reporting service odbc mysql_Reporting Services

Reporting Services 支持的数据源 (SSRS)Data Sources Supported by Reporting Services (SSRS)



Reporting ServicesReporting Services 通过一个使用数据处理扩展插件的可扩展模块化数据层从数据源中检索报表数据。retrieves report data from data sources through a modular and extensible data layer that uses data processing extensions. 若要从数据源检索报表数据,必须选择一个数据处理扩展插件,该扩展插件必须支持数据源类型、数据源上运行的软件版本,以及数据源平台(32 位或 64 位 x64x64)。To retrieve report data from a data source, you must select a data processing extension that supports the type of data source, the version of software running on the data source, and the data source platform (32-bit or 64-bit x64x64).

部署 Reporting ServicesReporting Services时,会自动在报表创作客户端和报表服务器上安装并注册一组数据处理扩展插件,以提供对各种数据源类型的访问。When you deploy Reporting ServicesReporting Services, a set of data processing extensions are automatically installed and registered on both the report authoring client and on the report server to provide access to a variety of data source types. Reporting ServicesReporting Services 安装以下数据源类型:installs the following data source types:

MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL ServerSQL ServerSQL Server

MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL Server Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services for MDX、DMX、MicrosoftMicrosoft Power PivotPower Pivot 和表格模型SQL ServerSQL Server Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services for MDX, DMX, MicrosoftMicrosoft Power PivotPower Pivot, and tabular models

MicrosoftMicrosoft Azure SQL 数据库Azure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL 数据库Azure SQL Database



Hyperion EssbaseHyperion Essbase

MicrosoftMicrosoft SharePoint 列表SharePoint List





此外,自定义数据处理扩展插件和标准 MicrosoftMicrosoft .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据提供程序还可以由系统管理员安装和注册。In addition, custom data processing extensions and standard MicrosoftMicrosoft .NET Framework.NET Framework data providers can be installed and registered by system administrators. 若要处理和查看报表,必须在报表服务器上安装并注册数据处理扩展插件和数据访问接口;若要预览报表,必须在报表创作客户端上安装并注册数据处理扩展插件和数据访问接口。To process and view a report, the data processing extensions and data providers must be installed and registered on the report server; to preview a report, they must be installed and registered on the report authoring client. 注册数据处理扩展插件和数据访问接口必须针对其安装平台进行本机编译。Data processing extensions and data providers must be natively compiled for the platform where they are installed. 如果您通过使用 SOAP Web 服务以编程方式部署数据源,则必须定义数据源扩展插件。If you deploy a data source programmatically by using the SOAP Web service, you must define the data source extension. 使用来自 RSReportDesigner.config 文件的数据扩展插件值。Use data extension values from the RSReportDesigner.config file. 默认情况下,该文件位于以下文件夹中:By default, the file is located in the following folder:

\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies

例如, Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 数据扩展插件是 OLEDB-MD。For example, the Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services data extension is OLEDB-MD.

.NET Framework.NET Framework Microsoft 下载中心 和第三方站点提供了许多可供下载的第三方标准 数据访问接口。Many third-party standard .NET Framework.NET Framework data providers are available as downloads from the Microsoft Download Center and from third-party sites. 你还可以在 SQL ServerSQL Server Reporting ServicesReporting Services 公共论坛中搜索有关第三方数据提供程序的信息。You can also search the SQL ServerSQL Server Reporting ServicesReporting Services public forum for information about third-party data providers.


标准 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据访问接口并非一定要支持 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件提供的所有功能。Standard .NET Framework.NET Framework data providers do not necessarily support all the functionality supplied by Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extensions. 此外,可以使用某些 OLE DB 数据访问接口和 ODBC 驱动程序来创作和预览报表,但它们并未设计为支持报表服务器上发布的报表。In addition, some OLE DB data providers and ODBC drivers can be used to author and preview reports, but are not designed to support reports published on a report server. 例如,报表服务器不支持 MicrosoftMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Jet。For example, the MicrosoftMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Jet is not supported on the report server.

For more information about custom data processing extensions, see Implementing a Data Processing Extension. 有关标准 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据访问接口的详细信息,请参阅 System.Data 命名空间。For more information about standard .NET Framework.NET Framework data providers, see the System.Data namespace.

报表数据源的平台支持Platform Support for Report Data Sources

可在 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 部署中使用的数据源因 SQL ServerSQL Server 版本、 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 版本和平台的不同而不同。The data sources you can use in a Reporting ServicesReporting Services deployment vary by SQL ServerSQL Server edition, Reporting ServicesReporting Services version, and by platform. 本主题后面的表按版本和平台列出了所支持数据源的相关信息。The table later in this topic provides information about supported data sources by version and by platform.

