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tr ' ' \\t < out.wiki > out.wiki_transformedhadoop job -kill job_201904232112_0013cat file|awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){$i+=1}}1 所有值加1
2019-05-06 09:19:26 145
原创 pycharm 包的导入,删除,升级和降级
导入,升级和删除可以在 pycharm的 file-settings-project-project interpreter中完成降级可以在终端中进行如对python3.6 1. pip3 uninstall keras 删除旧的包2. pip3 install keras==2.1.4 加载版本较低的包 如果想使用现有的project interpret...
2019-02-18 10:01:03 5636
原创 Real-time Graph Partition and Embedding of Large Network
abstractgraph embedding is a method to embed a high dimensional graph into a much lower dimensiona vector space while maximally preserving the structural information of the original network.we add...
2018-11-29 17:08:33 295
原创 Distance-aware DAG Embedding for Proximity Search on Heterogeneous Graphs
challenge: 1) how to efficiently generate DAGs 2) how to effectly learn DAG embedding for proximity searchpropose : D2AGE (distance-aware DAG Embedding)source code : http://github.com/sh...
2018-11-19 11:45:36 471
原创 Unsupervised and scalable algorithm for learning node representations
authors : Tiago Pimentel1, Adriano Veloso1 and Nivio Ziviani1,21) using each node as root once2) skipgram learn a model by maximizing the log probability (1) the probability of the model in...
2018-11-19 11:08:33 158
原创 Learning Social Network Embeddings for Predicting Information Diffusion
用于预测信息扩散的社交网络嵌入本文提出了一个模型,它可以将社交网络上的动态信息映射到一个连续(欧几里得)的空间中。参与扩散级联的点被嵌入到潜在的表示空间中,这样就可以用热扩散过程来有效地为信息扩散建模。这就需要学习一个diffusion kernel,用节点在目标空间中的临近性来表示在级联中受到影响时的时间临近性。社交网络上的研究的一个重要主题是信息在网络上的传播,其主要目标是研究用户...
2018-11-15 14:24:21 523
原创 Scalable Tempral Latent Space Inference for Link Prediction in Dynamic Social Networks
Linhong ZhuApplication : 1) recommending friends in an social network e.g. 2) suggesting potential hires in a professional network====================================...
2018-11-14 20:13:53 350
原创 Dynamic Social Network Analysis using Latent Space Models
Dynamic Social Network Analysis using Latent Space Models 原文地址:https://www.ml.cmu.edu/research/dap-papers/sarkar-kdd_project.pdf这篇文章研究了社交网络建模的两个问题 1) 可以应用于对朋友关系建模的动态模型 2)方便地从数据中构建这个模型...
2018-11-14 10:39:53 404
原创 Notes
More errors can be located , if we use makefile and show the result in terminal.
2018-10-09 16:58:24 161
原创 LINUX command notes
cp A B A is copied to be Bchown : change the owner of the file or directorychgrp chgrp -R file/dir change the group of a ...
2018-09-15 15:10:38 105
原创 Ubuntu DynamicTriad environment
Bootscd /etc/profile.d vim boost.h#!/bin/shBOOST_ROOT=/下载/boost_1_67_0BOOST_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/boostBOOST_LIB=/usr/local/libexport BOOST_INCLUDE BOOST_LIB BOOST_ROOT ===========...
2018-09-12 16:44:35 270
转载 ubuntu 下查看文件路径
https://www.cnblogs.com/oxspirt/p/6294754.html java 路径 /usr/lib/jvm/
2018-09-09 15:15:34 5521
转载 ubuntu安装,配置 ,启动 hadoop
https://www.cnblogs.com/kinglau/p/3796164.html ssh localhost后再 /usr/local/hadoop/sbin ./start-dfs.sh ./start-yarn.sh期间可能要输入密码jps
2018-09-07 21:46:03 338
原创 ubuntu update the sources
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.ba.listsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list==================================================================================================== #Ali C...
2018-09-07 19:39:00 139
转载 ubuntu 刚安装时 中文 输入错乱
设置Ibus框架ibus-setup1最后在设置的文本输入(Text Entry)中添加ibus的拼音和五笔ibus拼音输入法输入不正确输入法指示器上右键单击调用“首选项”在ibus-pinyin首选项的拼音模式中选择全拼(Full pinyin)和简拼(Incomplete pinyin)两项1重新启动一下ibus restart...
2018-09-07 19:33:17 665
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