UDP JitterMeasures round-trip delay, one-way delay, one-way jitter, one-waypacket loss, and connectivity testing of networks that carry UDP traffic, suchas voice.

ICMPPath JitterMeasureshop-by-hop jitter, packet loss, and delay measurement statistics in an IPnetwork.

UDPJitter for VoIPMeasuresround-trip delay, one-way delay, one-way jitter, and one-way packet loss forVoIP traffic.

UDPEchoMeasuresround-trip delay of UDP traffic.

ICMPEchoMeasures round-trip delayfor the full path.

ICMPPath EchoMeasures round-trip delayand hop-by-hop round-trip delay.

HTTPMeasures round-trip timeto retrieve a web page.

TCP  Connect: Measures the time taken to connectto a target device with TCP.

FTP: Measuresround-trip time to transfer a file.

DHCP: Measuresround-trip time to get an IP address from a DHCP server

DNS: MeasuresDNS lookup time

FrameRelay: Measurescircuit availability, round-trip delay, and frame delivery ratio




2.configure terminal 

3.ip sla monitor responder



2.configure terminal 

3.ip sla monitor   operation-number

4.type jitter dest-ipaddr  {hostname |ip-address } dest-port port-number

[num-packets  number-of-packets] [ interval  inter-packet-interval]

Table1 UDP Jitter Operation Parameters

UDPJitter Operation Parameter Default Configured Using:

Numberof packets (N) 10 packets  type jitterdest-ipaddr  command,

num-packets  option

Payloadsize per packet (S) 32 bytes request-data-size  command

Timebetween packets, in milliseconds (T) 20 ms type jitter dest-ipaddr  command,

interval  option

Elapsedtime before the operation repeats, in


60seconds  frequency  (IP SLA) command


      IP SLAs—Analyzing IP Servic e LevelsUsing the UDP Jitter Operation

Howto Configure the IP SLAs UDP Jitter Operation


CiscoIOS IP SLAs  Configuration Guide

5.frequency  seconds


7.ip sla monitor schedule  operation-number[ life  { forever  | seconds}] [start-time  { hh:mm[:ss ] [ month

day|  day month] | pending  | now  |  after hh:mm:ss ] [ ageout   seconds] [ recurring]

8.exit ip sla monitor configuration  [operation-number]


ipsla monitor 1

 type jitter dest-ipaddr dest-port65051 num-packets 20

 request-data-size 160

 tos 128

 frequency 30

ipsla monitor schedule 1 start-time after 00:05:00

ipsla monitor 2

 type jitter dest-ipaddr dest-port65052 num-packets 20 interval 10

 request-data-size 20

 tos 64

 frequency 30

ipsla monitor schedule 2 start-time after 00:05:05   


Analyzing Service Levels Usingthe VoIP UDP Jitter Operation

ip sla monitor 10

 typejitter dest-ipaddr dest-port 16384 codec g711alawadvantage-factor 2

 owner admin_bofh

ip sla schedule 10 start-time now

Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the UDP Echo Operation

ip sla monitor 5

 typeudpEcho dest-ipaddr dest-port 5000

 frequency 30


ip sla monitor schedule 5 start-time nowlife forever


Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the HTTP Operation

ip sla monitor 8

 typehttp operation get url

 frequency 10


ip sla monitor schedule 8 life foreverstart-time now

IP SLAs TCP Connect

ip sla monitor 9

 typetcpConnect dest-ipaddr dest-port 23 control disable

 frequency 30


 timeout 1000


ip sla monitor schedule 9 start-time now

!control enable作用让ip sla responder打开目标端口,但是本例中目标端口为众所周知端口,所以没必要打开

Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the ICMP Echo Operation

ip sla monitor 6

 typeecho protocol ipIcmpEcho source-ipaddr

 frequency 300

 request-data-size 28


 timeout 2000


ip sla monitor schedule 6 life foreverstart-time now



R1#show ip sla monitor statistics 20

Round trip time (RTT)   Index 20

       Latest RTT: 80 ms

Latest operation start time: *04:28:37.314UTC Fri Mar 1 2002

Latest operation return code: OK

Number of successes: 33

Number of failures: 0

Operation time to live: Forever



R1#show ip sla monitorcollection-statistics 20

Entry number: 20

Start Time Index: *04:12:37.378 UTC Fri Mar1 2002

Number of successful operations: 29

Number of operations over threshold: 0

Number of failed operations due to aDisconnect: 0

Number of failed operations due to aTimeout: 0

Number of failed operations due to a Busy:0

Number of failed operations due to a No Connection:0

Number of failed operations due to anInternal Error: 0

Number of failed operations due to aSequence Error: 0

Number of failed operations due to a VerifyError: 0

RTT Values:

RTTAvg: 68      RTTMin: 24      RTTMax: 148

NumOfRTT: 29    RTTSum: 1974    RTTSum2: 148310

Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the ICMP Path EchoOperation

ip sla monitor 7

 typepathEcho protocol ipIcmpEcho

 frequency 30


ip sla monitor schedule 7 start-time after00:00:30 life 300


R1#show ip sla monitor statistics 30

Round trip time (RTT)   Index 30

       Latest RTT: 60 ms

Latest operation start time: *04:24:45.578UTC Fri Mar 1 2002

Latest operation return code: OK

Operation time to live: Forever


R1#show ip sla monitorcollection-statistics 30

Entry number: 30

Start Time Index: *04:14:48.858 UTC Fri Mar1 2002

Path Index: 1

Hop in Path Index: 1

Number of successful operations: 23

Number of operations over threshold: 0

Number of failed operations due to aDisconnect: 0

Number of failed operations due to aTimeout: 0

Number of failed operations due to a Busy:0

Number of failed operations due to a NoConnection: 0

Number of failed operations due to anInternal Error: 0

Number of failed operations due to aSequence Error: 0

Number of failed operations due to a VerifyError: 0

Target Address

Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the ICMP Path JitterOperation