报表创作客户端和报表服务器对于 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据源有不同的平台要求。Platform considerations for Reporting ServicesReporting Services data sources are separate for the report authoring client and the report server.

在报表创作客户端上On the report authoring client

SQL ServerSQL Server SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence 是 32 位应用程序。SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence is a 32-bit application. SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence 在基于 Itanium 的平台上不受支持。is not supported on an Itanium-based platform. 在 x64 平台上,若要在报表设计器中编辑和预览报表,必须在 (x86) 平台目录中安装了 32 位数据访问接口。On an x64 platform, to edit and preview reports in Report Designer, you must have 32-bit data providers installed in the (x86) platform directory.

在报表服务器上On the report server

将报表部署到 64 位报表服务器时,报表服务器必须安装有在本机编译的 64 位数据访问接口。When you deploy a report to a 64-bit report server, the report server must have natively compiled 64-bit data providers installed. 不支持将 32 位数据访问接口包装在 64 位接口中。Wrapping a 32-bit data provider in 64-bit interfaces is not supported. 有关详细信息,请参阅数据访问接口文档。For more information, check the documentation for the data provider.

支持的数据源Supported Data Sources

下表列出了可用来为报表数据集和报表模型检索数据的 MicrosoftMicrosoft 数据处理扩展插件和数据访问接口。The following table lists MicrosoftMicrosoft data processing extensions and data providers that you can use to retrieve data for report datasets and report models. 有关扩展插件或数据访问接口的详细信息,请单击第二列中的链接。For more information about an extension or data provider, click the link in the second column. 表中各列的说明如下:The table columns are described as follows:

报表数据源:要访问的数据的类型;例如,关系数据库、多维数据库、平面文件或 XML。Source of report data: The type of data being accessed; for example, relational database, multidimensional database, flat file, or XML. 此列回答以下问题:“Reporting ServicesReporting Services 可以对报表使用什么类型的数据?”This column answers the question: "What types of data can Reporting ServicesReporting Services use for a report?"

Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据源类型:在 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 中定义数据源时,在下拉列表中看到的数据源类型之一。Data Source Type: One of the data source types you see in the drop-down list when you define a data source in Reporting ServicesReporting Services. 此列表是根据所安装和注册的 DPE 与数据访问接口填充的。This list is populated from installed and registered DPEs and data providers. 此列回答以下问题:“在创建报表数据源时,我应从下拉列表中选择什么数据源类型?”This column answers the question: "What data source type do I select from the drop-down list when I create a report data source?"

数据处理扩展插件/数据提供程序的名称:对应于选定 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据源类型的 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件或其他数据提供程序。Name of Data Processing Extension/Data Provider: The Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension or other data provider that corresponds to the Reporting ServicesReporting Services data source type selected. 此列回答以下问题:“在我选择数据源类型后,使用对应的哪个数据处理扩展插件或数据提供程序?”This column answers the question: "When I select a data source type, which corresponding data processing extension or data provider is used?"

基础数据提供程序版本(可选):某些数据源类型支持多个数据提供程序。Underlying Data Provider version (Optional): Some data source types support more than one data provider. 它们可能是同一访问接口的不同版本,或由第三方提供的某一数据访问接口类型的不同实现。These could be different versions of the same provider or different implementations by third-parties for a type of data provider. 在您配置了数据源后,访问接口名称会频繁出现在连接字符串中。The provider name frequently appears in the connection string after you have configured a data source. 此列回答以下问题:“选择了数据源类型后,我要在‘连接属性’对话框中选择哪种数据访问接口? ”This column answers the question: "After selecting the data source type, what data provider do I select in the Connection Properties dialog box?"

数据源 :由目标数据源的数据处理扩展插件或数据提供程序支持的数据源平台。Data Source : The data source platform supported by the data processing extension or data provider for the target data source. 此列回答以下问题:“此数据处理扩展插件或数据提供程序能否从这类平台上的数据源中检索数据?”This column answers the question: "Can this data processing extension or data provider retrieve data from a data source on this type of platform?"

数据源的版本:DPE 或数据提供程序支持的目标数据源的版本。Version of data source: The version of the target data source supported by the DPE or data provider. 此列回答以下问题:“此数据处理扩展插件或数据提供程序能否从此版本的数据源中检索数据?”This column answers the question: "Can this data processing extension or data provider retrieve data from this version of the data source?"

