Suppose I've the string
String path = "the/quick/brown/fox/jumped/over/the/lazy/dog/";
I would like the following output
String output = "the/quick/brown/fox/jumped/over/the/lazy/";
I was thinking the following would do
output = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/", 1));
given how the doc says
Returns the index of the first (last) occurrence of the specified character, searching forward (backward) from the specified index.
but that doesn't seem to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
This works, given path length >2
final String path = "the/quick/brown/fox/jumped/over/the/lazy/dog/";
final int secondLast = path.length()-2;
final String output = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/",secondLast)+1);
First of all, lastIndexOf will return an index, not a string. It also searches backwards from the specified index 1, so it will only look at everything before and including the character at index 1. This means that it only checks t and h. Expectedly, it finds nothing and returns -1.
You should just omit the second argument if you want to search the whole string.
In addition, to achieve your desired output string (I assume you want the last path component removed?), you can use replaceAll with a regex:
String output = path.replaceAll("[^/]+/$", "");
The lastIndexOf method's second parameter specifies the maximum index upto where the method should search the string. This means, that in your case
path.lastIndexOf("/", 1)
returns the first index of "/" whose index is smaller than 1.
Using Apache Commons IO
String output = org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils.getPath(path);
Not using Apache
public static String removeLastPart(String str) {
int pos = str.length() - 1;
while (str.charAt(pos) != '/' || pos + 1 == str.length()) {
return str.substring(0, pos + 1);
It seems like every single answer is assuming that you already know the input string and the exact position of the last occurrence of "/" in it, when that is usually not the case...
Here's a more general method to obtain the nth-last (second-last, third-last, etc.) occurrence of a character inside a string:
static int nthLastIndexOf(int nth, String ch, String string) {
if (nth <= 0) return string.length();
return nthLastIndexOf(--nth, ch, string.substring(0, string.lastIndexOf(ch)));
String s = "the/quick/brown/fox/jumped/over/the/lazy/dog/";
System.out.println(s.substring(0, nthLastIndexOf(2, "/", s)+1)); // substring up to 2nd last included
System.out.println(s.substring(0, nthLastIndexOf(3, "/", s)+1)); // up to 3rd last inc.
System.out.println(s.substring(0, nthLastIndexOf(7, "/", s)+1)); // 7th last inc.
System.out.println(s.substring(0, nthLastIndexOf(2, "/", s))); // 2nd last, char itself excluded
If you are dealing with paths and files why not use the built in classes? Something like below seems to me easier than string manipulation:
Path path = Paths.get("the/quick/brown/fox/jumped/over/the/lazy/dog/");
// prints: thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazy
// prints: thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthe