oracle ins 40906,[转载]Oracle Forms Error Messages 列表05

本文档列举了一系列Oracle Forms运行时遇到的错误,包括内存不足、SQL语句过大、磁盘空间问题、记录缓冲问题等,并提供了可能的原因、影响及相应的解决建议。错误级别从20到99不等,涉及数据库交互、内存分配、屏幕输出、OLE对象操作等多个方面,提示用户需要清理表单、检查系统资源、调整查询或联系技术支持进行进一步排查。

FRM-40900: Unable to allocate record buffer. Clear

form to continue.


Failed attempt to allocate memory for a fetched or new record. The

remaining records that are queried are temporarily buffered on

disk. This is an indication that no more temporary files can be

written to the disk.


Clear form and then attempt to continue. You may have to exit the

form and then re-open. Also, make sure there is enough disk space

and that you have write privileges to the disk drive and directory.

Level: 99


FRM-40901: Note: not enough memory to remember all

or part of this query.

Cause: A

memory allocation failed when Forms Runtime attempted to save a


Action: Try

executing the application when the system is less heavily loaded.

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40902: SQL statement too large.


Application design error. The form's design includes a SQL command

that is more than 2048 characters long.


Shorten the SQL command.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40903: Cannot create output file.

Cause: You

pressed [Print Screen], but screen contents could not be written to

a file because of one of the following:

1. You have entered an illegal file name.

2. The operating system does not give you authority to create


3. The necessary disk or directory space is not available.


Check the file name you have entered and correct it if necessary.

If you need additional help, contact your system administrator.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40904: Program error: unknown operation to be

performed on record.


Internal error.

Action: If

the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40905: Unable to buffer more records on



Internal error.

Action: If

the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: None

FRM-40906: FATAL ERROR: cannot write a buffered

record to disk.


Internal error while trying to write a buffered record to the


Action: If

the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40907: FATAL ERROR: cannot read a buffered

record from disk.


Internal error while trying to read a buffered record from the


Action: If

the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40908: RAM Internal Error: %s

Cause: An

internal error occurred within the form's internal record


Action: If

the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 20

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40909: Internal Error: unknown error %d.


Internal error. Forms Runtime attempted to issue an unknown error


Action: If

the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: None

FRM-40911: Record not created due to sequence

number generation error.


Internal error. Either the sequence number object does not exist,

or the designer does not have privileges for the sequence number

object, or some other fatal database error occurred.


Contact your DBA. If your DBA cannot correct the problem, and the

problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40912: WHEN-NEW-RECORD trigger failed. Record

not created.

Cause: A

runtime error occurred in a When-New-Record trigger that caused the

trigger to fail. No new record was created.


Contact your DBA. If your DBA cannot correct the problem, and the

problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40913: List of Values maximum exceeded. Some

values are not displayed.


Application design error. Unable to return all the records in the

current list of values; the number exceeds the maximum limit.


Specify no more than 32,767 records to be returned in a list of


Level: 25

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40914: Memory allocation error: unable to

complete transaction.

Cause: A

memory allocation failed while Forms Runtime attempted to complete

a transaction.

Action: Try

executing the application when the system is less heavily loaded.

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40915: Memory allocation error: unable to

execute trigger %s.

Cause: A

memory allocation failed while Forms Runtime attempted to execute a


Action: Try

executing the application when the system is less heavily loaded.

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40916: Memory allocation error: unable to

execute query.

Cause: A

memory allocation failed while Forms Runtime attempted to execute a


Action: Try

executing the application when the system is less heavily loaded.

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40917: Memory allocation error: unable to lock


Cause: A

memory allocation failed while Forms Runtime attempted to lock a


Action: Try

executing the application when the system is less heavily loaded.

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40919: Internal SQL statement execution error:



Error in the SQL statement Oracle Forms has tried to execute.


Check the last SQL statement.

Level: 25

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40920: Unable to create view: low on system



Something in your environment or application has prevented view


Action: Try

executing the application when the system is less heavily loaded.

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40921: Could not create item: %s.


Something in your environment or application has prevented item


Action: Try

executing the application when the system is less heavily loaded.

