用ExtJS编写Label+TextBox的时候,发现用 xtype:'Label', 会出现以上label和'textfield'在控件上对不齐的问题。用compositefield就能解决这个问题。


fieldLabel : String

The label text to display next to this Component (defaults to '').

Note: this config is only used when this Component is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the FormLayout layout manager (e.g. Ext.form.FormPanel or specifying layout:'form').


  1. Ext.onReady( 
  2. function(){ 
  3. var f=new Ext.form.FormPanel({ 
  4. title:"test"
  5. width:600, 
  6. height:150, 
  7. bodyStyle:"padding:6px"
  8. labelAlign:'left'
  9. layout:'form',  //warning
  10. frame:true
  11. items: [{ 
  12.     xtype: 'compositefield'
  13.     id:'phone'
  14.     fieldLabel: 'Telephone'
  15.     labelWidth: 220, 
  16.     items: [ 
  17.         { 
  18.             xtype     : 'textfield'
  19.             flex     : 1 
  20.         },{ 
  21.             xtype: 'displayfield'
  22.             value: '-' 
  23.         }, 
  24.         { 
  25.             xtype     : 'textfield'
  26.             flex      : 1 
  27.         },{ 
  28.             xtype: 'displayfield'
  29.             value: '-' 
  30.         }, 
  31.         { 
  32.             xtype     : 'textfield'
  33.             flex      : 1 
  34.         } 
  35.     ] 
  36. }] 
  37. }); 
  39. f.render(Ext.getBody()); 
  40. );