bloomberg bulkfile【一】 文件的分类


  1. bloomberg bulkfile [一]  文件的分类  
  2. bloomberg bulkfile [二]  文件解析
  3. bloomberg bulkfile [三]  在oracle的存储



bulkfile 的售卖是将不同的内容打包成不同的订单。每种不同的数据对应一个订单编号。

SOR 886

The Global Mutual Funds product provides pricing, reference data, corporate actions and total rate of returns values for active mutual funds and ETP (Exchange Traded Products). Restricted hedge funds, including U.S. hedge funds, are not included. The product is segmented into five geographical regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia 1 and Asia 2.

SOR 1903

The Bloomberg Estimates Bulk product delivers Bloomberg consensus earnings estimates, valuation measures, and company guidance. The product provides this data content for all securities that have BEst or company guidance data. The unique Bloomberg data content in the product does not require any third party license or fees.

Key features include:
Estimates on 18 measures, six valuation measures, and company guidance
High, low, four-week change, and number of estimates are also provided for each measure
Historical coverage is available back to Q1 2005
Current and forecasted fiscal period estimates (up to four quarters, six semi-annuals, and three annuals) updated daily
Subscriptions are available globally or regionally (Asia, Euro, and America regions available). Full universe (.out), difs (.dif), and field level updates (.dlt) are delivered daily.

SOR 3528

Global Corporate and Preferred Product contains all active corporate and preferred securities, excluding convertibles, which are delivered in a separate product. A security is considered active if its maturity date is greater than or equal to today. Securities that are in default and have not yet made their final payment will continue to be delivered in the Bulk Datasets past their stated maturity date.

SOR 3533

Global Government Agency module contains all active government regional and government agency instruments. An instrument is considered active if its maturity date is greater than or equal to today.
Files are delivered in four regions- asia, euro, lamr and namr. Regions are determined by country.

Global Government National module contains all active government national instruments. An instrument is considered active if its maturity date is greater than or equal to today.
Files are delivered in four regions- asia, euro, lamr and namr. Regions are determined by country.

SOR 3578

The Global Equity product provides reference data, pricing and corporate actions for equity and equity-like instruments across 5 regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia 1 and Asia 2.

SOR 5115

The Global Equity product provides reference data, pricing and corporate actions for equity and equity-like instruments across 5 regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia 1 and Asia 2.

SOR 5394

The Bloomberg 13F Holder Data product is an offering, which aggregates data based on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 13F filing. The product contains information about investment managers and a list of their investment holdings, increasing the transparency of security ownership for investment managers in the United States.

SOR 2463 + 2903

Bloomberg’s Fundamentals data set provides comprehensive financial information for all companies covered by Bloomberg. The data can be reconstructed to look like the Financial Analysis function (FA <GO>) on the Bloomberg Terminal. The data set delivers normalized income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and ratio values covering the entire financial reporting process. The data is updated as companies release new information, allowing clients to build a data-driven view of companies and industries worldwide over time.


SOR=3578 (Equity Global Reference Data and Pricing)


1 equity_<region>.out  


2 equity_<region>.dif  

   该文件为对前一天数据的修改部分(只有增量部分),前一天的out 加上今天的dif 可以得到今天的out内容。

3 equity_<region>.px


4 equity_<region>.px.hpc

  hpc 文档是 Historical Pricing Corrections,返回前一天的对历史价格的修改,修改的价格可能为前一天(前一天的价格不会在这里产生修改记录)之前的任何日期。证券有或是没有价格修改还是会出现在hpc档,只是显示的内容会不同。


5 equity_<region>.rpx

  rpx 档是 Recap Pricing, 提供 North American, Latin American, Asia2, and Euro地区证券价格扼要重述 主要为延长交易时间的交易所以及盘后交易的交易所提供定价。当日的px







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