RS :可在其中安装自定义 DPE 或数据提供程序的报表服务器和报表创作客户端的平台。RS : The platforms for the report server and report authoring client where you can install a custom DPE or data provider. 任何 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 安装都会包含内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services数据处理扩展插件。The built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extensions are included with any installation of Reporting ServicesReporting Services. 自定义数据处理扩展插件或 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据访问接口必须针对特定平台进行本机编译。A custom data processing extension or .NET Framework.NET Framework data provider must be compiled natively for a specific platform. 此列回答以下问题:“此数据处理扩展插件或数据提供程序能否安装在这类平台上?”This column answers the question: "Can this data processing extension or data provider be installed on this type of platform?"

数据源的类型Types of data sources

报表Source of

数据源Report data

Reporting Services 数据源类型Reporting Services Data Source Type

数据处理扩展插件/数据访问接口的名称Name of Data Processing Extension/Data Provider

基础数据访问接口版本Underlying Data Provider version




平台 x86Platform x86



平台 x64Platform x64

数据源的版本Version of data source


平台 x86Platform x86


平台 x64Platform x64

SQL ServerSQL Server 关系数据库relational database

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

扩展 System.Data.SqlClientExtends System.Data.SqlClient



SQL Server 2012 和更高版本。SQL Server 2012 and later.



SQL ServerSQL Server 关系数据库relational database


内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

扩展 System.Data.OledbClientExtends System.Data.OledbClient



SQL Server 2012 和更高版本。SQL Server 2012 and later.



SQL ServerSQL Server 关系数据库relational database

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

扩展 System.Data.OdbcClientExtends System.Data.OdbcClient



SQL Server 2012 和更高版本。SQL Server 2012 and later.



SQL 数据库SQL Database

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

扩展 System.Data.SqlClientExtends System.Data.SqlClient



SQL 数据库SQL Database



Azure Synapse AnalyticsAzure Synapse Analytics

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

扩展 System.Data.SqlClientExtends System.Data.SqlClient



Azure Synapse AnalyticsAzure Synapse Analytics



Microsoft Azure Synapse AnalyticsMicrosoft Azure Synapse Analytics 工具appliance

弃用的 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Deprecated Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension




SQL Server 2008 R2 并行数据仓库SQL Server 2008 R2 Parallel Data Warehouse



Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 多维或表格数据库multidimensional or tabular database

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension




SQL Server 2012 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 及更高版本SQL Server 2012 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services and later



Power BI Premium 数据集(从 Reporting Services 2019 和 Power BI 报表服务器 2020 年 1 月版开始)Power BI Premium dataset (Starting with Reporting Services 2019 and Power BI Report Server January 2020)

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension




SQL Server 2019 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 及更高版本SQL Server 2019 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services and later



Azure Analysis ServicesAzure Analysis Services

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension




SQL Server 2017 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 及更高版本SQL Server 2017 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services and later



Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 多维数据库multidimensional database


内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

扩展 System.Data.OledbClientExtends System.Data.OledbClient

10.0 版Version 10.0



SQL Server 2012 Analysis ServicesAnalysis ServicesSQL Server 2012 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services



SharePoint 列表SharePoint lists

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

从 Lists.asmx 或 SharePoint 对象模型 API 接口获取数据。Gets data from Lists.asmx or the SharePoint object model API interfaces.

请参阅 注意。See Note.



SharePoint 2013 产品及更高版本SharePoint 2013 Products and later




内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

XML 数据源与平台无关。XML data sources do not have platform dependencies.



XML Web ServicesXML Web Services 或文档or documents



报表服务器模型Report Server Model

报表模型Report Model

用于已发布 SMDL 文件的弃用的 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Deprecated Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension for a published SMDL file

模型的数据源使用内置数据处理扩展插件。Data sources for a model use Built-in data processing extensions.

基于 Oracle 的模型要求使用 Oracle 客户端组件。Oracle-based models require Oracle client components.

基于 Teradata 的模型要求使用来自 Teradata 的 .NET Data Provider for Teradata。Teradata-based models require .NET Data Provider for Teradata from Teradata.

有关平台支持,请参阅 Teradata 文档。See Teradata documentation for platform support.



可以从SQL Server 2005 (9.x)SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 及更高版本创建模型。Models can be created from:SQL Server 2005 (9.x)SQL Server 2005 (9.x) and later.

Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services

Oracle 或更高版本Oracle or later

Teradata V14、v13、v12 和 v6.2Teradata V14, v13, v12, and v6.2



SAP 多维数据库SAP multidimensional database


内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

有关平台支持,请参阅 SAP 文档。See SAP documentation for platform support.



SAP BW 7.0-7.5SAP BW 7.0-7.5



Hyperion EssbaseHyperion Essbase

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

有关平台支持,请参阅 Hyperion 文档。See Hyperion documentation for platform support.



Hyperion EssbaseHyperion Essbase



Oracle 关系数据库Oracle relational database

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

要求使用 Oracle 客户端组件 12c 或更高版本。Requires Oracle client components 12c or higher.



Oracle 11g, 11g R2, 12c, 18c, 19cOracle 11g, 11g R2, 12c, 18c, 19c




内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

扩展来自 Teradata 的 .NET Data Provider for Teradata。Extends .NET Data Provider for Teradata from Teradata.

要求使用来自 Teradata 的 .NET Data Provider for Teradata。Requires .NET Data Provider for Teradata from Teradata.

有关平台支持,请参阅 Teradata 文档。See Teradata documentation for platform support.



Teradata v15Teradata v15

Teradata v14Teradata v14

Teradata v13Teradata v13



DB2 关系数据库DB2 relational database

自定义的已注册数据扩展插件名Customized registered data extension name

2004 Host Integration (HI) Server2004 Host Integration (HI) Server






一般 OLE DB 数据源Generic OLE DB data source


内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

支持 OLE DB 的任何数据源。Any data source that supports OLE DB.

有关平台支持,请参阅数据源文档。See the data source documentation for platform support.



支持 OLE DB 的任何数据源。Any data source that supports OLE DB. 请参阅 注意。See Note.



一般 ODBC 数据源Generic ODBC data source

内置 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Built-in Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension

支持 ODBC 的任何数据源。Any data source that supports ODBC.

有关平台支持,请参阅数据源文档。See the data source documentation for platform support.



支持 ODBC 的任何数据源。Any data source that supports ODBC. 请参阅 注意。See Note.



For information about using external data sources, see Add Data from External Data Sources (SSRS).

第三方提供了许多标准 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据访问接口。Many standard .NET Framework.NET Framework data providers are available from third parties. 有关详细信息,请搜索第三方网站或论坛。For more information, search the third-party Web sites or forums.

若要安装和注册自定义数据处理扩展插件或标准 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据访问接口,则需参考数据访问接口的参考文档。To install and register a custom data processing extension or standard .NET Framework.NET Framework data provider, you will need to refer to the data provider reference documentation.

Reporting Services 数据处理扩展插件Reporting Services Data Processing Extensions

以下数据处理扩展插件随 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 和 SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence自动安装。The following data processing extensions are automatically installed with Reporting ServicesReporting Services and SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence.


目前不支持 SQL ServerSQL ServerIntegration ServicesIntegration Services 数据处理扩展插件。The SQL ServerSQL ServerIntegration ServicesIntegration Services data processing extension is not supported at this time.

若要详细了解报表生成器支持的数据处理扩展插件,请参阅创建数据连接字符串 - 报表生成器和 SSRS。For more information about data processing extensions supported by Report Builder, see Create data connection strings - Report Builder & SSRS.

Microsoft SQL Server 数据处理扩展插件Microsoft SQL Server Data Processing Extension

数据源类型 Microsoft SQL Server 包装并扩展了 .NET Framework.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL ServerSQL Server。The data source type Microsoft SQL Server wraps and extends the .NET Framework.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL ServerSQL Server. 此数据处理扩展插件针对基于 x86 和 x64x64的平台进行了本机编译并在这些平台上运行。This data processing extension is natively compiled for and runs on x86 and x64x64-based platforms.

在 SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence 中,与此数据扩展插件关联的查询设计器是 Visual Database Tool 设计器。In SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence, the query designer associated with this data extension is the Visual Database Tool Designer. 如果您在图形模式下使用该查询设计器,则会分析查询并可能将其重写。If you use the query designer in graphical mode, the query is analyzed and possibly rewritten. 如果希望控制用于查询的精确 Transact-SQLTransact-SQL 语法,请使用基于文本的查询设计器。Use the text-based query designer when you want to control the exact Transact-SQLTransact-SQL syntax that is used for a query.

在报表生成器中,与此数据扩展插件关联的查询设计器是关系查询设计器。In Report Builder, the query designer associated with this data extension is the Relational Query Designer.

