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www.citeseer.com查paper,突然看到有research.microsoft.com的链接,一时好奇,突然发现有非常多的好东西。 http://research.microsoft.com/research/downloads
AbsIL SDK for Microsoft.NETAbstract IL an SDK for manipulating .NET Framework files and binaries. You can use this release from any .NET programming language, including C# and F#, or from the OCaml provided by INRIA. With it you can access the contents of .NET binaries at a high-level, avoiding essentially all the details of the binary format. Among other things Abstract IL has been used for a compiler (F#), a static analysis tool looking analyzing code access security and an aspect-oriented programming project. Abstract IL also comes with an implementation of the ILX extensions to the .NET Common IL. Please visit the AbsIL SDK for Microsoft.NET web site for more information.
Allegiance Source CodeAllegiance is a multiplayer space-combat game that was developed at Microsoft Research. This download contains the source code for this project, which is being released for use by the Allegiance community. Please visit the Allegiance Source Code web site for more information.
AsmL for Microsoft .NETAsmL is an industrial-strength executable specification language. It can be used at any stage of the programming process: design, coding, or testing. It is fully integrated into the Microsoft .NET environment: AsmL models can interoperate with any other .NET assembly, no matter what source language it is written in. AsmL uses XML and Word for literate specifications. Please visit the AsmL for Microsoft .NET web site for more information.
Bilingual Sentence AlignerWhen people translate documents from one language to another, not all sentences are translated one-for-one. This Perl code implements an algorithm for finding which sentences do translate one-for-one in a parallel bilingual corpus.
CamWebSIMCamWebSIM is a small quasi-HTTP server on a GSM SIM based on Microsoft Windows for Smart Cards. By making the SIM accessible over HTTP, the phone and the SIM become a personal security server in the Internet that is based on the GSM trust model. The code consists of 3 parts: 1) Code on the SIM in Visual Basic 2) Gateway code in Python 3) HTML and CGI access code Please visit the CamWebSIM web site for more information.
ConferenceXP ClientConferenceXP integrates recent advances in high performance audio, video and network technologies to seamlessly connect multiple distant participants in a rich immersive environment for distance conferencing, instruction and collaboration. ConferenceXP provides an extensible foundation for interactive collaborative environments, and serves as a research platform for designing and implementing distance conferencing and learning applications. Please visit the ConferenceXP Client web site for more information.
ConferenceXP Client Source CodeThis is the source code for the conferencing client of ConferenceXP Project. ConferenceXP integrates recent advances in high performance audio, video and network technologies to seamlessly connect multiple distant participants in a rich immersive environment for distance conferencing, instruction and collaboration. Please visit the ConferenceXP Client Source Code web site for more information.
ConferenceXP for Windows MessengerProvides Windows Messenger integration for ConferenceXP, allowing you to start a two-way ConferenceXP session from Windows Messenger over unicast. This allows ConferenceXP to work over standard Internet connections. Please visit the ConferenceXP for Windows Messenger web site for more information.
ConferenceXP PresenterConferenceXP Presenter is an advanced presentation system for use in conferencing, distance learning, training, and lecture environments. In addition to capabilities of a PowerPoint presentation, Presenter adds enhanced features for distributed viewing, real-time annotation, electronic whiteboard, and interactive participant feedback. Presenter can be used either by itself, or in combination with the ConferenceXP audio and video client Please visit the ConferenceXP Presenter web site for more information.
ConferenceXP Presenter ViewerConferenceXP Viewer, a companion of ConferenceXP Presenter, enables participants to view presentation materials broadcast by ConferenceXP Presenter on their local TabletPC, laptop or desktop PC. ConferenceXP Viewer shows the current presentation slide along with any annotations and whiteboard notes added by the discussion leader. The Viewer also allows participants to forward feedback comments to the discussion leader during a presentation. Please visit the ConferenceXP Presenter Viewer web site for more information.
Context-Free Parsing AlgorithmsReference implementations in Perl 5 of several parsing algorithms for context-free grammars.
Continuous FlashBy acquiring two digital images of a scene, one with flash and one without flash, we let the user subsequently interpolate the images to obtain any continuous flash intensity, and even extrapolate beyond the original images. This demo shows one such example. Please visit the Continuous Flash web site for more information.
DetoursDetours is a library for instrumenting arbitrary Win32 functions on x86 machines. Detours intercepts Win32 functions by re-writing target function images. Please visit the Detours web site for more information.
