#!/usr/bin/env perl
# - Version 1.7.15
# High Performance MySQL Tuning Script
# Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Major Hayden -
# For the latest updates, please visit
# Git repository available at
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This project would not be possible without help from:
#   Matthew Montgomery     Paul Kehrer          Dave Burgess
#   Jonathan Hinds         Mike Jackson         Nils Breunese
#   Shawn Ashlee           Luuk Vosslamber      Ville Skytta
#   Trent Hornibrook       Jason Gill           Mark Imbriaco
#   Greg Eden              Aubin Galinotti      Giovanni Bechis
#   Bill Bradford          Ryan Novosielski     Michael Scheidell
#   Blair Christensen      Hans du Plooy        Victor Trac
#   Everett Barnes         Tom Krouper          Gary Barrueto
#   Simon Greenaway        Adam Stein           Isart Montane
#   Baptiste M.            Cole Turner          Major Hayden
#   Joe Ashcraft           Jean-Marie Renouard  Christian Loos
#   Julien Francoz
# Inspired by Matthew Montgomery's script:
package main;

use 5.005;
use strict;
use warnings;

use diagnostics;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd 'abs_path';

use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Pair = " : ";

# for which()
#use Env;

# Set up a few variables for use in the script
my $tunerversion = "1.7.15";
my ( @adjvars, @generalrec );

# Set defaults
my %opt = (
    "silent"         => 0,
    "nobad"          => 0,
    "nogood"         => 0,
    "noinfo"         => 0,
    "debug"          => 0,
    "nocolor"        => ( !-t STDOUT ),
    "color"          => 0,
    "forcemem"       => 0,
    "forceswap"      => 0,
    "host"           => 0,
    "socket"         => 0,
    "port"           => 0,
    "user"           => 0,
    "pass"           => 0,
    "password"       => 0,
    "ssl-ca"         => 0,
    "skipsize"       => 0,
    "checkversion"   => 0,
    "updateversion"  => 0,
    "buffers"        => 0,
    "passwordfile"   => 0,
    "bannedports"    => '',
    "maxportallowed" => 0,
    "outputfile"     => 0,
    "noprocess"      => 0,
    "dbstat"         => 0,
    "nodbstat"       => 0,
    "tbstat"         => 0,
    "notbstat"       => 0,
    "idxstat"        => 0,
    "noidxstat"      => 0,
    "sysstat"        => 0,
    "nosysstat"      => 0,
    "pfstat"         => 0,
    "nopfstat"       => 0,
    "skippassword"   => 0,
    "noask"          => 0,
    "template"       => 0,
    "json"           => 0,
    "prettyjson"     => 0,
    "reportfile"     => 0,
    "verbose"        => 0,
    "defaults-file"  => '',

# Gather the options from the command line
    \%opt,             'nobad',
    'nogood',          'noinfo',
    'debug',           'nocolor',
    'forcemem=i',      'forceswap=i',
    'host=s',          'socket=s',
    'port=i',          'user=s',
    'pass=s',          'skipsize',
    'checkversion',    'mysqladmin=s',
    'mysqlcmd=s',      'help',
    'buffers',         'skippassword',
    'passwordfile=s',  'outputfile=s',
    'silent',          'noask',
    'json',            'prettyjson',
    'template=s',      'reportfile=s',
    'cvefile=s',       'bannedports=s',
    'updateversion',   'maxportallowed=s',
    'verbose',         'password=s',
    'passenv=s',       'userenv=s',
    'defaults-file=s', 'ssl-ca=s',
    'color',           'noprocess',
    'dbstat',          'nodbstat',
    'tbstat',          'notbstat',
    'sysstat',         'nosysstat',
    'pfstat',          'nopfstat',
    'idxstat',         'noidxstat',
  or pod2usage(
    -exitval  => 1,
    -verbose  => 99,
    -sections => [

if ( defined $opt{'help'} && $opt{'help'} == 1 ) {
        -exitval  => 0,
        -verbose  => 99,
        -sections => [
            "OUTPUT OPTIONS"

my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
my $basic_password_files =
  ( $opt{passwordfile} eq "0" )
  ? abs_path( dirname(__FILE__) ) . "/basic_passwords.txt"
  : abs_path( $opt{passwordfile} );

# Username from envvar
if ( exists $opt{userenv} && exists $ENV{ $opt{userenv} } ) {
    $opt{user} = $ENV{ $opt{userenv} };

# Related to password option
if ( exists $opt{passenv} && exists $ENV{ $opt{passenv} } ) {
    $opt{pass} = $ENV{ $opt{passenv} };
$opt{pass} = $opt{password} if ( $opt{pass} eq 0 and $opt{password} ne 0 );

# for RPM distributions
$basic_password_files = "/usr/share/mysqltuner/basic_passwords.txt"
  unless -f "$basic_password_files";

# check if we need to enable verbose mode
if ( $opt{verbose} ) {
    $opt{checkversion} = 1;    #Check for updates to MySQLTuner
    $opt{dbstat}       = 1;    #Print database information
    $opt{tbstat}       = 1;    #Print database information
    $opt{idxstat}      = 1;    #Print index information
    $opt{sysstat}      = 1;    #Print index information
    $opt{buffers}      = 1;    #Print global and per-thread buffer values
    $opt{pfstat}       = 1;    #Print performance schema info.
    $opt{cvefile} = 'vulnerabilities.csv';    #CVE File for vulnerability checks
$opt{nocolor} = 1 if defined( $opt{outputfile} );
$opt{tbstat}  = 0 if ( $opt{notbstat} == 1 );    # Don't Print table information
$opt{dbstat} = 0 if ( $opt{nodbstat} == 1 );  # Don't Print database information
$opt{noprocess} = 0
  if ( $opt{noprocess} == 1 );                # Don't Print process information
$opt{sysstat} = 0 if ( $opt{nosysstat} == 1 ); # Don't Print sysstat information
$opt{pfstat} = 0
  if ( $opt{nopfstat} == 1 );    # Don't Print performance schema information
$opt{idxstat} = 0 if ( $opt{noidxstat} == 1 );   # Don't Print index information

# for RPM distributions
$opt{cvefile} = "/usr/share/mysqltuner/vulnerabilities.csv"
  unless ( defined $opt{cvefile} and -f "$opt{cvefile}" );
$opt{cvefile} = '' unless -f "$opt{cvefile}";
$opt{cvefile} = './vulnerabilities.csv' if -f './vulnerabilities.csv';

$opt{'bannedports'} = '' unless defined( $opt{'bannedports'} );
my @banned_ports = split ',', $opt{'bannedports'};

my $outputfile = undef;
$outputfile = abs_path( $opt{outputfile} ) unless $opt{outputfile} eq "0";

my $fh = undef;
open( $fh, '>', $outputfile )
  or die("Fail opening $outputfile")
  if defined($outputfile);
$opt{nocolor} = 1 if defined($outputfile);
$opt{nocolor} = 1 unless ( -t STDOUT );

$opt{nocolor} = 0 if ( $opt{color} == 1 );

# Setting up the colors for the print styles
my $me = `whoami`;
$me =~ s/\n//g;

# Setting up the colors for the print styles
my $good = ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "[\e[0;32mOK\e[0m]"  : "[OK]";
my $bad  = ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "[\e[0;31m!!\e[0m]"  : "[!!]";
my $info = ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "[\e[0;34m--\e[0m]"  : "[--]";
my $deb  = ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "[\e[0;31mDG\e[0m]"  : "[DG]";
my $cmd  = ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "\e[1;32m[CMD]($me)" : "[CMD]($me)";
my $end  = ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "\e[0m"              : "";

# Checks for supported or EOL'ed MySQL versions
my ( $mysqlvermajor, $mysqlverminor, $mysqlvermicro );

# Super structure containing all information
my %result;
$result{'MySQLTuner'}{'version'} = $tunerversion;
$result{'MySQLTuner'}{'options'} = \%opt;

# Functions that handle the print styles
sub prettyprint {
    print $_[0] . "\n" unless ( $opt{'silent'} or $opt{'json'} );
    print $fh $_[0] . "\n" if defined($fh);
sub goodprint  { prettyprint $good. " " . $_[0] unless ( $opt{nogood} == 1 ); }
sub infoprint  { prettyprint $info. " " . $_[0] unless ( $opt{noinfo} == 1 ); }
sub badprint   { prettyprint $bad. " " . $_[0]  unless ( $opt{nobad} == 1 ); }
sub debugprint { prettyprint $deb. " " . $_[0]  unless ( $opt{debug} == 0 ); }

sub redwrap {
    return ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "\e[0;31m" . $_[0] . "\e[0m" : $_[0];

sub greenwrap {
    return ( $opt{nocolor} == 0 ) ? "\e[0;32m" . $_[0] . "\e[0m" : $_[0];
sub cmdprint { prettyprint $cmd. " " . $_[0] . $end; }

sub infoprintml {
    for my $ln (@_) { $ln =~ s/\n//g; infoprint "\t$ln"; }

sub infoprintcmd {
    cmdprint "@_";
    infoprintml grep { $_ ne '' and $_ !~ /^\s*$/ } `@_ 2>&1`;

sub subheaderprint {
    my $tln = 100;
    my $sln = 8;
    my $ln  = length("@_") + 2;

    prettyprint " ";
    prettyprint "-" x $sln . " @_ " . "-" x ( $tln - $ln - $sln );

sub infoprinthcmd {
    subheaderprint "$_[0]";
    infoprintcmd "$_[1]";

# Calculates the number of physical cores considering HyperThreading
sub cpu_cores {
    my $cntCPU =
`awk -F: '/^core id/ && !P[\$2] { CORES++; P[\$2]=1 }; /^physical id/ && !N[\$2] { CPUs++; N[\$2]=1 };  END { print CPUs*CORES }' /proc/cpuinfo`;
    return ( $cntCPU == 0 ? `nproc` : $cntCPU );

# Calculates the parameter passed in bytes, then rounds it to one decimal place
sub hr_bytes {
    my $num = shift;
    return "0B" unless defined($num);
    return "0B" if $num eq "NULL";

    if ( $num >= ( 1024**3 ) ) {    #GB
        return sprintf( "%.1f", ( $num / ( 1024**3 ) ) ) . "G";
    elsif ( $num >= ( 1024**2 ) ) {    #MB
        return sprintf( "%.1f", ( $num / ( 1024**2 ) ) ) . "M";
    elsif ( $num >= 1024 ) {           #KB
        return sprintf( "%.1f", ( $num / 1024 ) ) . "K";
    else {
        return $num . "B";

sub hr_raw {
    my $num = shift;
    return "0" unless defined($num);
    return "0" if $num eq "NULL";
    if ( $num =~ /^(\d+)G$/ ) {
        return $1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    if ( $num =~ /^(\d+)M$/ ) {
        return $1 * 1024 * 1024;
    if ( $num =~ /^(\d+)K$/ ) {
        return $1 * 1024;
    if ( $num =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
        return $1;
    return $num;

# Calculates the parameter passed in bytes, then rounds it to the nearest integer
sub hr_bytes_rnd {
    my $num = shift;
    return "0B" unless defined($num);
    return "0B" if $num eq "NULL";

    if ( $num >= ( 1024**3 ) ) {    #GB
        return int( ( $num / ( 1024**3 ) ) ) . "G";
    elsif ( $num >= ( 1024**2 ) ) {    #MB
        return int( ( $num / ( 1024**2 ) ) ) . "M";
    elsif ( $num >= 1024 ) {           #KB
        return int( ( $num / 1024 ) ) . "K";
    else {
        return $num . "B";

# Calculates the parameter passed to the nearest power of 1000, then rounds it to the nearest integer
sub hr_num {
    my $num = shift;
    if ( $num >= ( 1000**3 ) ) {       # Billions
        return int( ( $num / ( 1000**3 ) ) ) . "B";
    elsif ( $num >= ( 1000**2 ) ) {    # Millions
        return int( ( $num / ( 1000**2 ) ) ) . "M";
    elsif ( $num >= 1000 ) {           # Thousands
        return int( ( $num / 1000 ) ) . "K";
    else {
        return $num;

# Calculate Percentage
sub percentage {
    my $value = shift;
    my $total = shift;
    $total = 0 unless defined $total;
    $total = 0 if $total eq "NULL";
    return 100, 00 if $total == 0;
    return sprintf( "%.2f", ( $value * 100 / $total ) );

# Calculates uptime to display in a more attractive form
sub pretty_uptime {
    my $uptime  = shift;
    my $seconds = $uptime % 60;
    my $minutes = int( ( $uptime % 3600 ) / 60 );
    my $hours   = int( ( $uptime % 86400 ) / (3600) );
    my $days    = int( $uptime / (86400) );
    my $uptimestring;
    if ( $days > 0 ) {
        $uptimestring = "${days}d ${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s";
    elsif ( $hours > 0 ) {
        $uptimestring = "${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s";
    elsif ( $minutes > 0 ) {
        $uptimestring = "${minutes}m ${seconds}s";
    else {
        $uptimestring = "${seconds}s";
    return $uptimestring;

# Retrieves the memory installed on this machine
my ( $physical_memory, $swap_memory, $duflags );

sub memerror {
"Unable to determine total memory/swap; use '--forcemem' and '--forceswap'";
    exit 1;

sub os_setup {
    my $os = `uname`;
    $duflags = ( $os =~ /Linux/ ) ? '-b' : '';
    if ( $opt{'forcemem'} > 0 ) {
        $physical_memory = $opt{'forcemem'} * 1048576;
        infoprint "Assuming $opt{'forcemem'} MB of physical memory";
        if ( $opt{'forceswap'} > 0 ) {
            $swap_memory = $opt{'forceswap'} * 1048576;
            infoprint "Assuming $opt{'forceswap'} MB of swap space";
        else {
            $swap_memory = 0;
            badprint "Assuming 0 MB of swap space (use --forceswap to specify)";
    else {
        if ( $os =~ /Linux|CYGWIN/ ) {
            $physical_memory =
              `grep -i memtotal: /proc/meminfo | awk '{print \$2}'`
              or memerror;
            $physical_memory *= 1024;

            $swap_memory =
              `grep -i swaptotal: /proc/meminfo | awk '{print \$2}'`
              or memerror;
            $swap_memory *= 1024;
        elsif ( $os =~ /Darwin/ ) {
            $physical_memory = `sysctl -n hw.memsize` or memerror;
            $swap_memory =
              `sysctl -n vm.swapusage | awk '{print \$3}' | sed 's/\..*\$//'`
              or memerror;
        elsif ( $os =~ /NetBSD|OpenBSD|FreeBSD/ ) {
            $physical_memory = `sysctl -n hw.physmem` or memerror;
            if ( $physical_memory < 0 ) {
                $physical_memory = `sysctl -n hw.physmem64` or memerror;
            $swap_memory =
              `swapctl -l | grep '^/' | awk '{ s+= \$2 } END { print s }'`
              or memerror;
        elsif ( $os =~ /BSD/ ) {
            $physical_memory = `sysctl -n hw.realmem` or memerror;
            $swap_memory =
              `swapinfo | grep '^/' | awk '{ s+= \$2 } END { print s }'`;
        elsif ( $os =~ /SunOS/ ) {
            $physical_memory =
              `/usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Memory | cut -f 3 -d ' '`
              or memerror;
            $physical_memory = $physical_memory * 1024 * 1024;
        elsif ( $os =~ /AIX/ ) {
            $physical_memory =
              `lsattr -El sys0 | grep realmem | awk '{print \$2}'`
              or memerror;
            $physical_memory = $physical_memory * 1024;
            $swap_memory     = `lsps -as | awk -F"(MB| +)" '/MB /{print \$2}'`
              or memerror;
            $swap_memory = $swap_memory * 1024 * 1024;
        elsif ( $os =~ /windows/i ) {
            $physical_memory =
`wmic ComputerSystem get TotalPhysicalMemory | perl -ne "chomp; print if /[0-9]+/;"`
              or memerror;
            $swap_memory =
`wmic OS get FreeVirtualMemory | perl -ne "chomp; print if /[0-9]+/;"`
              or memerror;
    debugprint "Physical Memory: $physical_memory";
    debugprint "Swap Memory: $swap_memory";
    $result{'OS'}{'OS Type'}                   = $os;
    $result{'OS'}{'Physical Memory'}{'bytes'}  = $physical_memory;
    $result{'OS'}{'Physical Memory'}{'pretty'} = hr_bytes($physical_memory);
    $result{'OS'}{'Swap Memory'}{'bytes'}      = $swap_memory;
    $result{'OS'}{'Swap Memory'}{'pretty'}     = hr_bytes($swap_memory);
    $result{'OS'}{'Other Processes'}{'bytes'}  = get_other_process_memory();
    $result{'OS'}{'Other Processes'}{'pretty'} =
      hr_bytes( get_other_process_memory() );

sub get_http_cli {
    my $httpcli = which( "curl", $ENV{'PATH'} );
    if ($httpcli) {
        return $httpcli;

    $httpcli = which( "wget", $ENV{'PATH'} );
    if ($httpcli) {
        return $httpcli;
    return "";

# Checks for updates to MySQLTuner
sub validate_tuner_version {
    if ( $opt{'checkversion'} eq 0 and $opt{'updateversion'} eq 0 ) {
        print "\n" unless ( $opt{'silent'} or $opt{'json'} );
        infoprint "Skipped version check for MySQLTuner script";

    my $update;
    my $url =
    my $httpcli = get_http_cli();
    if ( $httpcli =~ /curl$/ ) {
        debugprint "$httpcli is available.";

"$httpcli -m 3 -silent '$url' 2>/dev/null | grep 'my \$tunerversion'| cut -d\\\" -f2";
        $update =
`$httpcli -m 3 -silent '$url' 2>/dev/null | grep 'my \$tunerversion'| cut -d\\\" -f2`;
        debugprint "VERSION: $update";


    if ( $httpcli =~ /wget$/ ) {
        debugprint "$httpcli is available.";

"$httpcli -e timestamping=off -t 1 -T 3 -O - '$url' 2>$devnull| grep 'my \$tunerversion'| cut -d\\\" -f2";
        $update =
`$httpcli -e timestamping=off -t 1 -T 3 -O - '$url' 2>$devnull| grep 'my \$tunerversion'| cut -d\\\" -f2`;
    debugprint "curl and wget are not available.";
    infoprint "Unable to check for the latest MySQLTuner version";
"Using --pass and --password option is insecure during MySQLTuner execution(Password disclosure)"
      if ( defined( $opt{'pass'} ) );

# Checks for updates to MySQLTuner
sub update_tuner_version {
    if ( $opt{'updateversion'} eq 0 ) {
        badprint "Skipped version update for MySQLTuner script";
        print "\n" unless ( $opt{'silent'} or $opt{'json'} );

    my $update;
    my $url = "";
    my @scripts =
      ( "", "basic_passwords.txt", "vulnerabilities.csv" );
    my $totalScripts    = scalar(@scripts);
    my $receivedScripts = 0;
    my $httpcli         = get_http_cli();

    foreach my $script (@scripts) {

        if ( $httpcli =~ /curl$/ ) {
            debugprint "$httpcli is available.";

              "$httpcli --connect-timeout 3 '$url$script' 2>$devnull > $script";
            $update =
              `$httpcli --connect-timeout 3 '$url$script' 2>$devnull > $script`;
            debugprint "$script updated: $update";

            if ( -s $script eq 0 ) {
                badprint "Couldn't update $script";
            else {
                debugprint "$script updated: $update";
        elsif ( $httpcli =~ /wget$/ ) {

            debugprint "$httpcli is available.";

"$httpcli -qe timestamping=off -t 1 -T 3 -O $script '$url$script'";
            $update =
`$httpcli -qe timestamping=off -t 1 -T 3 -O $script '$url$script'`;

            if ( -s $script eq 0 ) {
                badprint "Couldn't update $script";
            else {
                debugprint "$script updated: $update";
        else {
            debugprint "curl and wget are not available.";
            infoprint "Unable to check for the latest MySQLTuner version";


    if ( $receivedScripts eq $totalScripts ) {
        goodprint "Successfully updated MySQLTuner script";
    else {
        badprint "Couldn't update MySQLTuner script";

    #exit 0;

sub compare_tuner_version {
    my $remoteversion = shift;
    debugprint "Remote data: $remoteversion";

    #exit 0;
    if ( $remoteversion ne $tunerversion ) {
          "There is a new version of MySQLTuner available($remoteversion)";
    goodprint "You have the latest version of MySQLTuner($tunerversion)";

# Checks to see if a MySQL login is possible
my ( $mysqllogin, $doremote, $remotestring, $mysqlcmd, $mysqladmincmd );

my $osname = $^O;
if ( $osname eq 'MSWin32' ) {
    eval { require Win32; } or last;
    $osname = Win32::GetOSName();
    infoprint "* Windows OS($osname) is not fully supported.\n";

    #exit 1;

sub mysql_setup {
    $doremote     = 0;
    $remotestring = '';
    if ( $opt{mysqladmin} ) {
        $mysqladmincmd = $opt{mysqladmin};
    else {
        $mysqladmincmd = which( "mysqladmin", $ENV{'PATH'} );
    if ( !-e $mysqladmincmd && $opt{mysqladmin} ) {
        badprint "Unable to find the mysqladmin command you specified: "
          . $mysqladmincmd . "";
        exit 1;
    elsif ( !-e $mysqladmincmd ) {
        badprint "Couldn't find mysqladmin in your \$PATH. Is MySQL installed?";
        exit 1;
    if ( $opt{mysqlcmd} ) {
        $mysqlcmd = $opt{mysqlcmd};
    else {
        $mysqlcmd = which( "mysql", $ENV{'PATH'} );
    if ( !-e $mysqlcmd && $opt{mysqlcmd} ) {
        badprint "Unable to find the mysql command you specified: "
          . $mysqlcmd . "";
        exit 1;
    elsif ( !-e $mysqlcmd ) {
        badprint "Couldn't find mysql in your \$PATH. Is MySQL installed?";
        exit 1;
    $mysqlcmd =~ s/\n$//g;
    my $mysqlclidefaults = `$mysqlcmd --print-defaults`;
    debugprint "MySQL Client: $mysqlclidefaults";
    if ( $mysqlclidefaults =~ /auto-vertical-output/ ) {
          "Avoid auto-vertical-output in configuration file(s) for MySQL like";
        exit 1;

    debugprint "MySQL Client: $mysqlcmd";

