datetime php时间相加_PHP: DateTime::add - Manual

What you can do with this function/method is a great example of the philosophy: "just because you can do it doesn't mean you should". I'm talking about two issues: (1) the number of days in the month which varies from months 1-12 as well as for month 2 which could be leap year (or not); and then issue (2): what if there is the need to specify a large quantity of an interval such that it needs to be re-characterized into broader-scoped intervals (i.e. 184 seconds ==> 3 minutes-4 seconds). Examples in notes elsewhere in the docs for this function illustrate both issues and their undesired effects so I won't focus on them further. But how did I decide to handle? I've gone with four "public" functions and a single "private" function, and without giving you a bunch of code to study, here are their summaries...

1. function adjustYear(int $yearsAdj){ //you can pass in +/- value and I adjust year value by that value but then I also call PHP's 'cal_days_in_month' function to ensure the day number I have in my date does not exceed days in the month for the new year/month combo--if it does, I adjust the day value downward.

2. function adjustMonth(int $monthsAdj){ //same notes as above apply; but also, I allow any number to be passed in for $monthsAdj. I use the 'int' function (int($monthsAdj/12)) and modulus % operator to determine how to adjust both year and month. And again, I use 'cal_days_in_month' function to tweak the day number as needed.

3. function addTime(int $days, int $hours, int $minutes, int $seconds){

// I use date_add and create a DateInterval object from the corresponding string spec (created from the args passed to this function). Note that months and years are excluded due to the bad side-effects already mentioned elsewhere.

4. function subtractTime(int $days, int $hours, int $minutes, int $seconds){

//notes for "addTime" also apply to this function but note that I like separate add and subtract functions because setting the DateInterval property flag to indicate add/subtract is not as intuitive for future coding.

5. function recharacterizeIntervals(int $days, int $hours, int $minutes, int $seconds){ // I convert excessively large quantities of any one interval into the next largest interval using the 'int' function and modulus (%) operator. I then use the result of this function when creating the string interval specification that gets passed when generating the DateInterval object for calling the date_add function (or object-method equivalent).


--any number of days/hours/minutes/seconds can be passed in to add/subtractTime and all of "Y/M/D/H/M/S" values get adjusted as you would expect.

--using adjustYear/Month lets you pass +/- values and only "Y/M" values get modified without having undesirable effects on day values.

--a call to the "recharacterize" function helps ensure proper and desired values are in the intervals prior to calling date_add to let it do its work.

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