Microsoft Azure SQL 数据库处理扩展插件Microsoft Azure SQL Database Processing Extension

数据源类型 Microsoft AzureSQL 数据库SQL Database 包装并扩展了适用于 SQL ServerSQL Server 的 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据提供程序。The data source type Microsoft Azure SQL 数据库SQL Database wraps and extends the .NET Framework.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL ServerSQL Server.

在 SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence 中,与此数据扩展插件关联的图形查询设计器是关系查询设计器,而不是用于“Microsoft SQL Server”数据源类型的 Visual Database Tool 设计器 。In SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence, the graphical query designer associated with this data extension is the Relational Query Designer not the Visual Database Tool Designer that you use with the Microsoft SQL Server data source type.

SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence 自动区分 Microsoft SQL Azure SQL 数据库SQL Database 与 Microsoft SQL Server 数据源类型,并打开与该数据源类型关联的图形查询设计器 。automatically differentiates between Microsoft Azure SQL 数据库SQL Database and Microsoft SQL Server data source types and opens the graphical query designer associated with the data source type.

如果您在图形模式下使用该查询设计器,则会分析查询并可能将其重写。If you use the query designer in graphical mode, the query is analyzed and possibly rewritten. 基于文本的查询设计器也可用于编写查询。A text-based query designer is also available for writing queries. 如果希望控制用于查询的精确 Transact-SQLTransact-SQL 语法,请使用基于文本的查询设计器。Use the text-based query designer when you want to control the exact Transact-SQLTransact-SQL syntax that is used for a query.

从 SQL 数据库SQL Database、Azure Synapse Analytics 和 SQL ServerSQL Server 检索数据的方式类似,但存在一些仅适用于 SQL 数据库SQL Database 的要求。Retrieving data from SQL 数据库SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics and SQL ServerSQL Server is similar, but there are a few requirements that apply only to SQL 数据库SQL Database.

Microsoft SQL Server 并行数据仓库处理扩展插件Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse Processing Extension

已弃用此数据源。This data source has been deprecated. 使用 SQL Server 数据源类型连接到 Microsoft 分析平台 (APS)。Use the SQL Server data source type to connect to Microsoft Analytics Platform (APS).

Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 数据处理扩展插件Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Data Processing Extension

如果选择数据源类型“Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services” ,则选择的是扩展 .NET Framework.NET Framework Data Provider for MicrosoftMicrosoft Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 的 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件。When you select data source type Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, you are selecting a Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension that extends the .NET Framework.NET Framework Data Provider for MicrosoftMicrosoft Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services. 此数据处理扩展插件针对基于 x86 和 x64 的平台进行了本机编译并在这些平台上运行。This data processing extension is natively compiled for and runs on x86 and x64-based platforms.

对于 Azure Analysis Services 和 Power BI Premium 数据集数据源,请注意,必须禁用多重身份验证,才能使用凭据连接到数据源。For Azure Analysis Services and Power BI Premium dataset data sources, please note you must have multi-factor authentication disabled for the credentials being used to connect to the data source. 如果需要为环境启用多重身份验证,请查看 Azure Active Directory 条件访问,将其作为为数据源中使用的凭据禁用多重身份验证的一种方式。If you need multi-factor authentication enabled for your environment, review Azure Active Directory Conditional Access as an option to disable multi-factor authentication for the credentials used in the data source.

使用 Power BI Premium 数据集作为数据源时,仅支持导入模式和 DirectQuery。When using a Power BI Premium dataset as a data source, only Import mode and DirectQuery are supported.

连接到 Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 数据源时,MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL Server Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 数据处理扩展插件支持多值参数,并将单元格和成员属性映射到 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 支持的扩展属性。When connecting to an Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services data source, the MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL Server Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services data processing extension supports multivalue parameters and maps cell and member properties to extended properties supported by Reporting ServicesReporting Services.

也可以从 SQL ServerSQL Server Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services 数据源创建模型。You can also create models from SQL ServerSQL Server Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services data sources.

OLE DB Data Processing ExtensionOLE DB Data Processing Extension

OLE DB 数据处理扩展插件要求根据要在报表中使用的数据源的版本来选择一个附加数据访问接口层。The OLE DB data processing extension requires the choice of an additional data provider layer based on the version of the data source you want to use in your report. 如果您未选择特定数据访问接口,系统将提供一个默认接口。If you do not select a specific data provider, a default is provided. 请通过“连接属性”对话框(可通过“数据源”或“共享数据源”对话框中的“编辑”按钮访问)选择特定数据访问接口 。Choose a specific data provider through the Connection Properties dialog box, accessed through the Edit button on the Data Source or Shared Data Source dialog boxes.

