广州计算机专业王健,王健 - 教师简历 CV- 武汉大学计算机学院



[1] Neng Zhang, Jian Wang*, and Yutao Ma, “Mining Domain Knowledge on Service Goals from Textual Service Descriptions,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2020, 13(3), 488-502.

[2] Yutao Ma, Xiao Geng, and Jian Wang*. A Deep Neural Network with Multiplex Interactions for Cold-Start Service Recommendation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2019.2961376.

[3] Neng Zhang, Jian Wang*, Yutao Ma, Keqing He, Zheng Li, Xiaoqing (Frank) Liu, Web Service Discovery Based on Goal-Oriented Query Expansion, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 142, 2018, pp. 73-91.

[4] Ruibin Xiong, Jian Wang*, Zhongqiao Li, Bing Li, Patrick C.K. Hung. Personalized LSTM Based Matrix Factorization for Online QoS Prediction, In Proc. of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), pp. 34-41.

[5] Xiuqing Chen, Bing Li*,Jian Wang*, Yuqi Zhao, Yiming Xiong. Integrating EMD with Multivariable LSTM for Time Series QoS Prediction,  In Proc. of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS),  2020.

[6] Neng Zhang, Jian Wang*, Keqing He, Zheng Li, and Ying Huang, “Mining and Clustering Service Goals for RESTful Service Discovery,” Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), 2019, 58(3), pp. 669-700.

[7] Ruibin Xiong, Jian Wang*, Neng Zhang, Yutao Ma, Deep Hybrid Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Recommendation, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 110, 2018, pp. 191-205.

[8] Fang Xie, Jian Wang*, Ruibin Xiong, Neng Zhang, Yutao Ma, Keqing He, An integrated service recommendation approach for service-based system development, Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 123, 2019, pp. 178-194.

[9] Jian Wang, Zejin Zhu, Junju Liu, Chong Wang, Youwei Xu, An Approach of Role Updating in Context-Aware Role Mining, International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR), 14(2), 2017, pp. 24-44.

[10] Jian Wang, Panpan Gao, Yutao Ma, Keqing He, Patrick C.K. Hung, A Web Service Discovery Approach Based on Common Topic Groups Extraction, IEEE Access, 2017, 5, pp. 10193-10208.

[11] Jian Wang, Zaiwen Feng, Jia Zhang, Patrick C. K. Hung, Keqing He, and Liang-Jie Zhang, A Unified RGPS-Based Approach Supporting Service-Oriented Process Customization, in Web Services Foundations (book chapter), pp.657-682, Springer, 2014.

[12] Gang Tian, Jian Wang*, Keqing He, Chengai Sun, Yuan Tian, Integrating Implicit Feedbacks for Time-aware Web Service Recommendations, Information Systems Frontiers, 19 (1), 2017, pp. 75–89.

[13] Jianxiao Liu, Feng Liu, Xiaoxia Li, Keqing He, Yutao Ma, Jian Wang*, Web service clustering using relational database approach,International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(IJSEKE). 25(8), 2015. pp. 1365–1393.

[14] Zheng Li, Keqing He, Jian Wang*, Neng Zhang, An On-demand Services Discovery Approach Based on Topic Clustering, Journal of Internet Technology, 15(4), 2014, pp. 543-556.

[15] Gang Tian, Jian Wang*, Keqing He, Chengai Sun, Leveraging Auxiliary Knowledge for Web Service Clustering, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 25(5), pp. 858-865, 2016.

[16] Jia Zhang, Jian Wang, Patrick C.K. Hung, Zheng Li, Neng Zhang, Keqing He, Leveraging Incrementally Enriched Domain Knowledge to Enhance Service Categorization, International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR), 9(3), pp. 43-66, 2012.

[17] Keqing He, Jian Wang, Peng Liang, Towards Semantic Interoperability Aggregation in Service Requirements Refinement, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2010, 25(6), pp.1103-1117.

[18] Jianxiao Liu, Keqing He, Jian Wang, Feng Liu, Xiaoxia Li. Service Organization and Recommendation Using Multi-granularity Approach, Knowledge-Based Systems,Vol.73, 2015, pp.181-198.

[19] Huanyu Cheng, Ming Zhong, Jian Wang, Diversified Keyword Search based Web Service Composition, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 163, 110540, 2020.

[20] Liang Hong, Lei Zou, Cheng Zeng, Luming Zhang, Jian Wang and Jilei Tian. Context-aware Recommendation Using Role-based Trust Network. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), Vol. 10, No. 2, 2, Article 13: 1-25, 2015.

[21] Arnon Sturm, Daniel Gross, Jian Wang, Eric Yu, Means-Ends based Know-how Mapping, Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(2), pp. 1-20.

[22] Gang Tian, Qibo Wang, Jian Wang*, Keqing He, Weidong Zhao, Panpan Gao, Yanjun Peng, Leveraging Contextual Information for Cold-start Web Service Recommendation, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2019.

[23] Jian Wang, Neng Zhang, Cheng Zeng, Zheng Li, Keqing He. Towards Services Discovery based on Service Goal Extraction and Recommendation. Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Services Computing, 2013, pp.65-72.

[24]Jian Wang, Cheng Zeng, Chuan He, Liang Hong, Liang Zhou, Raymond K. Wong, Jilei Tian, “Context-Aware Role Mining for Mobile Service Recommendation”, Proc. of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012), Riva del Garda, Italy, 2012, pp.492-497.

[25] 刘建晓,何克清,王健*,余敦辉,冯在文,宁达,张秀伟,“RGPS制导的按需服务组织与推荐方法”,计算机学报,36(2), pp.238-251, 2013.





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