最近在ES升级项目(ES5升级到ES6、ES7)中遇到了问题,新版的ES Java API竟然不支持圆形查询了,没办法,只能用正多边形近似代替圆形。当前的数据的坐标系为CGCS2000地理坐标系,所以还不能直接用正余弦计算。目前有两种办法生成圆:
package com.inspur.geocoding.search.util;/** * Created by 行远必自 on 2020/6/2. */import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;/** * 项目名: geocoding * 包名: com.行远必自.util * 类名: SpheroidUtil * 描述: [一句话描述该类的功能] * 创建人: 行远必自 * 创建时间: 2020/6/2 17:10 * 修改人: 行远必自 * 修改时间: 2020/6/2 17:10 * 修改备注: [说明本次修改内容] * 版本: v1.0 **/public class SpheroidUtil { @Contract(pure = true) private static double DEG2RAD(double x){return ((x)* Math.PI/180);} @Contract(pure = true) private static double RAD2DEG(double r){ return (180.0 * (r) / Math.PI);} @Contract(pure = true) private static double POW2(double x) {return ((x)*(x));} @NotNull public static Coordinate CalcEndPoint(Coordinate startPoint, double distance, double azimuth){ // ellipsoid double a = 6378137.0; double b = 6356752.314140356; double f = ( a - b ) / a; if ( ( ( a < 0 ) && ( b < 0 ) ) || ( ( startPoint.x < -180.0 ) || ( startPoint.x > 180.0 ) || ( startPoint.y < -85.05115 ) || ( startPoint.y > 85.05115 ) ) ) { // latitudes outside these bounds cause the calculations to become unstable and can return invalid results return new Coordinate( 0, 0 ); } double radians_lat = DEG2RAD( startPoint.y ); double radians_long = DEG2RAD( startPoint.x ); double b2 = POW2( b ); // spheroid_mu2 double omf = 1 - f; double tan_u1 = omf * Math.tan( radians_lat ); double u1 = Math.atan( tan_u1 ); double sigma, last_sigma, delta_sigma, two_sigma_m; double sigma1, sin_alpha, alpha, cos_alphasq; double u2, A, B; double lat2, lambda, lambda2, C, omega; int i = 0; if ( azimuth < 0.0 ) { azimuth = azimuth + Math.PI * 2.0; } if ( azimuth > ( Math.PI * 2.0 ) ) { azimuth = azimuth - Math.PI * 2.0; } sigma1 = Math.atan2( tan_u1, Math.cos( azimuth ) ); sin_alpha = Math.cos( u1 ) * Math.sin( azimuth ); alpha = Math.asin( sin_alpha ); cos_alphasq = 1.0 - POW2( sin_alpha ); u2 = POW2( Math.cos( alpha ) ) * ( POW2( a ) - b2 ) / b2; // spheroid_mu2 A = 1.0 + ( u2 / 16384.0 ) * ( 4096.0 + u2 * ( -768.0 + u2 * ( 320.0 - 175.0 * u2 ) ) ); B = ( u2 / 1024.0 ) * ( 256.0 + u2 * ( -128.0 + u2 * ( 74.0 - 47.0 * u2 ) ) ); sigma = ( distance / ( b * A ) ); do { two_sigma_m = 2.0 * sigma1 + sigma; delta_sigma = B * Math.sin( sigma ) * ( Math.cos( two_sigma_m ) + ( B / 4.0 ) * ( Math.cos( sigma ) * ( -1.0 + 2.0 * POW2( Math.cos( two_sigma_m ) ) - ( B / 6.0 ) * Math.cos( two_sigma_m ) * ( -3.0 + 4.0 * POW2( Math.sin( sigma ) ) ) * ( -3.0 + 4.0 * POW2( Math.cos( two_sigma_m ) ) ) ) ) ); last_sigma = sigma; sigma = ( distance / ( b * A ) ) + delta_sigma; i++; } while ( i < 999 && Math.abs( ( last_sigma - sigma ) / sigma ) > 1.0e-9 ); lat2 = Math.atan2( ( Math.sin( u1 ) * Math.cos( sigma ) + Math.cos( u1 ) * Math.sin( sigma ) * Math.cos( azimuth ) ), ( omf * Math.sqrt( POW2( sin_alpha ) + POW2( Math.sin( u1 ) * Math.sin( sigma ) - Math.cos( u1 ) * Math.cos( sigma ) * Math.cos( azimuth ) ) ) ) ); lambda = Math.atan2( ( Math.sin( sigma ) * Math.sin( azimuth ) ), ( Math.cos( u1 ) * Math.cos( sigma ) - Math.sin( u1 ) * Math.sin( sigma ) * Math.cos( azimuth ) ) ); C = ( f / 16.0 ) * cos_alphasq * ( 4.0 + f * ( 4.0 - 3.0 * cos_alphasq ) ); omega = lambda - ( 1.0 - C ) * f * sin_alpha * ( sigma + C * Math.sin( sigma ) * ( Math.cos( two_sigma_m ) + C * Math.cos( sigma ) * ( -1.0 + 2.0 * POW2( Math.cos( two_sigma_m ) ) ) ) ); lambda2 = radians_long + omega; return new Coordinate( RAD2DEG( lambda2 ), RAD2DEG( lat2 ) ); } public static List CreateCircle(Coordinate center, double radius, int sides) { List coordinates = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = sides; i >= 0; i--) { double azimuth = ((double) i / (double) sides) * Math.PI * 2.0; coordinates.add(SpheroidUtil.CalcEndPoint(center, radius , azimuth)); } return coordinates; }}