mapserver mysql_MapServer教程3

--------------------------------------------------------------------README.WIN32- Microsoft Visual C++ Build instructions forMapServer--------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT-READ THIS FIRST:----------------------------The Win32 build processis not very friendly forunexperienced users.

So itisstrongly recommended that you use one of the precompiled

binaries available on the MapServer site:

There are precompiled Win32 binaries available for the last stable

release and the latest nightly build and they include the most common

options... so you shouldn't have to compile your own executables.

If for some reason you still decide to compile Win32 binaries yourself,

then don't do it unless you really know what you're doing... and

hopefully the rest of this file contains some hints that may help

you. Good Luck!


The easyest way to build Mapserver on Windows on your own is to use the

build-system from

GISInternals provide a complete set of sources and dependencies and even

makefiles for the full version of Visual Studio (not Express oder Community).

You don't have to download and compile them all by your own.

If you are not using full version of Visual Studio you can not use the makefiles from GISInternals but you can still use the downloads to make your life easier.

Building with the full version of Visual Studio is easy.

Download the SDK for you version and follow the readme inside the packages.

This Readme will cover the compilation with Visual Studio 2012 Express on

Windows with CMake and the GISInternals-Packages for the following reasons:

- not everybody wants to buy Visual Studio and there is no reason to force

you to buy it just tu build Mapserver on Windows

- CMake is the configuration-system for Linux. Why should you use something

else which needs to be maintainerd?

- as of today, PHP-Mapscript is not suppored for PHP-7. PHP-5.6 is build

with VC11. To make PHP-Mapscript compatible with the downloadable

PHP-Version you need to build with VC11 wich is Visual Studio 2012.

- GISInternals Downloads contain most dependencies. it's way easier

If you want to compile Mapserver with any other version of Visual Studio you

can for sure use this documentation as help but maybe, some things here won't

work for you.




To build Mapserver on Windows with Visual Studio 2012 Express you need

Visual Studio 2012 Express installed.

Install CMake ( and add CMake bin-directory to your PATH

environment variable. You can even to this after opening VS2012 x86 Native

Tools Command Prompt by entering:

set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin"

... if CMake is installed to "C:\Program Files\CMake" ;)


Downloading dependencies


For our first build, we will use stable releases to build mapserver.

Download MSVC 2012 win32 Packages for GDAL-2.1.2 and Mapserver-7.0.2 from

We need "Compiled binaries in a single .zip package", "GDAL and MapServer sources" and "Compiled libraries and headers".

Download the MSVC 2012 win32 Developement Kit from

Extract everything to C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2.

There should be the directories inside now: bin, doc, gdal, include, lib, regex-0.12, relase-1700, ...

After you got this done, feel free to use other packages which fit your needs better.




Download at least Mapserver-7.0.3 or current 7.0-Branch from github

and extract or clone from github to C:\dev\work\mapserver.


Building Mapserver


After downloading and extracting everything, to build Mapserver, follow this steps:

1. Open VS2012 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt (i'm german, hope it is translated


2. Add CMake-bin to your PATH:

set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin"

3. Create build-Directory:

mkdir C:\dev\work\mapserver\build

cd C:\dev\work\mapserver\build

4. Configure:

cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev

cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2;C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2\bin;C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2\lib;C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2\include

cmake .. -DREGEX_DIR=C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2\regex-0.12




cmake .. -DWITH_CAIRO=1 -DCAIRO_LIBRARY=C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2\lib\cairo.lib

cmake .. -DWITH_SVGCAIRO=1 -DSVGCAIRO_LIBRARY=C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2\lib\libsvg-cairo.lib

cmake .. -DSVG_LIBRARY=1 -DSVG_LIBRARY=C:\dev\work\release-1700-gdal-2-1-2-mapserver-7-0-2\lib\libsvg.lib

5. build


Thats it.

You can use all CMake parameters and options as you are used from CMake to fit mapserver to your needs from here.





To compile the various versions of MapScript (Perl, PHP, etc) first compile

the main mapserver directory and then see the README files in the

mapscript/perl, mapscript/php or mapscript/python directory for specific



Dependencies Part 2


The following sections descripe how to get mapserver dependencies when not

downloading GISInternals packages.


GD library


- MapServer uses the GD library from and the Win32

makefiles are set by default to work with the pre-built GD version 2.0.33

provided by These predefine "gdwin32" binaries include

freetype2, libpng, libjpeg, libz, and libgif built-in. This is very

convenient to get a mapserver build going quickly.

If you are building GD and it's supporting libraries (libpng, libjpeg,

libgif, and freetype) from source then it is very important to make sure

that you update the -DUSE_GD_* flags and various subcomponent paths in the

nmake.opt. You will also have to take great care to build the various

components in a way that is compatible with MapServer. For instance, if

the various components are statically linked into MapServer you will need

to use the same build options (ie. /MT or /MT) for all components.

Here are some useful pointers:

- The original GD library:

- libpng:

- zlib:

- libjpeg:

- Freetype:


REGEX library


- MapServer uses the REGEX library which is standard on all the Unix

systems that I know of, but does not come with VC++.

If the MapServer distribution did not include a copy of the REGEX

library, then you can get a copy from:

The default in the nmake.opt is set to compile with GNU

regex-0.12 located in the "regex-0.12" directory.

- If you are planning to compile the PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL module, then it

is important to make sure that the main creates MAPSERVER.LIB

with the same version of REGEX that PHP uses.

See the notes in the main about that.


Notes on Freetype build.


- You can use the Visual Workspace in freetype/lib/arch/win32 to build

the library.


Notes on the proj module


- The Proj.4 (cartographic projection routines) is located at

Note on the epsg files location and the nad directory :

* there is an environnemnt variable PROJ_LIB_DIR that can be set to locate

the directory where the epsg file is located

* if you build this module, at the top of the makefile (./src/, you

can set the PROJ_LIB variable and this setting will be used to

locate the proj support files.


Notes on libcurl


Notes libcurl : used to support WMS client connection

Mapserver 5.x is using libcurl instead of libwww for WMS client


- the library is located at

Quick notes on how to build the library using MSVC++:

- Download and extract the library (at this time it is known to work

with version 7.10.2 or more recent)

- Open the workspace curlib.dsw located under curl-XXX/lib

- Build libcurl.dll. Note that the default active configuraion of the project

is Win32 Debug. You can modify the configuarion to Release version

(Build/Set Active Configuration)

Notes on mapserver's nmake.opt modifications :

- uncomment the flag WMSCLIENT= -DUSE_WMS_LYR

- uncomment and modify according to your installation the flags

related to libcurl :

* CURL_INC = -I../curl-7.10.2/include

* CURL_LIB = ../curl-7.10.2/lib/Relase/libcurl.lib

* WINSOCK_LIB = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib\WSOCK32.LIB"

You also need to install the libcurl.dll in your system directory. (The dll will

be located in libc-XXX/lib/Relase abfter your build of the library)


Notes on GDAL


- If you are compiling the GDAL library (

with the PNG support, make sure that the libpng that you use in mapserver

is the same as the one used in GDAL.


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