

C. Wang, Z. Liu, M. Zhu, J. Zhao and S.-C. Chan “A Hand Gesture Recognition System based on Canonical Superpixel-Graph,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 58, pp. 87-98, Oct. 2017.

C. Wang, S.-C. Chan, Z.-Y. Zhu, L. Zhang and H.-Y. Shum, “Superpixel-based color–depth restoration and dynamic environment modeling for Kinect-assisted image-based rendering systems,” Visual Computer, pp. 1-15, Sep. 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00371-016-1312-2.

C. Wang, Z. Liu and S. C. Chan, “Superpixel-based Hand Gesture Recognition with Kinect Depth Camera,” IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 29-39, Jan. 2015.

C. Wang, Z. Y. Zhu, S. C. Chan and H. Y. Shum, “Real-time Depth Image Acquisition and Restoration for Image Based Rendering and Processing Systems,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 1-18, Apr. 2015.

C. Wang, Z. Zhu and Z.F. Ye, “Cosmic-ray rejection for single spectroscopic CCD images by means of template matching,” Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 330, no. 7, pp. 749-754, July 2009.

Y. Li, C. Wang, J. Zhao, Q. Yuan. "Efficient Spectral Reconstruction using a Trichromatic Camera via Sample Optimization," The Visual Computer

Y. Li, C. Wang, J. Zhao. "Locally Linear Embedded Sparse Coding for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images," IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

S. Zhang, C. Wang, S. C. Chan, C. H. Ho and X. G. Wei, “A New Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition Approach for Video Surveillance over Camera Network,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 2679-2691, May. 2015.

S. Zhang, C. Wang and S. C. Chan, “A New High Resolution Depth Map Estimation System Using Stereo Vision and Kinect Depth Sensing,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 19-31, Apr. 2015.

Z. Zhu, C. Wang and Z.F. Ye, “Pretreatment for 2D Astronomical Spectrum Images with Low S/N before the Spectra Extracting,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol.121, no.875, pp. 54–58, Jan 2009.

Z. G. Zhang, S. C. Chan and C. Wang, “A New Regularized Adaptive Windowed Lomb-Periodogram for Time-Frequency Analysis of Nonstationary Signals with Impulsive Components,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 2283-2304, Aug. 2012.

K. T. Ng, Z. Y. Zhu, C. Wang, S. C. Chan and H. Y. Shum, “A Multi-camera Approach to Image-based Rendering and 3D/Multiview Dsiplay of Ancient Chinese Artifacts”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1631-1641, May 2012.

S. C. Chan, Z. Y. Zhu, K. T. Ng, C. Wang, S. Zhang, Z. G. Zhang, Z. F. Ye and H. Y. Shum, “The design and construction of a movable image-based rendering system and its application to multiview conferencing,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, pp. 1-12, Dec. 2010.

Z. Zhu, J. Zhu, H. Qin, C. Wang and Zhongfu Ye, “Exponential Polynomial Fitting for Fibre Spectrum CCD Profiles,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, vol.27, no 3, June 2010, pp. 290-295.

Y. Zhang, Z.F. Ye and C. Wang, “A Fast Method for Rectangular Crack Sizes Reconstruction in Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing,” NDT & E International, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 369-375, July 2009.

J. Zhu, Z. Zhu, C. Wang and Z.F. Ye, “Cosmic-Ray Detection Based on Gray-Scale Morphology of Spectroscopic CCD Images,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, vol.26, no. 1, pp. 58–63, 2009.


J. Wu, C. Wang and Y. Xu, “An Improved Guided Filtering Algorithm for Image Enhancement,” ICME, San Diego, Jul. 2018

C. Wang, Z. Lin and S.-C. Chan, “Bi-Directional Superpixel Earth Mover’s Distance for Training Free Person Re-Identification,” DSP, London, Aug. 2017.

L. Zhang, H.-C. Wu, S.-C. Chan and C. Wang, “Dynamic Gene and Transcriptional Regulatory Networks Inferring with Multi-Laplacian Prior from Time-Course Gene Microarray Data,” DSP, London, Aug. 2017.

Y. Zhang, C. Wang, J. Zhao, L. Zhang, S.-C. Chan, “Template Selection based Superpixel Earth Mover’s Distance Algorithm for Hand Gesture Recognition,” ICSP, Chengdu, Nov. 2016.

C. Wang, Z. Liu and J. Zhao, “Hand gesture recognition based on canonical formed superpixel earth mover's distance”, ICME, Seattle, Jul. 2016.

C. Wang, L. W. Liu, S. C. Chan and X. H. Shi, “A Marker-Less Two-Hand Gesture Recognition System using Kinect Depth Camera,” ICSPCC, Ningbo, Sep. 2015.

C. Wang, Z. C. Lin and S. C. Chan, “Depth Map Restoration and Upsampling for Kinect v2 Based on IR-Depth Consistency and Joint Adaptive Kernel Regression,” ISCAS, Lisbon, May. 2015.

Z. Liu, C. Wang, S. Zhang and S. C. Chan, “Multi-view Articulated Human Body Tracking with Textured Deformable Mesh Model,” ISCAS, Lisbon, May. 2015.

C. Wang, S. C. Chan, C. H. Ho, A. L. Liu and H. Y. Shum, “A Real-Time Image-Based Rendering and Compression System with Kinect Depth Camera,” DSP, Hong Kong, Aug. 2014.

J. F. Wu, C. Wang, Z. C. Lin and S. C. Chan, “A Patch-Number and Bandwidth Adaptive Non-Local Kernel Regression Algorithm for Multiview Image Denoising,” DSP, Hong Kong, Aug., 2014.

C. Wang and S. C. Chan, “A New Hand Gesture Recognition Algorithm based on Joint Color-Depth Superpixel Earth Mover’s Distance,” CIP, Copenhagen, May. 2014.

C. Wang and S. C. Chan, “A New Bandwidth Adaptive Non-Local Kernel Regression Algorithm For Image/Video Restoration and Its GPU Realization,” ISCAS, Beijing, May. 2013.

S. Zhang, C. Wang and S.C. Chan, “A New High Resolution Depth Map Estimation System Using Stereo Vision and Depth Sensing Device,” CSPA, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2013. (Best Paper Award)

C. Wang, Z. Y. Zhu, S. C. Chan and H. Y. Shum, “Realistic and Interactive Image-based Rendering of Ancient Chinese Artifacts using A Multiple Camera Array,” ISCAS, Rio de Janeiro, May, 2011, pp. 2801-2804.

S. C. Chan, Z. Y. Zhu, K. T. Ng, C. Wang, S. Zhang, Z. G. Zhang, Z. Ye, and H. Y. Shum, “A Movable Image-based Rendering System and Its Application to Multiview Audio-Visual Conferencing,” ISCIT, Tokyo, Oct. 2010.

其他成果:实用新型专利: 一种具有报警功能的智能回收箱,201620617768.8

实用新型专利: 一种具有伸缩功能的室外晾衣架,201620210949.9

实用新型专利: 一种智能插座,201620211082.9

科研项目: 基于超像/体素图的手势识别方法研究(61603202)。国家自然科学基金/青年科学基金。主持,在研。



基于超像素热核特征的手势识别和交互系统 (Y201533827)。浙江省教育厅科研项目。主持,结题。







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