    $opt{port} = ( $opt{port} eq 0 ) ? 3306 : $opt{port};

    # Are we being asked to connect via a socket?
    if ( $opt{socket} ne 0 ) {
        $remotestring = " -S $opt{socket} -P $opt{port}";

    # Are we being asked to connect to a remote server?
    if ( $opt{host} ne 0 ) {
        chomp( $opt{host} );

# If we're doing a remote connection, but forcemem wasn't specified, we need to exit
        if (   $opt{'forcemem'} eq 0
            && ( $opt{host} ne "" )
            && ( $opt{host} ne "localhost" ) )
            badprint "The --forcemem option is required for remote connections";
            exit 1;
        infoprint "Performing tests on $opt{host}:$opt{port}";
        $remotestring = " -h $opt{host} -P $opt{port}";
        if ( ( $opt{host} ne "" ) && ( $opt{host} ne "localhost" ) ) {
            $doremote = 1;
    else {
        $opt{host} = '';

    if ( $opt{'ssl-ca'} ne 0 ) {
        if ( -e -r -f $opt{'ssl-ca'} ) {
            $remotestring .= " --ssl-ca=$opt{'ssl-ca'}";
              "Will connect using ssl public key passed on the command line";
            return 1;
        else {
"Attempted to use passed ssl public key, but it was not found or could not be read";
            exit 1;

    # Did we already get a username without password on the command line?
    if ( $opt{user} ne 0 and $opt{pass} eq 0 ) {
        $mysqllogin = "-u $opt{user} " . $remotestring;
        my $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd ping $mysqllogin 2>&1`;
        if ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
            goodprint "Logged in using credentials passed on the command line";
            return 1;
        else {
              "Attempted to use login credentials, but they were invalid";
            exit 1;

    # Did we already get a username and password passed on the command line?
    if ( $opt{user} ne 0 and $opt{pass} ne 0 ) {
        $mysqllogin = "-u $opt{user} -p'$opt{pass}'" . $remotestring;
        my $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd ping $mysqllogin 2>&1`;
        if ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
            goodprint "Logged in using credentials passed on the command line";
            return 1;
        else {
              "Attempted to use login credentials, but they were invalid";
            exit 1;
    my $svcprop = which( "svcprop", $ENV{'PATH'} );
    if ( substr( $svcprop, 0, 1 ) =~ "/" ) {

        # We are on solaris
        ( my $mysql_login =
`svcprop -p quickbackup/username svc:/network/mysql-quickbackup:default`
        ) =~ s/\s+$//;
        ( my $mysql_pass =
`svcprop -p quickbackup/password svc:/network/mysql-quickbackup:default`
        ) =~ s/\s+$//;
        if ( substr( $mysql_login, 0, 7 ) ne "svcprop" ) {

            # mysql-quickbackup is installed
            $mysqllogin = "-u $mysql_login -p$mysql_pass";
            my $loginstatus = `mysqladmin $mysqllogin ping 2>&1`;
            if ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
                goodprint "Logged in using credentials from mysql-quickbackup.";
                return 1;
            else {
"Attempted to use login credentials from mysql-quickbackup, but they failed.";
                exit 1;
    elsif ( -r "/etc/psa/.psa.shadow" and $doremote == 0 ) {

        # It's a Plesk box, use the available credentials
        $mysqllogin = "-u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`";
        my $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd ping $mysqllogin 2>&1`;
        unless ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {

            # Plesk 10+
            $mysqllogin =
              "-u admin -p`/usr/local/psa/bin/admin --show-password`";
            $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd ping $mysqllogin 2>&1`;
            unless ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
"Attempted to use login credentials from Plesk and Plesk 10+, but they failed.";
                exit 1;
    elsif ( -r "/usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf" and $doremote == 0 ) {

        # It's a DirectAdmin box, use the available credentials
        my $mysqluser =
          `cat /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf | egrep '^user=.*'`;
        my $mysqlpass =
          `cat /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf | egrep '^passwd=.*'`;

        $mysqluser =~ s/user=//;
        $mysqluser =~ s/[\r\n]//;
        $mysqlpass =~ s/passwd=//;
        $mysqlpass =~ s/[\r\n]//;

        $mysqllogin = "-u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass";

        my $loginstatus = `mysqladmin ping $mysqllogin 2>&1`;
        unless ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
"Attempted to use login credentials from DirectAdmin, but they failed.";
            exit 1;
    elsif ( -r "/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
        and $doremote == 0
        and $opt{'defaults-file'} eq '' )

        # We have a Debian maintenance account, use it
        $mysqllogin = "--defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf";
        my $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd $mysqllogin ping 2>&1`;
        if ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
              "Logged in using credentials from Debian maintenance account.";
            return 1;
        else {
"Attempted to use login credentials from Debian maintenance account, but they failed.";
            exit 1;
    elsif ( $opt{'defaults-file'} ne '' and -r "$opt{'defaults-file'}" ) {

        # defaults-file
        debugprint "defaults file detected: $opt{'defaults-file'}";
        my $mysqlclidefaults = `$mysqlcmd --print-defaults`;
        debugprint "MySQL Client Default File: $opt{'defaults-file'}";

        $mysqllogin = "--defaults-file=" . $opt{'defaults-file'};
        my $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd $mysqllogin ping 2>&1`;
        if ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
            goodprint "Logged in using credentials from defaults file account.";
            return 1;
    else {

        # It's not Plesk or Debian, we should try a login
        debugprint "$mysqladmincmd $remotestring ping 2>&1";
        my $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd $remotestring ping 2>&1`;
        if ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {

            # Login went just fine
            $mysqllogin = " $remotestring ";

       # Did this go well because of a .my.cnf file or is there no password set?
            my $userpath = `printenv HOME`;
            if ( length($userpath) > 0 ) {
            unless ( -e "${userpath}/.my.cnf" or -e "${userpath}/.mylogin.cnf" )
"Successfully authenticated with no password - SECURITY RISK!";
            return 1;
        else {
            if ( $opt{'noask'} == 1 ) {
                  "Attempted to use login credentials, but they were invalid";
                exit 1;
            my ( $name, $password );

            # If --user is defined no need to ask for username
            if ( $opt{user} ne 0 ) {
                $name = $opt{user};
            else {
                print STDERR "Please enter your MySQL administrative login: ";
                $name = <STDIN>;

            # If --pass is defined no need to ask for password
            if ( $opt{pass} ne 0 ) {
                $password = $opt{pass};
            else {
                print STDERR
                  "Please enter your MySQL administrative password: ";
                system("stty -echo >$devnull 2>&1");
                $password = <STDIN>;
                system("stty echo >$devnull 2>&1");
            $mysqllogin = "-u $name";

            if ( length($password) > 0 ) {
                $mysqllogin .= " -p'$password'";
            $mysqllogin .= $remotestring;
            my $loginstatus = `$mysqladmincmd ping $mysqllogin 2>&1`;
            if ( $loginstatus =~ /mysqld is alive/ ) {
                print STDERR "";
                if ( !length($password) ) {

       # Did this go well because of a .my.cnf file or is there no password set?
                    my $userpath = `printenv HOME`;
                    unless ( -e "$userpath/.my.cnf" ) {
"Successfully authenticated with no password - SECURITY RISK!";
                return 1;
            else {
                  "Attempted to use login credentials, but they were invalid.";
                exit 1;
            exit 1;


# MySQL Request Array
sub select_array {
    my $req = shift;
    debugprint "PERFORM: $req ";
    my @result = `$mysqlcmd $mysqllogin -Bse "\\w$req" 2>>/dev/null`;
    if ( $? != 0 ) {
        badprint "failed to execute: $req";
        badprint "FAIL Execute SQL / return code: $?";
        debugprint "CMD    : $mysqlcmd";
        debugprint "OPTIONS: $mysqllogin";
        debugprint `$mysqlcmd $mysqllogin -Bse "$req" 2>&1`;

        #exit $?;
    debugprint "select_array: return code : $?";
    return @result;

sub human_size {
    my ( $size, $n ) = ( shift, 0 );
    ++$n and $size /= 1024 until $size < 1024;
    return sprintf "%.2f %s", $size, (qw[ bytes KB MB GB ])[$n];

# MySQL Request one
sub select_one {
    my $req = shift;
    debugprint "PERFORM: $req ";
    my $result = `$mysqlcmd $mysqllogin -Bse "\\w$req" 2>>/dev/null`;
    if ( $? != 0 ) {
        badprint "failed to execute: $req";
        badprint "FAIL Execute SQL / return code: $?";
        debugprint "CMD    : $mysqlcmd";
        debugprint "OPTIONS: $mysqllogin";
        debugprint `$mysqlcmd $mysqllogin -Bse "$req" 2>&1`;

        #exit $?;
    debugprint "select_array: return code : $?";
    return $result;

# MySQL Request one
sub select_one_g {
    my $pattern = shift;

    my $req = shift;
    debugprint "PERFORM: $req ";
    my @result = `$mysqlcmd $mysqllogin -re "\\w$req\\G" 2>>/dev/null`;
    if ( $? != 0 ) {
        badprint "failed to execute: $req";
        badprint "FAIL Execute SQL / return code: $?";
        debugprint "CMD    : $mysqlcmd";
        debugprint "OPTIONS: $mysqllogin";
        debugprint `$mysqlcmd $mysqllogin -Bse "$req" 2>&1`;

        #exit $?;
    debugprint "select_array: return code : $?";
    return ( grep { /$pattern/ } @result )[0];

sub select_str_g {
    my $pattern = shift;

    my $req = shift;
    my $str = select_one_g $pattern, $req;
    return () unless defined $str;
    my @val = split /:/, $str;
    shift @val;
    return trim(@val);

sub get_tuning_info {
    my @infoconn = select_array "\\s";
    my ( $tkey, $tval );
    @infoconn =
      grep { !/Threads:/ and !/Connection id:/ and !/pager:/ and !/Using/ }
    foreach my $line (@infoconn) {
        if ( $line =~ /\s*(.*):\s*(.*)/ ) {
            debugprint "$1 => $2";
            $tkey = $1;
            $tval = $2;
            $result{'MySQL Client'}{$tkey} = $tval;
    $result{'MySQL Client'}{'Client Path'}         = $mysqlcmd;
    $result{'MySQL Client'}{'Admin Path'}          = $mysqladmincmd;
    $result{'MySQL Client'}{'Authentication Info'} = $mysqllogin;


# Populates all of the variable and status hashes
my ( %mystat, %myvar, $dummyselect, %myrepl, %myslaves );

sub arr2hash {
    my $href = shift;
    my $harr = shift;
    my $sep  = shift;
    $sep = '\s' unless defined($sep);
    foreach my $line (@$harr) {
        next if ( $line =~ m/^\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/ );
        $line =~ /([a-zA-Z_]*)\s*$sep\s*(.*)/;
        $$href{$1} = $2;
        debugprint "V: $1 = $2";

sub get_all_vars {

    # We need to initiate at least one query so that our data is useable
    $dummyselect = select_one "SELECT VERSION()";
    if ( not defined($dummyselect) or $dummyselect eq "" ) {
"You probably did not get enough privileges for running MySQLTuner ...";
    $dummyselect =~ s/(.*?)\-.*/$1/;
    debugprint "VERSION: " . $dummyselect . "";
    $result{'MySQL Client'}{'Version'} = $dummyselect;

    my @mysqlvarlist = select_array("SHOW VARIABLES");
    push( @mysqlvarlist, select_array("SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES") );
    arr2hash( \%myvar, \@mysqlvarlist );
    $result{'Variables'} = \%myvar;

    my @mysqlstatlist = select_array("SHOW STATUS");
    push( @mysqlstatlist, select_array("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS") );
    arr2hash( \%mystat, \@mysqlstatlist );
    $result{'Status'} = \%mystat;
    unless ( defined( $myvar{'innodb_support_xa'} ) ) {
        $myvar{'innodb_support_xa'} = 'ON';
    $mystat{'Uptime'} = 1 unless defined($mystat{'Uptime'}) and $mystat{'Uptime'}>0;
    $myvar{'have_galera'} = "NO";
    if (   defined( $myvar{'wsrep_provider_options'} )
        && $myvar{'wsrep_provider_options'} ne ""
        && $myvar{'wsrep_on'} ne "OFF" )
        $myvar{'have_galera'} = "YES";
        debugprint "Galera options: " . $myvar{'wsrep_provider_options'};

    # Workaround for MySQL bug #59393 wrt. ignore-builtin-innodb
    if ( ( $myvar{'ignore_builtin_innodb'} || "" ) eq "ON" ) {
        $myvar{'have_innodb'} = "NO";

    # Issue MariaDB GTID mode #272
    $myvar{'gtid_mode'} = $myvar{'gtid_strict_mode'}
      if ( defined( $myvar{'gtid_strict_mode'} ) );

    $myvar{'have_threadpool'} = "NO";
    if ( defined( $myvar{'thread_pool_size'} )
        and $myvar{'thread_pool_size'} > 0 )
        $myvar{'have_threadpool'} = "YES";

    # have_* for engines is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL 5.6;
    # check SHOW ENGINES and set corresponding old style variables.
    # Also works around MySQL bug #59393 wrt. skip-innodb
    my @mysqlenginelist = select_array "SHOW ENGINES";
    foreach my $line (@mysqlenginelist) {
        if ( $line =~ /^([a-zA-Z_]+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
            my $engine = lc($1);

            if ( $engine eq "federated" || $engine eq "blackhole" ) {
                $engine .= "_engine";
            elsif ( $engine eq "berkeleydb" ) {
                $engine = "bdb";
            my $val = ( $2 eq "DEFAULT" ) ? "YES" : $2;
            $myvar{"have_$engine"} = $val;
            $result{'Storage Engines'}{$engine} = $2;
    debugprint Dumper(@mysqlenginelist);
    my @mysqlslave = select_array("SHOW SLAVE STATUS\\G");
    arr2hash( \%myrepl, \@mysqlslave, ':' );
    $result{'Replication'}{'Status'} = \%myrepl;
    my @mysqlslaves = select_array "SHOW SLAVE HOSTS";
    my @lineitems   = ();
    foreach my $line (@mysqlslaves) {
        debugprint "L: $line ";
        @lineitems = split /\s+/, $line;
        $myslaves{ $lineitems[0] } = $line;
        $result{'Replication'}{'Slaves'}{ $lineitems[0] } = $lineitems[4];

sub remove_cr {
    return map {
        my $line = $_;
        $line =~ s/\n$//g;
        $line =~ s/^\s+$//g;
    } @_;

sub remove_empty {
    grep { $_ ne '' } @_;

sub grep_file_contents {
    my $file = shift;
    my $patt;

sub get_file_contents {
    my $file = shift;
    open( my $fh, "<", $file ) or die "Can't open $file for read: $!";
    my @lines = <$fh>;
    close $fh or die "Cannot close $file: $!";
    @lines = remove_cr @lines;
    return @lines;

sub get_basic_passwords {
    return get_file_contents(shift);

sub get_log_file_real_path {
    my $file     = shift;
    my $hostname = shift;
    my $datadir  = shift;
    if ( -f "$file" ) {
        return $file;
    elsif ( -f "$hostname.err" ) {
        return "$hostname.err";
    elsif ( $datadir ne "" ) {
        return "$datadir$hostname.err";
    else {
        return $file;

sub log_file_recommendations {
    $myvar{'log_error'} =
      get_log_file_real_path( $myvar{'log_error'}, $myvar{'hostname'},
        $myvar{'datadir'} );
    subheaderprint "Log file Recommendations";
    infoprint "Log file: "
      . $myvar{'log_error'} . "("
      . hr_bytes_rnd( ( stat $myvar{'log_error'} )[7] ) . ")";
    if ( -f "$myvar{'log_error'}" ) {
        goodprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} exists";
    else {
        badprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} doesn't exist";
    if ( -r "$myvar{'log_error'}" ) {
        goodprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} is readable.";
    else {
        badprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} isn't readable.";
    if ( ( stat $myvar{'log_error'} )[7] > 0 ) {
        goodprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} is not empty";
    else {
        badprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} is empty";

    if ( ( stat $myvar{'log_error'} )[7] < 32 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
        goodprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} is smaller than 32 Mb";
    else {
        badprint "Log file $myvar{'log_error'} is bigger than 32 Mb";
        push @generalrec,
          . " is > 32Mb, you should analyze why or implement a rotation log strategy such as logrotate!";

    my $numLi     = 0;
    my $nbWarnLog = 0;
    my $nbErrLog  = 0;
    my @lastShutdowns;
    my @lastStarts;

    open( my $fh, '<', $myvar{'log_error'} )
      or die "Can't open $myvar{'log_error'} for read: $!";

    while ( my $logLi = <$fh> ) {
        chomp $logLi;
        debugprint "$numLi: $logLi" if $logLi =~ /warning|error/i;
        $nbErrLog++                 if $logLi =~ /error/i;
        $nbWarnLog++                if $logLi =~ /warning/i;
        push @lastShutdowns, $logLi
          if $logLi =~ /Shutdown complete/ and $logLi !~ /Innodb/i;
        push @lastStarts, $logLi if $logLi =~ /ready for connections/;
    close $fh;

    if ( $nbWarnLog > 0 ) {
        badprint "$myvar{'log_error'} contains $nbWarnLog warning(s).";
        push @generalrec,
          "Control warning line(s) into $myvar{'log_error'} file";
    else {
        goodprint "$myvar{'log_error'} doesn't contain any warning.";
    if ( $nbErrLog > 0 ) {
        badprint "$myvar{'log_error'} contains $nbErrLog error(s).";
        push @generalrec, "Control error line(s) into $myvar{'log_error'} file";
    else {
        goodprint "$myvar{'log_error'} doesn't contain any error.";

    infoprint scalar @lastStarts . " start(s) detected in $myvar{'log_error'}";
    my $nStart = 0;
    my $nEnd   = 10;
    if ( scalar @lastStarts < $nEnd ) {
        $nEnd = scalar @lastStarts;
    for my $startd ( reverse @lastStarts[ -$nEnd .. -1 ] ) {
        infoprint "$nStart) $startd";
    infoprint scalar @lastShutdowns
      . " shutdown(s) detected in $myvar{'log_error'}";
    $nStart = 0;
    $nEnd   = 10;
    if ( scalar @lastShutdowns < $nEnd ) {
        $nEnd = scalar @lastShutdowns;
    for my $shutd ( reverse @lastShutdowns[ -$nEnd .. -1 ] ) {
        infoprint "$nStart) $shutd";

    #exit 0;

sub cve_recommendations {
    subheaderprint "CVE Security Recommendations";
    unless ( defined( $opt{cvefile} ) && -f "$opt{cvefile}" ) {
        infoprint "Skipped due to --cvefile option undefined";

#prettyprint "Look for related CVE for $myvar{'version'} or lower in $opt{cvefile}";
    my $cvefound = 0;
    open( my $fh, "<", $opt{cvefile} )
      or die "Can't open $opt{cvefile} for read: $!";
    while ( my $cveline = <$fh> ) {
        my @cve = split( ';', $cveline );
"Comparing $mysqlvermajor\.$mysqlverminor\.$mysqlvermicro with $cve[1]\.$cve[2]\.$cve[3] : "
          . ( mysql_version_le( $cve[1], $cve[2], $cve[3] ) ? '<=' : '>' );

        # Avoid not major/minor version corresponding CVEs
          unless ( int( $cve[1] ) == $mysqlvermajor
            && int( $cve[2] ) == $mysqlverminor );
        if ( int( $cve[3] ) >= $mysqlvermicro ) {
            badprint "$cve[4](<= $cve[1]\.$cve[2]\.$cve[3]) : $cve[6]";
            $result{'CVE'}{'List'}{$cvefound} =
              "$cve[4](<= $cve[1]\.$cve[2]\.$cve[3]) : $cve[6]";
    close $fh or die "Cannot close $opt{cvefile}: $!";
    $result{'CVE'}{'nb'} = $cvefound;

    my $cve_warning_notes = "";
    if ( $cvefound == 0 ) {
    if ( $mysqlvermajor eq 5 and $mysqlverminor eq 5 ) {
          "False positive CVE(s) for MySQL and MariaDB 5.5.x can be found.";
        infoprint "Check careful each CVE for those particular versions";
    badprint $cvefound . " CVE(s) found for your MySQL release.";
    push( @generalrec,
          . " CVE(s) found for your MySQL release. Consider upgrading your version !"

sub get_opened_ports {
    my @opened_ports = `netstat -ltn`;
    @opened_ports = map {
        my $v = $_;
        $v =~ s/.*:(\d+)\s.*$/$1/;
        $v =~ s/\D//g;
    } @opened_ports;
    @opened_ports = sort { $a <=> $b } grep { !/^$/ } @opened_ports;
    debugprint Dumper \@opened_ports;
    $result{'Network'}{'TCP Opened'} = \@opened_ports;
    return @opened_ports;

sub is_open_port {
    my $port = shift;
    if ( grep { /^$port$/ } get_opened_ports ) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

sub get_process_memory {
    my $pid = shift;
    my @mem = `ps -p $pid -o rss`;
    return 0 if scalar @mem != 2;
    return $mem[1] * 1024;

sub get_other_process_memory {
    return 0 if ( $opt{tbstat} == 0 );
    my @procs = `ps eaxo pid,command`;
    @procs = map {
        my $v = $_;
        $v =~ s/.*PID.*//;
        $v =~ s/.*mysqld.*//;
        $v =~ s/.*\[.*\].*//;
        $v =~ s/^\s+$//g;
        $v =~ s/.*PID.*CMD.*//;
        $v =~ s/.*systemd.*//;
        $v =~ s/\s*?(\d+)\s*.*/$1/g;
    } @procs;
    @procs = remove_cr @procs;
    @procs = remove_empty @procs;
    my $totalMemOther = 0;
    map { $totalMemOther += get_process_memory($_); } @procs;
    return $totalMemOther;

sub get_os_release {
    if ( -f "/etc/lsb-release" ) {
        my @info_release = get_file_contents "/etc/lsb-release";
        my $os_release   = $info_release[3];
        $os_release =~ s/.*="//;
        $os_release =~ s/"$//;
        return $os_release;

    if ( -f "/etc/system-release" ) {
        my @info_release = get_file_contents "/etc/system-release";
        return $info_release[0];

    if ( -f "/etc/os-release" ) {
        my @info_release = get_file_contents "/etc/os-release";
        my $os_release   = $info_release[0];
        $os_release =~ s/.*="//;
        $os_release =~ s/"$//;
        return $os_release;

    if ( -f "/etc/issue" ) {
        my @info_release = get_file_contents "/etc/issue";
        my $os_release   = $info_release[0];
        $os_release =~ s/\s+\\n.*//;
        return $os_release;
    return "Unknown OS release";

sub get_fs_info {
    my @sinfo = `df -P | grep '%'`;
    my @iinfo = `df -Pi| grep '%'`;
    shift @iinfo;
    @sinfo = map {
        my $v = $_;
        $v =~ s/.*\s(\d+)%\s+(.*)/$1\t$2/g;
    } @sinfo;
    foreach my $info (@sinfo) {
        next if $info =~ m{(\d+)\t/(run|dev|sys|proc)($|/)};
        if ( $info =~ /(\d+)\t(.*)/ ) {
            if ( $1 > 85 ) {
                badprint "mount point $2 is using $1 % total space";
                push( @generalrec, "Add some space to $2 mountpoint." );
            else {
                infoprint "mount point $2 is using $1 % of total space";
            $result{'Filesystem'}{'Space Pct'}{$2} = $1;

