python 断言方法_Python 断言方法: assert


Python 断言方法: assert


|Failifthe two objects are unequalasdeterminedbytheir

|difference rounded to the given numberofdecimalplaces

|(default7)andcomparing to zero,orbycomparing that the

| between the two objects is more than the given delta.|

|Notethatdecimalplaces(fromzero)are usuallynotthe same

|assignificant digits(measuredfromthe most signficant digit).


|Ifthe two objects compare equalthenthey will automatically

| compare almost equal.|




| Checks whether actual is a superset of expected.|




|Failifthe two objects are unequalasdeterminedbythe'=='

| operator.|




| Check that the expression is false.|


|Justlikeself.assertTrue(a>b),butwitha nicerdefaultmessage.



|Justlikeself.assertTrue(a>=b),butwitha nicerdefaultmessage.



|Justlikeself.assertTrue(ainb),butwitha nicerdefaultmessage.



|Justlikeself.assertTrue(aisb),butwitha nicerdefaultmessage.



|Sameasself.assertTrue(isinstance(obj,cls)),witha nicer

| default message.|


|Sameasself.assertTrue(objisNone),witha nicerdefaultmessage.



|Justlikeself.assertTrue(aisnotb),butwitha nicerdefaultmessage.



| Included for symmetry with assertIsNone.|


|Anunordered sequence specific comparison.Itasserts that

| actual_seq and expected_seq have the same element counts.|Equivalentto::





| Asserts that each element has the same count in both sequences.|Example:

|-[0,1,1]and[1,0,1]compare equal.

|-[0,0,1]and[0,1]compare unequal.






|Justlikeself.assertTrue(a<=b),butwitha nicerdefaultmessage.



| A list-specific equality assertion.


| Args:

| list1: The first list to compare.

| list2: The second list to compare.

| msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of

| differences.|


| Assert that two multi-line strings are equal.|


|Failifthe two objects are equalasdeterminedbytheir

|difference rounded to the given numberofdecimalplaces

|(default7)andcomparing to zero,orbycomparing that the

| between the two objects is Less than the given delta.|

|Notethatdecimalplaces(fromzero)are usuallynotthe same

|assignificant digits(measuredfromthe most signficant digit).


| Objects that are equal automatically fail.|




|Failifthe two objects are equalasdeterminedbythe'!='

| operator.|




|Justlikeself.assertTrue(anotinb),butwitha nicerdefaultmessage.



| Included for symmetry with assertIsInstance.|


|Failthe testifthe text matches the regular expression.



|Failunlessan exceptionofclassexcClassisraised

|bycallableObjwheninvokedwitharguments argsandkeyword

|arguments kwargs.Ifa different typeofexceptionis

|raised,it willnotbe caught,andthe testcasewill be

|deemed to have suffered an error,exactlyasforan

| unexpected exception.|

|IfcalledwithcallableObj omittedorNone,willreturna

|contextobjectused likethis::





|Thecontext manager keeps a reference to the exceptionas

|the'exception'attribute.Thisallows you to inspect the

|exception after the assertion::








| Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches a regexp.


| Args:

| expected_exception: Exception class expected to be raised.

| expected_regexp: Regexp (re pattern object or string) expected

| to be found in error message.

| callable_obj: Function to be called.

| args: Extra args.

| kwargs: Extra kwargs.|


| Fail the test unless the text matches the regular expression.|


|Anequality assertionforordered sequences(like listsandtuples).


|Forthe purposesofthisfunction,a valid ordered sequence typeisone

| which can be indexed, has a length, and has an equality operator.


| Args:

| seq1: The first sequence to compare.

| seq2: The second sequence to compare.

| seq_type: The expected datatype of the sequences, or None if no

| datatype should be enforced.

| msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of

| differences.|


| A set-specific equality assertion.


| Args:

| set1: The first set to compare.

| set2: The second set to compare.

| msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of

| differences.|

|assertSetEqual uses ducktyping to support different typesofsets,and

|isoptimizedforsets specifically(parameters must support a

| difference method).|


| Check that the expression is true.|


| A tuple-specific equality assertion.


| Args:

| tuple1: The first tuple to compare.

| tuple2: The second tuple to compare.

| msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of

| differences.






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