有关 OLE DB 关联查询设计器详细信息,请参阅 图形查询设计器用户界面。For more information about the OLE DB associated query designer, see Graphical Query Designer User Interface. 有关 OLE DB 访问接口特定支持的详细信息,请参阅 知识库中的 Visual Studio .NET 设计器工具支持 OLE DB 访问接口特定信息 MicrosoftMicrosoft 。For more information about specific support for OLE DB providers, see Visual Studio .NET Designer Tool Supports Specific OLE DB Providers in the MicrosoftMicrosoft Knowledge Base.

OLE DB for SQL ServerOLE DB for SQL Server

如果选择数据源类型 OLE DB,则要选择一个扩展 Reporting ServicesReporting Services Data Provider for OLE DB 的 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据处理扩展插件。When you select data source type OLE DB, you are selecting a Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension that extends the .NET Framework.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB. 此数据处理扩展插件针对 x86 和 x64 平台进行了本机编译并在这些平台上运行。This data processing extension is natively compiled for and runs on x86 and x64 platforms.

OLE DB for OLAP 7.0OLE DB for OLAP 7.0

不支持 OLE DB Provider for OLAP Services 7.0。OLE DB Provider for OLAP Services 7.0 is not supported.

OLE DB for OracleOLE DB for Oracle

数据处理扩展插件 OLE DB for Oracle 不支持以下 Oracle 数据类型:BLOB、CLOB、NCLOB、BFILE 和 UROWID。The data processing extension OLE DB for Oracle does not support the following Oracle data types: BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, BFILE, UROWID.

此扩展插件支持与位置相关的未命名参数,Unnamed parameters that are position-dependent are supported. 但不支持命名参数。Named parameters are not supported by this extension. 若要使用命名参数,请使用 Oracle 数据处理扩展插件。To use named parameters, use the Oracle data processing extension.

有关附加权限配置的详细信息,请参阅 知识库中的 如何为 NETWORK SERVICE 安全主体添加权限 MicrosoftMicrosoft 。For more information about additional permissions configuration, see How to add permissions for the NETWORK SERVICE security principal in the MicrosoftMicrosoft Knowledge Base.

OLE DB Standard .NET Framework 数据访问接口OLE DB Standard .NET Framework data provider

若要从支持 OLE DB .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据访问接口的数据源检索数据,请使用 OLE DB 数据源类型并选择默认数据访问接口,或者在 “连接字符串” 对话框中从已安装的数据访问接口中进行选择。To retrieve data from a data source that supports OLE DB .NET Framework.NET Framework data providers, use the OLE DB data source type and select the default data provider, or select from the installed data providers in the Connection String dialog box.


虽然某个数据访问接口可能支持在报表创作客户端上预览报表,但并非所有 OLE DB 数据访问接口都设计为支持在报表服务器上发布的报表。Although a data provider may support previewing a report on your report authoring client, not all OLE DB data providers are designed to support reports published on a report server.

ODBC Data Processing ExtensionODBC Data Processing Extension

如果选择数据源类型 ODBC,则要选择一个扩展 Reporting ServicesReporting Services Data Provider for ODBC 的 .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据处理扩展插件。When you select data source type ODBC, you are selecting a Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension that extends the .NET Framework.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC. 此数据处理扩展插件针对 x86 和 x64x64 平台进行了本机编译并在这些平台上运行。This data processing extension is natively compiled for and runs on x86 and x64x64 platforms. 使用此扩展插件可连接到具有 ODBC 访问接口的任何数据源并从中检索数据。Use this extension to connect to and retrieve data from any data source that has an ODBC provider.


虽然某个数据访问接口可能支持在报表创作客户端上预览报表,但并非所有 ODBC 数据访问接口都设计为支持在报表服务器上发布的报表。Although a data provider may support previewing a report on your report authoring client, not all ODBC data providers are designed to support reports published on a report server.

ODBC Standard .NET Framework 数据访问接口ODBC Standard .NET Framework data provider

若要从支持标准 ODBC .NET Framework.NET Framework 数据访问接口的数据源检索数据,请使用 ODBC 数据源类型并选择默认数据访问接口,或者在 “连接字符串” 对话框中从已安装的数据访问接口中进行选择。To retrieve data from a data source that supports a standard ODBC .NET Framework.NET Framework data provider, use the ODBC data source type and select the default data provider, or select from the installed data providers in the Connection String dialog box.