    @iinfo = map {
        my $v = $_;
        $v =~ s/.*\s(\d+)%\s+(.*)/$1\t$2/g;
    } @iinfo;
    foreach my $info (@iinfo) {
        next if $info =~ m{(\d+)\t/(run|dev|sys|proc)($|/)};
        if ( $info =~ /(\d+)\t(.*)/ ) {
            if ( $1 > 85 ) {
                badprint "mount point $2 is using $1 % of max allowed inodes";
                push( @generalrec,
"Cleanup files from $2 mountpoint or reformat you filesystem."
            else {
                infoprint "mount point $2 is using $1 % of max allowed inodes";
            $result{'Filesystem'}{'Inode Pct'}{$2} = $1;

sub merge_hash {
    my $h1     = shift;
    my $h2     = shift;
    my %result = {};
    foreach my $substanceref ( $h1, $h2 ) {
        while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %$substanceref ) {
            next if ( exists $result{$k} );
            $result{$k} = $v;
    return \%result;

sub is_virtual_machine {
    my $isVm = `grep -Ec '^flags.*\ hypervisor\ ' /proc/cpuinfo`;
    return ( $isVm == 0 ? 0 : 1 );

sub infocmd {
    my $cmd = "@_";
    debugprint "CMD: $cmd";
    my @result = `$cmd`;
    @result = remove_cr @result;
    for my $l (@result) {
        infoprint "$l";

sub infocmd_tab {
    my $cmd = "@_";
    debugprint "CMD: $cmd";
    my @result = `$cmd`;
    @result = remove_cr @result;
    for my $l (@result) {
        infoprint "\t$l";

sub infocmd_one {
    my $cmd    = "@_";
    my @result = `$cmd 2>&1`;
    @result = remove_cr @result;
    return join ', ', @result;

sub get_kernel_info {
    my @params = (
        'fs.aio-max-nr',                     'fs.aio-nr',
        'fs.file-max',                       'sunrpc.tcp_fin_timeout',
        'sunrpc.tcp_max_slot_table_entries', 'sunrpc.tcp_slot_table_entries',
    infoprint "Information about kernel tuning:";
    foreach my $param (@params) {
        infocmd_tab("sysctl $param 2>/dev/null");
        $result{'OS'}{'Config'}{$param} = `sysctl -n $param 2>/dev/null`;
    if ( `sysctl -n vm.swappiness` > 10 ) {
          "Swappiness is > 10, please consider having a value lower than 10";
        push @generalrec, "setup swappiness lower or equals to 10";
        push @adjvars,
          'vm.swappiness <= 10 (echo 10 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness)';
    else {
        infoprint "Swappiness is < 10.";

    # only if /proc/sys/sunrpc exists
    my $tcp_slot_entries =
      `sysctl -n sunrpc.tcp_slot_table_entries 2>/dev/null`;
    if ( -f "/proc/sys/sunrpc"
        and ( $tcp_slot_entries eq '' or $tcp_slot_entries < 100 ) )
"Initial TCP slot entries is < 1M, please consider having a value greater than 100";
        push @generalrec, "setup Initial TCP slot entries greater than 100";
        push @adjvars,
'sunrpc.tcp_slot_table_entries > 100 (echo 128 > /proc/sys/sunrpc/tcp_slot_table_entries)';
    else {
        infoprint "TCP slot entries is > 100.";

    if ( `sysctl -n fs.aio-max-nr` < 1000000 ) {
"Max running total of the number of events is < 1M, please consider having a value greater than 1M";
        push @generalrec, "setup Max running number events greater than 1M";
        push @adjvars,
          'fs.aio-max-nr > 1M (echo 1048576 > /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr)';
    else {
        infoprint "Max Number of AIO events is > 1M.";


sub get_system_info {
    $result{'OS'}{'Release'} = get_os_release();
    infoprint get_os_release;
    if (is_virtual_machine) {
        infoprint "Machine type          : Virtual machine";
        $result{'OS'}{'Virtual Machine'} = 'YES';
    else {
        infoprint "Machine type          : Physical machine";
        $result{'OS'}{'Virtual Machine'} = 'NO';

    $result{'Network'}{'Connected'} = 'NO';
    `ping -c 1 &>/dev/null`;
    my $isConnected = $?;
    if ( $? == 0 ) {
        infoprint "Internet              : Connected";
        $result{'Network'}{'Connected'} = 'YES';
    else {
        badprint "Internet              : Disconnected";
    $result{'OS'}{'NbCore'} = cpu_cores;
    infoprint "Number of Core CPU : " . cpu_cores;
    $result{'OS'}{'Type'} = `uname -o`;
    infoprint "Operating System Type : " . infocmd_one "uname -o";
    $result{'OS'}{'Kernel'} = `uname -r`;
    infoprint "Kernel Release        : " . infocmd_one "uname -r";
    $result{'OS'}{'Hostname'}         = `hostname`;
    $result{'Network'}{'Internal Ip'} = `hostname -I`;
    infoprint "Hostname              : " . infocmd_one "hostname";
    infoprint "Network Cards         : ";
    infocmd_tab "ifconfig| grep -A1 mtu";
    infoprint "Internal IP           : " . infocmd_one "hostname -I";
    $result{'Network'}{'Internal Ip'} = `ifconfig| grep -A1 mtu`;
    my $httpcli = get_http_cli();
    infoprint "HTTP client found: $httpcli" if defined $httpcli;

    my $ext_ip = "";
    if ( $httpcli =~ /curl$/ ) {
        $ext_ip = infocmd_one "$httpcli -m 3";
    elsif ( $httpcli =~ /wget$/ ) {

        $ext_ip = infocmd_one "$httpcli -t 1 -T 3 -q -O -";
    infoprint "External IP           : " . $ext_ip;
    $result{'Network'}{'External Ip'} = $ext_ip;
      "External IP           : Can't check because of Internet connectivity"
      unless defined($httpcli);
    infoprint "Name Servers          : "
      . infocmd_one "grep 'nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf \| awk '{print \$2}'";
    infoprint "Logged In users       : ";
    infocmd_tab "who";
    $result{'OS'}{'Logged users'} = `who`;
    infoprint "Ram Usages in Mb      : ";
    infocmd_tab "free -m | grep -v +";
    $result{'OS'}{'Free Memory RAM'} = `free -m | grep -v +`;
    infoprint "Load Average          : ";
    infocmd_tab "top -n 1 -b | grep 'load average:'";
    $result{'OS'}{'Load Average'} = `top -n 1 -b | grep 'load average:'`;

    infoprint "System Uptime         : ";
    infocmd_tab "uptime";
    $result{'OS'}{'Uptime'} = `uptime`;

sub system_recommendations {
    return if ( $opt{sysstat} == 0 );
    subheaderprint "System Linux Recommendations";
    my $os = `uname`;
    unless ( $os =~ /Linux/i ) {
        infoprint "Skipped due to non Linux server";
    prettyprint "Look for related Linux system recommendations";

    #prettyprint '-'x78;
    my $omem = get_other_process_memory;
    infoprint "User process except mysqld used "
      . hr_bytes_rnd($omem) . " RAM.";
    if ( ( 0.15 * $physical_memory ) < $omem ) {
"Other user process except mysqld used more than 15% of total physical memory "
          . percentage( $omem, $physical_memory ) . "% ("
          . hr_bytes_rnd($omem) . " / "
          . hr_bytes_rnd($physical_memory) . ")";
        push( @generalrec,
"Consider stopping or dedicate server for additional process other than mysqld."
        push( @adjvars,
    else {
"Other user process except mysqld used less than 15% of total physical memory "
          . percentage( $omem, $physical_memory ) . "% ("
          . hr_bytes_rnd($omem) . " / "
          . hr_bytes_rnd($physical_memory) . ")";

    if ( $opt{'maxportallowed'} > 0 ) {
        my @opened_ports = get_opened_ports;
        infoprint "There is "
          . scalar @opened_ports
          . " listening port(s) on this server.";
        if ( scalar(@opened_ports) > $opt{'maxportallowed'} ) {
            badprint "There is too many listening ports: "
              . scalar(@opened_ports)
              . " opened > "
              . $opt{'maxportallowed'}
              . "allowed.";
            push( @generalrec,
"Consider dedicating a server for your database installation with less services running on !"
        else {
            goodprint "There is less than "
              . $opt{'maxportallowed'}
              . " opened ports on this server.";

    foreach my $banport (@banned_ports) {
        if ( is_open_port($banport) ) {
            badprint "Banned port: $banport is opened..";
            push( @generalrec,
"Port $banport is opened. Consider stopping program handling this port."
        else {
            goodprint "$banport is not opened.";


sub security_recommendations {
    subheaderprint "Security Recommendations";

    if ( mysql_version_eq(8) ) {
        infoprint "Skipped due to unsupported feature for MySQL 8";

    #exit 0;
    if ( $opt{skippassword} eq 1 ) {
        infoprint "Skipped due to --skippassword option";

    my $PASS_COLUMN_NAME = 'password';
    if ( $myvar{'version'} =~ /5\.7|10\..*MariaDB*/ ) {
"IF(plugin='mysql_native_password', authentication_string, password)";
    debugprint "Password column = $PASS_COLUMN_NAME";

    # Looking for Anonymous users
    my @mysqlstatlist = select_array
"SELECT CONCAT(user, '\@', host) FROM mysql.user WHERE TRIM(USER) = '' OR USER IS NULL";
    debugprint Dumper \@mysqlstatlist;

    #exit 0;
    if (@mysqlstatlist) {
        foreach my $line ( sort @mysqlstatlist ) {
            badprint "User '" . $line . "' is an anonymous account.";
        push( @generalrec,
                "Remove Anonymous User accounts - there are "
              . scalar(@mysqlstatlist)
              . " anonymous accounts." );
    else {
        goodprint "There are no anonymous accounts for any database users";
    if ( mysql_version_le( 5, 1 ) ) {
        badprint "No more password checks for MySQL version <=5.1";
        badprint "MySQL version <=5.1 are deprecated and end of support.";

    # Looking for Empty Password
    if ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 5 ) ) {
        @mysqlstatlist = select_array
"SELECT CONCAT(user, '\@', host) FROM mysql.user WHERE ($PASS_COLUMN_NAME = '' OR $PASS_COLUMN_NAME IS NULL) AND plugin NOT IN ('unix_socket', 'win_socket', 'auth_pam_compat')";
    else {
        @mysqlstatlist = select_array
    if (@mysqlstatlist) {
        foreach my $line ( sort @mysqlstatlist ) {
            badprint "User '" . $line . "' has no password set.";
        push( @generalrec,
"Set up a Password for user with the following SQL statement ( SET PASSWORD FOR 'user'\@'SpecificDNSorIp' = PASSWORD('secure_password'); )"
    else {
        goodprint "All database users have passwords assigned";

    if ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 7 ) ) {
        my $valPlugin = select_one(
"select count(*) from information_schema.plugins where PLUGIN_NAME='validate_password' AND PLUGIN_STATUS='ACTIVE'"
        if ( $valPlugin >= 1 ) {
"Bug #80860 MySQL 5.7: Avoid testing password when validate_password is activated";

    # Looking for User with user/ uppercase /capitalise user as password
    @mysqlstatlist = select_array
    if (@mysqlstatlist) {
        foreach my $line ( sort @mysqlstatlist ) {
            badprint "User '" . $line . "' has user name as password.";
        push( @generalrec,
"Set up a Secure Password for user\@host ( SET PASSWORD FOR 'user'\@'SpecificDNSorIp' = PASSWORD('secure_password'); )"

    @mysqlstatlist = select_array
      "SELECT CONCAT(user, '\@', host) FROM mysql.user WHERE HOST='%'";
    if (@mysqlstatlist) {
        foreach my $line ( sort @mysqlstatlist ) {
            badprint "User '" . $line
              . "' does not specify hostname restrictions.";
        push( @generalrec,
            "Restrict Host for user\@% to user\@SpecificDNSorIp" );

    unless ( -f $basic_password_files ) {
        badprint "There is no basic password file list!";

    my @passwords = get_basic_passwords $basic_password_files;
    infoprint "There are "
      . scalar(@passwords)
      . " basic passwords in the list.";
    my $nbins = 0;
    my $pa***eq;
    if (@passwords) {
        my $nbInterPass = 0;
        foreach my $pass (@passwords) {

            $pass =~ s/\s//g;
            $pass =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;

            # Looking for User with user/ uppercase /capitalise weak password
            @mysqlstatlist =
"SELECT CONCAT(user, '\@', host) FROM mysql.user WHERE $PASS_COLUMN_NAME = PASSWORD('"
              . $pass
              . "') OR $PASS_COLUMN_NAME = PASSWORD(UPPER('"
              . $pass
              . $pass
              . "', 1)), SUBSTRING('"
              . $pass
              . "', 2, LENGTH('"
              . $pass . "'))))";
            debugprint "There is " . scalar(@mysqlstatlist) . " items.";
            if (@mysqlstatlist) {
                foreach my $line (@mysqlstatlist) {
                    badprint "User '" . $line
                      . "' is using weak password: $pass in a lower, upper or capitalize derivative version.";
            debugprint "$nbInterPass / " . scalar(@passwords)
              if ( $nbInterPass % 1000 == 0 );
    if ( $nbins > 0 ) {
        push( @generalrec, $nbins . " user(s) used basic or weak password." );

sub get_replication_status {
    subheaderprint "Replication Metrics";
    infoprint "Galera Synchronous replication: " . $myvar{'have_galera'};
    if ( scalar( keys %myslaves ) == 0 ) {
        infoprint "No replication slave(s) for this server.";
    else {
        infoprint "This server is acting as master for "
          . scalar( keys %myslaves )
          . " server(s).";
    infoprint "Binlog format: " . $myvar{'binlog_format'};
    infoprint "XA support enabled: " . $myvar{'innodb_support_xa'};

    infoprint "Semi synchronous replication Master: "
      . (
        defined( $myvar{'rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled'} )
        ? $myvar{'rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled'}
        : 'Not Activated'
    infoprint "Semi synchronous replication Slave: "
      . (
        defined( $myvar{'rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled'} )
        ? $myvar{'rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled'}
        : 'Not Activated'
    if ( scalar( keys %myrepl ) == 0 and scalar( keys %myslaves ) == 0 ) {
        infoprint "This is a standalone server";
    if ( scalar( keys %myrepl ) == 0 ) {
          "No replication setup for this server or replication not started.";

    $result{'Replication'}{'status'} = \%myrepl;
    my ($io_running) = $myrepl{'Slave_IO_Running'};
    debugprint "IO RUNNING: $io_running ";
    my ($sql_running) = $myrepl{'Slave_SQL_Running'};
    debugprint "SQL RUNNING: $sql_running ";
    my ($seconds_behind_master) = $myrepl{'Seconds_Behind_Master'};
    debugprint "SECONDS : $seconds_behind_master ";

    if ( defined($io_running)
        and ( $io_running !~ /yes/i or $sql_running !~ /yes/i ) )
          "This replication slave is not running but seems to be configured.";
    if (   defined($io_running)
        && $io_running =~ /yes/i
        && $sql_running =~ /yes/i )
        if ( $myvar{'read_only'} eq 'OFF' ) {
"This replication slave is running with the read_only option disabled.";
        else {
"This replication slave is running with the read_only option enabled.";
        if ( $seconds_behind_master > 0 ) {
"This replication slave is lagging and slave has $seconds_behind_master second(s) behind master host.";
        else {
            goodprint "This replication slave is up to date with master.";

sub validate_mysql_version {
    ( $mysqlvermajor, $mysqlverminor, $mysqlvermicro ) =
      $myvar{'version'} =~ /^(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)|)(?:\.(\d+)|)/;
    $mysqlverminor ||= 0;
    $mysqlvermicro ||= 0;
    if ( !mysql_version_ge( 5, 1 ) ) {
        badprint "Your MySQL version "
          . $myvar{'version'}
          . " is EOL software!  Upgrade soon!";
    elsif ( ( mysql_version_ge(6) and mysql_version_le(9) )
        or mysql_version_ge(12) )
        badprint "Currently running unsupported MySQL version "
          . $myvar{'version'} . "";
    else {
        goodprint "Currently running supported MySQL version "
          . $myvar{'version'} . "";

# Checks if MySQL version is equal to (major, minor, micro)
sub mysql_version_eq {
    my ( $maj, $min, $mic ) = @_;
    return int($mysqlvermajor) == int($maj)
      if ( !defined($min) && !defined($mic) );
    return int($mysqlvermajor) == int($maj) && int($mysqlverminor) == int($min)
      if ( !defined($mic) );
    return ( int($mysqlvermajor) == int($maj)
          && int($mysqlverminor) == int($min)
          && int($mysqlvermicro) == int($mic) );

# Checks if MySQL version is greater than equal to (major, minor, micro)
sub mysql_version_ge {
    my ( $maj, $min, $mic ) = @_;
    $min ||= 0;
    $mic ||= 0;
         int($mysqlvermajor) > int($maj)
      || ( int($mysqlvermajor) == int($maj) && int($mysqlverminor) > int($min) )
      || ( int($mysqlvermajor) == int($maj)
        && int($mysqlverminor) == int($min)
        && int($mysqlvermicro) >= int($mic) );

# Checks if MySQL version is lower than equal to (major, minor, micro)
sub mysql_version_le {
    my ( $maj, $min, $mic ) = @_;
    $min ||= 0;
    $mic ||= 0;
         int($mysqlvermajor) < int($maj)
      || ( int($mysqlvermajor) == int($maj) && int($mysqlverminor) < int($min) )
      || ( int($mysqlvermajor) == int($maj)
        && int($mysqlverminor) == int($min)
        && int($mysqlvermicro) <= int($mic) );

# Checks if MySQL micro version is lower than equal to (major, minor, micro)
sub mysql_micro_version_le {
    my ( $maj, $min, $mic ) = @_;
    return $mysqlvermajor == $maj
      && ( $mysqlverminor == $min
        && $mysqlvermicro <= $mic );

# Checks for 32-bit boxes with more than 2GB of RAM
my ($arch);

sub check_architecture {
    if ( $doremote eq 1 ) { return; }
    if ( `uname` =~ /SunOS/ && `isainfo -b` =~ /64/ ) {
        $arch = 64;
        goodprint "Operating on 64-bit architecture";
    elsif ( `uname` !~ /SunOS/ && `uname -m` =~ /(64|s390x)/ ) {
        $arch = 64;
        goodprint "Operating on 64-bit architecture";
    elsif ( `uname` =~ /AIX/ && `bootinfo -K` =~ /64/ ) {
        $arch = 64;
        goodprint "Operating on 64-bit architecture";
    elsif ( `uname` =~ /NetBSD|OpenBSD/ && `sysctl -b hw.machine` =~ /64/ ) {
        $arch = 64;
        goodprint "Operating on 64-bit architecture";
    elsif ( `uname` =~ /FreeBSD/ && `sysctl -b hw.machine_arch` =~ /64/ ) {
        $arch = 64;
        goodprint "Operating on 64-bit architecture";
    elsif ( `uname` =~ /Darwin/ && `uname -m` =~ /Power Macintosh/ ) {

# Darwin box.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:57:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
        $arch = 64;
        goodprint "Operating on 64-bit architecture";
    elsif ( `uname` =~ /Darwin/ && `uname -m` =~ /x86_64/ ) {

# Darwin gibas.local 12.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.3.0: Sun Jan 6 22:37:10 PST 2013; root:xnu-2050.22.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
        $arch = 64;
        goodprint "Operating on 64-bit architecture";
    else {
        $arch = 32;
        if ( $physical_memory > 2147483648 ) {
"Switch to 64-bit OS - MySQL cannot currently use all of your RAM";
        else {
            goodprint "Operating on 32-bit architecture with less than 2GB RAM";
    $result{'OS'}{'Architecture'} = "$arch bits";


