool2"
  top: "norm2"
  lrn_param {
    local_size: 5
    alpha: 0.0001
    beta: 0.75











layer {
  name: "conv3"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "norm2"
  top: "conv3"
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 384
    pad: 1
    kernel_size: 3
layer {
  name: "relu3"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv3"
  top: "conv3"











layer {
  name: "conv4"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "conv3"
  top: "conv4"
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 384
    pad: 1
    kernel_size: 3
    group: 2
layer {
  name: "relu4"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv4"
  top: "conv4"










layer {
  name: "conv5"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "conv4"
  top: "conv5"
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 256
    pad: 1
    kernel_size: 3
    group: 2
layer {
  name: "relu5"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv5"
  top: "conv5"
layer {
  name: "pool5"
  type: "Pooling"
  bottom: "conv5"
  top: "pool5"
  pooling_param {
    pool: MAX
    kernel_size: 3
    stride: 2











layer {
  name: "fc6"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "pool5"
  top: "fc6"
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
layer {
  name: "relu6"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc6"
layer {
  name: "drop6"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc6"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5









layer {
  name: "fc7"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7"
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
layer {
  name: "relu7"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7"
  top: "fc7"
layer {
  name: "drop7"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7"
  top: "fc7"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5











layer {
  name: "fc8"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7"
  top: "fc8"
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 1000
















layer {
  name: "prob"
  type: "Softmax"
  bottom: "fc8"
  top: "prob"

name: "VGG_VOC0712_SSD_300x300_train"

layer {
name: "data"
type: "Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TRAIN
data_param {
source: "/home/intern_user/caffe-ssd/data/person_vgg16/vgg16_train_lmdb"
batch_size: 16
backend: LMDB
layer {
name: "data"
type: "Data"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TEST
data_param {
source: "/home/intern_user/caffe-ssd/data/person_vgg16/vgg16_test_lmdb"
batch_size: 8
backend: LMDB
layer {
name: "conv1_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1_1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu1_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1_1"
top: "conv1_1"
layer {
name: "conv1_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv1_1"
top: "conv1_2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu1_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1_2"
top: "conv1_2"
layer {
name: "pool1"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv1_2"
top: "pool1"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2
layer {
name: "conv2_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool1"
top: "conv2_1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu2_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv2_1"
top: "conv2_1"
layer {
name: "conv2_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv2_1"
top: "conv2_2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu2_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv2_2"
top: "conv2_2"
layer {
name: "pool2"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv2_2"
top: "pool2"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2
layer {
name: "conv3_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "conv3_1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu3_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3_1"
top: "conv3_1"
layer {
name: "conv3_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv3_1"
top: "conv3_2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu3_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3_2"
top: "conv3_2"
layer {
name: "conv3_3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv3_2"
top: "conv3_3"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu3_3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3_3"
top: "conv3_3"
layer {
name: "pool3"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv3_3"
top: "pool3"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2
layer {
name: "conv4_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool3"
top: "conv4_1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu4_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4_1"
top: "conv4_1"
layer {
name: "conv4_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv4_1"
top: "conv4_2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu4_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4_2"
top: "conv4_2"
layer {
name: "conv4_3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv4_2"
top: "conv4_3"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu4_3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4_3"
top: "conv4_3"
layer {
name: "pool4"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv4_3"
top: "pool4"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2
layer {
name: "conv5_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool4"
top: "conv5_1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
dilation: 1
layer {
name: "relu5_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5_1"
top: "conv5_1"
layer {
name: "conv5_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv5_1"
top: "conv5_2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
dilation: 1
layer {
name: "relu5_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5_2"
top: "conv5_2"
layer {
name: "conv5_3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv5_2"
top: "conv5_3"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
dilation: 1
layer {
name: "relu5_3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5_3"
top: "conv5_3"
layer {
name: "pool5"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv5_3"
top: "pool5"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1
layer {
name: "fc6"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool5"
top: "fc6"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 1024
pad: 6
kernel_size: 3
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
dilation: 6
layer {
name: "relu6"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc6"
layer {
name: "fc7"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc7"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 1024
kernel_size: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "relu7"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc7"
layer {
name: "fc8_lj"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc8_lj"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
decay_mult: 0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 2
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.01
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0
layer {
name: "loss_lj"
type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
bottom: "fc8_lj"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss_lj"







layer {
  name: "data"
  type: "Input"
  top: "data"
  input_param { shape: { dim: 1  dim: 3 dim: 300 dim: 300 } } }










 layer {

name: "conv1_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1_1"
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu1_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1_1"
top: "conv1_1"










layer {
name: "conv1_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv1_1"
top: "conv1_2"
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu1_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1_2"
top: "conv1_2"
layer {
name: "pool1"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv1_2"
top: "pool1"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2











layer {
name: "conv2_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool1"
top: "conv2_1"
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu2_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv2_1"
top: "conv2_1"










layer {
name: "conv2_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv2_1"
top: "conv2_2"
convolution_param {
num_output: 128
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu2_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv2_2"
top: "conv2_2"
layer {
name: "pool2"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv2_2"
top: "pool2"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2











layer {
name: "conv3_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "conv3_1"
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu3_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3_1"
top: "conv3_1"











layer {
name: "conv3_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv3_1"
top: "conv3_2"
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu3_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3_2"
top: "conv3_2"










layer {
name: "conv3_3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv3_2"
top: "conv3_3"
convolution_param {
num_output: 256
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu3_3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv3_3"
top: "conv3_3"
layer {
name: "pool3"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv3_3"
top: "pool3"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2










layer {
name: "conv4_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool3"
top: "conv4_1"
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu4_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4_1"
top: "conv4_1"











layer {
name: "conv4_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv4_1"
top: "conv4_2"
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu4_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4_2"
top: "conv4_2"









layer {
name: "conv4_3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv4_2"
top: "conv4_3"
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
layer {
name: "relu4_3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv4_3"
top: "conv4_3"
layer {
name: "pool4"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv4_3"
top: "pool4"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2












layer {
name: "conv5_1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool4"
top: "conv5_1"
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
dilation: 1
layer {
name: "relu5_1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5_1"
top: "conv5_1"









layer {
name: "conv5_2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv5_1"
top: "conv5_2"
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
dilation: 1
layer {
name: "relu5_2"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5_2"
top: "conv5_2"











layer {
name: "conv5_3"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv5_2"
top: "conv5_3"
convolution_param {
num_output: 512
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
dilation: 1
layer {
name: "relu5_3"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv5_3"
top: "conv5_3"
layer {
name: "pool5"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv5_3"
top: "pool5"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
pad: 1










layer {
name: "fc6"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool5"
top: "fc6"
convolution_param {
num_output: 1024
pad: 6
kernel_size: 3
dilation: 6
layer {
name: "relu6"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc6"











layer {
name: "fc7"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "fc6"
top: "fc7"
convolution_param {
num_output: 1024
kernel_size: 1
layer {
name: "relu7"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc7"










layer {
name: "fc8_lj"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "fc7"
top: "fc8_lj"
inner_product_param {
num_output: 2










layer {
name: "loss_lj"
type: "Softmax"
bottom: "fc8_lj"
top: "loss_lj"







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