虽然某个数据访问接口可能支持在报表创作客户端上预览报表,但并非所有 ODBC 数据访问接口都设计为支持在报表服务器上发布的报表。Although a data provider may support previewing a report on your report authoring client, not all ODBC data providers are designed to support reports published on a report server.

Oracle 数据处理扩展插件Oracle Data Processing Extension

选择数据源类型 Oracle 时,即选择 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件,该扩展直接使用 Oracle 数据提供程序,而不再经过 System.Data.OracleClient 这一步 。When you select data source type Oracle, you are selecting a Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension that uses the Oracle Data Provider directly and no longer goes through System.Data.OracleClient. 若要从 Oracle 数据库中检索报表数据,您的管理员必须安装 Oracle 客户端工具。To retrieve report data from an Oracle database, your administrator must install Oracle client tools. 该客户端应用程序版本必须为 11g 或更高版本。The client application version must be 11g or later. 这些工具必须安装在报表创作客户端上以便预览报表,同时还应安装在报表服务器上以便查看发布的报表。These tools must be installed on the report authoring client to preview reports and on the report server to view published reports.

若要安装 Oracle 客户端工具,可执行以下操作。To install the Oracle Client tools you can do the following.

下载适用于 Windows(64 位服务器,32 位工具)的 ODAC 12c 第 4 版 ( ODAC 12c Release 4 ( for Windows (64bit for server, 32bit for tools)

安装 Data Provider for .NET 4Install the Data Provider for .NET 4

此扩展插件支持命名参数。Named parameters are supported by this extension. 对于 Oracle 版本 11g 或更高版本而言,支持多值参数。For Oracle version 11g or later, multivalue parameters are supported. 对于位置相关的未命名参数,请使用 OLE DB 数据处理扩展插件和数据访问接口 MicrosoftMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle。For unnamed parameters that are position-dependent, use the OLE DB data processing extension with the data provider MicrosoftMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle. 有关附加权限配置的详细信息,请参阅 知识库中的 如何为 NETWORK SERVICE 安全主体添加权限 MicrosoftMicrosoft 。For more information about additional permissions configuration, see How to add permissions for the NETWORK SERVICE security principal in the MicrosoftMicrosoft Knowledge Base.

您可以使用多个输入参数从存储过程中检索数据,但存储过程必须只返回一个输出游标。You can retrieve data from stored procedures with multiple input parameters, but the stored procedure must return only one output cursor. 有关详细信息,请参阅“使用 DataReader 检索数据”中的使用 Oracle REF CURSOR 返回结果。For more information, see Returning results with Oracle REF CURSORs in "Retrieve data using a DataReader."

有关关联查询设计器详细信息,请参阅 图形查询设计器用户界面。For more information about the associated query designer, see Graphical Query Designer User Interface.

您还可以创建基于 Oracle 数据库的模型。You can also create models based on an Oracle database.

Teradata 数据处理扩展插件Teradata Data Processing Extension

如果选择数据源类型 Teradata,则选择的是扩展 .NET Framework Data Provider for Teradata 的 Reporting ServicesReporting Services 数据处理扩展插件。When you select data source type Teradata, you are selecting a Reporting ServicesReporting Services data processing extension that extends the .NET Framework Data Provider for Teradata. 若要从 Teradata 检索报表数据,系统管理员必须在报表创作客户端上安装 .NET Framework Data Provider for Teradata 才能在客户端上编辑和预览报表,并且必须在报表服务器上安装它才能查看已发布的报表。To retrieve report data from Teradata, the system administrator must install the .NET Framework Data Provider for Teradata on the report authoring client to edit and preview reports on the client and on the report server to view published reports.

对于报表服务器项目,没有可用于此扩展插件的图形查询设计器。For report server projects, there is not a graphical query designer available for this extension. 必须使用基于文本的查询设计器来创建查询。You must use the text-based query designer to create queries.

下表显示了在 SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence中支持使用哪些版本的 .NET Data Provider for Teradata 在报表定义中定义数据源:The following table shows which versions of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata are supported for defining a data source in a report definition in SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence:

SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence 版本version

Teradata 版本Teradata version

.NET Framework Data Provider for Teradata 版本.NET Framework Data Provider for Teradata version

SQL Server 2008SQL Server 2008



SQL Server 2008SQL Server 2008



SQL Server 2008SQL Server 2008


SQL Server 2008 R2SQL Server 2008 R2



SQL Server 2008 R2SQL Server 2008 R2



SQL Server 2008 R2SQL Server 2008 R2


SQL Server 2012 (11.x)SQL Server 2012 (11.x)



SQL Server 2012 (11.x)SQL Server 2012 (11.x)



SQL Server 2012 (11.x)SQL Server 2012 (11.x)


SQL Server 2012 (11.x)SQL Server 2012 (11.x)



SQL Server 2016SQL Server 2016


SQL Server 2016SQL Server 2016



SQL Server 2016SQL Server 2016



此扩展插件支持多值参数。Multivalue parameters are supported by this extension. 可以通过在查询模式 TEXT 下使用 EXECUTE 命令在查询中指定宏。Macros can be specified in a query by using the EXECUTE command in query mode TEXT.