# Start up a ton of storage engine counts/statistics
my ( %enginestats, %enginecount, $fragtables );

sub check_storage_engines {
    if ( $opt{skipsize} eq 1 ) {
        subheaderprint "Storage Engine Statistics";
        infoprint "Skipped due to --skipsize option";
    subheaderprint "Storage Engine Statistics";

    my $engines;
    if ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 5 ) ) {
        my @engineresults = select_array
        foreach my $line (@engineresults) {
            my ( $engine, $engineenabled );
            ( $engine, $engineenabled ) = $line =~ /([a-zA-Z_]*)\s+([a-zA-Z]+)/;
            $result{'Engine'}{$engine}{'Enabled'} = $engineenabled;
            $engines .=
              ( $engineenabled eq "YES" || $engineenabled eq "DEFAULT" )
              ? greenwrap "+" . $engine . " "
              : redwrap "-" . $engine . " ";
    elsif ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 1, 5 ) ) {
        my @engineresults = select_array
        foreach my $line (@engineresults) {
            my ( $engine, $engineenabled );
            ( $engine, $engineenabled ) = $line =~ /([a-zA-Z_]*)\s+([a-zA-Z]+)/;
            $result{'Engine'}{$engine}{'Enabled'} = $engineenabled;
            $engines .=
              ( $engineenabled eq "YES" || $engineenabled eq "DEFAULT" )
              ? greenwrap "+" . $engine . " "
              : redwrap "-" . $engine . " ";
    else {
        $engines .=
          ( defined $myvar{'have_archive'} && $myvar{'have_archive'} eq "YES" )
          ? greenwrap "+Archive "
          : redwrap "-Archive ";
        $engines .=
          ( defined $myvar{'have_bdb'} && $myvar{'have_bdb'} eq "YES" )
          ? greenwrap "+BDB "
          : redwrap "-BDB ";
        $engines .=
          ( defined $myvar{'have_federated_engine'}
              && $myvar{'have_federated_engine'} eq "YES" )
          ? greenwrap "+Federated "
          : redwrap "-Federated ";
        $engines .=
          ( defined $myvar{'have_innodb'} && $myvar{'have_innodb'} eq "YES" )
          ? greenwrap "+InnoDB "
          : redwrap "-InnoDB ";
        $engines .=
          ( defined $myvar{'have_isam'} && $myvar{'have_isam'} eq "YES" )
          ? greenwrap "+ISAM "
          : redwrap "-ISAM ";
        $engines .=
          ( defined $myvar{'have_ndbcluster'}
              && $myvar{'have_ndbcluster'} eq "YES" )
          ? greenwrap "+NDBCluster "
          : redwrap "-NDBCluster ";

    my @dblist = grep { $_ ne 'lost+found' } select_array "SHOW DATABASES";

    $result{'Databases'}{'List'} = [@dblist];
    infoprint "Status: $engines";
    if ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 1, 5 ) ) {

# MySQL 5 servers can have table sizes calculated quickly from information schema
        my @templist = select_array

        my ( $engine, $size, $count, $dsize, $isize );
        foreach my $line (@templist) {
            ( $engine, $size, $count, $dsize, $isize ) =
              $line =~ /([a-zA-Z_]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/;
            debugprint "Engine Found: $engine";
            next unless ( defined($engine) );
            $size  = 0 unless defined($size);
            $isize = 0 unless defined($isize);
            $dsize = 0 unless defined($dsize);
            $count = 0 unless defined($count);
            $enginestats{$engine}                      = $size;
            $enginecount{$engine}                      = $count;
            $result{'Engine'}{$engine}{'Table Number'} = $count;
            $result{'Engine'}{$engine}{'Total Size'}   = $size;
            $result{'Engine'}{$engine}{'Data Size'}    = $dsize;
            $result{'Engine'}{$engine}{'Index Size'}   = $isize;
        my $not_innodb = '';
        if ( not defined $result{'Variables'}{'innodb_file_per_table'} ) {
            $not_innodb = "AND NOT ENGINE='InnoDB'";
        elsif ( $result{'Variables'}{'innodb_file_per_table'} eq 'OFF' ) {
            $not_innodb = "AND NOT ENGINE='InnoDB'";
        $result{'Tables'}{'Fragmented tables'} =
          [ select_array
"SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(TABLE_SCHEMA, '.'), TABLE_NAME),DATA_FREE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema','performance_schema', 'mysql') AND DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024>100 AND DATA_FREE*100/(DATA_LENGTH+INDEX_LENGTH+DATA_FREE) > 10 AND NOT ENGINE='MEMORY' $not_innodb"
        $fragtables = scalar @{ $result{'Tables'}{'Fragmented tables'} };

    else {

        # MySQL < 5 servers take a lot of work to get table sizes
        my @tblist;

# Now we build a database list, and loop through it to get storage engine stats for tables
        foreach my $db (@dblist) {
            if (   $db eq "information_schema"
                or $db eq "performance_schema"
                or $db eq "mysql"
                or $db eq "lost+found" )
            my @ixs = ( 1, 6, 9 );
            if ( !mysql_version_ge( 4, 1 ) ) {

                # MySQL 3.23/4.0 keeps Data_Length in the 5th (0-based) column
                @ixs = ( 1, 5, 8 );
            push( @tblist,
                map { [ (split)[@ixs] ] }
                  select_array "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM \\\`$db\\\`" );

     # Parse through the table list to generate storage engine counts/statistics
        $fragtables = 0;
        foreach my $tbl (@tblist) {
            debugprint "Data dump " . Dumper(@$tbl);
            my ( $engine, $size, $datafree ) = @$tbl;
            next if $engine eq 'NULL';
            $size     = 0 if $size eq 'NULL';
            $datafree = 0 if $datafree eq 'NULL';
            if ( defined $enginestats{$engine} ) {
                $enginestats{$engine} += $size;
                $enginecount{$engine} += 1;
            else {
                $enginestats{$engine} = $size;
                $enginecount{$engine} = 1;
            if ( $datafree > 0 ) {
    while ( my ( $engine, $size ) = each(%enginestats) ) {
        infoprint "Data in $engine tables: "
          . hr_bytes($size)
          . " (Tables: "
          . $enginecount{$engine} . ")" . "";

    # If the storage engine isn't being used, recommend it to be disabled
    if (  !defined $enginestats{'InnoDB'}
        && defined $myvar{'have_innodb'}
        && $myvar{'have_innodb'} eq "YES" )
        badprint "InnoDB is enabled but isn't being used";
        push( @generalrec,
            "Add skip-innodb to MySQL configuration to disable InnoDB" );
    if (  !defined $enginestats{'BerkeleyDB'}
        && defined $myvar{'have_bdb'}
        && $myvar{'have_bdb'} eq "YES" )
        badprint "BDB is enabled but isn't being used";
        push( @generalrec,
            "Add skip-bdb to MySQL configuration to disable BDB" );
    if (  !defined $enginestats{'ISAM'}
        && defined $myvar{'have_isam'}
        && $myvar{'have_isam'} eq "YES" )
        badprint "MYISAM is enabled but isn't being used";
        push( @generalrec,
"Add skip-isam to MySQL configuration to disable ISAM (MySQL > 4.1.0)"

    # Fragmented tables
    if ( $fragtables > 0 ) {
        badprint "Total fragmented tables: $fragtables";
        push( @generalrec,
            "Run OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment tables for better performance" );
        my $total_free = 0;
        foreach my $table_line ( @{ $result{'Tables'}{'Fragmented tables'} } ) {
            my ( $full_table_name, $data_free ) = split( /\s+/, $table_line );
            $data_free = 0 if ( !defined($data_free) or $data_free eq '' );
            $data_free = $data_free / 1024 / 1024;
            $total_free += $data_free;
            my ( $table_schema, $table_name ) = split( /\./, $full_table_name );
            push( @generalrec,
"  OPTIMIZE TABLE `$table_schema`.`$table_name`; -- can free $data_free MB"
        push( @generalrec,
            "Total freed space after theses OPTIMIZE TABLE : $total_free Mb" );
    else {
        goodprint "Total fragmented tables: $fragtables";

    # Auto increments
    my %tblist;

    # Find the maximum integer
    my $maxint = select_one "SELECT ~0";
    $result{'MaxInt'} = $maxint;

# Now we use a database list, and loop through it to get storage engine stats for tables
    foreach my $db (@dblist) {

        if ( !$tblist{$db} ) {
            $tblist{$db} = ();

        if ( $db eq "information_schema" ) { next; }
        my @ia = ( 0, 10 );
        if ( !mysql_version_ge( 4, 1 ) ) {

            # MySQL 3.23/4.0 keeps Data_Length in the 5th (0-based) column
            @ia = ( 0, 9 );
            @{ $tblist{$db} },
            map { [ (split)[@ia] ] }
              select_array "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM \\\`$db\\\`"

    my @dbnames = keys %tblist;

    foreach my $db (@dbnames) {
        foreach my $tbl ( @{ $tblist{$db} } ) {
            my ( $name, $autoincrement ) = @$tbl;

            if ( $autoincrement =~ /^\d+?$/ ) {
                my $percent = percentage( $autoincrement, $maxint );
                $result{'PctAutoIncrement'}{"$db.$name"} = $percent;
                if ( $percent >= 75 ) {
"Table '$db.$name' has an autoincrement value near max capacity ($percent%)";


my %mycalc;

sub calculations {
    if ( $mystat{'Questions'} < 1 ) {
          "Your server has not answered any queries - cannot continue...";
        exit 2;

    # Per-thread memory
    if ( mysql_version_ge(4) ) {
        $mycalc{'per_thread_buffers'} =
          $myvar{'read_buffer_size'} +
          $myvar{'read_rnd_buffer_size'} +
          $myvar{'sort_buffer_size'} +
          $myvar{'thread_stack'} +
    else {
        $mycalc{'per_thread_buffers'} =
          $myvar{'record_buffer'} +
          $myvar{'record_rnd_buffer'} +
          $myvar{'sort_buffer'} +
          $myvar{'thread_stack'} +
    $mycalc{'total_per_thread_buffers'} =
      $mycalc{'per_thread_buffers'} * $myvar{'max_connections'};
    $mycalc{'max_total_per_thread_buffers'} =
      $mycalc{'per_thread_buffers'} * $mystat{'Max_used_connections'};

    # Server-wide memory
    $mycalc{'max_tmp_table_size'} =
      ( $myvar{'tmp_table_size'} > $myvar{'max_heap_table_size'} )
      ? $myvar{'max_heap_table_size'}
      : $myvar{'tmp_table_size'};
    $mycalc{'server_buffers'} =
      $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} + $mycalc{'max_tmp_table_size'};
    $mycalc{'server_buffers'} +=
      ( defined $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} )
      ? $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'}
      : 0;
    $mycalc{'server_buffers'} +=
      ( defined $myvar{'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size'} )
      ? $myvar{'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size'}
      : 0;
    $mycalc{'server_buffers'} +=
      ( defined $myvar{'innodb_log_buffer_size'} )
      ? $myvar{'innodb_log_buffer_size'}
      : 0;
    $mycalc{'server_buffers'} +=
      ( defined $myvar{'query_cache_size'} ) ? $myvar{'query_cache_size'} : 0;
    $mycalc{'server_buffers'} +=
      ( defined $myvar{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'} )
      ? $myvar{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'}
      : 0;

# Global memory
# Max used memory is memory used by MySQL based on Max_used_connections
# This is the max memory used theoretically calculated with the max concurrent connection number reached by mysql
    $mycalc{'max_used_memory'} =
      $mycalc{'server_buffers'} +
      $mycalc{"max_total_per_thread_buffers"} +

    #   + get_gcache_memory();
    $mycalc{'pct_max_used_memory'} =
      percentage( $mycalc{'max_used_memory'}, $physical_memory );

# Total possible memory is memory needed by MySQL based on max_connections
# This is the max memory MySQL can theoretically used if all connections allowed has opened by mysql
    $mycalc{'max_peak_memory'} =
      $mycalc{'server_buffers'} +
      $mycalc{'total_per_thread_buffers'} +

    # +  get_gcache_memory();
    $mycalc{'pct_max_physical_memory'} =
      percentage( $mycalc{'max_peak_memory'}, $physical_memory );

    debugprint "Max Used Memory: "
      . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_used_memory'} ) . "";
    debugprint "Max Used Percentage RAM: "
      . $mycalc{'pct_max_used_memory'} . "%";

    debugprint "Max Peak Memory: "
      . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_peak_memory'} ) . "";
    debugprint "Max Peak Percentage RAM: "
      . $mycalc{'pct_max_physical_memory'} . "%";

    # Slow queries
    $mycalc{'pct_slow_queries'} =
      int( ( $mystat{'Slow_queries'} / $mystat{'Questions'} ) * 100 );

    # Connections
    $mycalc{'pct_connections_used'} = int(
        ( $mystat{'Max_used_connections'} / $myvar{'max_connections'} ) * 100 );
    $mycalc{'pct_connections_used'} =
      ( $mycalc{'pct_connections_used'} > 100 )
      ? 100
      : $mycalc{'pct_connections_used'};

    # Aborted Connections
    $mycalc{'pct_connections_aborted'} =
      percentage( $mystat{'Aborted_connects'}, $mystat{'Connections'} );
    debugprint "Aborted_connects: " . $mystat{'Aborted_connects'} . "";
    debugprint "Connections: " . $mystat{'Connections'} . "";
    debugprint "pct_connections_aborted: "
      . $mycalc{'pct_connections_aborted'} . "";

    # Key buffers
    if ( mysql_version_ge( 4, 1 ) && $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} = sprintf(
                1 - (
                        $mystat{'Key_blocks_unused'} *
                    ) / $myvar{'key_buffer_size'}
            ) * 100
    else {
        $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} = 0;

    if ( $mystat{'Key_read_requests'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'pct_keys_from_mem'} = sprintf(
                100 - (
                    ( $mystat{'Key_reads'} / $mystat{'Key_read_requests'} ) *
    else {
        $mycalc{'pct_keys_from_mem'} = 0;
    if ( defined $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_read_requests'}
        && $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_read_requests'} > 0 )
        $mycalc{'pct_aria_keys_from_mem'} = sprintf(
                100 - (
                        $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_reads'} /
                    ) * 100
    else {
        $mycalc{'pct_aria_keys_from_mem'} = 0;

    if ( $mystat{'Key_write_requests'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'pct_wkeys_from_mem'} = sprintf( "%.1f",
            ( ( $mystat{'Key_writes'} / $mystat{'Key_write_requests'} ) * 100 )
    else {
        $mycalc{'pct_wkeys_from_mem'} = 0;

    if ( $doremote eq 0 and !mysql_version_ge(5) ) {
        my $size = 0;
        $size += (split)[0]
`find $myvar{'datadir'} -name "*.MYI" 2>&1 | xargs du -L $duflags 2>&1`;
        $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} = $size;
        $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'}   = 0;
    elsif ( mysql_version_ge(5) ) {
        $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} = select_one
        $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} = select_one
"SELECT IFNULL(SUM(INDEX_LENGTH),0) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema') AND ENGINE = 'Aria';";
    if ( defined $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'}
        and $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} == 0 )
        $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} = "fail";
    elsif ( defined $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} ) {
        chomp( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} );
    if ( defined $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'}
        and $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} == 0 )
        $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} = 1;
    elsif ( defined $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} ) {
        chomp( $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} );

    # Query cache
    if ( mysql_version_ge(8) and mysql_version_le(10) ) {
        $mycalc{'query_cache_efficiency'} = 0;
    elsif ( mysql_version_ge(4) ) {
        $mycalc{'query_cache_efficiency'} = sprintf(
                $mystat{'Qcache_hits'} /
                  ( $mystat{'Com_select'} + $mystat{'Qcache_hits'} )
            ) * 100
        if ( $myvar{'query_cache_size'} ) {
            $mycalc{'pct_query_cache_used'} = sprintf(
                100 - (
                    $mystat{'Qcache_free_memory'} / $myvar{'query_cache_size'}
                ) * 100
        if ( $mystat{'Qcache_lowmem_prunes'} == 0 ) {
            $mycalc{'query_cache_prunes_per_day'} = 0;
        else {
            $mycalc{'query_cache_prunes_per_day'} = int(
                $mystat{'Qcache_lowmem_prunes'} / ( $mystat{'Uptime'} / 86400 )

    # Sorting
    $mycalc{'total_sorts'} = $mystat{'Sort_scan'} + $mystat{'Sort_range'};
    if ( $mycalc{'total_sorts'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'pct_temp_sort_table'} = int(
            ( $mystat{'Sort_merge_passes'} / $mycalc{'total_sorts'} ) * 100 );

    # Joins
    $mycalc{'joins_without_indexes'} =
      $mystat{'Select_range_check'} + $mystat{'Select_full_join'};
    $mycalc{'joins_without_indexes_per_day'} =
      int( $mycalc{'joins_without_indexes'} / ( $mystat{'Uptime'} / 86400 ) );

    # Temporary tables
    if ( $mystat{'Created_tmp_tables'} > 0 ) {
        if ( $mystat{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'} > 0 ) {
            $mycalc{'pct_temp_disk'} = int(
                    $mystat{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'} /
                ) * 100
        else {
            $mycalc{'pct_temp_disk'} = 0;

    # Table cache
    if ( $mystat{'Opened_tables'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'table_cache_hit_rate'} =
          int( $mystat{'Open_tables'} * 100 / $mystat{'Opened_tables'} );
    else {
        $mycalc{'table_cache_hit_rate'} = 100;

    # Open files
    if ( $myvar{'open_files_limit'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'pct_files_open'} =
          int( $mystat{'Open_files'} * 100 / $myvar{'open_files_limit'} );

    # Table locks
    if ( $mystat{'Table_locks_immediate'} > 0 ) {
        if ( $mystat{'Table_locks_waited'} == 0 ) {
            $mycalc{'pct_table_locks_immediate'} = 100;
        else {
            $mycalc{'pct_table_locks_immediate'} = int(
                $mystat{'Table_locks_immediate'} * 100 / (
                    $mystat{'Table_locks_waited'} +

    # Thread cache
    $mycalc{'thread_cache_hit_rate'} =
      int( 100 -
          ( ( $mystat{'Threads_created'} / $mystat{'Connections'} ) * 100 ) );

    # Other
    if ( $mystat{'Connections'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'pct_aborted_connections'} =
          int( ( $mystat{'Aborted_connects'} / $mystat{'Connections'} ) * 100 );
    if ( $mystat{'Questions'} > 0 ) {
        $mycalc{'total_reads'} = $mystat{'Com_select'};
        $mycalc{'total_writes'} =
          $mystat{'Com_delete'} +
          $mystat{'Com_insert'} +
          $mystat{'Com_update'} +
        if ( $mycalc{'total_reads'} == 0 ) {
            $mycalc{'pct_reads'}  = 0;
            $mycalc{'pct_writes'} = 100;
        else {
            $mycalc{'pct_reads'} = int(
                    $mycalc{'total_reads'} /
                      ( $mycalc{'total_reads'} + $mycalc{'total_writes'} )
                ) * 100
            $mycalc{'pct_writes'} = 100 - $mycalc{'pct_reads'};

    # InnoDB
    if ( $myvar{'have_innodb'} eq "YES" ) {
        $mycalc{'innodb_log_size_pct'} =
          ( $myvar{'innodb_log_file_size'} *
              $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'} * 100 /
              $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} );

    # InnoDB Buffer pool read cache efficiency
      = ( 1, 1 )
      unless defined $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'};
    $mycalc{'pct_read_efficiency'} = percentage(
            $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'} -
    ) if defined $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'};
    debugprint "pct_read_efficiency: " . $mycalc{'pct_read_efficiency'} . "";
    debugprint "Innodb_buffer_pool_reads: "
      . $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'} . "";
    debugprint "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests: "
      . $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'} . "";

    # InnoDB log write cache efficiency
    ( $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'}, $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'} ) =
      ( 1, 1 )
      unless defined $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'};
    $mycalc{'pct_write_efficiency'} = percentage(
        ( $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'} - $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'} ),
    ) if defined $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'};
    debugprint "pct_write_efficiency: " . $mycalc{'pct_write_efficiency'} . "";
    debugprint "Innodb_log_writes: " . $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'} . "";
    debugprint "Innodb_log_write_requests: "
      . $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'} . "";
    $mycalc{'pct_innodb_buffer_used'} = percentage(
            $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} -
    ) if defined $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'};

    # Binlog Cache
    if ( $myvar{'log_bin'} ne 'OFF' ) {
        $mycalc{'pct_binlog_cache'} = percentage(
            $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'} - $mystat{'Binlog_cache_disk_use'},
            $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'} );

sub mysql_stats {
    subheaderprint "Performance Metrics";

    # Show uptime, queries per second, connections, traffic stats
    my $qps;
    if ( $mystat{'Uptime'} > 0 ) {
        $qps = sprintf( "%.3f", $mystat{'Questions'} / $mystat{'Uptime'} );
    push( @generalrec,
"MySQL was started within the last 24 hours - recommendations may be inaccurate"
    ) if ( $mystat{'Uptime'} < 86400 );
    infoprint "Up for: "
      . pretty_uptime( $mystat{'Uptime'} ) . " ("
      . hr_num( $mystat{'Questions'} ) . " q ["
      . hr_num($qps)
      . " qps], "
      . hr_num( $mystat{'Connections'} )
      . " conn," . " TX: "
      . hr_bytes_rnd( $mystat{'Bytes_sent'} )
      . ", RX: "
      . hr_bytes_rnd( $mystat{'Bytes_received'} ) . ")";
    infoprint "Reads / Writes: "
      . $mycalc{'pct_reads'} . "% / "
      . $mycalc{'pct_writes'} . "%";

    # Binlog Cache
    if ( $myvar{'log_bin'} eq 'OFF' ) {
        infoprint "Binary logging is disabled";
    else {
        infoprint "Binary logging is enabled (GTID MODE: "
          . ( defined( $myvar{'gtid_mode'} ) ? $myvar{'gtid_mode'} : "OFF" )
          . ")";

