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How to create a def file for a dllThere are several methods that can

be tried in order to create a definition file (.def) when one is not supplied.

One option is the tool, pexports which is provided in the MinGW

Utilities package, mingw-utils. See the Downloads page for the Current

version. If your dll has functions that use the Pascal calling convention,

you'll need to use the -o option.

Another option is the tool, impdef. More instructions on how to create

def files from dlls, a copy of impdef and more information on how to use it

are available at Colin Peters' site. See the Tutorials section.

Other compilers may also supply versions of the impdef program that can be

used to create a .def file which will work with any compiler. If you have

another version of impdef from another compiler, you may wish to try it.

Some handle the Pascal calling convention better than others. Borland has a

version of impdef and other compiler utilities available for download at

their Borland Community web site. Their Borland C++ version 5.5 compiler

includes several utilities to help convert between standard formats, their

formats and Microsoft's formats.

Another option is to use nm which comes with the MinGW distribution.

This option will not work for all dlls. Problems may occur if the dll is

stripped or compiled as 16 bit. To use this technique, you'll need to filter

the output from nm to create a def file. This can be done by hand in an

editor or automated using tools like Perl (Practical Extraction and Report

Language) or grep (global regular expression print) and sed (stream editor).

Even with the automated methods, you may have to make some changes by hand

if the Pascal calling convention is used by the dll. See Colin Peters' site

for more details on this case. (Versions of sed and grep are available from

various sites including archives that host gnuish MSDOS and archives such as

Virtually Un*x that contain Win32 ports of common Unix tools and from the

self-hosting MinGW port distribution. The ActiveState version of Perl works

well on Win32 platforms.) Here are examples of possible filtering


This example uses grep and sed. If you have a dll named file.dll that

you wish to create a def file for named file.def, try the following:

echo EXPORTS > file.def

nm file.dll | grep ' T _' | sed 's/.* T _//' >> file.def

To create a library file named file.a

from the dll and def file, type: dlltool --def file.def --dllname file.dll --output-lib file.a

This example uses Perl. Copy the following Perl script to a file

called dll.pl and use it: open (OUTFILE,">dll.def");


open (INFILE,"dll.fil");



if ($_ =~ /T _/)


$line = $_;

$line =~ s/.* T _//;

print OUTFILE $line;



close (INFILE);

close (OUTFILE);

If you have a dll file named file.dll. At

the command line, type: nm file.dll > dll.fil

perl dll.pl

A def file named dll.def will be created.

You can rename this as needed. You'll also probably want to delete dll.fil

when you're finished with this process.

If you don't have any of these tools on your system, you can still use

nm to create a def file and edit it by hand through an editor. For example: nm file.dll > dll.fil

find " T _" dll.fil > dll.def

Replace the line at the top of dll.def that

was created by the find program and shows a file name with a line that says

EXPORTS. Set your editor to search for T _ and erase it and

anything on the line before it, leaving only the routine names in the file.

If the previous options don't work, you can still try to create a def

file using the output from the objdump program (from the MinGW

distribution). Here's an example.

objdump -p file.dll > dll.fil

Search for [Ordinal/Name Pointer]

Table in dll.fil and use the list of functions following it to create

your def file.

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