Disolver: A Distributed Constraint SolverDisolver is a problem solving tool made of a C++ library. It relies on constraint programming and local search. The version 1.0 runs on centralized frameworks. Further versions will extend the algorithms to run on parallel/distributed settings. Please visit the Disolver: A Distributed Constraint Solver web site for more information.
EAC Player and ParserGenerate an application bitstream from parsing a master bitstream and a companion file. Decode an embedded bitstream to waveform or PC speaker.
F# Compiler Preview(To download the compiler click on the title to the left.) The F# compiler is an implementation of an ML programming language for .NET. F# is essentially an implementation of the core of the OCaml programming language (see http://caml.inria.fr). F#/OCaml/ML are mixed functional-imperative programming languages which are excellent for medium-advanced programmers and for teaching. In addition, you can access hundreds of .NET libraries using F#, and the F# code you write can be accessed from C# and other .NET languages. Please visit the F# Compiler Preview web site for more information.
Functional Reactive AnimationFran is a Haskell library (or "embedded language") for interactive animations with 2D and 3D graphics and sound. Please visit the Functional Reactive Animation web site for more information.
Gyro: Generics for the SSCLIGyro is a set of files that convert an existing installation of the Microsoft Shared Source CLI 1.0 to support generic type definitions and generic methods. These generic constructs take types as parameters, and are primarily intended to better support typed containers such as lists, stacks, and dictionaries. Microsoft's research work on generics is an ongoing project. This release is intended to allow you to familiarise yourself with the current state of the research, and to provide feedback where appropriate. Certain aspects of the design of generics for the SSCLI will change in future releases. Please visit the Gyro: Generics for the SSCLI web site for more information.
IceCube (engine and applications)In a distributed system, shared data is replicated. Updates cause replicas to diverge. Reconciliation repairs the divergence. IceCube is a general-purpose reconciliation engine, parameterised by the semantics of shared data and by the users' declared intentions. Refer to MSR-TR-2002-52, "Efficient semantics-aware reconciliation for optimistic write sharing", by Nuno Preguiça, Marc Shapiro and Caroline Matheson. Please visit the IceCube (engine and applications) web site for more information.
ILMergeILMerge is a utility for merging multiple .NET assemblies into a single .NET assembly. It works on executables and dlls alike. It comes with several options for controlling the processing and format of the output, see the accompanying documentation for details. Please visit the ILMerge web site for more information.
JCLUSTERJCLUSTER is a fast simple clustering program that produces hierarchical, binary branching, tree structured clusters.
JetStreamImage editor with cut and paste tool, based on sequential curve growing with interaction. Please visit the JetStream web site for more information.
Microsoft Easy Camera Calibration Tool Microsoft Easy Camera Calibration Tool can be used to determine a camera’s internal parameters (focal length, aspect ratio, radial distortion, etc.). The technique only requires the camera to observe a planar pattern shown at a few (at least two) different orientations. Either the camera or the planar pattern can be freely moved. The motion need not be known. Please visit the Microsoft Easy Camera Calibration Tool web site for more information.
Microsoft PortraitMicrosoft Portrait is a research prototype for mobile video conferencing. It supports .NET Messenger Service, Session Initiation Protocol and Internet Locator Service on PCs, Pocket PCs and Handheld PCs. It runs on local area networks, dialup networks and even wireless networks with bandwidths as low as 9.6 kilobits/second. Microsoft Portrait delivers portrait-like video if users are in low bandwidths and displays full-color video if users are in broadband. In low bandwidths, portrait video possesses clearer shape, smoother motion, shorter latency and much cheaper computational cost than do conventional video technologies. Microsoft Portrait provides basic presence notification, chat/voice/video functions almost anytime, anywhere, on any device. Please visit the Microsoft Portrait web site for more information.
Microsoft TerraService for .NET Beta 2The Microsoft TerraService is a web service implemented using Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET technologies. Please visit the Microsoft TerraService for .NET Beta 2 web site for more information.
MpingMping is a simple command line application that sends and receives multicast packets. Please visit the Mping web site for more information.
MpptMppt is an add-in for PowerPoint that allows a presenter to multicast PowerPoint slides, including animations and effects, to a group of viewers. Please visit the Mppt web site for more information.
MSBNxMSBNx is a component-based Windows application for creating, assessing, and evaluating Bayesian Networks. Please visit the MSBNx web site for more information.
MSIL backend for lcc v4.2An lcc v4.2 backend that emits MSIL. Including this backend in a standard lcc v4.2 distribution makes it possible to run ANSI/ISO C programs under the .NET Framework. Please visit the MSIL backend for lcc v4.2 web site for more information.
