RMQ+1/-1算法 [转]

[转] http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/article/details/6659517



1) 设数列A的大小为n,先对数列A分组,每组大小为b=1/2.logn (之所以这样分是为了将预处理复杂度从O(nlogn)降为O(n)),共分为n/b个组;


2)生成O(sqrt(n))个LU表P[][]和一个block类型数组T[]: 对每个组内部进行预处理(inblock preprocessing)(参考以下实现中的makeLUTable方法),采用的方法是用动态规划加速的蛮立法,组内预处理的结果是生成2^(b- 1)个不同组的lookup table(LU表),这里之所以只需要处理2^(b-1)个不同组(姑且把这些组叫做基本blocks)就是利用了"数列中相邻两个元素相差+1或 -1"这个特点,由于2^(b-1)相当于O(sqrt(n))数量级,因此inblock预处理组的数量是很小的,由于将上三角形状的LU表压缩存储为 一维表L,因此每一个block的LU表占的存储空间可以从b^2降至(b+1)*b/2。需要注意的是,每个block的LU表存储的只是该组的最小元 素在该组内部的下标值,因此在调用queryLUTable方法进行组内查询(inblock query)时还需要加一个偏移量offset,将查询的结果转化为数列A的下标值(参考以下实现中的queryLUTable方法)。

这一步操作的复杂度为O((2^(b-1)) * (b+1)*b/2) = O(n)。

由于在组内查询时需要将n/b个blocks映射到2^(b-1)个基本blocks(多对一映射),因此还需要计算每一个block的类型数组 T[],计算细节参考以下实现中的computeBlockType方法。计算过程使用Horner规则。这一步操作的复杂度为O(n)。


3)生成每个组的代表元素min值(注:每一个组可以看成一个等价类)的下标数组B[]: 利用inblock预处理的结果找出每一个block的最小元素的下标值(由于区间查询使用的是queryLUTable方法,该下标是数列A的下标值, 而不是block内部的下标值,这正是我们需要得到的下标值),而不需要扫描整个block来找min值。需要注意的是,最后一个block大小小于b的 情况,这时区间查询应该是start...n-1而不是start...end (start和end是该block的起始和结束位置下标值,并且end>n-1)。

这一步生成的结果B[]用于下面一步的组间预处理(outbock preprocessing)中。

4)利用第3步中的数组B生成组间稀疏表M[]: 采用ST(Sparse Table)算法,计算细节参考以下实现中的outBlockPreprocess方法。这一步操作的复杂度为O(n/b*log(n/b))=O(n)。



case a)如果查询区间p..q刚好落在一个block中,可以直接调用queryLUTable方法查询得出结果。由于使用lookup table,这一步的复杂度为O(1)。

case b)如果查询区间p..q跨越两个或以上的blocks,则针对第一个和最后一个block使用queryLUTable方法查询得出各自最小值的下标, 这一步的复杂度为O(1)。然后对中间跨越的那些blocks使用组间查询(参考以下实现中的outBlockQuery方法),这一步的复杂度等于ST 算法中的O(1)。然后比较这三个最小值下标,将他们的最小值对应的下标作为结果返回。





3) 下标数组B[]也叫做概要数组(summary array),如果在组间查询时将每一个block看成一个等价类,那么B中每一个元素相当于对应block这个等价类中的代表元素。


5)总体复杂度是<O(n),O(1)>,因此相比ST算法,该算法是最佳的选择。虽然RMQ+1/-1具有特殊性,但是一般的RMQ 问题也可以在O(n)时间内转化为RMQ+1/-1问题,因此一般的RMQ问题也可以达到<O(n),O(1)>的复杂度。





* An algorithm to solve RMQ+1/-1 problem
* time complexity: <O(n),O(1)>
* Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (
* Licensed under GPL (
* @author ljs
* 2011-08-04
public class MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ {
private int blocksize;
private int blockcount;

//block type
private int[] T;
//block LookUp table
private int[][] P;

//out-of-block sparse table
//the first-dimension indices are block IDs
private int[][] M;

//check if A is valid +1/-1 RMQ
private void sanityCheck(int[] A) throws Exception{
for(int i=1;i<A.length;i++){
int diff = A[i] - A[i-1];
if(!(diff==1 || diff==-1))
throw new Exception("illegal +1/-1 RMQ problem!");

//output: blocksize, blockcount, T[], P[][], M
public void preprocess(int[] A) throws Exception {

int n = A.length;

int paddingsize = 0;

// grouping into logn/2 sized blocks
int b = (int) (Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)) >> 1;
b = n; //small problem
int count = (int) Math.ceil(n / (double)b);
this.blocksize = b;
this.blockcount = count;

