java swing开源组件_Squareness


Napkin look & feel:The Napkin Look & Feel is a pluggable Java look and feel that looks like it was scrawled on a napkin. You can use it to make provisional work actually look provisional, or just for fun.

The idea is to try to develop a look and feel that can be used in Java applications that looks informal and provisional, yet be fully functional for development. Often when people see a GUI mock-up, or a complete GUI without full functionality, they assume that the code behind it is working. While this can be used to sleazy advantage, it can also convince people who ought to know better (like your managers) that you are already done when you have just barely begun, or when only parts are complete. No matter how much you speak to their rational side, the emotional response still says "Done!". Which after a while leads to a later question: "That was done months ago! What are they doing? Playing Quake?" A good article on this is Joel on Software's “The Iceberg Secret, Revealed”.

So the idea is to create a complete look and feel that can be used while the thing is not done which will convey an emotional message to match the rational one. As pieces of the work are done, the GUI for those pieces can be switched to use the "formal" (final) look and feel, allowing someone looking at demos over time to see the progress of the entire system reflected in the expression of the GUI.

Over time, several folks have just liked the thing and wanted to use it for non-provisional GUI's. Sometimes this is because the application itself seems to match the theme, such as a brainstorming tool. And sometimes it's just that it looks fun.

This is all done using the Java Swing pluggable Look & Feel framework.

pgs look & feel:PgsLookAndFeel是一个漂亮的,跨平台的Swing外观.

Quaqua:Quaqua能让Java应用程序的皮肤换成接近于Mac OS X的苹果人性化界面标准。

Tonic Look & Feel:这是Swing金属(Metal)外观的免费实现方案.

JGoodies look & feel:JGoodies look&feels让你的Swing应用程序与applets看起来更漂亮.屏幕截图如下:

l2fprod-common:Swing已经构建很多组件,但是还有一些比较流行的组件没有提供.这个开源项目刚好提供这些少掉的组件.l2fprod-common提供的组件有:PropertySheet,collapsible task pane,button bar,font chooser,directory chooser.以下是其中一个组件.

Liquid look & feel:The goal of this project is to provide a look and feel based on the Mosfet Liquid KDE 3.x theme.

Smooth Metal look & feel:SmoothMetal is a wrapper for some of Sun's Java Look and Feels to enable anti-aliasing.

Anti-aliasing is the process of smoothing text and images by introducing intermediary colours to fool the eye into believing that the resolution is somewhat higher than it is. Thus a black character on a white background is 'smoothed' with shades of grey. You can see this in Windows XP when using ClearType, or enable it in X11 using Xft. MacOS X and RISCOS users get it for free along with KDE and Gnome desktop users on Linux, Solaris and elsewhere.

While operating systems have moved ahead and most now offer anti-aliasing, Sun has said it will not be officially offering anti-aliasing in Swing until Java 1.5. SmoothMetal allows you to get around this and make your Swing apps look just a bit better.

Office 2003 & XP look & feel:This project provides a single jar file that you can add to your Java Swing applications to enable Look and Feels modeling the following popular Microsoft applications:

Office XP

Office 2003

Visual Studio 2005

Of course, your Swing application MUST be running on a Windows box to use these LnFs. The reasons for this are twofold: first, the LnFs are built upon the standard Windows Look and Feel, which is available only in Windows JRE's, and second, I'm not too sure about the legal ramifications of copying Windows applications' look and feels/icons/etc. on other platforms.

Substance look & feel:这个项目的目的是提供一个流行的外观(look & feel)。这个外观(look & feel)联合了Windows XP和MacOS 10.4最好的特性并且需要JDK 5.0以上。

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