MSR IPv6 Source CodePrototype IPv6 stack for Windows NT and Windows 2000, for research, educational, and testing purposes only. Please visit the MSR IPv6 Source Code web site for more information.
NS-2 SimulatorThis is a port of the NS-2 simulator version 2.1b9 to Windows. Please visit the NS-2 Simulator web site for more information.
Pan - ComponentsPan is an experimental embedded language and compiler for image synthesis and manipulation, based on principles from functional programming. Please visit the Pan - Components web site for more information.
Pan - SourcePan is an experimental embedded language and compiler for image synthesis and manipulation, based on principles from functional programming. Please visit the Pan - Source web site for more information.
Pan - Source - Zip versionPan is an experimental embedded language and compiler for image synthesis and manipulation, based on principles from functional programming. Please visit the Pan - Source - Zip version web site for more information.
Puget Sound FlythroughReal-time flight over a 16385x16385 terrain elevation map, using view-dependent refinement of a progressive mesh representation. This demo requires a PC with a recent graphics card (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce2, ATI Radeon, or better). This download also requires the large data file puget.trunc3.srm (191 MB) which represents the Puget Sound elevation data as a selectively refinable mesh. For smaller machines, you can instead download the smaller data file puget.trunc0b.srm (44 MB) which has a maximum elevation accuracy of 10.0m instead of 4.0m. Please visit the Puget Sound Flythrough web site for more information.
RBCThis program demonstrates the RBC concentric mosaic compression algorithm.
Reed-Solomon erasure codes for GF(256)This package contains standard code for erasure coding and decoding blocks of data, using Reed-Solomon codes over GF(256) [based on diagonalizing Vandermonde matrices]. Please visit the Reed-Solomon erasure codes for GF(256) web site for more information.
Shingleprinting code for estimating document similarityThis package impelements the Broder et al method for approximating the Jaccard metric for comparing two text files. The Jaccard metric measures the similarity of two sets of features by computing the cardinality of the intersection of the two sets divided by the cardinality of the union. The Broder method (first published in the 1997 World-Wide Web Conference) for approximating this uses random one-to-one functions from the space of features to a bounded set of integers to select a single feature from each document for each function. The probablity of selecting the same feature from two documents is (when averaged over all choices of random functions) equal to the Jaccard metric. This package implements shingling, and a specific family of hash functions for converting text documents into sets of features. Many of the techniques used here, and most applications of this code, are covered by patents owned by Yahoo, which purchased Overture, which purchased Alta Vista, so only investigative use, consistent with applicable patent laws, is to be pursued using this code without negotiation of appropriate licenses. Nonetheless, we find this to be of great value as a research tool, and release it in that spirit. The HTML parsing included herein is pretty kludgy; I recommend changing it. Version 1.1.1 fixes a warning message, and compiles correctly. Version 1.1 differs from the 1.0 in that 1) The random number generator is now seeded, badly. 2) The big-endian code is now correct. Please visit the Shingleprinting code for estimating document similarity web site for more information.
SimPastryPastry is a generic, scalable and efficient object location and routing infrastructure. Pastry nodes form a decentralized, self-configuring overlay network built on top of the Internet. Pastry provides scalability, high availability, fault resilience, and the ability to locate the nearest among a set of replicas of the requested object. Pastry is completely self-organising, allowing nodes to join and leave at will. This version includes more realistic network topologies and a number of bug fixes. It also works with the CLR included in the released version of VS.net. This download requires the large data file, NetworkGraphs.zip (83 MB). Please visit the SimPastry web site for more information.
SkipNet and applicationsSkipNet is an overlay network providing both practical locality properties and efficient communication. This release contains sources for the SkipNet overlay network and two other technologies built using it: the Overlook distributed name service, and the FUSE lightweight distributed failure notification system, plus applications exercising them. The SkipNet code and applications can be run in one of two environments: a simulation environment, in which all nodes run within a single program communicate via a simulated network topology, and a live or "cluster" environment, in which each node runs as a separate program and communicates with other nodes via TCP connections. Please visit the Herald Project web site for more information.
StereoMatcherStereoMatcher is an implementation of some commonly used two-frame stereo matching algorithms. It also contains code to evaluate the quality of a computed depth map relative to a ground truth image.
Texture Mapping Progressive MeshesThis demo shows results of parametrizing triangle meshes to support texture mapping at various levels of detail. A texture atlas is constructed that can be re-used on coarse and fine geometries. Examples include the Stanford dragon and Buddha models. Please visit the Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes web site for more information.
