
刚来公司时候看到前人写的python脚本用来生成比较报告, 心中技痒. 正好服务器端没有BC, 脚本用不了. 于是东施效颦, 也写了一个.
用的都是原生的svn命令, 自然效果是比不上用BC生成的报告(BC显示的是行内差异, svn只能比较行间差异).
更新: 最近终于发现乱码的原因了, svn diff出来的结果是带CRLF的GBK编码文件, 以前都是先做iconv后去LF, 应该是LF没清导致iconv对下一行判断有问题, 先dos2unix后iconv就正常了. 这下应该是最终版了.
邮箱发件用tab排版太乱了, 所以一致使用空格, 使用前注意替换下前导空格, 行尾有空格的解决办法vim中使用/\v.*\zs\s\ze$搜索空格再执行替换:%s///g


  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #created by h03566 2017.04.28
  3 #diff func added by h03566 2017.06.03
  4 #slove chinese encode problem by h03566 2018.04.16
  6 DEBUG=yes
  9 BUGID=
 12 END_REV=
 15 SVN_TRUNK=trunk/
 20 get_svn_path()
 21 {
 22     TMP=
 23     LIST=
 24     IDX=
 25     TEST=
 26     DIR=
 28     echo "please input svn fullpath or input directory as given. blank for default path: "$SVN_ROOT$SVN_TRUNK
 30     while true
 31     do
 32         echo "current path: "$SVN_ROOT$DIR" sub directory list: "
 33         LIST=$(svn list $SVN_ROOT$DIR)
 34         IDX=0
 35         for TMP in $LIST
 36         do
 37             let IDX=$IDX+1
 38             echo $IDX". "$TMP
 39         done
 40         read SEL
 41         if [ "$SEL" == ""  -a "$DIR" == "" ]; then
 42             DIR=$SVN_TRUNK
 43             break
 44         else
 45             expr $SEL + 0 &>/dev/null
 46             if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
 47                 DIR=$DIR$(echo $LIST | awk -F\  -v idx=$SEL '{print $(idx)}')
 48             else
 49                 svn info $SVN_ROOT$DIR$SEL > /dev/null
 50                 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
 51                     DIR=$DIR$SEL"/"
 52                 else
 53                     echo "wrong svn path. please check u input"
 54                 fi
 55             fi
 56             if [ ! -z $(echo $DIR | grep $TOP_DIR) ]; then
 57                 break
 58             fi
 59         fi
 60     done
 63     echo "======== svn path is " $SVN_PATH
 64 }
 66 get_work_copy()
 67 {
 68     echo "please input working copy directory. blank for no local directory"
 69     echo "recommand use top level path i.e. xxx/UWARE/"
 71     read WORK_COPY
 73     if [ -z $WORK_COPY ]; then
 74         if [ $NEED_LOCAL_DIR -eq 1 ]; then
 75             echo "get param [working copy directory] fail!"
 76             exit 1
 77         else
 78             echo "no [working copy directory] input. try get svn path instead"
 79             get_svn_path;
 80             return
 81         fi
 82     fi
 84     #fixme: confused why need change "~" to $HOME otherwise excute svn up in shellscript will fail(while success in command mode)
 85     HOME_PREFIX=$(echo $WORK_COPY | awk -F\~ '{if ($1~/*/){print $0}else{print $2}}')
 86     if [ ! -z $HOME_PREFIX ]; then
 88     fi
 89     SVN_PATH=$(svn info $WORK_COPY | awk -F\  '{if($1=="URL:"){print $2}}')
 90     if [ -z $SVN_PATH ]; then
 91         echo "get wrong svn path. please check working copy dir"
 92         exit 1
 93     fi
 95     echo "======== working copy is " $WORK_COPY
 96     echo "======== svn path is " $SVN_PATH
 97 }
 99 get_param()
100 {
101     STOP_FLAG=
103     get_work_copy;
105     echo "please input search range or keyword: begin & end revision or bug id / author"
106     echo "if u want every commit between begin & end revision just input revision number otherwise input bug id or author" 
107     echo "please input begin revision and end revision. leave blank will automatic search latest 2000 revision"
109     read BEGIN_REV
110     if [ -z $BEGIN_REV ]; then
111         echo "no begin revision given"
112     else
113         echo "svn revision begin with "$BEGIN_REV
114     fi
115     read END_REV
116     if [ -z $END_REV ]; then
117         echo "no end revision given"
118     else
119         echo "svn revision end with "$END_REV
120     fi
121     if [ "$BEGIN_REV" != "" -a "$END_REV" != "" ]; then
122         #as we all stop on copy this flag is unused for now
123         STOP_FLAG=--stop-on-copy
124     elif [ "$BEGIN_REV" != "" -o "$END_REV" != "" ]; then
125         expr $BEGIN_REV + $END_REV &>/dev/null
126         if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
127             echo "wrong revision input. begin "$BEGIN_REV"end "$END_REV
128             exit 1
129         fi
130     fi
131     echo "please input bug trece id i.e. IVSD00000"
132     read BUGID
133     if [ -z $BUGID ]; then
134         echo "caution no trace id limited"
135     else
136         echo "bug trace id is" $BUGID
137     fi
138     echo "please input author id i.e. h03566"
139     read AUTHOR
140     if [ -z $AUTHOR ]; then
141         echo "caution no author limited"
142     else
143         echo "author id is" $AUTHOR
144     fi
145     if [ "$BEGIN_REV" == "" -o "$END_REV" == "" ]; then
146         if [ "$BUGID" == "" -a "$AUTHOR" == "" ]; then
147             echo "required at least one param: [BUGID] or [AUTHOR] to search log!"
