

RSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elements

RSZELTTXT Texts of reporting component elements

RSZELTXREF Directory of query element references

RSRREPDIR Directory of all reports (Query GENUNIID)

RSZCOMPDIR Directory of reporting components


RSRWBINDEX List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks)

RSRWBINDEXT Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks)

RSRWBSTORE Storage for binary large objects (Excel workbooks)

RSRWBTEMPLATE Assignment of Excel workbooks as personal templates

RSRWORKBOOK ‘Where-used list’ for reports in workbooks

Web templates

RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects

RSZWOBJTXT Texts for Templates/Items/Views

RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a Template

RSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates

BTW: There are only 26,000 tables in our small installation of BW 3.5.

BW Useful Tables

Posted In: admin , bex , char , delta , elem , event , genuinid , global , infopak , init , lbwqqrfc , query , rsa7 , settings , tables , text , varia , variant , workbook . By Srinivas Neelam

Custome Infoobjects Tabels:

/BIC/M — View of Master data Tables

/BIC/P — Master data Table, Time Independent attributes

/BIC/Q — Master data Table, Time Dependent attributes

/BIC/X — SID Table, Time Independent

/BIC/Y — SID Tabel, Time Dependent

/BIC/T — Text Table

/BIC/H — Heirarchy Table

/BIC/K — Heirarchy SID Table

Standard Infoobjects Tabels(Buss. Content):

Replace “C” with “0″ in above tables.

Ex: /BI0/M — View of Master data Tables

Standard InfoCUBE Tables :

/BI0/F — Fact Table(Before Compression)

/BI0/E — Fact Table(After Compression)

/BI0/P — Dimension Table - Data Package

/BI0/T — Dimension Table - Time

/BI0/U — Dimension Table - Unit

/BI0/1, 2, 3, …….A,B,C,D : — Dimension Tables

BW Tables:

BTCEVTJOB – To check List of jobs waiting for events

ROOSOURCE — Control parameters for Datasource

ROOSFIELD – Control parameters for Datasource

ROOSPRMSC — Control parameters for Datasource

ROOSPRMSF — Control parameters for Datasource

– More info @ ROOSOURCE weblog

RSOLTPSOURCE – Replicate Table for OLTP source in BW

RSDMDELTA – Datamart Delta Management


– Last valid Initialization to an OLTP Source

RSUPDINFO — Infocube to Infosource correlation

RSUPDDAT – Update rules key figures

RSUPDENQ – Removal of locks in the update rules

RSUPDFORM — BW: Update Rules - Formulas - Checking Table

RSUPDINFO — Update info (status and program)

RSUPDKEY — Update rule: Key per key figure

RSUPDROUT — Update rules - ABAP routine - check table

RSUPDSIMULD – Table for saving simulation data update

RSUPDSIMULH — Table for saving simulation data header information

RSDCUBEIOBJ – Infoobjects per Infocube

RSIS – Infosouce Info

RSUPDINFO — Update Rules Info

RSTS – Transfer Rules Info

RSKSFIELD – Communication Structure fields

RSALLOWEDCHAR – Special Characters Table(T Code : RSKC, To maintain)

RSDLPSEL – Selection Table for fields scheduler(Infpak’s)

RSDLPIO – Log data packet no

RSMONICTAB – Monitor, Data Targets(Infocube/ODS) Table, request related info

RSTSODS — Operational data store for Transfer structure

RSZELTDIR – Query Elements

RSZGLOBV – BEx Variables

RXSELTXREF, RSCOMPDIR – Reports/query relavent tables

RSCUSTV – Query settings

RSDIOBJ – Infoobjects

RSLDPSEL — Selection table for fields scheduler(Info pak list)

RSMONIPTAB – InfoPackage for the monitor

RSRWORKBOOK – Workbooks & related query genunid’s

RSRREPDIR – Contains Genuin id, Rep Name, author, etc…

RSRINDEXT – Workbook ID & Name

RSREQDONE – Monitor: Saving of the QM entries

RSSELDONE – Monitor : Selection for exected requests

RSLDTDONE – Texts on the requeasted infopacks & groups

RSUICDONE – BIW: Selection table for user-selection update Infocubes’s

RSSDBATCH – Table for Batch run scheduler

RSLDPDEL – Selection table for deleting with full update scheduler

RSADMINSV – RS Administration

RSSDLINIT — Last Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source

BTCEVTJOB –To check event status(scheduled or not)

VARI – ABAP Variant related Table

VARIDESC – Selection Variants: Description

T Code : SMQ1 –> QRFC Monitor(Out Bound)

T Code : SM13 –> Update Records status

T Code : LBWQ –> QRFC related Tables




SAP Data Dictionary用表

DD02L - SAP tables

DD02T - R/3 DD: SAP table text

DD03L - Table Fields

DD03T - DD: Texts for fields (language dependent)

EDD04L - Data elements

DD04T - R/3 DD: Data element texts

DD01L - Domains

DD01T - R/3 DD: domain texts

DD07L - R/3 DD: values for the domains

DD07T - DD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent)

Transparent tables can be identified using DD02L-TABCLASS = ‘TRANSP’.






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