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40922: An OLE error occurred: 0x%x.

Cause: A

Built-in called an OLE or OLE-related function which failed.

Action: You

need to lookup the error number in an OLE manual for further


Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40923: OLE is not supported on this


Cause: A

Built-in that required OLE support was called, and your platform

does not support OLE.


Don't call OLE-related Built-ins on platforms that don't support


Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40924: Invalid argument index specified.

Cause: An

attempt was made to retrieve a value from the OLE-argument stack

whose index was out of bounds for the size of the current

OLE-argument stack


Argument indices range from 1 to the number specified in the last

call to FORMS_OLE.InitArgs()

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40925: No space initialized in OleArg for


Cause: An

attempt was made to store too many arguments into the initialized

OLE-argument stack.


Make sure you specify enough space in your call to


Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40926: OLE Object is NULL.

Cause: You

cannot operate on a NULL OLE object.

Action: Do

not attempt to call FORMS_OLE Built-ins with NULL OLE-objects.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40927: Variant is not an array.

Cause: An

attempt was made to access a variant as if it contained an array,

and it did not.

Action: You

can call FORMS_OLE.Get_Dims() to ensure that you have a variant

with an array. For arrays, the return value for the function is

greater than or equal to 1.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40928: Too many array indices specified.

Cause: An

attempt was made to access a variant that holds an array, but too

many array indices were specified.

Action: You

must use the correct number of array indices, the same number as

returned by FORMS_OLE.GET_Dims().

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40929: Too few array indices specified.

Cause: An

attempt was made to access a variant that holds an array, but too

few array indices were specified.

Action: You

must use the correct number of array indices, the same number as

returned by FORMS_OLE.GET_Dims().

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40930: Array index was non-numeric.

Cause: An

attempt was made to access a variant that holds an array, but the

supplied array indices were non-numeric and not either ROW or


Action: The

only valid array indices are numbers, which should be separated by

columns. If you're fetching into a table from a variant, ROW and

COLUMN can be used as placeholders for the row and column iterators

during table construction.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40931: Cannot populate table because datatype

is unsupported.

Cause: An

attempt to populate a table failed because one of its columns used

an unsupported datatype.


Restrict your column types to integers, numbers, strings, and


Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40932: Cannot populate variant because table's

datatype is unsupported.

Cause: An

attempt to populate a variant failed because one of the source

table's columns used an unsupported datatype.


Restrict your column types to integers, numbers, strings, and


Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40933: Cannot populate table because datatype

is incorrect.

Cause: An

attempt to populate a table failed because the block's datatype did

not match the table's datatype.

Action: The

table datatype must match the datatypes of the block's columns that

are being retrieved.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40934: Cannot populate table because records

are out of bounds.

Cause: An

attempt to populate a table failed because an illegal start or end

record was specified.


start_rec and end_rec parameters must fall between 1 and the number

of retrievable records. end_rec may also be ALL_RECORDS.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40935: Object does not exist locally.

Cause: An

attempt to release an object failed because the 'kill_persistent'

parameter was set to FALSE, and no local object existed to



Never release objects you don't own.

Level: 10

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41000: This function is not currently


Cause: You

pressed an undefined function key.


Press [Show Keys] to determine which function key you should have


Level: 5

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41001: This function is not allowed on this


Cause: You

tried to execute the Insert/Replace function.

Action: No

action is necessary.

Level: 5

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41002: Please make a valid selection.

Cause: You

entered an invalid selection number on the block menu; that block

does not exist in this form.


Select an existing block.

Level: 10

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41003: This function cannot be performed


Cause: You

tried to perform a function that references a table, but current

block does not correspond to any table.

Action: No

action is necessary. You cannot perform the requested function on

this block.

Level: 10

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41004: This function is not allowed in this


Cause: You

pressed a function key that does not work in this mode.

Action: No

action is necessary.

Level: 10

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41005: Internal Error: function key not


Cause: You

pressed a disabled function key.

Action: No

action is necessary. You cannot use the function key in the current

context unless the form's definition is modified.

Level: 25

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41007: Cursor not in a valid item. Function key

was ignored.