148             exit 1
149         fi
150         #only input BUGID or AUTHOR need add search option
151         SEARCH_PREFIX=--search
152         if [ ! -z $BUGID ]; then 
154             SEARCH_PREFIX=$SEARCH_PREFIX"-and"
155         fi
156         if [ ! -z $AUTHOR ]; then
158         fi
159         #ugly: takes long time to search without limit log count
160         echo "no search range search least 2000 history"
161         END_REV=$(svn info $SVN_PATH | awk -F\  '{if ($1~/^Revision:$/){print $2}}')
162         BEGIN_REV=$END_REV
163         CONFIRM=n
164         while true
165         do
166             if [ "$CONFIRM" == "y" -o "$CONFIRM" == "Y" ]; then
167                 break
168             else
169                 BEGIN_REV=$(expr $BEGIN_REV - 2000)
170                 CI_TIME=$(svn log -r $BEGIN_REV:$END_REV $SVN_PATH $SEARCH_BUGID $SEARCH_AUTHOR --stop-on-copy | awk -F\  'BEGIN{i=0}{if ($1~/r[0-9]+/){i++;}}END{print i}')
171                 echo "get" $CI_TIME "commit times from" $BEGIN_REV "to" $END_REV
172                 echo "print y to confirm or n to continue search"
173             fi
174             read CONFIRM
175         done
176     fi
178     echo "======== search history "$BEGIN_REV" to "$END_REV
179     echo "======== bug id is "$BUGID
180     echo "======== author is "$AUTHOR
181 }
183 revert()
184 {
185     TMP=
186     REV=
188     echo "begin to revert. update work dir first"
190     #clean working copy
191     svn up $WORK_COPY
192     #svn revert $WORK_COPY -R
193     if [ "$BUGID" != "" -o "$AUTHOR" != "" ]; then
194         REV=$(svn log -r $BEGIN_REV:$END_REV $SVN_PATH $SEARCH_BUGID $SEARCH_AUTHOR --stop-on-copy | awk -F\  '{if ($1~/r[0-9]+/){print $1;}}' | sed -n 's/r//p')
195         if [ "$REV" == "" ]; then
196             echo "can't get bug change history changed by "$AUTHOR" named by "$BUGID" svn path "$SVN_PATH
197             exit 1
198         fi
199         for TMP in $REV; do
200             echo "merge from rev "$TMP
201             svn log -r $TMP -v $SVN_PATH
202             svn merge -r $TMP:$(expr $TMP - 1) $SVN_PATH $WORK_COPY
203         done
204     else
205         svn merge -r $END_REV:$BEGIN_REV $SVN_PATH $WORK_COPY
206     fi
208     echo "svn revert completed"
209     svn st -q $WORK_COPY
210 }
212 count()
213 {
214     TMP=
215     REV=
216     CI_CNT=0
217     ADD_LINE=
218     DEL_LINE=
219     IDX=0
221     if [ -e ./svn.tmp ]; then
222         rm ./svn.tmp
223     fi
224     if [ "$BUGID" != "" -o "$AUTHOR" != "" ]; then
225         REV=$(svn log -r $BEGIN_REV:$END_REV $SVN_PATH $SEARCH_BUGID $SEARCH_AUTHOR --stop-on-copy | awk -F\  '{if ($1~/r[0-9]+/){print $1;}}' | sed -n 's/r//p')
226         if [ "$REV" == "" ]; then
227             echo "can't get bug change history changed by "$AUTHOR" named by "$BUGID" svn path "$SVN_PATH
228             exit 1
229         fi
230         for TMP in $REV; do
231             echo "counting change from rev " $TMP
232             CI_CNT=$[CI_CNT + 1]
233             svn diff $SVN_PATH -r $(expr $TMP - 1):$TMP -x --ignore-eol-style -x -w | awk -F "\n" -v file="./svn.tmp" 'BEGIN{OFS="\n";al=0;dl=0;getline al < file;getline dl < file;}{if($1~/^+($|[^+]+.*)/){al++;}if($1~/^-($|[^-]+.*)/){dl++;}}END{print al, dl > file}'
234         done
235     else
236         CI_CNT=$(svn log -r $BEGIN_REV:$END_REV $SVN_PATH | awk -F\  'BEGIN{ci=0;}{if($1~/^r[0-9]+/){ci++;}}END{print ci}')
237         svn diff $SVN_PATH -r $BEGIN_REV:$END_REV -x --ignore-eol-style -x -w | awk -F "\n" -v file="./svn.tmp" 'BEGIN{OFS="\n";al=0;dl=0;getline al < file;getline dl < file;}{if($1~/^+($|[^+]+.*)/){al++;}if($1~/^-($|[^-]+.*)/){dl++;}}END{print al, dl > file}'
238     fi
239     while read TMP
240     do
241         if [ $IDX -eq 0 ]; then
242             ADD_LINE=$TMP
243             IDX=1
244         else
245             DEL_LINE=$TMP
246         fi
247     done < ./svn.tmp
248     rm ./svn.tmp
250     echo "========================================"
251     echo "svn commit log for BUGID " $BUGID "AUTHOR " $AUTHOR
252     echo "commit count: " $CI_CNT
253     echo "add line: " $ADD_LINE
254     echo "del line: " $DEL_LINE
255     echo "========================================"