SharePoint 列表数据扩展插件SharePoint List Data Extension

Reporting ServicesReporting Services 包括 MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL Server Reporting ServicesReporting Services SharePoint 列表数据扩展插件,因此你可以将 SharePoint 列表用作报表中的数据源。includes the MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL Server Reporting ServicesReporting Services SharePoint List Data Extension so that you can use SharePoint lists as a source of data in a report. 您可以从以下数据源中检索列表数据:You can retrieve list data from the following:

SharePoint Server 2016SharePoint Server 2016

SharePoint Server 2013SharePoint Server 2013

SharePoint 列表数据访问接口有三种实现方式。There are three implementations of the SharePoint List data provider.

从 SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence上报表生成器或报表设计器之类的报表创作环境中,或者对于在本机模式下配置的报表服务器,列表数据来自用于 SharePoint 站点的 Lists.asmx Web 服务。From a report authoring environment such as Report Builder or Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools - Business IntelligenceSQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence, or for a report server that is configured in native mode, list data comes from the Lists.asmx Web service for the SharePoint site.

在 SharePoint 集成模式下配置的报表服务器上,列表数据或者来自相应的 Lists.asmx Web 服务,或者来自以编程方式对 SharePoint API 的调用。On a report server that is configured in SharePoint integrated mode, list data comes from either the corresponding Lists.asmx Web service or from programmatic calls to the SharePoint API. 在此模式下,您可以从 SharePoint 场检索列表数据。In this mode, you can retrieve list data from a SharePoint farm.

对于 SharePoint Server 2013SharePoint Server 2013 和 SharePoint Server 2016,通过用于 MicrosoftMicrosoft SharePoint 技术的 MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL Server Reporting ServicesReporting Services 加载项,可以从 SharePoint 站点的 Lists.asmx Web 服务检索列表数据,也可以从属于 SharePoint 场的 SharePoint 站点检索列表数据。For SharePoint Server 2013SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Server 2016, the MicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerSQL Server Reporting ServicesReporting Services Add-in for MicrosoftMicrosoft SharePoint Technologies enables you to retrieve list data from a Lists.asmx Web service for a SharePoint site, or from SharePoint site that is part of a SharePoint farm. 此应用场景也称作“本地模式” ,因为不需要报表服务器。This scenario is also known as local mode because a report server is not required.

您可以指定的凭据取决于客户端应用程序所使用的实现。The credentials that you can specify depend on the implementation that the client application uses.

XML 数据处理扩展插件XML Data Processing Extension

Reporting ServicesReporting Services 包含一个 XML 数据处理扩展插件,以便您可以在报表中使用 XML 数据。includes an XML data processing extension so that you can use XML data in a report. 使用此插件,可以从 XML 文档、Web 服务或者从可通过 URL 访问的基于 Web 的应用程序检索数据。The data can be retrieved from an XML document, a Web service, or a Web-based application that can be accessed by way of a URL. For more information, see XML Connection Type (SSRS). 有关关联查询设计器的详细信息,请参阅 图形查询设计器用户界面中的“基于文本的查询设计器”部分。For more information about the associated query designer, see the text-based query designer section in Graphical Query Designer User Interface.

SAP BW 数据处理扩展插件SAP BW Data Processing Extension

Reporting ServicesReporting Services 包含一个数据处理扩展插件,通过此扩展插件,可以在报表中使用来自 SAP BW 数据源的数据。includes a data processing extension that allows you to use data from an SAP BW data source in a report.

Hyperion Essbase 商业智能数据处理扩展插件Hyperion Essbase Business Intelligence Data Processing Extension

Reporting ServicesReporting Services 包含一个数据处理扩展插件,通过此扩展插件,您可以在报表中使用来自 Hyperion EssbaseHyperion Essbase 数据源的数据。includes a data processing extension that allows you to use data from a Hyperion EssbaseHyperion Essbase data source in a report.

另请参阅See Also





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