// padding the last block
int endblocksize = n - b * (count - 1);
if (endblocksize > 0 && endblocksize < b) {
paddingsize = b - endblocksize;

//step 1: in-block preprocess
//the size of LU table (one-dimensional)
int size = b*(b+1)/2;

int start = 0; // j is the index of A
int end = -1;
T = new int[count];
int blockTypesCount = 1<<(b-1);
P = new int[blockTypesCount][size];
int[] B = new int[count]; //used in ST algorithm: the min-value array for each block
boolean[] pDone =new boolean[blockTypesCount];

int fullblockscnt = count;
fullblockscnt = count - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < fullblockscnt; i++) {
start = end+1;
end = (i+1)*b-1;
//compute the type of the block
int type = computeBlockType(A,start,end);
T[i] = type;
//if LU table is not done yet for this type of block
P[type] = makeLUTable(b,A,start,size);
B[i] = queryLUTable(b,start,start,end,type);
//the end block
start = end+1;
end = count*b-1;

//extend the end block
int actualsize = n-start;
int[] D = new int[b];
System.arraycopy(A, start, D, 0, actualsize);
for (int k = actualsize; k < b; k++) {
D[k] = D[k - 1] + 1;

int type = computeBlockType(D,0,b-1);
T[count-1] = type;
P[type] = makeLUTable(b,D,0,size);
//the min-index from start...n-1, not start...end
B[count-1] = queryLUTable(b,start,start,n-1,type);

//step 2: Sparse table algorithm applied to out-of-blocks
this.M = outBlockPreprocess(B,A,count);

//return the index
public int query(int[] A,int p,int q){
int tmp=p;p=q;q=tmp;

int start = 0; // j is the index of A
int end = -1;
int s = 0,t=0; //i..j for ST algorithm
int startMin=-1,endMin=-1; //the start block and end block's min index
for (int i = 0; i < this.blockcount; i++) {
start = end+1;
end = (i+1)*this.blocksize-1;
if(p>=start && q<=end){
//within a block
return queryLUTable(blocksize,start,p,q,T[i]);
}else if(p>=start && p<=end){
startMin = queryLUTable(blocksize,start,p,end,T[i]);
}else if(q<=end && q>=start){
endMin = queryLUTable(blocksize,start,start,q,T[i]);
int minIndex = startMin;

int outBlocksMin = outBlockQuery(A,s,t);
minIndex = outBlocksMin;
minIndex = endMin;
return minIndex;

//ST: O(1) for querying
//precondition: s<=t
private int outBlockQuery(int[] A,int s,int t){
int k = (int)(Math.log(t-s+1)/Math.log(2));
//the first interval
int mina = M[s][k];
int minb = M[t-(1<<k)+1][k];
return mina;
return minb;

private int[][] outBlockPreprocess(int[] B,int[] A,int count){
//floor value
int maxJ=(int)(Math.log(count)/Math.log(2));

int[][] M = new int[count][maxJ+1];

//initial condition for dynamic programming: the RMQ for interval length=1
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
M[i][0] = B[i];

//dynamic programming: compute values from smaller(j=1) to bigger intervals
for (int j = 1; j<=maxJ; j++){
for (int i = 0; i + (1 << j) - 1 < count; i++){
int nexti = i + (1 << (j - 1));
if (A[M[i][j - 1]] <= A[M[nexti][j - 1]])
M[i][j] = M[i][j - 1];
M[i][j] = M[nexti][j - 1];
return M;
private int computeBlockType(int[] D,int start,int end){
int sum = 0;
//use Horner's rule
for(int i=start+1;i<=end;i++){
int diff = D[i]-D[i-1];
if(diff==1){//0 when diff=+1
sum <<= 1;
}else{//1 when diff=-1
sum = (sum << 1) + 1;
return sum;

//return the index
//precondition: i<=j
private int queryLUTable(int blocksize,int offset,int i,int j,int type){
i -= offset; j-=offset;
int[] L = P[type];
int index = blocksize*i - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i);
return L[index]+offset;
//use naive method to compute the lookup table for a block
//the return index is relative to the block itself
private int[] makeLUTable(int blocksize, int[] D,int offset,int size) {
int[][] Q = new int[blocksize][blocksize];
for (int i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
Q[i][i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < blocksize; j++)
if (D[Q[i][j - 1]+offset] <= D[j+offset])
Q[i][j] = Q[i][j - 1];
Q[i][j] = j;
//convert to one-dimension array
int[] L = new int[size];
int k=0;
for(int i=0;i<blocksize;i++){
for(int j=i;j<blocksize;j++,k++){
L[k] = Q[i][j];
return L;

private void reportLUTable(int[] A){
for(int x=0;x<A.length;x++){
for(int y=x;y<A.length;y++){
int p = query(A,x,y);
System.out.format(" %d/%d",A[p],p);


