Jelena MISIC

Research Interests:

  • WLANs, WPANs, wireless sensor networks, wireless mesh networks, ad hoc networks
  • Dynamic spectrum allocation
  • Applications of wireless sensor networks in healthcare and environmental monitoring.
  • Network security
  • Performance evaluation
  • Journal Publications

    1. J.Mišic "Cost of Secure Sensing in 802.15.4 Networks" to appear in IEEE Transactions On Wireless Communications, 2009


    2. J. Mišic and V. B. Mišic, "Bridging between IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 Networks for Multiparameter Healthcare sensing", to appear in IEEE JSAC, special issue on wireless networks in healthcare, 2009.


    3. V. B. Mišic and J. Mišic "Improving Sensing Accuracy in Cognitive PANs Through Modulation of Sensing Probability ", to appear in special issue on wireless networking of the Mobile Information Systems Journal, 2009


    4. .J. Mišic and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, "Delay Analysis of GTS Bridging between IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 Networks for Healthcare Applications", to appear in, International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, Special Issue on Electronic Health , 2009


    5. J. Mišic and V. B. Mišic "Differential Sensing in Cognitive PANs With Bursty Secondary Traffic and Varying Primary Activity Factor".", to appear in International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAASCS), , 2009


    6. V. B. Mišic and J. Mišic, "Reducing Sensing Error in Cognitive PANs Through Reduction of the Channel Set and Split Sensing", to appear in Elsevier Computer Communications, 2009.


    7. J. Mišic and V. B. Mišic "Performance of Cooperative Sensing at the MAC Level: Error Minimization Through Differential Sensing, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2009.


    8. V. B. Mišic and J. Mišic : "Performance of Partial Channel Sensing For Frequency Hopping Cognitive Personal Area Networks", Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks Journal, 2008


    9. J. Mišic and V. B. Mišic "Enforcing patient privacy in healthcare WSNs through key distribution algorithms" Wiley InterScience Security and Communication Networks Journal, Special Issue on Clinical Information Systems (CIS) Security, vol.1, pp.417-429 , 2008.


    10. J Mišic: "Traffic and energy consumption of an IEEE 802.15.4 network in the presence of authenticated, ECC Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key exchange", Computer Networks, vol. 52, pp. 2227-2236, 2008.


    11. J Mišic and V.B. Misic: "Building Multi-Cluster 802.15.4 Networks: Issues and Open Problems", IEEE Wireless Communications-special issue on Wireless Sensor Networks, pp.74-78, August 2008


    12. J. Misic, "Analysis of slave-slave bridging in 802.15.4 beacon enabled networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1846-1864, May 2008.






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