Cause: You

were not in a valid item when you pressed the function key.


Position the cursor inside the item and press the function key


Level: 10

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41008: Undefined function key. Press %s for

list of valid keys.

Cause: You

pressed an undefined function key.


Press [Show Keys] to determine which function key you should have


Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41009: Function key not allowed. Press %s for

list of valid keys.

Cause: You

pressed a function key that is not allowed in this



Press [Show Keys] to determine which function key you should have


Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41010: Cannot set attribute of the current



Application design error. A SET_ITEM statement tried to turn off

the Input Allowed Property for the current item.


Eliminate the statement or rewrite the trigger.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41011: Undefined visual attribute.


Application design error. A Built-in tried to set an undefined

visual attribute.


Correct the statement.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41012: Undefined item or variable



Application design error. A NAME_IN statement tried to reference a

nonexistent item or variable.


Correct the statement.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41013: Undefined property specified for item



Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY Built-in specified an undefined



Correct the statement.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41014: Cannot set property of null canvas item



Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY Built-in tried to change some property

of a NULL canvas item.


Specify a canvas for the item, or remove the statement.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41015: Cannot set ENTERABLE Property of the

current item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in tried to

change the Enterable Property of the current item.


Correct the statement.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41016: Cannot set DISPLAYED Property of the

current item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in tried to

change the Displayed Property of the current item.


Correct the statement.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41017: Cannot set UPDATE ALLOWED Property of

non-enabled item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY Built-in tried to turn on the Update

Allowed Property of a non-enterable item.

Action: To

turn on the Update Allowed Property of an item you must also turn

on the Input Allowed Property of the item.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41018: Cannot set UPDATE_NULL Property of

non-enabled item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in tried to

turn on the Update If Null Property of a non-enterable item.

Action: To

turn on the Update If Null Property of an item you must also turn

on the Input Allowed Property of the item.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41019: Cannot set REQUIRED Property of

non-enabled item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY Built-in tried to turn on the Required

Property of a non-enterable item.

Action: To

turn on the Required Property of an item you must also turn on the

Input Allowed Property of the item.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41020: Cannot set ENTERABLE Property of

non-displayed item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in tried to

turn on the Enterable Property of a non-displayed item.

Action: To

turn on the Input Allowed Property of an item you must also turn on

the Displayed Property of the item.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41021: Cannot set QUERYABLE Property of

non-displayed item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in tried to

turn on the Query Allowed Property of a non-displayed item.

Action: To

turn on the Query Allowed Property of an item you must also turn on

the Displayed Property of the item.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41022: Cannot set REQUIRED Property of

non-updateable item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY Built-in tried to turn on the Required

Property of a non-updateable item.

Action: To

turn on the Required Property of an item you must also turn on

either the Update Allowed Property or the Update If Null Property

of the item.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41023: Cannot set UPDATE ALLOWED Property of

secure item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY Built-in tried to change the Update

Allowed Property of a database item which the user does not have

permission to update.


Either correct the SET_ITEM statement or grant update permission on

the column to the user.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41024: Cannot set UPDATE_NULL Property of

secure item %s.%s.


Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in tried to

change the Update If Null Property of a database item which the

user does not have permission to update.


Either correct the SET_ITEM statement or grant update permission on

the column to the user.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41025: Page number %d does not exist.


Application design error. Attempted an operation on a non-existent



Check arguments to page related Built-ins.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41026: Field does not understand


Cause: You

attempted to perform an operation that is invalid for the given

item type.

Action: Do

not attempt to perform the operation on an item to which the

operation cannot be applied.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41027: Primary key must be defined for this



There are no primary key items in the block and one of the

following has happened:

1. You attempted to set Key_Mode of primary key option on for

the block.

2. The Key_Mode is set to Automatic and the datasource to which

your are connected does not support UNIQUE key mode.


Specify one or more primary key items on the block.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41028: Invalid property.

Cause: You

passed an invalid property constant to a Get or Set property



Verify arguments.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-41029: Invalid parameter.

Cause: You

attempted to set a form, block, item, or record property to an

invalid value.




Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR






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