256 }
258 report()
259 {
260     TMP=
261     REV=
263     if [ -e ./output.tmp ]; then
264         rm ./output.tmp
265     fi
266     if [ -e ./svn.tmp ]; then
267         rm ./svn.tmp
268     fi
269     if [ -z $BUGID ]; then
270         echo "no BUGID given. exit!"
271         exit 1
272     fi
274     #svn log print revision from latest to oldest so swap BEGIN_REV & END_REV to ensure commit order
275     REV=$(svn log -r $END_REV:$BEGIN_REV $SVN_PATH $SEARCH_BUGID $SEARCH_AUTHOR --stop-on-copy | awk -F\  '{if ($1~/r[0-9]+/){print $1;}}' | sed -n 's/r//p')
276     if [ "$REV" == "" ]; then
277         echo "can't get bug change history changed by "$AUTHOR" named by "$BUGID" svn path "$SVN_PATH
278         exit 1
279     fi
280     for TMP in $REV; do
281         echo "counting change from rev " $TMP
282         svn diff $SVN_PATH -r $(expr $TMP - 1):$TMP -x --ignore-eol-style -x -w >> ./svn.tmp
283     done
284     if [ $DEBUG == "yes" ]; then
285         cp ./svn.tmp ./svn.tmp.bak
286     fi
288     #added by h03566 2017.8.29 for get rid of "\r"
289     dos2unix svn.tmp
290     if [ $DEBUG == "yes" ]; then
291         cp ./svn.tmp ./svn.tmp.bak2
292     fi
294     #convert GB2312 to UTF8 in case of unrecognizable characters
295     iconv -f GBK -t UTF-8 ./svn.tmp -o ./svn.tmp.conv
297     OUTPUT=$BUGID"_Report.html"
298     #change utf-8 nobom to utf-8 to avoid unicode problem and clean(if exist) or create(if not) file
299     echo -e -n "\xef\xbb\xbf" > $OUTPUT
300     echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">" >> $OUTPUT
301     echo "<html>" >> $OUTPUT
302     echo "<head>" >> $OUTPUT
303     echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">" >> $OUTPUT
304     echo "<style>" >> $OUTPUT
305     echo ".AlignLeft { text-align: left; }" >> $OUTPUT
306     echo ".AlignCenter { text-align: center; }" >> $OUTPUT
307     echo ".AlignRight { text-align: right; }" >> $OUTPUT
308     echo ".Wrap { white-space: nowrap; }" >> $OUTPUT
309     echo "body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; }" >> $OUTPUT
310     echo "td { vertical-align: top; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; }" >> $OUTPUT
311     echo "tr.SectionGap td { font-size: 4px; border-left: none; border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid Black; border-right: 1px solid Black; }" >> $OUTPUT
312     echo "tr.SectionAll td { border-left: none; border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid Black; border-right: 1px solid Black; }" >> $OUTPUT
313     echo "tr.SectionBegin td { border-left: none; border-top: none; border-right: 1px solid Black; }" >> $OUTPUT
314     echo "tr.SectionEnd td { border-left: none; border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid Black; border-right: 1px solid Black; }" >> $OUTPUT
315     echo "tr.SectionMiddle td { border-left: none; border-top: none; border-right: 1px solid Black; }" >> $OUTPUT
316     echo "tr.SubsectionAll td { border-left: none; border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid Gray; border-right: 1px solid Black; }" >> $OUTPUT
317     echo "tr.SubsectionEnd td { border-left: none; border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid Gray; border-right: 1px solid Black; }" >> $OUTPUT
318     echo "table.fc { border-top: 1px solid Black; border-left: 1px solid Black; width: 100%; font-family: monospace; font-size: 10pt; }" >> $OUTPUT
319     echo "td.TextItemInsigAdd { color: #000000; background-color: #EFEFFF; }" >> $OUTPUT
320     echo "td.TextItemInsigDel { color: #000000; background-color: #EFEFFF; text-decoration: line-through; }" >> $OUTPUT
321     echo "td.TextItemInsigDiffMod { color: #000000; background-color: #EFEFFF; }" >> $OUTPUT
322     echo "td.TextItemInsigLeftMod { color: #000000; background-color: #EFEFFF; }" >> $OUTPUT
323     echo "td.TextItemInsigRightMod { color: #000000; background-color: #EFEFFF; }" >> $OUTPUT
324     echo "td.TextItemNum { color: #827357; background-color: #F2F2F2; }" >> $OUTPUT
325     echo "td.TextItemSame { color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; }" >> $OUTPUT
326     echo "td.TextItemSigAdd { color: #000000; background-color: #FFE3E3; }" >> $OUTPUT
