
嗯, Queue.PriorityQueue ? 回想一下,Python不是强types的,所以你可以保存任何你喜欢的东西:只要创build一个(优先级,事物)的元组,然后设置。

我结束了为heapq实现一个包装,增加了维护队列的元素唯一的字典。 对于所有运营商来说,结果应该是非常有效的

class PriorityQueueSet(object): """ Combined priority queue and set data structure. Acts like a priority queue, except that its items are guaranteed to be unique. Provides O(1) membership test, O(log N) insertion and O(log N) removal of the smallest item. Important: the items of this data structure must be both comparable and hashable (ie must implement __cmp__ and __hash__). This is true of Python's built-in objects, but you should implement those methods if you want to use the data structure for custom objects. """ def __init__(self, items=[]): """ Create a new PriorityQueueSet. Arguments: items (list): An initial item list - it can be unsorted and non-unique. The data structure will be created in O(N). """ self.set = dict((item, True) for item in items) self.heap = self.set.keys() heapq.heapify(self.heap) def has_item(self, item): """Check if ``item`` exists in the queue.""" return item in self.set def pop_smallest(self): """Remove and return the smallest item from the queue.""" smallest = heapq.heappop(self.heap) del self.set[smallest] return smallest def add(self, item): """Add ``item`` to the queue if doesn't already exist.""" if item not in self.set: self.set[item] = True heapq.heappush(self.heap, item)

你看过heapq页面上的“Show Source”链接吗? 有一个例子,使用一堆(int,char)元组列表作为优先级队列的一半。

我没有使用它,但你可以尝试PyHeap 。 这是用C写的,希望对你来说足够快。

你是积极的heapq / PriorityQueue会不够快? 开始他们其中的一个可能是值得的,然后分析看看它是否真的是你的performance瓶颈。


from heapq import * heap = [] data = [(10,"ten"), (3,"three"), (5,"five"), (7,"seven"), (9, "nine"), (2,"two")] for item in data: heappush(heap, item) sorted = [] while heap: sorted.append(heappop(heap)) print sorted data.sort() print data == sorted

这是有效的,适用于string或任何types的input – 🙂

pq = [] # list of entries arranged in a heap entry_finder = {} # mapping of tasks to entries REMOVED = '' # placeholder for a removed task counter = itertools.count() # unique sequence count def add_task(task, priority=0): 'Add a new task or update the priority of an existing task' if task in entry_finder: remove_task(task) count = next(counter) entry = [priority, count, task] entry_finder[task] = entry heappush(pq, entry) def remove_task(task): 'Mark an existing task as REMOVED. Raise KeyError if not found.' entry = entry_finder.pop(task) entry[-1] = REMOVED def pop_task(): 'Remove and return the lowest priority task. Raise KeyError if empty.' while pq: priority, count, task = heappop(pq) if task is not REMOVED: del entry_finder[task] return task raise KeyError('pop from an empty priority queue')

参考: http : //

当使用优先级队列时,reduce-key对许多algorithm(Dijkstraalgorithm,A *,OPTICS)来说是一个必须具备的操作,我想知道为什么Python的内置优先级队列不支持它。 其他答案都不提供支持此function的解决scheme。

还支持减键操作的优先级队列是由Daniel Stutzbach的这个实现为Python 3.5完美的工作。

from heapdict import heapdict hd = heapdict() hd["two"] = 2 hd["one"] = 1 obj = hd.popitem() print("object:",obj[0]) print("priority:",obj[1]) # object: one # priority: 1

它不是很快(大的常数c on delete-min,它是O(c * logn))。 但是find-min,insert,reduce-key和merge都是O(1) – IOW,这很懒。

如果CPython的速度太慢,你可以尝试Pypy,Nuitka甚至CPython + Numba 🙂

我可以使用Charlie Martinbuild议的(priority, object) ,或者仅仅为我的对象实现__cmp__ 。

如果你想插入的对象按照一个特定的规则进行优先级sorting,我发现编写一个简单的接受键控函数的PriorityQueue子类非常有用。 您不必手动插入(priority, object)元组,并且处理感觉更自然。

所需行为的演示 :

>>> h = KeyHeap(sum) >>> h.put([-1,1]) >>> h.put((-1,-2,-3)) >>> h.put({100}) >>> h.put([1,2,3]) >>> h.get() (-1, -2, -3) >>> h.get() [-1, 1] >>> h.get() [1, 2, 3] >>> h.get() set([100]) >>> h.empty() True >>> >>> k = KeyHeap(len) >>> k.put('hello') >>> k.put('stackoverflow') >>> k.put('!') >>> k.get() '!' >>> k.get() 'hello' >>> k.get() 'stackoverflow'

Python 2代码

from Queue import PriorityQueue class KeyHeap(PriorityQueue): def __init__(self, key, maxsize=0): PriorityQueue.__init__(self, maxsize) self.key = key def put(self, x): PriorityQueue.put(self, (self.key(x), x)) def get(self): return PriorityQueue.get(self)[1]

Python 3代码

from queue import PriorityQueue class KeyHeap(PriorityQueue): def __init__(self, key, maxsize=0): super().__init__(maxsize) self.key = key def put(self, x): super().put((self.key(x), x)) def get(self): return super().get()[1]






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