    # Memory usage
    infoprint "Physical Memory     : " . hr_bytes($physical_memory);
    infoprint "Max MySQL memory    : " . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_peak_memory'} );
    infoprint "Other process memory: " . hr_bytes( get_other_process_memory() );

    infoprint "Total buffers: "
      . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'server_buffers'} )
      . " global + "
      . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'per_thread_buffers'} )
      . " per thread ($myvar{'max_connections'} max threads)";
    infoprint "P_S Max memory usage: " . hr_bytes_rnd( get_pf_memory() );
    $result{'P_S'}{'memory'} = get_pf_memory();
    $result{'P_S'}{'pretty_memory'} =
      hr_bytes_rnd( get_pf_memory() );
    infoprint "Galera GCache Max memory usage: "
      . hr_bytes_rnd( get_gcache_memory() );
    $result{'Galera'}{'GCache'}{'memory'} = get_gcache_memory();
    $result{'Galera'}{'GCache'}{'pretty_memory'} =
      hr_bytes_rnd( get_gcache_memory() );

    if ( $opt{buffers} ne 0 ) {
        infoprint "Global Buffers";
        infoprint " +-- Key Buffer: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} ) . "";
        infoprint " +-- Max Tmp Table: "
          . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_tmp_table_size'} ) . "";

        if ( defined $myvar{'query_cache_type'} ) {
            infoprint "Query Cache Buffers";
            infoprint " +-- Query Cache: "
              . $myvar{'query_cache_type'} . " - "
              . (
                $myvar{'query_cache_type'} eq 0 |
                  $myvar{'query_cache_type'} eq 'OFF' ? "DISABLED"
                : (
                    $myvar{'query_cache_type'} eq 1 ? "ALL REQUESTS"
                    : "ON DEMAND"
              ) . "";
            infoprint " +-- Query Cache Size: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'query_cache_size'} ) . "";

        infoprint "Per Thread Buffers";
        infoprint " +-- Read Buffer: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'read_buffer_size'} ) . "";
        infoprint " +-- Read RND Buffer: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'read_rnd_buffer_size'} ) . "";
        infoprint " +-- Sort Buffer: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'sort_buffer_size'} ) . "";
        infoprint " +-- Thread stack: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'thread_stack'} ) . "";
        infoprint " +-- Join Buffer: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'join_buffer_size'} ) . "";
        if ( $myvar{'log_bin'} ne 'OFF' ) {
            infoprint "Binlog Cache Buffers";
            infoprint " +-- Binlog Cache: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'binlog_cache_size'} ) . "";

    if (   $arch
        && $arch == 32
        && $mycalc{'max_used_memory'} > 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
          "Allocating > 2GB RAM on 32-bit systems can cause system instability";
        badprint "Maximum reached memory usage: "
          . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_used_memory'} )
          . " ($mycalc{'pct_max_used_memory'}% of installed RAM)";
    elsif ( $mycalc{'pct_max_used_memory'} > 85 ) {
        badprint "Maximum reached memory usage: "
          . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_used_memory'} )
          . " ($mycalc{'pct_max_used_memory'}% of installed RAM)";
    else {
        goodprint "Maximum reached memory usage: "
          . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_used_memory'} )
          . " ($mycalc{'pct_max_used_memory'}% of installed RAM)";

    if ( $mycalc{'pct_max_physical_memory'} > 85 ) {
        badprint "Maximum possible memory usage: "
          . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_peak_memory'} )
          . " ($mycalc{'pct_max_physical_memory'}% of installed RAM)";
        push( @generalrec,
            "Reduce your overall MySQL memory footprint for system stability" );
    else {
        goodprint "Maximum possible memory usage: "
          . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'max_peak_memory'} )
          . " ($mycalc{'pct_max_physical_memory'}% of installed RAM)";

    if ( $physical_memory <
        ( $mycalc{'max_peak_memory'} + get_other_process_memory() ) )
          "Overall possible memory usage with other process exceeded memory";
        push( @generalrec,
            "Dedicate this server to your database for highest performance." );
    else {
"Overall possible memory usage with other process is compatible with memory available";

    # Slow queries
    if ( $mycalc{'pct_slow_queries'} > 5 ) {
        badprint "Slow queries: $mycalc{'pct_slow_queries'}% ("
          . hr_num( $mystat{'Slow_queries'} ) . "/"
          . hr_num( $mystat{'Questions'} ) . ")";
    else {
        goodprint "Slow queries: $mycalc{'pct_slow_queries'}% ("
          . hr_num( $mystat{'Slow_queries'} ) . "/"
          . hr_num( $mystat{'Questions'} ) . ")";
    if ( $myvar{'long_query_time'} > 10 ) {
        push( @adjvars, "long_query_time (<= 10)" );
    if ( defined( $myvar{'log_slow_queries'} ) ) {
        if ( $myvar{'log_slow_queries'} eq "OFF" ) {
            push( @generalrec,
                "Enable the slow query log to troubleshoot bad queries" );

    # Connections
    if ( $mycalc{'pct_connections_used'} > 85 ) {
"Highest connection usage: $mycalc{'pct_connections_used'}%  ($mystat{'Max_used_connections'}/$myvar{'max_connections'})";
        push( @adjvars,
            "max_connections (> " . $myvar{'max_connections'} . ")" );
        push( @adjvars,
            "wait_timeout (< " . $myvar{'wait_timeout'} . ")",
            "interactive_timeout (< " . $myvar{'interactive_timeout'} . ")" );
        push( @generalrec,
"Reduce or eliminate persistent connections to reduce connection usage"
    else {
"Highest usage of available connections: $mycalc{'pct_connections_used'}% ($mystat{'Max_used_connections'}/$myvar{'max_connections'})";

    # Aborted Connections
    if ( $mycalc{'pct_connections_aborted'} > 3 ) {
"Aborted connections: $mycalc{'pct_connections_aborted'}%  ($mystat{'Aborted_connects'}/$mystat{'Connections'})";
        push( @generalrec,
            "Reduce or eliminate unclosed connections and network issues" );
    else {
"Aborted connections: $mycalc{'pct_connections_aborted'}%  ($mystat{'Aborted_connects'}/$mystat{'Connections'})";

    # name resolution
    if ( defined( $result{'Variables'}{'skip_networking'} )
        && $result{'Variables'}{'skip_networking'} eq 'ON' )
"Skipped name resolution test due to skip_networking=ON in system variables.";
    elsif ( not defined( $result{'Variables'}{'skip_name_resolve'} ) ) {
"Skipped name resolution test due to missing skip_name_resolve in system variables.";
    elsif ( $result{'Variables'}{'skip_name_resolve'} eq 'OFF' ) {
"name resolution is active : a reverse name resolution is made for each new connection and can reduce performance";
        push( @generalrec,
"Configure your accounts with ip or subnets only, then update your configuration with skip-name-resolve=1"

    # Query cache
    if ( !mysql_version_ge(4) ) {

        # MySQL versions < 4.01 don't support query caching
        push( @generalrec,
            "Upgrade MySQL to version 4+ to utilize query caching" );
    elsif ( mysql_version_eq(8) ) {
        infoprint "Query cache have been removed in MySQL 8";

    elsif ( $myvar{'query_cache_size'} < 1
        and $myvar{'query_cache_type'} eq "OFF" )
"Query cache is disabled by default due to mutex contention on multiprocessor machines.";
    elsif ( $mystat{'Com_select'} == 0 ) {
          "Query cache cannot be analyzed - no SELECT statements executed";
    else {
          "Query cache may be disabled by default due to mutex contention.";
        push( @adjvars, "query_cache_size (=0)" );
        push( @adjvars, "query_cache_type (=0)" );
        if ( $mycalc{'query_cache_efficiency'} < 20 ) {
              "Query cache efficiency: $mycalc{'query_cache_efficiency'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Qcache_hits'} )
              . " cached / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Qcache_hits'} + $mystat{'Com_select'} )
              . " selects)";
            push( @adjvars,
                    "query_cache_limit (> "
                  . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'query_cache_limit'} )
                  . ", or use smaller result sets)" );
        else {
              "Query cache efficiency: $mycalc{'query_cache_efficiency'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Qcache_hits'} )
              . " cached / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Qcache_hits'} + $mystat{'Com_select'} )
              . " selects)";
        if ( $mycalc{'query_cache_prunes_per_day'} > 98 ) {
"Query cache prunes per day: $mycalc{'query_cache_prunes_per_day'}";
            if ( $myvar{'query_cache_size'} >= 128 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
                push( @generalrec,
"Increasing the query_cache size over 128M may reduce performance"
                push( @adjvars,
                        "query_cache_size (> "
                      . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'query_cache_size'} )
                      . ") [see warning above]" );
            else {
                push( @adjvars,
                        "query_cache_size (> "
                      . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'query_cache_size'} )
                      . ")" );
        else {
"Query cache prunes per day: $mycalc{'query_cache_prunes_per_day'}";

    # Sorting
    if ( $mycalc{'total_sorts'} == 0 ) {
        goodprint "No Sort requiring temporary tables";
    elsif ( $mycalc{'pct_temp_sort_table'} > 10 ) {
          "Sorts requiring temporary tables: $mycalc{'pct_temp_sort_table'}% ("
          . hr_num( $mystat{'Sort_merge_passes'} )
          . " temp sorts / "
          . hr_num( $mycalc{'total_sorts'} )
          . " sorts)";
        push( @adjvars,
                "sort_buffer_size (> "
              . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'sort_buffer_size'} )
              . ")" );
        push( @adjvars,
                "read_rnd_buffer_size (> "
              . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'read_rnd_buffer_size'} )
              . ")" );
    else {
          "Sorts requiring temporary tables: $mycalc{'pct_temp_sort_table'}% ("
          . hr_num( $mystat{'Sort_merge_passes'} )
          . " temp sorts / "
          . hr_num( $mycalc{'total_sorts'} )
          . " sorts)";

    # Joins
    if ( $mycalc{'joins_without_indexes_per_day'} > 250 ) {
          "Joins performed without indexes: $mycalc{'joins_without_indexes'}";
        push( @adjvars,
                "join_buffer_size (> "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'join_buffer_size'} )
              . ", or always use indexes with JOINs)" );
        push( @generalrec,
            "Adjust your join queries to always utilize indexes" );
    else {
        goodprint "No joins without indexes";

        # No joins have run without indexes

    # Temporary tables
    if ( $mystat{'Created_tmp_tables'} > 0 ) {
        if (   $mycalc{'pct_temp_disk'} > 25
            && $mycalc{'max_tmp_table_size'} < 256 * 1024 * 1024 )
              "Temporary tables created on disk: $mycalc{'pct_temp_disk'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'} )
              . " on disk / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Created_tmp_tables'} )
              . " total)";
            push( @adjvars,
                    "tmp_table_size (> "
                  . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'tmp_table_size'} )
                  . ")" );
            push( @adjvars,
                    "max_heap_table_size (> "
                  . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'max_heap_table_size'} )
                  . ")" );
            push( @generalrec,
"When making adjustments, make tmp_table_size/max_heap_table_size equal"
            push( @generalrec,
                "Reduce your SELECT DISTINCT queries which have no LIMIT clause"
        elsif ($mycalc{'pct_temp_disk'} > 25
            && $mycalc{'max_tmp_table_size'} >= 256 * 1024 * 1024 )
              "Temporary tables created on disk: $mycalc{'pct_temp_disk'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'} )
              . " on disk / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Created_tmp_tables'} )
              . " total)";
            push( @generalrec,
                "Temporary table size is already large - reduce result set size"
            push( @generalrec,
                "Reduce your SELECT DISTINCT queries without LIMIT clauses" );
        else {
              "Temporary tables created on disk: $mycalc{'pct_temp_disk'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'} )
              . " on disk / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Created_tmp_tables'} )
              . " total)";
    else {
        goodprint "No tmp tables created on disk";

    # Thread cache
    if ( defined( $myvar{'thread_handling'} )
        and $myvar{'thread_handling'} eq 'pool-of-threads' )
 # When thread pool is enabled, the value of the thread_cache_size variable
 # is ignored. The Threads_cached status variable contains 0 in this case.
        infoprint "Thread cache not used with thread_handling=pool-of-threads";
    else {
        if ( $myvar{'thread_cache_size'} eq 0 ) {
            badprint "Thread cache is disabled";
            push( @generalrec,
                "Set thread_cache_size to 4 as a starting value" );
            push( @adjvars, "thread_cache_size (start at 4)" );
        else {
            if ( $mycalc{'thread_cache_hit_rate'} <= 50 ) {
                  "Thread cache hit rate: $mycalc{'thread_cache_hit_rate'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Threads_created'} )
                  . " created / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Connections'} )
                  . " connections)";
                push( @adjvars,
                    "thread_cache_size (> $myvar{'thread_cache_size'})" );
            else {
                  "Thread cache hit rate: $mycalc{'thread_cache_hit_rate'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Threads_created'} )
                  . " created / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Connections'} )
                  . " connections)";

    # Table cache
    my $table_cache_var = "";
    if ( $mystat{'Open_tables'} > 0 ) {
        if ( $mycalc{'table_cache_hit_rate'} < 20 ) {
            badprint "Table cache hit rate: $mycalc{'table_cache_hit_rate'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Open_tables'} )
              . " open / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Opened_tables'} )
              . " opened)";
            if ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 1 ) ) {
                $table_cache_var = "table_open_cache";
            else {
                $table_cache_var = "table_cache";

            push( @adjvars,
                $table_cache_var . " (> " . $myvar{$table_cache_var} . ")" );
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Increase "
                  . $table_cache_var
                  . " gradually to avoid file descriptor limits" );
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Read this before increasing "
                  . $table_cache_var
                  . " over 64:" );
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Read this before increasing for MariaDB"
                  . ""
            push( @generalrec,
"This is MyISAM only table_cache scalability problem, InnoDB not affected."
            push( @generalrec,
                "See more details here:"
            push( @generalrec,
"This bug already fixed in MySQL 5.7.9 and newer MySQL versions."
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Beware that open_files_limit ("
                  . $myvar{'open_files_limit'}
                  . ") variable " );
            push( @generalrec,
                    "should be greater than $table_cache_var ("
                  . $myvar{$table_cache_var}
                  . ")" );
        else {
            goodprint "Table cache hit rate: $mycalc{'table_cache_hit_rate'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Open_tables'} )
              . " open / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Opened_tables'} )
              . " opened)";

    # Open files
    if ( defined $mycalc{'pct_files_open'} ) {
        if ( $mycalc{'pct_files_open'} > 85 ) {
            badprint "Open file limit used: $mycalc{'pct_files_open'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Open_files'} ) . "/"
              . hr_num( $myvar{'open_files_limit'} ) . ")";
            push( @adjvars,
                "open_files_limit (> " . $myvar{'open_files_limit'} . ")" );
        else {
            goodprint "Open file limit used: $mycalc{'pct_files_open'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Open_files'} ) . "/"
              . hr_num( $myvar{'open_files_limit'} ) . ")";

    # Table locks
    if ( defined $mycalc{'pct_table_locks_immediate'} ) {
        if ( $mycalc{'pct_table_locks_immediate'} < 95 ) {
"Table locks acquired immediately: $mycalc{'pct_table_locks_immediate'}%";
            push( @generalrec,
                "Optimize queries and/or use InnoDB to reduce lock wait" );
        else {
"Table locks acquired immediately: $mycalc{'pct_table_locks_immediate'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Table_locks_immediate'} )
              . " immediate / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Table_locks_waited'} +
                  $mystat{'Table_locks_immediate'} )
              . " locks)";

    # Binlog cache
    if ( defined $mycalc{'pct_binlog_cache'} ) {
        if (   $mycalc{'pct_binlog_cache'} < 90
            && $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'} > 0 )
            badprint "Binlog cache memory access: "
              . $mycalc{'pct_binlog_cache'} . "% ("
              . (
                $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'} - $mystat{'Binlog_cache_disk_use'} )
              . " Memory / "
              . $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'}
              . " Total)";
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Increase binlog_cache_size (Actual value: "
                  . $myvar{'binlog_cache_size'}
                  . ")" );
            push( @adjvars,
                    "binlog_cache_size ("
                  . hr_bytes( $myvar{'binlog_cache_size'} + 16 * 1024 * 1024 )
                  . ")" );
        else {
            goodprint "Binlog cache memory access: "
              . $mycalc{'pct_binlog_cache'} . "% ("
              . (
                $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'} - $mystat{'Binlog_cache_disk_use'} )
              . " Memory / "
              . $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'}
              . " Total)";
            debugprint "Not enough data to validate binlog cache size\n"
              if $mystat{'Binlog_cache_use'} < 10;

    # Performance options
    if ( !mysql_version_ge( 5, 1 ) ) {
        push( @generalrec, "Upgrade to MySQL 5.5+ to use asynchronous write" );
    elsif ( $myvar{'concurrent_insert'} eq "OFF" ) {
        push( @generalrec, "Enable concurrent_insert by setting it to 'ON'" );
    elsif ( $myvar{'concurrent_insert'} eq 0 ) {
        push( @generalrec, "Enable concurrent_insert by setting it to 1" );

# Recommendations for MyISAM
sub mysql_myisam {
    subheaderprint "MyISAM Metrics";

    # Key buffer usage
    if ( defined( $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} ) ) {
        if ( $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} < 90 ) {
            badprint "Key buffer used: $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'}% ("
              . hr_num( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} *
                  $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} /
                  100 )
              . " used / "
              . hr_num( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} )
              . " cache)";

#push(@adjvars,"key_buffer_size (\~ ".hr_num( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} * $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} / 100).")");
        else {
            goodprint "Key buffer used: $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'}% ("
              . hr_num( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} *
                  $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} /
                  100 )
              . " used / "
              . hr_num( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} )
              . " cache)";
    else {

        # No queries have run that would use keys
        debugprint "Key buffer used: $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'}% ("
          . hr_num(
            $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} * $mycalc{'pct_key_buffer_used'} / 100 )
          . " used / "
          . hr_num( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} )
          . " cache)";

    # Key buffer
    if ( !defined( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} ) and $doremote == 1 ) {
        push( @generalrec,
            "Unable to calculate MyISAM indexes on remote MySQL server < 5.0.0"
    elsif ( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} =~ /^fail$/ ) {
          "Cannot calculate MyISAM index size - re-run script as root user";
    elsif ( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} == "0" ) {
          "None of your MyISAM tables are indexed - add indexes immediately";
    else {
        if (   $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} < $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'}
            && $mycalc{'pct_keys_from_mem'} < 95 )
            badprint "Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} ) . "/"
              . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} ) . "";
            push( @adjvars,
                    "key_buffer_size (> "
                  . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} )
                  . ")" );
        else {
            goodprint "Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} ) . "/"
              . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} ) . "";
        if ( $mystat{'Key_read_requests'} > 0 ) {
            if ( $mycalc{'pct_keys_from_mem'} < 95 ) {
                  "Read Key buffer hit rate: $mycalc{'pct_keys_from_mem'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_read_requests'} )
                  . " cached / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_reads'} )
                  . " reads)";
            else {
                  "Read Key buffer hit rate: $mycalc{'pct_keys_from_mem'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_read_requests'} )
                  . " cached / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_reads'} )
                  . " reads)";
        else {

            # No queries have run that would use keys
            debugprint "Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'key_buffer_size'} ) . "/"
              . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'total_myisam_indexes'} ) . "";
        if ( $mystat{'Key_write_requests'} > 0 ) {
            if ( $mycalc{'pct_wkeys_from_mem'} < 95 ) {
                  "Write Key buffer hit rate: $mycalc{'pct_wkeys_from_mem'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_write_requests'} )
                  . " cached / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_writes'} )
                  . " writes)";
            else {
                  "Write Key buffer hit rate: $mycalc{'pct_wkeys_from_mem'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_write_requests'} )
                  . " cached / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_writes'} )
                  . " writes)";
        else {

            # No queries have run that would use keys
              "Write Key buffer hit rate: $mycalc{'pct_wkeys_from_mem'}% ("
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_write_requests'} )
              . " cached / "
              . hr_num( $mystat{'Key_writes'} )
              . " writes)";

# Recommendations for ThreadPool
sub mariadb_threadpool {
    subheaderprint "ThreadPool Metrics";

    # AriaDB
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_threadpool'}
        && $myvar{'have_threadpool'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "ThreadPool stat is disabled.";
    infoprint "ThreadPool stat is enabled.";
    infoprint "Thread Pool Size: " . $myvar{'thread_pool_size'} . " thread(s).";

    if ( $myvar{'version'} =~ /mariadb|percona/i ) {
        infoprint "Using default value is good enough for your version ("
          . $myvar{'version'} . ")";

    if ( $myvar{'have_innodb'} eq 'YES' ) {
        if (   $myvar{'thread_pool_size'} < 16
            or $myvar{'thread_pool_size'} > 36 )
"thread_pool_size between 16 and 36 when using InnoDB storage engine.";
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Thread pool size for InnoDB usage ("
                  . $myvar{'thread_pool_size'}
                  . ")" );
            push( @adjvars,
                "thread_pool_size between 16 and 36 for InnoDB usage" );
        else {
"thread_pool_size between 16 and 36 when using InnoDB storage engine.";
    if ( $myvar{'have_isam'} eq 'YES' ) {
        if ( $myvar{'thread_pool_size'} < 4 or $myvar{'thread_pool_size'} > 8 )
"thread_pool_size between 4 and 8 when using MyIsam storage engine.";
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Thread pool size for MyIsam usage ("
                  . $myvar{'thread_pool_size'}
                  . ")" );
            push( @adjvars,
                "thread_pool_size between 4 and 8 for MyIsam usage" );
        else {
"thread_pool_size between 4 and 8 when using MyISAM storage engine.";

sub get_pf_memory {

    # Performance Schema
    return 0 unless defined $myvar{'performance_schema'};
    return 0 if $myvar{'performance_schema'} eq 'OFF';

    my @infoPFSMemory = grep /performance_schema.memory/,
    return 0 if scalar(@infoPFSMemory) == 0;
    $infoPFSMemory[0] =~ s/.*\s+(\d+)$/$1/g;
    return $infoPFSMemory[0];

# Recommendations for Performance Schema
sub mysqsl_pfs {
    subheaderprint "Performance schema";

    # Performance Schema
    $myvar{'performance_schema'} = 'OFF'
      unless defined( $myvar{'performance_schema'} );
    unless ( $myvar{'performance_schema'} eq 'ON' ) {
        infoprint "Performance schema is disabled.";
        if ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 6 ) ) {
            push( @generalrec,
                "Performance schema should be activated for better diagnostics"
            push( @adjvars, "performance_schema = ON enable PFS" );
    else {
        if ( mysql_version_le( 5, 5 ) ) {
            push( @generalrec,
"Performance schema shouldn't be activated for MySQL and MariaDB 5.5 and lower version"
            push( @adjvars, "performance_schema = OFF disable PFS" );
    debugprint "Performance schema is " . $myvar{'performance_schema'};
    infoprint "Memory used by P_S: " . hr_bytes( get_pf_memory() );

    if ( mysql_version_eq( 10, 0 ) ) {
        push( @generalrec,
"Performance schema shouldn't be activated for MariaDB 10.0 for performance issue"
        push( @adjvars, "performance_schema = OFF disable PFS" );
    unless ( grep /^sys$/, select_array("SHOW DATABASES") ) {
        infoprint "Sys schema isn't installed.";
        push( @generalrec,
"Consider installing Sys schema from for MySQL"
        ) unless ( mysql_version_le( 5, 6 ) );
        push( @generalrec,
"Consider installing Sys schema from for MariaDB"
        ) unless ( mysql_version_eq( 10, 0 ) or  mysql_version_eq( 5, 5 )  );

    else {
        infoprint "Sys schema is installed.";
    return if ( $opt{pfstat} == 0 or $myvar{'performance_schema'} ne 'ON' );

    infoprint "Sys schema Version: "
      . select_one("select sys_version from sys.version");