327     echo "td.TextItemSigDel { color: #000000; background-color: #FFE3E3; text-decoration: line-through; }" >> $OUTPUT
328     echo "td.TextItemSigDiffMod { color: #000000; background-color: #FFE3E3; }" >> $OUTPUT
329     echo "td.TextItemSigLeftMod { color: #000000; background-color: #FFE3E3; }" >> $OUTPUT
330     echo "td.TextItemSigRightMod { color: #000000; background-color: #FFE3E3; }" >> $OUTPUT
331     echo ".TextSegInsigDiff { color: #0000FF; }" >> $OUTPUT
332     echo ".TextSegReplacedDiff { color: #0000FF; font-style: italic; }" >> $OUTPUT
333     echo ".TextSegSigDiff { color: #FF0000; }" >> $OUTPUT
334     echo ".TextSegElement_229_133_179_233_148_174_229_173_151 { font-weight: bold; }" >> $OUTPUT
335     echo ".TextSegElement_230_160_135_232_175_134_231_172_166 { }" >> $OUTPUT
336     echo ".TextSegElement_230_149_176_229_173_151 { color: #2E9269; }" >> $OUTPUT
337     echo ".TextSegElement_230_179_168_233_135_138 { color: #786A41; }" >> $OUTPUT
338     echo ".TextSegElement_232_191_144_231_174_151_231_172_166 { }" >> $OUTPUT
339     echo "</style>" >> $OUTPUT
340     echo "<title>文本比较</title>" >> $OUTPUT
341     echo "</head>" >> $OUTPUT
342     echo "</head>" >> $OUTPUT
343     echo "<body>文本比较<br/>" >> $OUTPUT
344     echo "<br/>" >> $OUTPUT
345     date >> $OUTPUT
346     echo "<br/>" >> $OUTPUT
347     echo "<br/>模式:&nbsp; 差异, 有上下文 &nbsp;<br/>" >> $OUTPUT
349     awk -F "\n" 'BEGIN {
350             OUTPUT = "./output.tmp"; templine[6] = 0; step = 0; leftlines[2]; rightlines[2];
351             samesection = 0; prevline = 0; thisline[2] = 0; prevlineonleft = 0; thislineonleft = 0;
352             prev2lineisdiff = 0; prevlineisdiff = 0; thislineisdiff = 0; comparesymbol = 0; deblank[2] = 0;
353         } {
354             switch (step) {
355             case 0:
356                 if ($1 ~ /^Index:.*/) {
357                     step = 1;
358                 }
359                 break;
360             case 1:
361                 if ($1 ~ /^Cannot.*/) {
362                     step = 0;
363                 } else if ($1 ~ /^---.*/) {
364                     match($1, /^---(.*)/, templine);
365                     print "<br/>Left: " templine[1] > OUTPUT;
366                 } else if ($1 ~ /^+++.*/) {
367                     match($1, /^+++(.*)/, templine);
368                     print "<br/>Right: " templine[1] "<br/>" > OUTPUT;
369                     step = 2;
370                     prevline = 0;
371                     thisline[0] = 0;
372                     prev2lineisdiff = -1;
373                     prevlineisdiff = -1;
374                     thislineisdiff = -1;
375                     print "<table class=\"fc\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">" > OUTPUT;
376                 }
377                 break;
378             case 2:
379                 if ($1 ~ /^Index:.*/) {
380                     step = 1;
381                     print "<tr class=\"SectionEnd\">" > OUTPUT;
382                 }
383                 else {
384                     if ($1 ~ /^@@.*@@$/) {
385                         match($1, /@@ -(.*),(.*) +(.*),(.*) @@$/, templine);
386                         leftlines[0] = templine[1];
387                         leftlines[1] = templine[2];
388                         rightlines[0] = templine[3];
389                         rightlines[1] = templine[4];
390                         if (leftlines[0] == rightlines[0] && leftlines[1] == rightlines[1]) {
391                             samesection = 1;
392                         } else {
393                             samesection = 0;
394                         }
395                         if (prevline == 0) {
396                             break;
397                         } else {
398                             thisline[0] = 0;
399                             thisline[1] = 0;
400                             thislineisdiff = prevlineisdiff;
401                         }
402                     } else if ($1 ~ /^##.*##/) {
403                         step = 0;
404                         break;
405                     } else if ($1 ~ /^[-+].*/) {
406                         match($1, /^[-+](.*)/, thisline);