Router(config)#  ip sla monitor 1

router(config-sla-monitor)# type pathJitterdest-ipaddr num-packets 50

interval 30 targetOnly

! targetOnly keyword is used to bypass thehop-by-hop measurements. With this version of the command, echo probes will besent to the destination only


R1#show ip sla monitor statistics 50

Round trip time (RTT)   Index 50

       Latest RTT: 58 ms

Latest operation start time: *04:23:21.330UTC Fri Mar 1 2002

Latest operation return code: OK


---- Path Jitter Statistics ----


Hop IP

Round Trip Time milliseconds:

       Latest RTT: 58 ms

       Number of RTT: 50

       RTT Min/Avg/Max: 24/58/88 ms

Jitter time milliseconds:

       Number of jitter: 40

       Jitter Min/Avg/Max: 1/10/64 ms

Packet Values:

       Packet Loss (Timeouts): 0

       Out of Sequence: 0

       Discarded Samples: 0

Operation time to live: Forever


In the following example, a Path Jitteroperation  is configured to run over a××× using the VRF “red”

to the CE at

Router# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one perline.  End with the end command.

Router(config)# ip sla monitor 7 

Router(config-sla-monitor)# type pathJitterdest-ipaddr

Router(config-sla-monitor-pathJitter)# vrfred

Router(config-sla-monitor-pathJitter)# exit

Router(config)# ip sla monitor schedule 7start-time now life forever


Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the FTP Operation

ip sla monitor 10

 typeftp operation get url ftp://username:password@hostip/test.cap

 frequency 30


ip sla monitor schedule 10 life foreverstart-time now


ip sla monitor 10

 typeftp operation get url mode active

 frequency 20


 timeout 40000


ip sla monitor schedule 10 start-time01:30:00 recurring



Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the DNS Operation

ip sla monitor 11

 typedns target-addr name-server

 frequency 60


ip sla monitor schedule 11 life foreverstart-time now

Analyzing IP Service Levels Using the DHCP Operation

ip dhcp-server


ip sla monitor 12

 typedhcp option 82 circuit-id 10005A6F1234

 frequency 30

 timeout 5000



ip sla monitor schedule 12 start-time now

! Note that DHCP option 82 is used tospecify the circuit ID



Multiple Operation Scheduling

ip sla monitor group schedule

group-operation-number operation-id-numbers

schedule-period schedule-period-range  [ageout 

seconds] [ frequencygroup-operation-frequency]

[ life { forever | seconds}]

[ start-time { hh:mm[ :ss ]

[ month day | day month]| pending |  now  |

after hh:mm:ss }]


Router# ip sla monitor group schedule 1 1-10 schedule-period 20

! The following example schedules IP SLAsoperations 1  to 10 in the operationgroup 1 with a schedule period of 20 seconds. By default, the fre quency isequivalent to the schedule period.


1. show ip sla monitor statistics

2. show ip sla monitor group schedule

3. show ip sla monitor configuration

Proactive Threshold Monitoring

Configuring Triggers for Round-Trip-Time Violations

ip sla monitor reaction-configuration  operation-number   react


[ threshold-type  violation-condition]

threshold-value  upper-threshold  lower-threshold

[ action-type { trapOnly  | triggerOnly  |  trapAndTrigger}]


Router# ip sla monitorreaction-configuration 10 react rtt

threshold-type immediate threshold-value5000 3000 action-type


Configuring Triggers for Jitter Violations

ip sla monitor reaction-configuration  operation-number 

react { jitterAvg | jitterDSAvg |jitterSDAvg }

[ threshold-type violation-type]

threshold-value upper-thresholdlower-threshold 

[ action-type { trapOnly | triggerOnly |trapAndTrigger}]


Router# ip sla monitorreaction-configuration 10 react

jitterAvg threshold-type immediatethreshold-value 5000 3000

action-type trapAndTrigger

! jitterAvg: average source-to-destinationjitter

! jitterDSAvg: averagedestination-to-source jitter

! jitterSDAvg : average ro und-trip jitter

Configuring Triggers for Packet Loss Violations

use the react PacketLossSD/ PacketLossDS in the ip sla monitor reaction-configuration command


Configuring Triggers for Mean Opinion Score Violations

use the react mos syntax in the  ip slamonitor reaction-configuration  command

Triggering SNMP Notifications: Example

Router(config)#  ip sla monitor 1 

Router(config-sla-monitor)#  type jitter dest-ipaddr 3000 codec


Router(config-sla-monitor-jitter)# defaultfrequency

Router(config-sla-monitor-jitter)# exit

Router(config)#  ip sla monitor schedule 1 start now lifeforever 

Router(config)# ip sla monitorreaction-configuration 1 react rtt threshold-type immediate

threshold-value 3000 2000 action-typetrapOnly 

Router(config)#  ip sla monitor reaction-configuration 1 reactMOS threshold-type

consecutive 4 threshold-value 390 220action-type trapOnly 

Router(config)#  ip sla monitor logging traps 


Router(config)#  snmp-server host version 2cpublic syslog

! The following command is needed for thesystem to generate CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB traps.

Router(config)#  snmp-server enable traps syslog 



R2#show ip sla monitor statistics 2

Round trip time (RTT)   Index 2

       Latest RTT: 15 ms

Latest operation start time: *01:11:01.615UTC Fri Mar 1 2002

Latest operation return code: Overthreshold

Number of successes: 4

Number of failures: 5

Operation time to live: Forever