* @file main-opencv.cpp
* @date July 2014
* @brief An exemplative main file for the use of ViBe and OpenCV*/
#include "vibe-background-sequential.h"
using namespacecv;using namespacestd;const int minArea = 2; //舍去面积极小的方框
const double maxAreaRatio = 0.1; //舍去面积极大的方框
const double boxRatio = 0.1; //舍去长宽比严重失衡的方框
* Displays instructions on how to use this program.*/
cout<< "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" <" <
}void processVideo(char*videoFilename);void contour(const Mat &mor, Mat &img);/**
* Main program. It shows how to use the grayscale version (C1R) and the RGB version (C3R).*/
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
{/*Print help information.*/help();/*Check for the input parameter correctness.*/
/*if (argc != 2) {
cerr <
cerr <
/* Create GUI windows.*/
//namedWindow("Frame");//namedWindow("Segmentation by ViBe");
processVideo("framelink_yd.avi"); //读取 framelink_yd.avi 视频进行处理
/*Destroy GUI windows.*/destroyAllW