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

int[] A = new int[]{3,2,3};
MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ mpoRMQ = new MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ();

A = new int[]{1,0,1,2};
mpoRMQ = new MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ();

A = new int[]{1,0,1,0};
mpoRMQ = new MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ();

A = new int[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
mpoRMQ = new MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ();

int i=5,j=11;
int min = mpoRMQ.query(A,i,j);
System.out.format("RMQ for A[%d..%d]: A[%d]=%d", i,j,min,A[min]);

min = mpoRMQ.query(A,i,j);
System.out.format("RMQ for A[%d..%d]: A[%d]=%d", i,j,min,A[min]);

min = mpoRMQ.query(A,i,j);
System.out.format("RMQ for A[%d..%d]: A[%d]=%d", i,j,min,A[min]);


A = new int[]{
10,11,12,13,12,11,10,9,10,11, //0..9
12,13,14,15,14,15,14,15,16,17, //10..19
16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7, //20..29
8,9,10,11,12,13,12,11,10,9, //30..39
10,11,12,13,14,15,14,15,14,15, //40..49
16,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9, //50..59
8,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,12,11, //60..69
10,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,14,15, //70..79
14,15,16,17,16,15,14,13,12,11, //80..89
10,9,8,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}; //90..100
mpoRMQ = new MinusOrPlusOne_RMQ();






0..[0-3] 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0
1..[1-3] 2/1 2/1 2/1
2..[2-3] 3/2 3/2
3..[3-3] 4/3
0..[0-3] 1/0 0/1 0/1 0/1
1..[1-3] 0/1 0/1 0/1
2..[2-3] 1/2 1/2
3..[3-3] 2/3
0..[0-3] 1/0 0/1 0/1 0/1
1..[1-3] 0/1 0/1 0/1
2..[2-3] 1/2 0/3
3..[3-3] 0/3
RMQ for A[5..11]: A[9]=1
RMQ for A[11..5]: A[9]=1
RMQ for A[4..16]: A[16]=0
0..[0-16] 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
1..[1-16] 1/1 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2
2..[2-16] 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2
3..[3-16] 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 0/16
4..[4-16] 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 0/16
5..[5-16] 3/5 2/6 2/6 2/6 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 0/16
6..[6-16] 2/6 2/6 2/6 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 0/16
7..[7-16] 3/7 2/8 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 0/16
8..[8-16] 2/8 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 0/16
9..[9-16] 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 0/16
10..[10-16] 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/10 1/15 0/16
11..[11-16] 3/11 2/12 2/12 2/12 1/15 0/16
12..[12-16] 2/12 2/12 2/12 1/15 0/16
13..[13-16] 3/13 2/14 1/15 0/16
14..[14-16] 2/14 1/15 0/16
15..[15-16] 1/15 0/16
16..[16-16] 0/16
0..[0-100] 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 10/0 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 8/28 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29
1..[1-100] 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/1 10/6 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 8/28 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29
2..[2-100] 12/2 12/2 12/2 11/5 10/6 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 8/28 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29
3..[3-100] 13/3 12/4 11/5 10/6 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 8/28 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29
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6..[6-100] 10/6 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 9/7 8/28 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29 7/29
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76..[76-100] 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 14/76 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
77..[77-100] 15/77 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
78..[78-100] 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 14/78 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
79..[79-100] 15/79 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
80..[80-100] 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 14/80 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
81..[81-100] 15/81 15/81 15/81 15/81 15/81 14/86 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
82..[82-100] 16/82 16/82 16/82 15/85 14/86 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
83..[83-100] 17/83 16/84 15/85 14/86 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
84..[84-100] 16/84 15/85 14/86 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
85..[85-100] 15/85 14/86 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
86..[86-100] 14/86 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
87..[87-100] 13/87 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
88..[88-100] 12/88 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
89..[89-100] 11/89 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
90..[90-100] 10/90 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
91..[91-100] 9/91 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
92..[92-100] 8/92 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
93..[93-100] 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93 7/93
94..[94-100] 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94
95..[95-100] 9/95 9/95 9/95 9/95 9/95 9/95
96..[96-100] 10/96 10/96 10/96 10/96 10/96
97..[97-100] 11/97 11/97 11/97 11/97
98..[98-100] 12/98 12/98 12/98
99..[99-100] 13/99 13/99
100..[100-100] 14/100





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