407                         thislineisdiff = 1;
408                         if ($1 ~ /^-.*/) {
409                             thislineonleft = 1;
410                         } else {
411                             thislineonleft = 0;
412                         }
413                     } else {
414                         match($1, /^\s(.*)/, thisline);
415                         thislineisdiff = 0;
416                     }
417                     if (prevline == 0) {
418                         prevline = thisline[1];
419                         prevlineisdiff = thislineisdiff;
420                         prevlineonleft = thislineonleft;
421                         break;
422                     } else if (prev2lineisdiff == -1) {
423                         print "<tr class=\"SectionBegin\">" > OUTPUT;
424                         if (prevlineisdiff) {
425                             comparesymbol = "-+";
426                         } else {
427                             comparesymbol = "=";
428                         }
429                     } else if (prev2lineisdiff != prevlineisdiff) {
430                         if (prevlineisdiff != thislineisdiff) {
431                             print "<tr class=\"SectionAll\">" > OUTPUT;
432                             comparesymbol = "&nbsp;";
433                         } else {
434                             print "<tr class=\"SectionBegin\">" > OUTPUT;
435                             if (prevlineisdiff) {
436                                 comparesymbol = "-+";
437                             } else {
438                                 comparesymbol = "=";
439                             }
440                         }
441                     } else {
442                         if (prevlineisdiff != thislineisdiff) {
443                             print "<tr class=\"SectionEnd\">" > OUTPUT;
444                             comparesymbol = "&nbsp;";
445                         } else {
446                             print "<tr class=\"SectionMiddle\">" > OUTPUT;
447                             comparesymbol = "&nbsp;";
448                         }
449                     }
450                 }
451                 deblank[0] = prevline;
452                 deblank[1] = prevline;
453                 prevline = "";
454                 while (deblank[1]~/^\t|^\s{4}/) {
455                     match(deblank[1], /^\t{1}(.*)|^\s{4}(.*)/, deblank);
456                     if (deblank[1] == "") {
457                         deblank[1] = deblank[2];
458                     }
459                     prevline = "&nbsp; " prevline;
460                 }
461                 prevline = prevline deblank[1];
462                 if (prevlineisdiff) {
463                     if (prevlineonleft) {
464                         print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">" leftlines[1] "</td>" > OUTPUT;
465                         leftlines[1]++;
466                         print "<td class=\"TextItemSigRightMod Wrap\"><span class=\"TextSegSigDiff\">" prevline "</span></td>" > OUTPUT;
467                     } else {
468                         print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">&nbsp;</td>" > OUTPUT;
469                         print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">&nbsp;</td>" > OUTPUT;
470                     }
471                 } else {
472                     print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">" leftlines[1] "</td>" > OUTPUT;
473                     leftlines[1]++;
474                     print "<td class=\"TextItemSame Wrap\">" prevline "</td>" > OUTPUT;
475                 }
476                 print "<td class=\"AlignCenter Wrap\">" comparesymbol "</td>" > OUTPUT
477                 if (prevlineisdiff) {
478                     if (prevlineonleft) {
479                         print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">&nbsp;</td>" > OUTPUT;
480                         print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">&nbsp;</td>" > OUTPUT;
481                     } else {
482                         print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">" rightlines[1] "</td>" > OUTPUT;