    # Top user per connection
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per connection";
    my $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, total_connections from sys.user_summary order by total_connections desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery conn(s)";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per statement
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per statement";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, statements from sys.user_summary order by statements desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery stmt(s)";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per statement latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per statement latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, statement_avg_latency from sys.x\\$user_summary order by statement_avg_latency desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per lock latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per lock latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, lock_latency from sys.x\\$user_summary_by_statement_latency order by lock_latency desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per full scans
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per nb full scans";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, full_scans from sys.x\\$user_summary_by_statement_latency order by full_scans desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per row_sent
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per rows sent";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, rows_sent from sys.x\\$user_summary_by_statement_latency order by rows_sent desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per row modified
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per rows modified";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, rows_affected from sys.x\\$user_summary_by_statement_latency order by rows_affected desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per io
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per io";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, file_ios from sys.x\\$user_summary order by file_ios desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top user per io latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 user per io latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, file_io_latency from sys.x\\$user_summary order by file_io_latency desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per connection
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per connection";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, total_connections from sys.x\\$host_summary order by total_connections desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery conn(s)";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per statement
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per statement";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, statements from sys.x\\$host_summary order by statements desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery stmt(s)";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per statement latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per statement latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, statement_avg_latency from sys.x\\$host_summary order by statement_avg_latency desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per lock latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per lock latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, lock_latency from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_latency order by lock_latency desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per full scans
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per nb full scans";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, full_scans from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_latency order by full_scans desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per rows sent
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per rows sent";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, rows_sent from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_latency order by rows_sent desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per rows modified
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per rows modified";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, rows_affected from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_latency order by rows_affected desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per io
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per io";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, file_ios from sys.x\\$host_summary order by file_ios desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top 5 host per io latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per io latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, file_io_latency from sys.x\\$host_summary order by file_io_latency desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top IO type order by total io
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top IO type order by total io";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select substring(event_name,14), SUM(total)AS total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_file_io_type GROUP BY substring(event_name,14) ORDER BY total DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery i/o";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top IO type order by total latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top IO type order by total latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select substring(event_name,14), ROUND(SUM(total_latency),1) AS total_latency from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_file_io_type GROUP BY substring(event_name,14) ORDER BY total_latency DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top IO type order by max latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top IO type order by max latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select substring(event_name,14), MAX(max_latency) as max_latency from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_file_io_type GROUP BY substring(event_name,14) ORDER BY max_latency DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top Stages order by total io
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top Stages order by total io";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select substring(event_name,7), SUM(total)AS total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_stages GROUP BY substring(event_name,7) ORDER BY total DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery i/o";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top Stages order by total latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top Stages order by total latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select substring(event_name,7), ROUND(SUM(total_latency),1) AS total_latency from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_stages GROUP BY substring(event_name,7) ORDER BY total_latency DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top Stages order by avg latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top Stages order by avg latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select substring(event_name,7), MAX(avg_latency) as avg_latency from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_stages GROUP BY substring(event_name,7) ORDER BY avg_latency DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top host per table scans
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 host per table scans";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select host, table_scans from sys.x\\$host_summary order by table_scans desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # InnoDB Buffer Pool by schema
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: InnoDB Buffer Pool by schema";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select object_schema, allocated, data, pages from sys.x\\$innodb_buffer_stats_by_schema ORDER BY pages DESC'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery page(s)";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # InnoDB Buffer Pool by table
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: InnoDB Buffer Pool by table";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select object_schema,  object_name, allocated,data, pages from sys.x\\$innodb_buffer_stats_by_table ORDER BY pages DESC'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery page(s)";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Process per allocated memory
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Process per time";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, Command AS PROC, time from sys.x\\$processlist ORDER BY time DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # InnoDB Lock Waits
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: InnoDB Lock Waits";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select wait_age_secs, locked_table, locked_type, waiting_query from sys.x\\$innodb_lock_waits order by wait_age_secs DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Threads IO Latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Thread IO Latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select user, total_latency, max_latency from sys.x\\$io_by_thread_by_latency order by total_latency DESC;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # High Cost SQL statements
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 Most latency statements";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select query, avg_latency from sys.x\\$statement_analysis order by avg_latency desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top 5% slower queries
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 5 slower queries";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select query, exec_count from sys.x\\$statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile order by exec_count desc LIMIT 5'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery s";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top 10 nb statement type
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 10 nb statement type";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select statement, sum(total) as total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_type group by statement order by total desc LIMIT 10;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top statement by total latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top statement by total latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select statement, sum(total_latency) as total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_type group by statement order by total desc LIMIT 10;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top statement by lock latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top statement by lock latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select statement, sum(lock_latency) as total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_type group by statement order by total desc LIMIT 10;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top statement by full scans
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top statement by full scans";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select statement, sum(full_scans) as total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_type group by statement order by total desc LIMIT 10;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top statement by rows sent
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top statement by rows sent";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select statement, sum(rows_sent) as total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_type group by statement order by total desc LIMIT 10;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Top statement by rows modified
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top statement by rows modified";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select statement, sum(rows_affected) as total from sys.x\\$host_summary_by_statement_type group by statement order by total desc LIMIT 10;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Use temporary tables
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Some queries using temp table";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select query from sys.x\\$statements_with_temp_tables LIMIT 20'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Unused Indexes
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Unused indexes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery ( select_array('select * from sys.schema_unused_indexes') ) {
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Full table scans
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Tables with full table scans";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select * from sys.x\\$schema_tables_with_full_table_scans order by rows_full_scanned DESC'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Latest file IO by latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Latest FILE IO by latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select thread, file, latency, operation from sys.x\\$latest_file_io ORDER BY latency LIMIT 10;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # FILE by IO read bytes
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: FILE by IO read bytes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select file, total_read from sys.x\\$io_global_by_file_by_bytes order by total_read DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # FILE by IO written bytes
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: FILE by IO written bytes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select file, total_written from sys.x\\$io_global_by_file_by_bytes order by total_written DESC LIMIT 15'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # file per IO total latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: file per IO total latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select file, total_latency from sys.x\\$io_global_by_file_by_latency ORDER BY total_latency DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # file per IO read latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: file per IO read latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select file, read_latency from sys.x\\$io_global_by_file_by_latency ORDER BY read_latency DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # file per IO write latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: file per IO write latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select file, write_latency from sys.x\\$io_global_by_file_by_latency ORDER BY write_latency DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Event Wait by read bytes
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Event Wait by read bytes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select event_name, total_read from sys.x\\$io_global_by_wait_by_bytes order by total_read DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Event Wait by write bytes
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Event Wait written bytes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select event_name, total_written from sys.x\\$io_global_by_wait_by_bytes order by total_written DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # event per wait total latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: event per wait total latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select event_name, total_latency from sys.x\\$io_global_by_wait_by_latency ORDER BY total_latency DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # event per wait read latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: event per wait read latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select event_name, read_latency from sys.x\\$io_global_by_wait_by_latency ORDER BY read_latency DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # event per wait write latency
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: event per wait write latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select event_name, write_latency from sys.x\\$io_global_by_wait_by_latency ORDER BY write_latency DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 most read index
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 most read indexes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name,index_name, rows_selected from sys.x\\$schema_index_statistics ORDER BY ROWs_selected DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 most used index
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 most modified indexes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name,index_name, rows_inserted+rows_updated+rows_deleted AS changes from sys.x\\$schema_index_statistics ORDER BY rows_inserted+rows_updated+rows_deleted DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high read latency index
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 high read latency index";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name,index_name, select_latency from sys.x\\$schema_index_statistics ORDER BY select_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high insert latency index
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 most modified indexes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name,index_name, insert_latency from sys.x\\$schema_index_statistics ORDER BY insert_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high update latency index
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 high update latency index";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name,index_name, update_latency from sys.x\\$schema_index_statistics ORDER BY update_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high delete latency index
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 high delete latency index";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name,index_name, delete_latency from sys.x\\$schema_index_statistics ORDER BY delete_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 most read tables
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 most read tables";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name, rows_fetched from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics ORDER BY ROWs_fetched DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 most used tables
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 most modified tables";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name, rows_inserted+rows_updated+rows_deleted AS changes from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics ORDER BY rows_inserted+rows_updated+rows_deleted DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high read latency tables
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 high read latency tables";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name, fetch_latency from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics ORDER BY fetch_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high insert latency tables
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 high insert latency tables";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name, insert_latency from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics ORDER BY insert_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high update latency tables
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 high update latency tables";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name, update_latency from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics ORDER BY update_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # TOP 15 high delete latency tables
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 high delete latency tables";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select table_schema, table_name, delete_latency from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics ORDER BY delete_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    # Redundant indexes
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Redundant indexes";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
        select_array('use sys;select * from schema_redundant_indexes;') )
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Tables not using InnoDB buffer";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
' Select table_schema, table_name from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics_with_buffer where innodb_buffer_allocated IS NULL;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Table not using InnoDB buffer";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
' Select table_schema, table_name from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics_with_buffer where innodb_buffer_allocated IS NULL;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Table not using InnoDB buffer";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
' Select table_schema, table_name from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics_with_buffer where innodb_buffer_allocated IS NULL;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 15 Tables using InnoDB buffer";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select table_schema,table_name,innodb_buffer_allocated from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics_with_buffer where innodb_buffer_allocated IS NOT NULL ORDER BY innodb_buffer_allocated DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 15 Tables with InnoDB buffer free";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select table_schema,table_name,innodb_buffer_free from sys.x\\$schema_table_statistics_with_buffer where innodb_buffer_allocated IS NOT NULL ORDER BY innodb_buffer_free DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 15 Most executed queries";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, exec_count from sys.x\\$statement_analysis order by exec_count DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

      "Performance schema: Latest SQL queries in errors or warnings";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select query, last_seen from sys.x\\$statements_with_errors_or_warnings ORDER BY last_seen LIMIT 100;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 20 queries with full table scans";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, exec_count from sys.x\\$statements_with_full_table_scans order BY exec_count DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Last 50 queries with full table scans";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, last_seen from sys.x\\$statements_with_full_table_scans order BY last_seen DESC LIMIT 50;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 reader queries (95% percentile)";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query , rows_sent from sys.x\\$statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile ORDER BY ROWs_sent DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

      "Performance schema: TOP 15 most row look queries (95% percentile)";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, rows_examined AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile ORDER BY rows_examined DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

      "Performance schema: TOP 15 total latency queries (95% percentile)";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, total_latency AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile ORDER BY total_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

      "Performance schema: TOP 15 max latency queries (95% percentile)";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, max_latency AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile ORDER BY max_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

      "Performance schema: TOP 15 average latency queries (95% percentile)";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, avg_latency AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile ORDER BY avg_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 20 queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, exec_count from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting order BY exec_count DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Last 50 queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, last_seen from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting order BY last_seen DESC LIMIT 50;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 row sorting queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query , rows_sorted from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting ORDER BY ROWs_sorted DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 total latency queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, total_latency AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting ORDER BY total_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 merge queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, sort_merge_passes AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting ORDER BY sort_merge_passes DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

      "Performance schema: TOP 15 average sort merges queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, avg_sort_merges AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting ORDER BY avg_sort_merges DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 scans queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, sorts_using_scans AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting ORDER BY sorts_using_scans DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 range queries with sort";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, sort_using_range AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_sorting ORDER BY sort_using_range DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );



#mysql> desc statements_with_temp_tables;
#| Field                    | Type                | Null | Key | Default             | Extra |
#| query                    | longtext            | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
#| db                       | varchar(64)         | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
#| exec_count               | bigint(20) unsigned | NO   |     | NULL                |       |
#| total_latency            | text                | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
#| memory_tmp_tables        | bigint(20) unsigned | NO   |     | NULL                |       |
#| disk_tmp_tables          | bigint(20) unsigned | NO   |     | NULL                |       |
#| avg_tmp_tables_per_query | decimal(21,0)       | NO   |     | 0                   |       |
#| tmp_tables_to_disk_pct   | decimal(24,0)       | NO   |     | 0                   |       |
#| first_seen               | timestamp           | NO   |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |
#| last_seen                | timestamp           | NO   |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |
#| digest                   | varchar(32)         | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
#11 rows in set (0,01 sec)#
    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Top 20 queries with temp table";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, exec_count from sys.x\\$statements_with_temp_tables order BY exec_count DESC LIMIT 20;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: Last 50 queries with temp table";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, last_seen from sys.x\\$statements_with_temp_tables order BY last_seen DESC LIMIT 50;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

      "Performance schema: TOP 15 total latency queries with temp table";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select db, query, total_latency AS search from sys.x\\$statements_with_temp_tables ORDER BY total_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 queries with temp table to disk";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select db, query, disk_tmp_tables from sys.x\\$statements_with_temp_tables ORDER BY disk_tmp_tables DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );


#ysql> select * from wait_classes_global_by_latency;
# event_class     | total | total_latency | min_latency | avg_latency | max_latency |
# wait/io/file    | 15381 | 1.23 s        | 0 ps        | 80.12 us    | 230.64 ms   |
# wait/io/table   |    59 | 7.57 ms       | 5.45 us     | 128.24 us   | 3.95 ms     |
# wait/lock/table |    69 | 3.22 ms       | 658.84 ns   | 46.64 us    | 1.10 ms     |
# rows in set (0,00 sec)

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 class events by number";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select event_class, total from sys.x\\$wait_classes_global_by_latency ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 30 events by number";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select events, total from sys.x\\$waits_global_by_latency ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 30;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 class events by total latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select event_class, total_latency from sys.x\\$wait_classes_global_by_latency ORDER BY total_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 30 events by total latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'use sys;select events, total_latency from sys.x\\$waits_global_by_latency ORDER BY total_latency DESC LIMIT 30;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 15 class events by max latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select event_class, max_latency from sys.x\\$wait_classes_global_by_latency ORDER BY max_latency DESC LIMIT 15;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );

    subheaderprint "Performance schema: TOP 30 events by max latency";
    $nbL = 1;
    for my $lQuery (
'select events, max_latency from sys.x\\$waits_global_by_latency ORDER BY max_latency DESC LIMIT 30;'
        infoprint " +-- $nbL: $lQuery";
    infoprint "No information found or indicators deactivated."
      if ( $nbL == 1 );


# Recommendations for Ariadb
sub mariadb_ariadb {
    subheaderprint "AriaDB Metrics";

    # AriaDB
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_aria'}
        and $myvar{'have_aria'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "AriaDB is disabled.";
    infoprint "AriaDB is enabled.";

    # Aria pagecache
    if ( !defined( $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} ) and $doremote == 1 ) {
        push( @generalrec,
            "Unable to calculate Aria indexes on remote MySQL server < 5.0.0" );
    elsif ( $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} =~ /^fail$/ ) {
          "Cannot calculate Aria index size - re-run script as root user";
    elsif ( $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} == "0" ) {
          "None of your Aria tables are indexed - add indexes immediately";
    else {
        if (
            $myvar{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'} < $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'}
            && $mycalc{'pct_aria_keys_from_mem'} < 95 )
            badprint "Aria pagecache size / total Aria indexes: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'} ) . "/"
              . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} ) . "";
            push( @adjvars,
                    "aria_pagecache_buffer_size (> "
                  . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} )
                  . ")" );
        else {
            goodprint "Aria pagecache size / total Aria indexes: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'} ) . "/"
              . hr_bytes( $mycalc{'total_aria_indexes'} ) . "";
        if ( $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_read_requests'} > 0 ) {
            if ( $mycalc{'pct_aria_keys_from_mem'} < 95 ) {
"Aria pagecache hit rate: $mycalc{'pct_aria_keys_from_mem'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_read_requests'} )
                  . " cached / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_reads'} )
                  . " reads)";
            else {
"Aria pagecache hit rate: $mycalc{'pct_aria_keys_from_mem'}% ("
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_read_requests'} )
                  . " cached / "
                  . hr_num( $mystat{'Aria_pagecache_reads'} )
                  . " reads)";
        else {

            # No queries have run that would use keys

# Recommendations for TokuDB
sub mariadb_tokudb {
    subheaderprint "TokuDB Metrics";

    # AriaDB
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_tokudb'}
        && $myvar{'have_tokudb'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "TokuDB is disabled.";
    infoprint "TokuDB is enabled.";

    # All is to done here

# Recommendations for XtraDB
sub mariadb_xtradb {
    subheaderprint "XtraDB Metrics";

    # XtraDB
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_xtradb'}
        && $myvar{'have_xtradb'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "XtraDB is disabled.";
    infoprint "XtraDB is enabled.";
    infoprint "Note that MariaDB 10.2 makes use of InnoDB, not XtraDB."

      # All is to done here

# Recommendations for RocksDB
sub mariadb_rockdb {
    subheaderprint "RocksDB Metrics";

    # RocksDB
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_rocksdb'}
        && $myvar{'have_rocksdb'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "RocksDB is disabled.";
    infoprint "RocksDB is enabled.";

    # All is to do here

# Recommendations for Spider
sub mariadb_spider {
    subheaderprint "Spider Metrics";

    # Spider
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_spider'}
        && $myvar{'have_spider'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "Spider is disabled.";
    infoprint "Spider is enabled.";

    # All is to do here

# Recommendations for Connect
sub mariadb_connect {
    subheaderprint "Connect Metrics";

    # Connect
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_connect'}
        && $myvar{'have_connect'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "Connect is disabled.";
    infoprint "Connect is enabled.";

    # All is to do here

# Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
sub trim {
    my $string = shift;
    return "" unless defined($string);
    $string =~ s/^\s+//;
    $string =~ s/\s+$//;
    return $string;

sub get_wsrep_options {
    return () unless defined $myvar{'wsrep_provider_options'};

    my @galera_options = split /;/, $myvar{'wsrep_provider_options'};
    my $wsrep_slave_threads = $myvar{'wsrep_slave_threads'};
    push @galera_options, ' wsrep_slave_threads = ' . $wsrep_slave_threads;
    @galera_options = remove_cr @galera_options;
    @galera_options = remove_empty @galera_options;
    debugprint Dumper( \@galera_options );
    return @galera_options;

sub get_gcache_memory {
    my $gCacheMem = hr_raw( get_wsrep_option('gcache.size') );

    return 0 unless defined $gCacheMem and $gCacheMem ne '';
    return $gCacheMem;

sub get_wsrep_option {
    my $key = shift;
    return '' unless defined $myvar{'wsrep_provider_options'};
    my @galera_options = get_wsrep_options;
    return '' unless scalar(@galera_options) > 0;
    my @memValues = grep /\s*$key =/, @galera_options;
    my $memValue = $memValues[0];
    return 0 unless defined $memValue;
    $memValue =~ s/.*=\s*(.+)$/$1/g;
    return $memValue;

# Recommendations for Galera
sub mariadb_galera {
    subheaderprint "Galera Metrics";

    # Galera Cluster
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_galera'}
        && $myvar{'have_galera'} eq "YES" )
        infoprint "Galera is disabled.";
    infoprint "Galera is enabled.";
    debugprint "Galera variables:";
    foreach my $gvar ( keys %myvar ) {
        next unless $gvar =~ /^wsrep.*/;
        next if $gvar eq 'wsrep_provider_options';
        debugprint "\t" . trim($gvar) . " = " . $myvar{$gvar};
        $result{'Galera'}{'variables'}{$gvar} = $myvar{$gvar};
    if ( not defined( $myvar{'wsrep_on'} ) or $myvar{'wsrep_on'} ne "ON" ) {
        infoprint "Galera is disabled.";
    debugprint "Galera wsrep provider Options:";
    my @galera_options = get_wsrep_options;
    $result{'Galera'}{'wsrep options'} = get_wsrep_options();
    foreach my $gparam (@galera_options) {
        debugprint "\t" . trim($gparam);
    debugprint "Galera status:";
    foreach my $gstatus ( keys %mystat ) {
        next unless $gstatus =~ /^wsrep.*/;
        debugprint "\t" . trim($gstatus) . " = " . $mystat{$gstatus};
        $result{'Galera'}{'status'}{$gstatus} = $myvar{$gstatus};
    infoprint "GCache is using "
      . hr_bytes_rnd( get_wsrep_option('gcache.mem_size') );

    #my @primaryKeysNbTables=();
    my @primaryKeysNbTables = select_array(
        "Select CONCAT(c.table_schema,CONCAT('.', c.table_name))
from information_schema.columns c
join information_schema.tables t using (TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME)
where c.table_schema not in ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema')
  and t.table_type != 'VIEW'
group by c.table_schema,c.table_name
having sum(if(c.column_key in ('PRI','UNI'), 1,0)) = 0"

    infoprint "CPU core detected  : " . (cpu_cores);
    infoprint "wsrep_slave_threads: " . get_wsrep_option('wsrep_slave_threads');
    if (   get_wsrep_option('wsrep_slave_threads') > ( (cpu_cores) * 4 )
        or get_wsrep_option('wsrep_slave_threads') < ( (cpu_cores) * 2 ) )
"wsrep_slave_threads is not equal to 2, 3 or 4 times number of CPU(s)";
        push @adjvars, "wsrep_slave_threads = " . ( (cpu_cores) * 4 );
    else {
          "wsrep_slave_threads is equal to 2, 3 or 4 times number of CPU(s)";

    if ( get_wsrep_option('gcs.fc_limit') !=
        get_wsrep_option('wsrep_slave_threads') * 5 )
        badprint "gcs.fc_limit should be equal to 5 * wsrep_slave_threads";
        push @adjvars, "gcs.fc_limit= wsrep_slave_threads * 5";
    else {
        goodprint "gcs.fc_limit should be equal to 5 * wsrep_slave_threads";

    if ( get_wsrep_option('wsrep_slave_threads') > 1 ) {
          "wsrep parallel slave can cause frequent inconsistency crash.";
        push @adjvars,
"Set wsrep_slave_threads to 1 in case of HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY crash on slave";

        # check options for parallel slave
        if ( get_wsrep_option('wsrep_slave_FK_checks') eq "OFF" ) {
            badprint "wsrep_slave_FK_checks is off with parallel slave";
            push @adjvars,
              "wsrep_slave_FK_checks should be ON when using parallel slave";

