Rails 如何实现通过登录IP确定城市功能
Rails 如何实现通过登录IP确定城市功能
博客分类: RubyOnRails对于Rails而言,主流方式应该是使用google库的插件geoip
- require 'geoip'
- GeoIP.new('GeoLiteCity.dat').country('www.atlantis.sk')
- => ["www.atlantis.sk", "", "SK", "SVK", "Slovakia", "EU", "02", "Bratislava", "", 48.15, 17.1167, nil, nil, "Europe/Bratislava"]
- Returned values are the requested hostname, the IP address as a dotted quad,
- Maxmind's country code, the ISO3166-1 country code, the ISO3166-2 country code,
- the ISO3166 country name, and the continent code.
- GeoIP.new('GeoCity.dat').city('github.com')
- => ["github.com", "", "US", "USA", "United States", "NA", "CA", "San Francisco", "94110", 37.7484, -122.4156, 807, 415, "America/Los_Angeles"]
- Returned values are the country values followed by region or state name,
- city name, postal_code/zipcode, latitude, longitude, USA DMA code, USA area code,
- timezone name. Sorry it's not a Hash... historical.
- GeoIP.new('GeoIPASNum.dat').asn("www.fsb.ru")
- => ["AS8342", "RTComm.RU Autonomous System"]
另外一个 geo_ip
- GeoIp.geolocation(ip_address)
- # = google.be (US)
- GeoIp.geolocation('')
- #returns:
- {
- :status =>"OK",
- :ip =>""
- :country_code =>"US",
- :country_name =>"United States",
- :region_code =>"06",
- :region_name =>"California",
- :city =>"Mountain View",
- :zip_postal_code =>"94043",
- :latitude =>"37.4192",
- :longitude =>"-122.057"
- }
- #Find near latitude and longitude:
- Store.find(:all, :origin =>[37.792,-122.393], :within=>10)
- #Find near an address:
- Store.find(:all, :origin=>'100 Spear st, San Francisco, CA', :within=>10)
- #Order by distance from the center of a zipcode:
- Store.find(:all, :origin=>'94117', :within=>10,
- :order=>'distance asc')
- #Combine distance conditions with regular conditions
- Store.find(:all, :origin=>'94117', :within=>10,
- :conditions=>{:store_type=>'CAFE'})
- require 'net/http'
- require 'rexml/document'
- include REXML
- class MapsController < ApplicationController
- def index
- @location = locateIp()
- end
- def locateIp
- #ip = "";
- ip = request.remote_ip
- ips = ip.to_s
- url = "http://ipinfodb.com/ip_query.php?ip="+ips+"&timezone=false"
- xml_data = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)).body
- xmldoc = REXML::Document.new(xml_data)
- # Now get the root element
- root = xmldoc.root
- city = ""
- regionName = ""
- countryName = ""
- # This will take country name...
- xmldoc.elements.each("Response/CountryName") {
- |e| countryName << e.text
- }
- # Now get city name...
- xmldoc.elements.each("Response/City") {
- |e| city << e.text
- }
- # This will take regionName...
- xmldoc.elements.each("Response/RegionName") {
- |e| regionName << e.text
- }
- ipLocation = city +", "+regionName+", "+countryName
- return ipLocation
- end #end of method locateIp
- end