483                         rightlines[1]++;
484                         print "<td class=\"TextItemSigRightMod Wrap\"><span class=\"TextSegSigDiff\">" prevline "</span></td>" > OUTPUT;
485                     }
486                 } else {
487                     print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">" rightlines[1] "</td>" > OUTPUT;
488                     rightlines[1]++;
489                     print "<td class=\"TextItemSame Wrap\">" prevline "</td>" > OUTPUT;
490                 }
491                 print "</tr>" > OUTPUT;
492                 if (step == 2) {
493                     prevline = thisline[1];
494                     prev2lineisdiff = prevlineisdiff;
495                     prevlineisdiff = thislineisdiff;
496                     prevlineonleft = thislineonleft;
497                 } else {
498                     print "</table>" > OUTPUT;
499                 }
500                 break;
501             default:
502                 break;
503             }
504         } END {
505             print "<tr class=\"SectionEnd\">" > OUTPUT;
506             deblank[0] = prevline;
507             deblank[1] = prevline;
508             prevline = "";
509             while (deblank[1]~/^[\t|    ]/) {
510                 match(deblank[1], /^[\t|    ](.*)/, deblank);
511                 prevline = "&nbsp; " prevline;
512             }
513             prevline = prevline deblank[1];
514             print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\"> "leftlines[1] "</td>" > OUTPUT;
515             leftlines[1]++;
516             if (prevlineisdiff) {
517                 if (prevlineonleft) {
518                     print "<td class=\"TextItemSigRightMod Wrap\"><span class=\"TextSegSigDiff\">" prevline "</span></td>" > OUTPUT;
519                 } else {
520                     print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">&nbsp;</td>" > OUTPUT;
521                 }
522             } else {
523                 print "<td class=\"TextItemSame Wrap\">" prevline "</td>" > OUTPUT;
524             }
525             print "<td class=\"AlignCenter Wrap\">" comparesymbol "</td>" > OUTPUT
526             print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">" rightlines[1] "</td>" > OUTPUT;
527             rightlines[1]++;
528             if (prevlineisdiff) {
529                 if (prevlineonleft) {
530                     print "<td class=\"TextItemNum AlignRight Wrap\">&nbsp;</td>" > OUTPUT;
531                 } else {
532                     print "<td class=\"TextItemSigRightMod Wrap\"><span class=\"TextSegSigDiff\">" prevline "</span></td>" > OUTPUT;
533                 }
534             } else {
535                 print "<td class=\"TextItemSame Wrap\">" prevline "</td>" > OUTPUT;
536             }
537             print "</tr>" > OUTPUT;
538             print "</table>" > OUTPUT;
539             print "</body>" > OUTPUT;
540             print "</html>" > OUTPUT;
541             print "complete!"
542         }' ./svn.tmp.conv
544     cat ./output.tmp >> $OUTPUT
545 }
547 case $1 in
548     revert)
549         echo "./ revert: revert commit history"
550         echo "================================"
551         NEED_LOCAL_DIR=1;
552         get_param;
553         revert;
554         ;;
555     count)
556         echo "./ count: count commit code"
557         echo "================================"
558         NEED_LOCAL_DIR=0;
559         get_param;
560         count;
561         ;;
562     report)
563         echo "./ report: output diff report"
564         echo "================================"
565         NEED_LOCAL_DIR=0;
566         get_param;
567         report;
568         ;;
569     *)
570         echo "usage: ./ [action]"
571         echo "[action] - revert / count / report ..."
572         echo "revert: revert commit history by [begin, end] range or bugid / author"
573         echo "count: count commit lines and times by [begin, end] range or bugid / author"
574         echo "report: diff commit and make report by bugid"
575         echo "================================"
576         exit 1
577         ;;
578 esac







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