        # wsrep_slave_UK_checks seems useless in MySQL source code
        if ( $myvar{'innodb_autoinc_lock_mode'} != 2 ) {
              "innodb_autoinc_lock_mode is incorrect with parallel slave";
            push @adjvars,
              "innodb_autoinc_lock_mode should be 2 when using parallel slave";

    if ( get_wsrep_option('gcs.fc_limit') != $myvar{'wsrep_slave_threads'} * 5 )
        badprint "gcs.fc_limit should be equal to 5 * wsrep_slave_threads";
        push @adjvars, "gcs.fc_limit= wsrep_slave_threads * 5";
    else {
        goodprint "gcs.fc_limit is equal to 5 * wsrep_slave_threads";

    if ( get_wsrep_option('gcs.fc_factor') != 0.8 ) {
        badprint "gcs.fc_factor should be equal to 0.8";
        push @adjvars, "gcs.fc_factor=0.8";
    else {
        goodprint "gcs.fc_factor is equal to 0.8";
    if ( get_wsrep_option('wsrep_flow_control_paused') > 0.02 ) {
        badprint "Fraction of time node pause flow control > 0.02";
    else {
"Flow control fraction seems to be OK (wsrep_flow_control_paused<=0.02)";

    if ( scalar(@primaryKeysNbTables) > 0 ) {
        badprint "Following table(s) don't have primary key:";
        foreach my $badtable (@primaryKeysNbTables) {
            badprint "\t$badtable";
            push @{ $result{'Tables without PK'} }, $badtable;
    else {
        goodprint "All tables get a primary key";
    my @nonInnoDBTables = select_array(
"select CONCAT(table_schema,CONCAT('.', table_name)) from information_schema.tables where ENGINE <> 'InnoDB' and table_schema not in ('mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema')"
    if ( scalar(@nonInnoDBTables) > 0 ) {
        badprint "Following table(s) are not InnoDB table:";
        push @generalrec,
          "Ensure that all table(s) are InnoDB tables for Galera replication";
        foreach my $badtable (@nonInnoDBTables) {
            badprint "\t$badtable";
    else {
        goodprint "All tables are InnoDB tables";
    if ( $myvar{'binlog_format'} ne 'ROW' ) {
        badprint "Binlog format should be in ROW mode.";
        push @adjvars, "binlog_format = ROW";
    else {
        goodprint "Binlog format is in ROW mode.";
    if ( $myvar{'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit'} != 0 ) {
        badprint "InnoDB flush log at each commit should be disabled.";
        push @adjvars, "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0";
    else {
        goodprint "InnoDB flush log at each commit is disabled for Galera.";

    infoprint "Read consistency mode :" . $myvar{'wsrep_causal_reads'};

    if ( defined( $myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'} )
        and $myvar{'wsrep_on'} eq "ON" )
        goodprint "Galera WsREP is enabled.";
        if ( defined( $myvar{'wsrep_cluster_address'} )
            and trim("$myvar{'wsrep_cluster_address'}") ne "" )
            goodprint "Galera Cluster address is defined: "
              . $myvar{'wsrep_cluster_address'};
            my @NodesTmp = split /,/, $myvar{'wsrep_cluster_address'};
            my $nbNodes = @NodesTmp;
            infoprint "There are $nbNodes nodes in wsrep_cluster_address";
            my $nbNodesSize = trim( $mystat{'wsrep_cluster_size'} );
            if ( $nbNodesSize == 3 or $nbNodesSize == 5 ) {
                goodprint "There are $nbNodesSize nodes in wsrep_cluster_size.";
            else {
"There are $nbNodesSize nodes in wsrep_cluster_size. Prefer 3 or 5 nodes architecture.";
                push @generalrec, "Prefer 3 or 5 nodes architecture.";

            # wsrep_cluster_address doesn't include garbd nodes
            if ( $nbNodes > $nbNodesSize ) {
"All cluster nodes are not detected. wsrep_cluster_size less then node count in wsrep_cluster_address";
            else {
                goodprint "All cluster nodes detected.";
        else {
            badprint "Galera Cluster address is undefined";
            push @adjvars,
              "set up wsrep_cluster_address variable for Galera replication";
        if ( defined( $myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'} )
            and trim( $myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'} ) ne "" )
            goodprint "Galera Cluster name is defined: "
              . $myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'};
        else {
            badprint "Galera Cluster name is undefined";
            push @adjvars,
              "set up wsrep_cluster_name variable for Galera replication";
        if ( defined( $myvar{'wsrep_node_name'} )
            and trim( $myvar{'wsrep_node_name'} ) ne "" )
            goodprint "Galera Node name is defined: "
              . $myvar{'wsrep_node_name'};
        else {
            badprint "Galera node name is undefined";
            push @adjvars,
              "set up wsrep_node_name variable for Galera replication";
        if ( trim( $myvar{'wsrep_notify_cmd'} ) ne "" ) {
            goodprint "Galera Notify command is defined.";
        else {
            badprint "Galera Notify command is not defined.";
            push( @adjvars, "set up parameter wsrep_notify_cmd to be notify" );
        if (    trim( $myvar{'wsrep_sst_method'} ) !~ "^xtrabackup.*"
            and trim( $myvar{'wsrep_sst_method'} ) !~ "^mariabackup" )
            badprint "Galera SST method is not xtrabackup based.";
            push( @adjvars,
"set up parameter wsrep_sst_method to xtrabackup based parameter"
        else {
            goodprint "SST Method is based on xtrabackup.";
        if (
                defined( $myvar{'wsrep_OSU_method'} )
                && trim( $myvar{'wsrep_OSU_method'} ) eq "TOI"
            || ( defined( $myvar{'wsrep_osu_method'} )
                && trim( $myvar{'wsrep_osu_method'} ) eq "TOI" )
            goodprint "TOI is default mode for upgrade.";
        else {
            badprint "Schema upgrade are not replicated automatically";
            push( @adjvars, "set up parameter wsrep_OSU_method to TOI" );
        infoprint "Max WsRep message : "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'wsrep_max_ws_size'} );
    else {
        badprint "Galera WsREP is disabled";

    if ( defined( $mystat{'wsrep_connected'} )
        and $mystat{'wsrep_connected'} eq "ON" )
        goodprint "Node is connected";
    else {
        badprint "Node is disconnected";
    if ( defined( $mystat{'wsrep_ready'} ) and $mystat{'wsrep_ready'} eq "ON" )
        goodprint "Node is ready";
    else {
        badprint "Node is not ready";
    infoprint "Cluster status :" . $mystat{'wsrep_cluster_status'};
    if ( defined( $mystat{'wsrep_cluster_status'} )
        and $mystat{'wsrep_cluster_status'} eq "Primary" )
        goodprint "Galera cluster is consistent and ready for operations";
    else {
        badprint "Cluster is not consistent and ready";
    if ( $mystat{'wsrep_local_state_uuid'} eq
        $mystat{'wsrep_cluster_state_uuid'} )
        goodprint "Node and whole cluster at the same level: "
          . $mystat{'wsrep_cluster_state_uuid'};
    else {
        badprint "Node and whole cluster not the same level";
        infoprint "Node    state uuid: " . $mystat{'wsrep_local_state_uuid'};
        infoprint "Cluster state uuid: " . $mystat{'wsrep_cluster_state_uuid'};
    if ( $mystat{'wsrep_local_state_comment'} eq 'Synced' ) {
        goodprint "Node is synced with whole cluster.";
    else {
        badprint "Node is not synced";
        infoprint "Node State : " . $mystat{'wsrep_local_state_comment'};
    if ( $mystat{'wsrep_local_cert_failures'} == 0 ) {
        goodprint "There is no certification failures detected.";
    else {
        badprint "There is "
          . $mystat{'wsrep_local_cert_failures'}
          . " certification failure(s)detected.";

    for my $key ( keys %mystat ) {
        if ( $key =~ /wsrep_|galera/i ) {
            debugprint "WSREP: $key = $mystat{$key}";
    debugprint Dumper get_wsrep_options();

# Recommendations for InnoDB
sub mysql_innodb {
    subheaderprint "InnoDB Metrics";

    # InnoDB
    unless ( defined $myvar{'have_innodb'}
        && $myvar{'have_innodb'} eq "YES"
        && defined $enginestats{'InnoDB'} )
        infoprint "InnoDB is disabled.";
        if ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 5 ) ) {
"InnoDB Storage engine is disabled. InnoDB is the default storage engine";
    infoprint "InnoDB is enabled.";

    if ( $opt{buffers} ne 0 ) {
        infoprint "InnoDB Buffers";
        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Buffer Pool: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} ) . "";
        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Buffer Pool Instances: "
              . $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} . "";

        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Buffer Pool Chunk Size: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size'} ) . "";
        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Additional Mem Pool: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size'} ) . "";
        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_log_file_size'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Log File Size: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_log_file_size'} );
        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Log File In Group: "
              . $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'};
        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Total Log File Size: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'} *
                  $myvar{'innodb_log_file_size'} )
              . "("
              . $mycalc{'innodb_log_size_pct'}
              . " % of buffer pool)";
        if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_log_buffer_size'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Log Buffer: "
              . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_log_buffer_size'} );
        if ( defined $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Log Buffer Free: "
              . hr_bytes( $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'} ) . "";
        if ( defined $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} ) {
            infoprint " +-- InnoDB Log Buffer Used: "
              . hr_bytes( $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} ) . "";
    if ( defined $myvar{'innodb_thread_concurrency'} ) {
        infoprint "InnoDB Thread Concurrency: "
          . $myvar{'innodb_thread_concurrency'};

    # InnoDB Buffer Pool Size
    if ( $myvar{'innodb_file_per_table'} eq "ON" ) {
        goodprint "InnoDB File per table is activated";
    else {
        badprint "InnoDB File per table is not activated";
        push( @adjvars, "innodb_file_per_table=ON" );

    # InnoDB Buffer Pool Size
    if ( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} > $enginestats{'InnoDB'} ) {
        goodprint "InnoDB buffer pool / data size: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} ) . "/"
          . hr_bytes( $enginestats{'InnoDB'} ) . "";
    else {
        badprint "InnoDB buffer pool / data size: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} ) . "/"
          . hr_bytes( $enginestats{'InnoDB'} ) . "";
        push( @adjvars,
                "innodb_buffer_pool_size (>= "
              . hr_bytes( $enginestats{'InnoDB'} )
              . ") if possible." );
    if (   $mycalc{'innodb_log_size_pct'} < 20
        or $mycalc{'innodb_log_size_pct'} > 30 )
        badprint "Ratio InnoDB log file size / InnoDB Buffer pool size ("
          . $mycalc{'innodb_log_size_pct'} . " %): "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_log_file_size'} ) . " * "
          . $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'} . "/"
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} )
          . " should be equal 25%";
            "innodb_log_file_size should be (="
              . hr_bytes_rnd(
                $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} /
                  $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'} / 4
              . ") if possible, so InnoDB total log files size equals to 25% of buffer pool size."
        push( @generalrec,
"Before changing innodb_log_file_size and/or innodb_log_files_in_group read this:"
    else {
        goodprint "Ratio InnoDB log file size / InnoDB Buffer pool size: "
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_log_file_size'} ) . " * "
          . $myvar{'innodb_log_files_in_group'} . "/"
          . hr_bytes( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} )
          . " should be equal 25%";

    # InnoDB Buffer Pool Instances (MySQL 5.6.6+)
    if ( defined( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} ) ) {

        # Bad Value if > 64
        if ( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} > 64 ) {
            badprint "InnoDB buffer pool instances: "
              . $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} . "";
            push( @adjvars, "innodb_buffer_pool_instances (<= 64)" );

        # InnoDB Buffer Pool Size > 1Go
        if ( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) {

# InnoDB Buffer Pool Size / 1Go = InnoDB Buffer Pool Instances limited to 64 max.

            #  InnoDB Buffer Pool Size > 64Go
            my $max_innodb_buffer_pool_instances =
              int( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) );
            $max_innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 64
              if ( $max_innodb_buffer_pool_instances > 64 );

            if ( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} !=
                $max_innodb_buffer_pool_instances )
                badprint "InnoDB buffer pool instances: "
                  . $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} . "";
                push( @adjvars,
                      . $max_innodb_buffer_pool_instances
                      . ")" );
            else {
                goodprint "InnoDB buffer pool instances: "
                  . $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} . "";

            # InnoDB Buffer Pool Size < 1Go
        else {
            if ( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} != 1 ) {
"InnoDB buffer pool <= 1G and Innodb_buffer_pool_instances(!=1).";
                push( @adjvars, "innodb_buffer_pool_instances (=1)" );
            else {
                goodprint "InnoDB buffer pool instances: "
                  . $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} . "";

    # InnoDB Used Buffer Pool Size vs CHUNK size
    if ( !defined( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size'} ) ) {
          "InnoDB Buffer Pool Chunk Size not used or defined in your version";
    else {
        infoprint "Number of InnoDB Buffer Pool Chunk : "
          . int( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} ) /
          int( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size'} ) . " for "
          . $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'}
          . " Buffer Pool Instance(s)";

        if (
            int( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_size'} ) % (
                int( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size'} ) *
                  int( $myvar{'innodb_buffer_pool_instances'} )
            ) eq 0
"Innodb_buffer_pool_size aligned with Innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size & Innodb_buffer_pool_instances";
        else {
"Innodb_buffer_pool_size aligned with Innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size & Innodb_buffer_pool_instances";

#push( @adjvars, "Adjust innodb_buffer_pool_instances, innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size with innodb_buffer_pool_size" );
            push( @adjvars,
"innodb_buffer_pool_size must always be equal to or a multiple of innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size * innodb_buffer_pool_instances"

    # InnoDB Read efficiency
    if ( defined $mycalc{'pct_read_efficiency'}
        && $mycalc{'pct_read_efficiency'} < 90 )
        badprint "InnoDB Read buffer efficiency: "
          . $mycalc{'pct_read_efficiency'} . "% ("
          . ( $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'} -
              $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'} )
          . " hits/ "
          . $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'}
          . " total)";
    else {
        goodprint "InnoDB Read buffer efficiency: "
          . $mycalc{'pct_read_efficiency'} . "% ("
          . ( $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'} -
              $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'} )
          . " hits/ "
          . $mystat{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'}
          . " total)";

    # InnoDB Write efficiency
    if ( defined $mycalc{'pct_write_efficiency'}
        && $mycalc{'pct_write_efficiency'} < 90 )
        badprint "InnoDB Write Log efficiency: "
          . abs( $mycalc{'pct_write_efficiency'} ) . "% ("
          . abs( $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'} -
              $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'} )
          . " hits/ "
          . $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'}
          . " total)";
    else {
        goodprint "InnoDB Write log efficiency: "
          . $mycalc{'pct_write_efficiency'} . "% ("
          . ( $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'} -
              $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'} )
          . " hits/ "
          . $mystat{'Innodb_log_write_requests'}
          . " total)";

    # InnoDB Log Waits
    if ( defined $mystat{'Innodb_log_waits'}
        && $mystat{'Innodb_log_waits'} > 0 )
        badprint "InnoDB log waits: "
          . percentage( $mystat{'Innodb_log_waits'},
            $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'} )
          . "% ("
          . $mystat{'Innodb_log_waits'}
          . " waits / "
          . $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'}
          . " writes)";
        push( @adjvars,
                "innodb_log_buffer_size (>= "
              . hr_bytes_rnd( $myvar{'innodb_log_buffer_size'} )
              . ")" );
    else {
        goodprint "InnoDB log waits: "
          . percentage( $mystat{'Innodb_log_waits'},
            $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'} )
          . "% ("
          . $mystat{'Innodb_log_waits'}
          . " waits / "
          . $mystat{'Innodb_log_writes'}
          . " writes)";
    $result{'Calculations'} = {%mycalc};

sub check_metadata_perf {
    subheaderprint "Analysis Performance Metrics";
    infoprint "innodb_stats_on_metadata: " . $myvar{'innodb_stats_on_metadata'};
    if ( $myvar{'innodb_stats_on_metadata'} eq 'ON' ) {
        badprint "Stat are updated during querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.";
        push @adjvars, "SET innodb_stats_on_metadata = OFF";

        #Disabling innodb_stats_on_metadata
        select_one("SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_on_metadata = OFF;");
        return 1;
    goodprint "No stat updates during querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.";
    return 0;

# Recommendations for Database metrics
sub mysql_databases {
    return if ( $opt{dbstat} == 0 );

    subheaderprint "Database Metrics";
    unless ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 5 ) ) {
"Skip Database metrics from information schema missing in this version";

    my @dblist = select_array(
"SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_SCHEMA FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ( 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema', 'sys' );"
    infoprint "There is " . scalar(@dblist) . " Database(s).";
    my @totaldbinfo = split /\s/,
    infoprint "All User Databases:";
    infoprint " +-- TABLE : "
      . ( $totaldbinfo[4] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $totaldbinfo[4] ) . "";
    infoprint " +-- ROWS  : "
      . ( $totaldbinfo[0] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $totaldbinfo[0] ) . "";
    infoprint " +-- DATA  : "
      . hr_bytes( $totaldbinfo[1] ) . "("
      . percentage( $totaldbinfo[1], $totaldbinfo[3] ) . "%)";
    infoprint " +-- INDEX : "
      . hr_bytes( $totaldbinfo[2] ) . "("
      . percentage( $totaldbinfo[2], $totaldbinfo[3] ) . "%)";
    infoprint " +-- SIZE  : " . hr_bytes( $totaldbinfo[3] ) . "";
    infoprint " +-- COLLA : "
      . ( $totaldbinfo[5] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $totaldbinfo[5] ) . " ("
      . (
        join ", ",
            "SELECT DISTINCT(TABLE_COLLATION) FROM information_schema.TABLES;")
      ) . ")";
    infoprint " +-- ENGIN : "
      . ( $totaldbinfo[6] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $totaldbinfo[6] ) . " ("
      . (
        join ", ",
        select_array("SELECT DISTINCT(ENGINE) FROM information_schema.TABLES;")
      ) . ")";

    $result{'Databases'}{'All databases'}{'Rows'} =
      ( $totaldbinfo[0] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $totaldbinfo[0] );
    $result{'Databases'}{'All databases'}{'Data Size'} = $totaldbinfo[1];
    $result{'Databases'}{'All databases'}{'Data Pct'} =
      percentage( $totaldbinfo[1], $totaldbinfo[3] ) . "%";
    $result{'Databases'}{'All databases'}{'Index Size'} = $totaldbinfo[2];
    $result{'Databases'}{'All databases'}{'Index Pct'} =
      percentage( $totaldbinfo[2], $totaldbinfo[3] ) . "%";
    $result{'Databases'}{'All databases'}{'Total Size'} = $totaldbinfo[3];
    print "\n" unless ( $opt{'silent'} or $opt{'json'} );

    foreach (@dblist) {
        my @dbinfo = split /\s/,
        next unless defined $dbinfo[0];
        infoprint "Database: " . $dbinfo[0] . "";
        infoprint " +-- TABLE: "
          . ( !defined( $dbinfo[6] ) or $dbinfo[6] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $dbinfo[6] )
          . "";
        infoprint " +-- COLL : "
          . ( $dbinfo[7] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $dbinfo[7] ) . " ("
          . (
            join ", ",
          ) . ")";
        infoprint " +-- ROWS : "
          . ( !defined( $dbinfo[1] ) or $dbinfo[1] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $dbinfo[1] )
          . "";
        infoprint " +-- DATA : "
          . hr_bytes( $dbinfo[2] ) . "("
          . percentage( $dbinfo[2], $dbinfo[4] ) . "%)";
        infoprint " +-- INDEX: "
          . hr_bytes( $dbinfo[3] ) . "("
          . percentage( $dbinfo[3], $dbinfo[4] ) . "%)";
        infoprint " +-- TOTAL: " . hr_bytes( $dbinfo[4] ) . "";
        infoprint " +-- ENGIN : "
          . ( $dbinfo[8] eq 'NULL' ? 0 : $dbinfo[8] ) . " ("
          . (
            join ", ",
          ) . ")";
        badprint "Index size is larger than data size for $dbinfo[0] \n"
          if ( $dbinfo[2] ne 'NULL' )
          and ( $dbinfo[3] ne 'NULL' )
          and ( $dbinfo[2] < $dbinfo[3] );
        badprint "There are " . $dbinfo[5] . " storage engines. Be careful. \n"
          if $dbinfo[5] > 1;
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Rows'}       = $dbinfo[1];
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Tables'}     = $dbinfo[6];
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Collations'} = $dbinfo[7];
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Data Size'}  = $dbinfo[2];
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Data Pct'} =
          percentage( $dbinfo[2], $dbinfo[4] ) . "%";
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Index Size'} = $dbinfo[3];
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Index Pct'} =
          percentage( $dbinfo[3], $dbinfo[4] ) . "%";
        $result{'Databases'}{ $dbinfo[0] }{'Total Size'} = $dbinfo[4];

        if ( $dbinfo[7] > 1 ) {
            badprint $dbinfo[7]
              . " different collations for database "
              . $dbinfo[0];
            push( @generalrec,
                "Check all table collations are identical for all tables in "
                  . $dbinfo[0]
                  . " database." );
        else {
            goodprint $dbinfo[7]
              . " collation for "
              . $dbinfo[0]
              . " database.";
        if ( $dbinfo[8] > 1 ) {
            badprint $dbinfo[8]
              . " different engines for database "
              . $dbinfo[0];
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Check all table engines are identical for all tables in "
                  . $dbinfo[0]
                  . " database." );
        else {
            goodprint $dbinfo[8] . " engine for " . $dbinfo[0] . " database.";

        my @distinct_column_charset = select_array(
        infoprint "Charsets for $dbinfo[0] database table column: "
          . join( ', ', @distinct_column_charset );
        if ( scalar(@distinct_column_charset) > 1 ) {
            badprint $dbinfo[0]
              . " table column(s) has several charsets defined for all text like column(s).";
            push( @generalrec,
                    "Limit charset for column to one charset if possible for "
                  . $dbinfo[0]
                  . " database." );
        else {
            goodprint $dbinfo[0]
              . " table column(s) has same charset defined for all text like column(s).";

        my @distinct_column_collation = select_array(
        infoprint "Collations for $dbinfo[0] database table column: "
          . join( ', ', @distinct_column_collation );
        if ( scalar(@distinct_column_collation) > 1 ) {
            badprint $dbinfo[0]
              . " table column(s) has several collations defined for all text like column(s).";
            push( @generalrec,
                "Limit collations for column to one collation if possible for "
                  . $dbinfo[0]
                  . " database." );
        else {
            goodprint $dbinfo[0]
              . " table column(s) has same collation defined for all text like column(s).";


