tms320 c语言开发,[转载]TMS320C6455的千兆网开发(02)

This page is intended to

provide general guidelines about NDK device drivers' source code

and highlight specific points necessary to adapt it to custom

EMAC/PHY combinations.


Since the beginning, NDK was

designed to abstract the environment by using two layers of

software that require minimum changes depending on the OS and the

hardware used. These layers are the Operating System Abstraction

Layer () and the Hardware

Abstraction Layer (all the libraries of type


Typically no changes are required

to the OSAL, which runs on top of DSP/BIOS. However, the HAL is a

source of frequent questions asking to port to specific hardware

configurations or different PHYs. Since it is impossible to foresee

all the custom hardware implementations or PHY devices available on

the marketplace today, the source code for the drivers is available

with the NDK distributions since release 1.92.

In addition to the source code

availability, the great number of source files in a typical NDK

project are usually confusing for anyone that is trying to make

modifications to adapt for custom hardware.

Therefore the information below is

given to help pinpoint the places where device drivers' code should

be carefully examined and modified. Note that several of the PHY

manufacturers do not open detailed datasheets or configuration

information unless under a non-disclosure agreement, therefore any

changes are of entire responsibility of the customer.



For NDK 1.9x releases, each

Network Support Package (NSP) contains a design document for the

Ethernet device driver that covers the basic architecture and file

organization. These files are usually installed under


For NDK 2.00, the NSP Ethernet

Driver Design Guide (SPRUFP2)

contains the information for all the device drivers and is

typically installed under


The NDK Programmer's Guide for NDK

1.94 and 2.00 contains additional information in the sections A.14

(for NDK 1.94) and A.15 (for NDK 2.00).

Note: The information in

these two last references can also be applied to the NSPs for C6455

and DM642 running with NDK 1.94.

Due to performance and added

features, it is highly recommended to use the NIMU driver

architecture consolidated in NDK release 2.00. Please note that

there are also several driver-stack API changes that render it

backward incompatible with previous versions.

Tips to modify device



The llPacket source code location

varies depending on the installation but is typically located at


1) Hardware Independent Low-Level

Ethernet Driver. This layer is provided in the file named

and does not require

changes to adapt to different PHYs.

2) Hardware Specific Low-Level

Ethernet (mini) Driver. As the name says, this layer contains the

hardware dependent information and changes should be done to

specific files.

The EMAC configuration files may

require just minimal changes (if any), since they mostly change

EMAC-only settings. Some examples of these files are




The MDIO configuration files need

to be carefully inspected and modified, since they perform the

functions of PHY initialization, configuration

(MDIO_initPHY() or cpsw_MDIO_Init() functions)

and polling (MDIO_timerTick() or cpsw_MDIO_Tic()

functions). Some examples of these files are:


<64lcmdio.c> and

For example, the code below

starting at line 582 of the file

might have to be

modified to properly initialize a different PHY:



//Put phy in copper mode


PHYREG_waitResultsAck( i, ack );if( !ack )


PHYREG_write( 0x10, phyAddr, 0x0000 ); //GMII Interface


// Put phy in RGMII mode/in-band status data for PG 2.0

if (EMAC_REGS->TXIDVER != 0x000C1207) {


PHYREG_waitResultsAck( i, ack );

if( !ack )




3) The hardware initialization

file in each example project. These files contain functions called

before main() and read or configure some initial

parameters for the hardware. These files are usually located in the

example project directories. For example, at the end of the file

the code below may

have to be modified:

void C6455EMAC_linkStatus( uint phy, uint linkStatus )


Uint16 pData;

printf("Link Status: %s on PHY %dn",LinkStr[linkStatus],phy);

MDIO_phyRegRead( phy, 0x2, &pData );

// Program the LEDs for the Intel phy

if (pData ==0x13)

MDIO_phyRegWrite( phy, 0x14, 0xd5d0 );

// Program the LEDs for the Broadcom phy

if (pData ==0x20)

MDIO_phyRegWrite( phy, 0x1C, 0xa418 );



The NIMU source drivers are

usually located in the directory


1) Layer 1 – NDK stack interaction

layer (NIMU layer). Since it encapsulates all interactions between

the stack and the NIMU layer, it has no PHY or hardware dependency.

Please check section 2.2 of the NSP Ethernet Design Guide above.

Typically the usage example of this layer is shown in the file

2) Layer 2 – Ethernet mini-driver

layer. This layer configures the EMAC using the data structures

exposed by underlying CSL layers data structures and APIs. Despite

directly communicating with the hardware (cache, interrupts, etc)

its code is mostly contained into the DSP itself, thus requiring

minor (if any) changes to accomodate a different PHY. This layer is

usually shown in the file

. For example, check the

code below starting at line 401 of the file

for C6455; if the use

of Jumbo Frames is desired but the PHY supports a MTU value smaller

than 10200 bytes, an adjustment is required to the value of



ecfg.PktMTU = 1514;


ecfg.PktMTU = 10200;


3) Layer 3 – CSL EMAC / MDIO

layer. External hardware dependent layer. Defines data structures

and APIs required to configure and control the EMAC and PHY.

Changes to this layer can be split in two categories:

CSL EMAC configuration. Despite

the fact that CSL itself directly interacts with the hardware, very

little is needed to be changed to the EMAC configuration file since

it is tailored for the DSP. Such configuration is usually located

in the file named


CSL MDIO configuration. Similarly

to the MDIO configuration files for llPacket interface, the code

requires careful inspection and modification to match the PHY - the

names of the functions also match the ones listed for llPacket MDIO

configuration. Such configuration is performed by the file

For example, the code below

starting at line 618 of the file

might require

modifications to be adjusted to a different PHY.

if ( macsel == RGMII )



PHYREG_waitResultsAck( i, ack );

if( !ack )


PHYREG_write( 0x10, phyAddr, 0x0000 ); //GMII Interface


// Put phy in RGMII mode/in-band status data

if (EMAC_REGS->TXIDVER != 0x000C1207) {


PHYREG_waitResultsAck( i, ack );


// If the PHY did not ACK the write, return zero

if( !ack )


#if 0

// Override gtxcdly so it's low - it's still needed on EVM

PHYREG_write( PHYREG_ACCESS, phyAddr, 0x8C00 );

PHYREG_waitResultsAck( i, ack );

// If the PHY did not ACK the write, return zero

if( !ack )




4) At last, verify the hardware

initialization files in each example project. Its names, locations

and functionality are identical as shown in the llPacket interface




C647x specific: verify the phy

setup in comparison with the NDK evm configuration. On the on the

6474 evm the connection between the phy and the device has a

polarity setting which is specific for a hw workaround.

When using your own board,

assuming you connected the phy properly, you will likely have to

rebuild the ethernet driver which is generating the



Basically you will need to edit the

file NDK_2_0srchalevm6474eth_c6474ethdriver.c at line 601 to

make sure you specify the correct polarity for the SGMII connection

between the device and the PHY

the value to be edited / checked


SgmiiCfg.txConfig = 0x00000ea1;

for the actual meaning of the bit

fields, refer to the emac user guide of the device

For technical support please post

your questions at Please post only comments about the article

Guidelines when porting NDK to different PHYs


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