The GRETA Regular Expression Template ArchiveA fast, flexible, perl-compliant regular expression template library for C++. Please visit the The GRETA Regular Expression Template Archive web site for more information.
TLA+ ToolsThe TLA+ tool kit contains a) a parser and syntax checker for TLA+ specifications; b) a model checker and simulator for a subclass of "executable" TLA+ specifications; and c) a program for typesetting TLA+ specifications. Please visit the TLA+ Tools web site for more information.
Treemap .NET.NET components that display hierarchical data as a set of nested boxes. For questions or comments, go to the microsoft.public.research.netscan.discussion newsgroup.
Unification Grammar Sentence Realization AlgorithmsProlog implementations of two versions of the unfication grammar sentence realization aglorithm described in "A Complete, Efficient Sentence Realization Algorithm for Unification Grammar," appearing in the Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference, INLG'02, plus other associated code and data files.
ValidityValidity checker for a spatial logic, as described in the paper "Deciding Validity in a Spatial Logic for Trees" by Calcagno, Cardelli, and Gordon. Please visit the Validity web site for more information.
VaultVault is a prototype programming language created at Microsoft Research. It's a safe version of the C programming language, with features to record and enforce usage rules associated with interfaces. The rules control the order in which the interface's functions may be called and its data accessed. Please visit the Vault web site for more information.
Video CubeVideoCube allows one to load an AVI movie file as a volume, and play back the movie sampling space and time in different ways. It also provides a single cutting plane for interactively viewing single spacetime slices of the video.
WinMine ToolkitThe WinMine Toolkit contains a set of tools that allow you to build statistical models from data. Please visit the WinMine Toolkit web site for more information.
WWMX Client ApplicationWhat can you do if you had a large database of location-stamped digital photos? The World-Wide Media eXchange project wants to find out. Install our client and browse our existing database of images. If you register, you can also upload your own geo-coded digital photos to the database for others to browse and comment on. Please visit the WWMX Client Application web site for more information.
WWMX GPS Track DownloaderThis utility application will download track and waypoint information from an attached Garmin GPS device (support for Magellan devices coming soon) and save the data in the GPX format. GPX is an XML format that can be read by a large variety of applictions. The executables are binary-compatible with the PocketPC platform running the .NET Compact Framework. This application is part of the World-Wide Media eXchange project. Please visit the WWMX GPS Track Downloader web site for more information.
WWMX Location StamperStamps location information into the EXIF tags of JPEG images. The user can either manually drag the image thumbnail onto the map, or the location can be inferred from GPS track information stored in one or more GPX files. Part of the World-Wide Media eXchange project. Please visit the WWMX Location Stamper web site for more information.
WWMX Story ViewerThe WWMX Story Viewer will allow you to view stories authored on the WWMX Client application. These stories are sequences of digital photos, together with text annotations and maps of photo locations. The Story Viewer will only be useful to you, if you have received a story file and have been directed to this site by a friend at Microsoft. Please visit the WWMX Story Viewer web site for more information.
WWMX TravelogueNow that you've started location-stamping your digital photos with the WWMX Location Stamper Tool, what can you do with them? Well, using the WWMX Travelogue tool, you can create a set of HTML pages to show off your vacation! This utility takes a set of location-stamped JPEG photos and an optional set of GPS track files and creates an HTML page ready for transfer to your personal website, complete with a map overlaid with your tracks and dots for your photos. This 1.0 version is pretty basic, but we're planning on creating much more complex and rich experiences in future releases. Please visit the WWMX Travelogue web site for more information.
Zing Model Checker PreviewZing is a new software model checking project at Microsoft Research. Our goal is to build a flexible and scalable systematic state space exploration infrastructure for software. This infrastructure includes novel algorithms, and a modular software architecture, to push the frontier on exploring large state spaces of software. This preliminary release of Zing includes a compiler, model-checker, and a graphical state-space browser. It integrates with, and requires, Visual Studio .NET 2003. Please visit the Zing Model Checker Preview web site for more information.

Other Resources
Microsoft Speech APIThe Microsoft® Speech SDK version 5.1 is the most recent development kit for the Windows® environment. It contains many new features and improvements, including Automation support to enable developers use development systems and software such as Microsoft Visual Basic® and JScript® for speech applications.
Vision SDK 1.2The Vision SDK has two major features. First it provides a basic image object that supports a diversity of pixel formats in a type safe manner. Second, it provides a digitizer independent method for acquiring live images.






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