GeoDataServer 代表了一个数据库的连接,这句话可能不好理解,但是通过代码,也许会明白:
public IGeoDataServer InitGeoDataServerFromFile(String path)
// Create the GeoDataServer and cast to the the IGeoDataServerInit interface.
IGeoDataServer geoDataServer = new GeoDataServerClass();
IGeoDataServerInit geoDataServerInit = (IGeoDataServerInit)geoDataServer;
return geoDataServer;
public void ExportReplicaDataChanges(IGeoDataServer sourceGDS, String replicaName,
String outputDirectory)
// Set the export options.
GDSExportOptions gdsExportOptions = new GDSExportOptions();
gdsExportOptions.ExportFormat = esriGDSExportFormat.esriGDSExportFormatXml;
gdsExportOptions.Compressed = true;
gdsExportOptions.BinaryGeometry = false;
// Export the data changes. Note: The replica must be in a Sending Data State.
IGDSData gdsData = sourceGDS.ExportReplicaDataChanges(replicaName,
gdsExportOptions, esriGDSTransportType.esriGDSTransportTypeUrl,
esriExportGenerationsOption.esriExportGenerationsAll, false);
// Force deletion of folder and contents if they exist.
if (Directory.Exists(outputDirectory))
Directory.Delete(outputDirectory, true);
// Create the output folder.
// Get the compressed data changes document from the URL to the local output directory.
if (gdsData.TransportType == esriGDSTransportType.esriGDSTransportTypeUrl)
string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(gdsData.URL);
string outputFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDirectory, fileName)
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.DownloadFile(gdsData.URL, outputFileName);
// The file has been embedded because there is no output directory set on ArcGIS Server.
Console.WriteLine("Server is not configured with a virtual directory.");
catch (COMException comExc)
throw new Exception(String.Format(
"Exporting data changes errored: {0}, Error Code: {1}", comExc.Message,
comExc.ErrorCode), comExc);
catch (Exception exc)
throw new Exception(String.Format("Exporting data changes errored: {0}",
exc.Message), exc);
ReplicatonAgent 接口就是用来实现在线方式下的同步
public void SynchronizeReplica(IGeoDataServer parentGDS, IGeoDataServer childGDS,
String replicaName, esriReplicationAgentReconcilePolicy conflictPolicy,
esriReplicaSynchronizeDirection syncDirection, Boolean columnLevel)
// Iterate through the replicas of the parent geodata server.
IGPReplicas gpReplicas = parentGDS.Replicas;
IGPReplica parentReplica = null;
for (int i = 0; i < gpReplicas.Count; i++)
// See if the unqualified replica name matches the replicaName parameter.
IGPReplica currentReplica = gpReplicas.get_Element(i);
String currentReplicaName = currentReplica.Name;
int dotIndex = currentReplicaName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1;
String baseName = currentReplicaName.Substring(dotIndex,
currentReplicaName.Length - dotIndex);
if (baseName.ToLower() == replicaName.ToLower())
parentReplica = currentReplica;
// Check to see if the parent replica was found.
if (parentReplica == null)
throw new ArgumentException(
"The requested replica could not be found on the parent GDS.");
// Iterate through the replica of the child geodata server.
gpReplicas = childGDS.Replicas;
IGPReplica childReplica = null;
for (int i = 0; i < gpReplicas.Count; i++)
// See if the unqualified replica name matches the replicaName parameter.
IGPReplica currentReplica = gpReplicas.get_Element(i);
String currentReplicaName = currentReplica.Name;
int dotIndex = currentReplicaName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1;
String baseName = currentReplicaName.Substring(dotIndex,
currentReplicaName.Length - dotIndex);
if (baseName.ToLower() == replicaName.ToLower())
childReplica = currentReplica;
// Check to see if the child replica was found.
if (childReplica == null)
throw new ArgumentException(
"The requested replica could not be found on the child GDS.");
// Synchronize the replica.
IReplicationAgent replicationAgent = new ReplicationAgentClass();
replicationAgent.SynchronizeReplica(parentGDS, childGDS, parentReplica,
childReplica, conflictPolicy, syncDirection, columnLevel);
catch (COMException comExc)
throw new Exception(String.Format(
"Create replica errored: {0}, Error Code: {1}", comExc.Message,
comExc.ErrorCode), comExc);
catch (Exception exc)
throw new Exception(String.Format("Create replica errored: {0}", exc.Message)
, exc);