多层继承(inheritance) 的 使用 及 示例


本文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy/article/details/16856547


动态绑定只能应用在虚函数(virtual function), 通过指针(->)或引用(.)调用; 声明基类指针, 绑定派生类对象;

可以使用"shared_ptr<Abstract_Base_Class> p(new Derived_Class(para));"的形式, 动态绑定派生的类;

可以为动态基类添加一个接口(interface), 使用友元函数, 访问基类的私有成员变量; 并把具体操作写入接口中;

如果一个派生类, 没有实现抽象基类的纯虚函数, 则会继承此函数, 那么这个派生类也是抽象基类;

抽象基类不能创建具体的对象, 但是可以实现具体的方法, 为派生类提供继承;

面向对象编程: 抽象(abstraction), 即数据抽象(data abstraction);继承(inheritance);多态(polynorphism), 即动态绑定(dynamic binding).

具体代码如下, 详见注释:

/*   * cppprimer.cpp   *   *  Created on: 2013.11.7   *      Author: Caroline   */    /*eclipse cdt, gcc 4.8.1*/    #include <iostream>  #include <fstream>  #include <sstream>  #include <string>  #include <vector>  #include <memory>  #include <algorithm>  #include <iterator>    #include <set>  #include <map>    using namespace std;    class QueryResult;  std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os, const QueryResult &qr);    class TextQuery {  public:  	using line_no = std::vector<std::string>::size_type;  	TextQuery(std::ifstream& );  	QueryResult query(const std::string& ) const;  private:  	std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string> > file; //文件内容  	std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no> > > wm; //词和行号的集合  };    /*把每一行放入text, 存入file(vector), 组成word和行号(set)的映射*/  TextQuery::TextQuery(std::ifstream &is) : file(new std::vector<std::string>)  {  	std::string text;  	while (std::getline(is, text)) {  		file->push_back(text);  		int n = file->size() - 1;  		std::istringstream line(text);  		std::string word;  		while (line >> word) {  			auto& lines = wm[word];  			if (!lines)  				lines.reset(new set<line_no>);  			lines->insert(n);  		}  	}  }    class QueryResult {  friend std::ostream& print (std::ostream&, const QueryResult& );  public:  	using line_no = std::vector<std::string>::size_type;  	QueryResult (std::string s, //查询单词  			std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no>> p, //匹配行号  			std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> f) : //输入文件  				sought(s), lines(p), file(f) {}  	std::set<line_no>::iterator begin() { return lines->begin(); }  	std::set<line_no>::iterator end() { return lines->end(); }  	std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> get_file() { return file; }  private:  	std::string sought; //查找字符串  	std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no>> lines; //行号集合  	std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> file; //文件集合  };    /*找到指定sought的集合, 返回迭代器, 传入string和set*/  QueryResult TextQuery::query(const std::string& sought) const {  	static std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no>> nodata(new std::set<line_no>);  	auto loc = wm.find(sought);  	if (loc == wm.end())  		return QueryResult(sought, nodata, file); //没有找到, 不打印  	else  		return QueryResult(sought, loc->second, file); //按行号打印  };    std::string make_plural (std::size_t ctr, const std::string& word,  		const std::string ending)  {  	return (ctr > 1) ? word + ending : word;  }    std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os, const QueryResult &qr){  	os << qr.sought << " occurs " << qr.lines->size() << " "  			<< make_plural(qr.lines->size(), "time", "s") << std::endl;  	for(auto num : *qr.lines)  		os << "\t(line " << num+1 << ") " << *(qr.file->begin()+num) << std::endl;  	return os;  }    void runQueries (std::ifstream &infile) {  	TextQuery tq(infile);  	while (true) {  		std::cout << "enter word to look for, or q to quit: ";  		std::string s;  		if ( !(cin>>s) || s == "q" ) break;  		print(std::cout, tq.query(s)) << std::endl;  	}  }    /*抽象基类, 没有public成员*/  class Query_base {  	friend class Query;  protected:  	using line_no = TextQuery::line_no;  	virtual ~Query_base() = default; //虚的析构函数  private:  	virtual QueryResult eval (const TextQuery&) const = 0; //纯虚函数  	virtual std::string rep() const = 0;  };    //为Query_base提供接口(interface)  class Query {  	friend Query operator~ (const Query &); //取反  	friend Query operator| (const Query&, const Query&); //取或  	friend Query operator& (const Query&, const Query&); //取交  public:  	Query(const std::string&);  	QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &t) const { return q->eval(t); } //估值关联的查询  	std::string rep() const { return