# Recommendations for database columns
sub mysql_tables {
    return if ( $opt{tbstat} == 0 );

    subheaderprint "Table Column Metrics";
    unless ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 5 ) ) {
"Skip Database metrics from information schema missing in this version";
    my @dblist = select_array(
"SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_SCHEMA FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ( 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema', 'sys' );"
    foreach (@dblist) {
        my $dbname = $_;
        next unless defined $_;
        infoprint "Database: " . $_ . "";
        my @dbtable = select_array(
        foreach (@dbtable) {
            my $tbname = $_;
            infoprint " +-- TABLE: $tbname";
            my @tbcol = select_array(
            foreach (@tbcol) {
                my $ctype = select_one(
                my $isnull = select_one(
                infoprint "     +-- Column $tbname.$_:";
                my $current_type =
                  uc($ctype) . ( $isnull eq 'NO' ? " NOT NULL" : "" );
                my $optimal_type = select_str_g( "Optimal_fieldtype",
                    "SELECT $_ FROM $dbname.$tbname PROCEDURE ANALYSE(100000)"
                if ( not defined($optimal_type) or $optimal_type eq '' ) {
                    infoprint "      Current Fieldtype: $current_type";
                    infoprint "      Optimal Fieldtype: Not available";
                elsif ( $current_type ne $optimal_type ) {
                    infoprint "      Current Fieldtype: $current_type";
                    infoprint "      Optimal Fieldtype: $optimal_type";
"Consider changing type for column $_ in table $dbname.$tbname";
                    push( @generalrec,
                        "ALTER TABLE $dbname.$tbname MODIFY $_ $optimal_type;"

                else {
                    goodprint "$dbname.$tbname ($_) type: $current_type";


# Recommendations for Indexes metrics
sub mysql_indexes {
    return if ( $opt{idxstat} == 0 );

    subheaderprint "Indexes Metrics";
    unless ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 5 ) ) {
          "Skip Index metrics from information schema missing in this version";

#    unless ( mysql_version_ge( 5, 6 ) ) {
#        infoprint
#"Skip Index metrics from information schema due to erroneous information provided in this version";
#        return;
#    }
    my $selIdxReq = <<'ENDSQL';
 , s.SEQ_IN_INDEX AS 'seq'
 , s2.max_columns AS 'maxcol'
 , s.CARDINALITY  AS 'card'
 , t.TABLE_ROWS   AS 'est_rows'
 , INDEX_TYPE as type
 , ROUND(((s.CARDINALITY / IFNULL(t.TABLE_ROWS, 0.01)) * 100), 2) AS 'sel'
   , MAX(SEQ_IN_INDEX) AS max_columns
  WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema')
 ) AS s2
WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema')
    my @idxinfo = select_array($selIdxReq);
    infoprint "Worst selectivity indexes:";
    foreach (@idxinfo) {
        debugprint "$_";
        my @info = split /\s/;
        infoprint "Index: " . $info[1] . "";

        infoprint " +-- COLUMN      : " . $info[0] . "";
        infoprint " +-- NB SEQS     : " . $info[2] . " sequence(s)";
        infoprint " +-- NB COLS     : " . $info[3] . " column(s)";
        infoprint " +-- CARDINALITY : " . $info[4] . " distinct values";
        infoprint " +-- NB ROWS     : " . $info[5] . " rows";
        infoprint " +-- TYPE        : " . $info[6];
        infoprint " +-- SELECTIVITY : " . $info[7] . "%";

        $result{'Indexes'}{ $info[1] }{'Column'}           = $info[0];
        $result{'Indexes'}{ $info[1] }{'Sequence number'}  = $info[2];
        $result{'Indexes'}{ $info[1] }{'Number of column'} = $info[3];
        $result{'Indexes'}{ $info[1] }{'Cardinality'}      = $info[4];
        $result{'Indexes'}{ $info[1] }{'Row number'}       = $info[5];
        $result{'Indexes'}{ $info[1] }{'Index Type'}       = $info[6];
        $result{'Indexes'}{ $info[1] }{'Selectivity'}      = $info[7];
        if ( $info[7] < 25 ) {
            badprint "$info[1] has a low selectivity";

      unless ( defined( $myvar{'performance_schema'} )
        and $myvar{'performance_schema'} eq 'ON' );

    $selIdxReq = <<'ENDSQL';
SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(object_schema,'.'),object_name) AS 'table', index_name
FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage
WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL
AND count_star =0
AND index_name <> 'PRIMARY'
AND object_schema != 'mysql'
ORDER BY count_star, object_schema, object_name;
    @idxinfo = select_array($selIdxReq);
    infoprint "Unused indexes:";
    push( @generalrec, "Remove unused indexes." ) if ( scalar(@idxinfo) > 0 );
    foreach (@idxinfo) {
        debugprint "$_";
        my @info = split /\s/;
        badprint "Index: $info[1] on $info[0] is not used.";
        push @{ $result{'Indexes'}{'Unused Indexes'} },
          $info[0] . "." . $info[1];

# Take the two recommendation arrays and display them at the end of the output
sub make_recommendations {
    $result{'Recommendations'}  = \@generalrec;
    $result{'Adjust variables'} = \@adjvars;
    subheaderprint "Recommendations";
    if ( @generalrec > 0 ) {
        prettyprint "General recommendations:";
        foreach (@generalrec) { prettyprint "    " . $_ . ""; }
    if ( @adjvars > 0 ) {
        prettyprint "Variables to adjust:";
        if ( $mycalc{'pct_max_physical_memory'} > 90 ) {
              "  *** MySQL's maximum memory usage is dangerously high ***\n"
              . "  *** Add RAM before increasing MySQL buffer variables ***";
        foreach (@adjvars) { prettyprint "    " . $_ . ""; }
    if ( @generalrec == 0 && @adjvars == 0 ) {
        prettyprint "No additional performance recommendations are available.";

sub close_outputfile {
    close($fh) if defined($fh);

sub headerprint {
      " >>  MySQLTuner $tunerversion - Major Hayden <major\>\n"
      . " >>  Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at\n"
      . " >>  Run with '--help' for additional options and output filtering";

sub string2file {
    my $filename = shift;
    my $content  = shift;
    open my $fh, q(>), $filename
      or die
"Unable to open $filename in write mode. Please check permissions for this file or directory";
    print $fh $content if defined($content);
    close $fh;
    debugprint $content if ( $opt{'debug'} );

sub file2array {
    my $filename = shift;
    debugprint "* reading $filename" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
    my $fh;
    open( $fh, q(<), "$filename" )
      or die "Couldn't open $filename for reading: $!\n";
    my @lines = <$fh>;
    return @lines;

sub file2string {
    return join( '', file2array(@_) );

my $templateModel;
if ( $opt{'template'} ne 0 ) {
    $templateModel = file2string( $opt{'template'} );
else {
    $templateModel = <<'END_TEMPLATE';
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>MySQLTuner Report</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">

<h1>Result output</h1>


sub dump_result {
    debugprint Dumper( \%result ) if ( $opt{'debug'} );
    debugprint "HTML REPORT: $opt{'reportfile'}";

    if ( $opt{'reportfile'} ne 0 ) {
        eval { require Text::Template };
        eval { require JSON };
        if ($@) {
            badprint "Text::Template Module is needed.";
            die "Text::Template Module is needed.";

        my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
        my $json_text   = $json->pretty->encode( \%result );
        my %vars = (
            'data' => \%result,
            'debug' => $json_text,
        my $template;
            no warnings 'once';
            $template = Text::Template->new(
                TYPE    => 'STRING',
                PREPEND => q{;},
                SOURCE  => $templateModel,
                DELIMITERS => [ '[%', '%]' ]
            ) or die "Couldn't construct template: $Text::Template::ERROR";

        open my $fh, q(>), $opt{'reportfile'}
          or die
"Unable to open $opt{'reportfile'} in write mode. please check permissions for this file or directory";
        $template->fill_in( HASH => \%vars, OUTPUT => $fh );
        close $fh;

    if ( $opt{'json'} ne 0 ) {
        eval { require JSON };
        if ($@) {
            print "$bad JSON Module is needed.\n";
            return 1;

        my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
        print $json->utf8(1)->pretty( ( $opt{'prettyjson'} ? 1 : 0 ) )
          ->encode( \%result );

        if ( $opt{'outputfile'} ne 0 ) {
            unlink $opt{'outputfile'} if ( -e $opt{'outputfile'} );
            open my $fh, q(>), $opt{'outputfile'}
              or die
"Unable to open $opt{'outputfile'} in write mode. please check permissions for this file or directory";
            print $fh $json->utf8(1)->pretty( ( $opt{'prettyjson'} ? 1 : 0 ) )
              ->encode( \%result );
            close $fh;

sub which {
    my $prog_name   = shift;
    my $path_string = shift;
    my @path_array  = split /:/, $ENV{'PATH'};

    for my $path (@path_array) {
        return "$path/$prog_name" if ( -x "$path/$prog_name" );

    return 0;

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
headerprint;    # Header Print

validate_tuner_version;    # Check last version
mysql_setup;               # Gotta login first
debugprint "MySQL FINAL Client : $mysqlcmd $mysqllogin";
debugprint "MySQL Admin FINAL Client : $mysqladmincmd $mysqllogin";

os_setup;                  # Set up some OS variables
get_all_vars;              # Toss variables/status into hashes
get_tuning_info;           # Get information about the tuning connexion
validate_mysql_version;    # Check current MySQL version

check_architecture;        # Suggest 64-bit upgrade
system_recommendations;    # avoid to many service on the same host
log_file_recommendations;  # check log file content
check_storage_engines;     # Show enabled storage engines

check_metadata_perf;    # Show parameter impacting performance during analysis
mysql_databases;        # Show informations about databases
mysql_tables;           # Show informations about table column

mysql_indexes;               # Show informations about indexes
security_recommendations;    # Display some security recommendations
cve_recommendations;         # Display related CVE
calculations;                # Calculate everything we need
mysql_stats;                 # Print the server stats
mysqsl_pfs;                  # Print Performance schema info
mariadb_threadpool;          # Print MariaDB ThreadPool stats
mysql_myisam;                # Print MyISAM stats
mysql_innodb;                # Print InnoDB stats
mariadb_ariadb;              # Print MariaDB AriaDB stats
mariadb_tokudb;              # Print MariaDB Tokudb stats
mariadb_xtradb;              # Print MariaDB XtraDB stats

#mariadb_rockdb;            # Print MariaDB RockDB stats
#mariadb_spider;            # Print MariaDB Spider stats
#mariadb_connect;           # Print MariaDB Connect stats
mariadb_galera;            # Print MariaDB Galera Cluster stats
get_replication_status;    # Print replication info
make_recommendations;      # Make recommendations based on stats
dump_result;               # Dump result if debug is on
close_outputfile;          # Close reportfile if needed

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

 MySQLTuner 1.7.15 - MySQL High Performance Tuning Script


To run the script with the default options, run the script without arguments
Allow MySQL server to run for at least 24-48 hours before trusting suggestions
Some routines may require root level privileges (script will provide warnings)
You must provide the remote server's total memory when connecting to other servers


 --host <hostname>           Connect to a remote host to perform tests (default: localhost)
 --socket <socket>           Use a different socket for a local connection
 --port <port>               Port to use for connection (default: 3306)
 --user <username>           Username to use for authentication
 --userenv <envvar>          Name of env variable which contains username to use for authentication
 --pass <password>           Password to use for authentication
 --passenv <envvar>          Name of env variable which contains password to use for authentication
 --ssl-ca <path>             Path to public key
 --mysqladmin <path>         Path to a custom mysqladmin executable
 --mysqlcmd <path>           Path to a custom mysql executable
 --defaults-file <path>      Path to a custom .my.cnf


 --skipsize                  Don't enumerate tables and their types/sizes (default: on)
                             (Recommended for servers with many tables)
 --skippassword              Don't perform checks on user passwords(default: off)
 --checkversion              Check for updates to MySQLTuner (default: don't check)
 --updateversion             Check for updates to MySQLTuner and update when newer version is available (default: don't check)
 --forcemem <size>           Amount of RAM installed in megabytes
 --forceswap <size>          Amount of swap memory configured in megabytes
 --passwordfile <path>       Path to a password file list(one password by line)


 --silent                    Don't output anything on screen
 --nogood                    Remove OK responses
 --nobad                     Remove negative/suggestion responses
 --noinfo                    Remove informational responses
 --debug                     Print debug information
 --noprocess                Consider no other process is running
 --dbstat                    Print database information
 --nodbstat                  Don't Print database information
 --tbstat                    Print table information
 --notbstat                  Don't Print table information
 --idxstat                   Print index information
 --noidxstat                 Don't Print index information
 --sysstat                   Print system information
 --nosysstat                 Don't Print system information
 --pfstat                    Print Performance schema
 --nopfstat                  Don't Print Performance schema
 --verbose                   Prints out all options (default: no verbose, dbstat, idxstat, sysstat, tbstat, pfstat)
 --bannedports               Ports banned separated by comma(,)
 --maxportallowed            Number of ports opened allowed on this hosts
 --cvefile <path>            CVE File for vulnerability checks
 --nocolor                   Don't print output in color
 --json                      Print result as JSON string
 --buffers                   Print global and per-thread buffer values
 --outputfile <path>         Path to a output txt file
 --reportfile <path>         Path to a report txt file
 --template   <path>         Path to a template file

=head1 PERLDOC

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

  perldoc mysqltuner



 Internal documentation

=head1 AUTHORS

Major Hayden -


=over 4

=item *

Matthew Montgomery

=item *

Paul Kehrer

=item *

Dave Burgess

=item *

Jonathan Hinds

=item *

Mike Jackson

=item *

Nils Breunese

=item *

Shawn Ashlee

=item *

Luuk Vosslamber

=item *

Ville Skytta

=item *

Trent Hornibrook

=item *

Jason Gill

=item *

Mark Imbriaco

=item *

Greg Eden

=item *

Aubin Galinotti

=item *

Giovanni Bechis

=item *

Bill Bradford

=item *

Ryan Novosielski

=item *

Michael Scheidell

=item *

Blair Christensen

=item *

Hans du Plooy

=item *

Victor Trac

=item *

Everett Barnes

=item *

Tom Krouper

=item *

Gary Barrueto

=item *

Simon Greenaway

=item *

Adam Stein

=item *

Isart Montane

=item *

Baptiste M.

=item *

Cole Turner

=item *

Major Hayden

=item *

Joe Ashcraft

=item *

Jean-Marie Renouard

=item *

Stephan GroBberndt

=item *

Christian Loos


=head1 SUPPORT

Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at

Bug tracker can be found at

Maintained by Major Hayden (major\ - Licensed under GPL



 git clone


Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Major Hayden -

For the latest updates, please visit

Git repository available at

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.


# Local variables:
# indent-tabs-mode: t
# cperl-indent-level: 8
# perl-indent-level: 8
# End:

使用:> perl --socket=/var/mysql/data3306/mysql.sock

MySQLTuner 1.7.15 - Major Hayden <>
Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at
Run with '--help' for additional options and output filtering

[--] Skipped version check for MySQLTuner script
Please enter your MySQL administrative login: root
Please enter your MySQL administrative password: [OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.6.38-log
[OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture

-------- Log file Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] Log file: /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err(100M)
[OK] Log file /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err exists
[OK] Log file /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err is readable.
[OK] Log file /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err is not empty
[!!] Log file /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err is bigger than 32 Mb
[!!] /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err contains 346 warning(s).
[!!] /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err contains 267390 error(s).
[--] 65 start(s) detected in /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err
[--] 1) 2019-03-05 16:23:10 1800 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 2) 2019-02-28 16:09:20 31621 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 3) 2019-02-22 15:09:35 12877 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 4) 2019-02-19 16:04:33 11845 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 5) 2019-02-19 15:57:24 10660 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 6) 2019-02-19 15:54:20 9517 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 7) 2019-02-19 15:35:40 7215 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 8) 2019-02-19 15:26:25 5860 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 9) 2019-02-19 15:22:30 4990 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 10) 2019-02-11 15:12:23 27338 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
[--] 58 shutdown(s) detected in /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err
[--] 1) 2019-03-05 16:22:59 31621 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 2) 2019-02-28 16:09:10 12877 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 3) 2019-02-22 15:09:25 11845 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 4) 2019-02-19 16:02:17 10660 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 5) 2019-02-19 15:57:07 9517 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 6) 2019-02-19 15:47:38 7215 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 7) 2019-02-19 15:35:28 5860 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 8) 2019-02-19 15:25:53 4990 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 9) 2019-02-19 15:20:21 4336 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
[--] 10) 2019-02-19 15:16:19 3482 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

-------- Storage Engine Statistics -----------------------------------------------------------------
[--] Data in InnoDB tables: 5.2G (Tables: 69)
[OK] Total fragmented tables: 0

-------- Analysis Performance Metrics --------------------------------------------------------------
[--] innodb_stats_on_metadata: OFF
[OK] No stat updates during querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

-------- Security Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------------
[OK] There are no anonymous accounts for any database users
[OK] All database users have passwords assigned
[!!] User 'hive@%' has user name as password.
[!!] User 'hive@localhost' has user name as password.
[!!] User 'hive@spark1' has user name as password.
[!!] User 'alex@%' does not specify hostname restrictions.
[!!] User 'hive@%' does not specify hostname restrictions.
[!!] User 'root@%' does not specify hostname restrictions.
[!!] User 'test@%' does not specify hostname restrictions.
[!!] There is no basic password file list!

-------- CVE Security Recommendations --------------------------------------------------------------
[--] Skipped due to --cvefile option undefined

-------- Performance Metrics -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] Up for: 2d 19h 17m 22s (411 q [0.002 qps], 26 conn, TX: 342K, RX: 13K)
[--] Reads / Writes: 100% / 0%
[--] Binary logging is enabled (GTID MODE: ON)
[--] Physical Memory : 7.7G
[--] Max MySQL memory : 508.1M
[--] Other process memory: 0B
[--] Total buffers: 177.0M global + 1.8M per thread (151 max threads)
[--] P_S Max memory usage: 66M
[--] Galera GCache Max memory usage: 0B
[OK] Maximum reached memory usage: 245.6M (3.12% of installed RAM)
[OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 508.1M (6.46% of installed RAM)
[OK] Overall possible memory usage with other process is compatible with memory available
[OK] Slow queries: 0% (1/411)
[OK] Highest usage of available connections: 0% (1/151)
[!!] Aborted connections: 7.69% (2/26)
[!!] Query cache may be disabled by default due to mutex contention.
[!!] Query cache efficiency: 0.0% (0 cached / 70 selects)
[OK] Query cache prunes per day: 0
[OK] No Sort requiring temporary tables
[OK] No joins without indexes
[OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 18% (111 on disk / 603 total)
[OK] Thread cache hit rate: 96% (1 created / 26 connections)
[OK] Table cache hit rate: 46% (64 open / 137 opened)
[OK] Open file limit used: 0% (49/655K)
[OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 100% (133 immediate / 133 locks)
[OK] Binlog cache memory access: 0% (0 Memory / 0 Total)

-------- Performance schema ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] Memory used by P_S: 66.9M
[--] Sys schema isn't installed.

-------- ThreadPool Metrics ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] ThreadPool stat is disabled.

-------- MyISAM Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[!!] Key buffer used: 18.3% (3M used / 16M cache)
[OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 16.0M/112.0K
[!!] Read Key buffer hit rate: 75.5% (49 cached / 12 reads)
[!!] Write Key buffer hit rate: 66.7% (12 cached / 8 writes)

-------- InnoDB Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] InnoDB is enabled.
[--] InnoDB Thread Concurrency: 0
[OK] InnoDB File per table is activated
[!!] InnoDB buffer pool / data size: 128.0M/5.2G
[!!] Ratio InnoDB log file size / InnoDB Buffer pool size (75 %): 48.0M * 2/128.0M should be equal 25%
[!!] InnoDB buffer pool <= 1G and Innodb_buffer_pool_instances(!=1).
[--] InnoDB Buffer Pool Chunk Size not used or defined in your version
[OK] InnoDB Read buffer efficiency: 99.74% (904890 hits/ 907282 total)
[!!] InnoDB Write Log efficiency: 27.27% (3 hits/ 11 total)
[OK] InnoDB log waits: 0.00% (0 waits / 8 writes)

-------- AriaDB Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] AriaDB is disabled.

-------- TokuDB Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] TokuDB is disabled.

-------- XtraDB Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] XtraDB is disabled.

-------- Galera Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] Galera is disabled.

-------- Replication Metrics -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[--] Galera Synchronous replication: NO
[--] No replication slave(s) for this server.
[--] Binlog format: ROW
[--] XA support enabled: ON
[--] Semi synchronous replication Master: Not Activated
[--] Semi synchronous replication Slave: Not Activated
[--] This is a standalone server

-------- Recommendations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
General recommendations:
/var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err is > 32Mb, you should analyze why or implement a rotation log strategy such as logrotate!
Control warning line(s) into /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err file
Control error line(s) into /var/mysql/data3306/SZD-L0087668.err file
Set up a Secure Password for user@host ( SET PASSWORD FOR 'user'@'SpecificDNSorIp' = PASSWORD('secure_password'); )
Restrict Host for user@% to user@SpecificDNSorIp
Reduce or eliminate unclosed connections and network issues
Consider installing Sys schema from for MySQL
Consider installing Sys schema from for MariaDB
Before changing innodb_log_file_size and/or innodb_log_files_in_group read this:
Variables to adjust:
query_cache_size (=0)
query_cache_type (=0)
query_cache_limit (> 1M, or use smaller result sets)
innodb_buffer_pool_size (>= 5.2G) if possible.
innodb_log_file_size should be (=16M) if possible, so InnoDB total log files size equals to 25% of buffer pool size.
innodb_buffer_pool_instances (=1)






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