q->rep(); } //生成string版本的查询  private:  	Query(std::shared_ptr<Query_base> query) : q(query) {}  	std::shared_ptr<Query_base> q; //使用动态绑定  };    //重载输出(<<)操作符  std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Query &query)  {  	return os << query.rep();  }    //单词查询类  class WordQuery : public Query_base {  	friend class Query;  	WordQuery (const std::string &s) : query_word (s) {}  	QueryResult eval (const TextQuery &t) const { return t.query(query_word); }  	std::string rep() const { return query_word; };  	std::string query_word;  };    //Query接口实现动态绑定WordQuery  inline Query::Query (const std::string &s) : q(new WordQuery(s)) {}    //取反查询  class NotQuery : public Query_base {  	friend Query operator~ (const Query &); //友元是取反函数  	NotQuery (const Query &q) : query(q) {}  	std::string rep() const {return "~("+query.rep()+")";}  	QueryResult eval (const TextQuery &t) const;  	Query query;  };    //实现取反操作, 动态绑定NotQuery对象  //最终使用的是WordQuery类, Query构建需要WordQuery, 再传入NotQuery;  inline Query operator~ (const Query &operand) {  	return std::shared_ptr<Query_base> (new NotQuery(operand));  }    //二元查询, 没有eval, 则继承纯虚函数  class BinaryQuery : public Query_base {  protected:  	BinaryQuery (const Query &l, const Query &r, std::string s) :  		lhs(l), rhs(r), opSym(s) {}  	std::string rep() const {  		return "(" + lhs.rep() + " " + opSym + " " + rhs.rep() + ")"; }  	Query lhs, rhs;  	std::string opSym;  };    //取并查询  class AndQuery : public BinaryQuery {  	friend Query operator& (const Query&, const Query&);  	AndQuery (const Query& left, const Query& right) : BinaryQuery (left, right, "&") {}  	QueryResult eval (const TextQuery&) const;  };    inline Query operator& (const Query& lhs, const Query& rhs) {  	return std::shared_ptr<Query_base>(new AndQuery(lhs, rhs));  }    //取或查询  class OrQuery : public BinaryQuery {  	friend Query operator| (const Query&, const Query&);  	OrQuery (const Query& left, const Query& right) : BinaryQuery (left, right, "|") {}  	QueryResult eval (const TextQuery&) const;  };    inline Query operator| (const Query& lhs, const Query& rhs) {  	return std::shared_ptr<Query_base>(new OrQuery(lhs, rhs));  }    QueryResult OrQuery::eval(const TextQuery& text) const {  	auto right = rhs.eval(text), left = lhs.eval(text);  	auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no> >(left.begin(), left.end());  	ret_lines->insert(right.begin(), right.end());  	return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, left.get_file());  }    QueryResult AndQuery::eval(const TextQuery& text) const {  	auto left = lhs.eval(text), right = rhs.eval(text); //调用的是WordQuery的eval  	auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no>>();  	std::set_intersection(left.begin(), left.end(), right.begin(), right.end(),  			std::inserter(*ret_lines, ret_lines->begin()));  	return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, left.get_file());  }    QueryResult NotQuery::eval(const TextQuery& text) const  {  	auto result = query.eval(text); //调用WordQuery.eval;  	auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no>>();  	auto beg = result.begin(), end = result.end();  	auto sz = result.get_file()->size();  	for (size_t n=0; n!=sz; ++n) {  		if (beg==end || *beg != n )  			ret_lines->insert(n);  		else if (beg!=end)  			++beg;  	}  	return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, result.get_file());  }    bool get_word(std::string& str) {  	std::cout << "enter word to look for, or q to quit: " << std::endl;  	if ( !(std::cin >> str) || str == "q" ){  		std::cout << str;  		return false;  	}  	else{  		std::cout << str;  		return true;  	}  }    int main (void) {    	std::ifstream infile;  	infile.open("storyDataFile.txt");      TextQuery file = infile;      //Query q = ~Query("Alice");      //Query q = Query("hair") | Query("Alice");      //Query q = Query("hair") & Query("Alice");      Query q = Query("fiery") & Query("bird") | Query("wind");      const auto results = q.eval(file);      cout << "\nExecuting Query for: " << q << endl;      print(cout, results) << endl;      infile.close();  	return 0;    }  



Executing Query for: ((fiery & bird) | wind)  ((fiery & bird) | wind) occurs 3 times  	(line 2) Her Daddy says when the wind blows   	(line 4) like a fiery bird in flight  	(line 5) A beautiful fiery bird he tells her