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The Python documentations are pretty much a must-read for those who want to learn the language, so Whether you're planning to use Python 3.x or stick with learning to code with Python 2.x, you better take a look at the documents. If you want to keep updated about the newest functions in Python 3, naturally this is the place to go to.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners with little Programming Experience


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This is a series of detailed Python 3 video tutorials. Currently there are 34 videos, and if you have questions about the videos or would like the source code, you can also visit their forum. If you prefer to learn Python 2.x for some reason, they also have 43 video tutorials on it.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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Allen B. Downey's Think Python is a clearly written book, and wastes no space teaching you how to code with Python. What's better, throughout the book you'll find tips on Python best practices. Each chapter has several exercises at the end for you to practice with what you just learned, and the book also has a section dedicated to teaching you how to debug. Differences between Python 2.x and 3.x are pointed out in the footnotes, and if you want to focus on learning Python 3.x, Michael Kart adapted a version in PDF.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

This interactive textbook will teach you how to think like a programmer, and each chapter comes with a video and several quizzes to help you solidify your understanding of the material. The guide uses Python 3.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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This website has a built-in Python interpreter, which makes it really easy to see how your code will work without any hassle. Each chapter has sample code you can execute to see the results of your code. Every chapter also includes an exercise at the end for you to try things out yourself. Although the interactive tutorial uses Python 2, it specifies the differences between Python 2 and 3 so you'll keep them in mind if you're planning on working with a newer and more current version of Python.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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This is a simple tutorial that will help you learn Python, with concise explanations and examples to let readers get an idea of how things work. People with programming experience may find it easier to follow than those who don't. The tutorial also has a version for Python 2, if that is what you prefer to learn.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners with Programming Experience

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This is the book that inspired a series of learn ___ the hard way, and for good reason, since it is really helpful for beginners. It claims to be hard only because it walks readers through exercises (which the readers follow and learn along the way), but it is actually quite a simple and easy-to-follow book. The book is written for Python 2.7, though it won't be too difficult to adjust from 2.7 to Python 3 if you would like to learn Python 3 instead.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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A Byte of Python is a good book for coding beginners, since it is written without assuming readers know any programming language. The text is clear and easy to follow, and the tutorial is written for the more commonly used Python 2, though it does have several links to guides that will help users transition to Python 3.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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For those completely new to programming, this book may be a bit intimidating, as it skips teaching you the fundamentals of Python programming and, as its title so aptly suggests, dives into Python. If you like learning things at a fast pace, this book may be just the thing you're looking for.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners with some Programming Experience

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Don't want to stick with just the basics and want to learn how to build a game instead? Invent with Python's tutorials will be a perfect fit for you, as it will teach you how to program with Python through concepts of code used in games. You'll be able to use Python to create your own simple game by the time you finish the tutorials.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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This Python 3 tutorial will walk you through simple exercises Python works, so you'll be expected to have your Python interpreter ready as you work with the tutorial. It does not assume prior knowledge of programming, so it should be fairly easy to follow. There are also videos that go with the tutorial if you prefer, and there is also an older version of the tutorial for Python 2.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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If you prefer to skip lengthy explanations and simply see how things work, you can give this Python 2 tutorial a try. However, those without programming experience may find it a little difficult to keep up with the tutorial's pace.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners with Programming Experience

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This interactive Python 3 tutorial was made by Waterloo University, and the built-in interpreter on the website makes following the exercises especially straightforward, since you can just run the code. The material is also clearly written, so those new to coding will find it easy to understand.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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This succinct tutorial will give you a quick overview of Python 3 fundamentals, so it is a great way to supplement your Python learning if you decided to learn through a tutorial that is based on Python 2.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners with Programming Experience

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This opinionated site documents the best practices on how to best code your Python, and it gives you advice on how to use tools and modules based on scenarios.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginning Python Programmers

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Another tutorial that will help you learn Python through coding games, this site will illustrate the materials through images, and there are also quizzes and worksheets at the end of each section to help you learn how to implement the Python code.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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Naturally, Codecademy is also a great resource to get started on Python fundamentals, especially for those with no prior coding experience. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with Python through Codecademy's interactive tutorial, and then deepen your knowledge through more detailed tutorials/courses.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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Python Challenge is not a tutorial per se, but nonetheless a fantastic way to better learn Python, as it challenges your knowledge of how well you know the language. Many have found the Python Challenge helpful in cementing the understanding of Python, so be sure to check the site out once you've gotten down the basics of Python.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginner/Intermediate Python Programmers

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If you prefer to check how well you've learned Python through coding, this interactive site will help you get through the basics by giving you simple quizzes. You can see others people's progress as well, so the learning experience doesn't feel so lonely.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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For those who are ready to learn more advanced parts of Python programming, be sure to take a look at this site, which provides a detailed guide to how to use 'magic methods'. These special methods are surrounded by double underscores (e.g. __init__ or __lt__), and will 'add magic' to your classes.

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Programmers

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Tooting our horns here, but Codementor also has some great Python tutorials for beginners & intermediates alike. Articles range basic concepts to data science with Python to using Python with other tools such as Node.js. If you ever need 1:1 guidance with building your Python project and don't mind spending a bit of money, we have many Python mentors who can help you speed up your learning process as well.

Price Free (Tutorials)
Suitable for Beginner & Intermediate Python Programmers

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Once you've become more comfortable with Python basics, you can take a look at the small programs on this site to better understand how Python is implemented for different scenarios.

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Programmers


Codementor Udemy

Become a Python programmer with the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the Python programming language.

Price $199
Suitable for Beginners

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This course is for those with little or no programming experience, with a focus to teach you how to write small, useful program. As the course uses Python, it is also a great way to learn Python through this course.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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Designed to teach everyone to learn the basics of programming computers using Python, this course assumes you have no prior experience with coding. The course mostly focuses on programming concepts and is paced slowly while avoiding any advanced mathematetics, so anyone with moderate computer skills can easily follow the course.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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Google's Python Class is designed as an intensive 2-day lecture, but you can watch the videos and do the exercises at your own pace.

Price Free
Suitable for Beginners with some Programming Experience

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With 5 Python courses and over 200 videos, Lynda provides a course that helps you understand Python 3 essentials as well as more intermediate Python courses. Take a look and try out their videos to see for yourself whether the courses are useful.

Price $25/month for access to all videos
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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With 95 lectures spanning over 6 hours, this Python course has an average rating above 4 stars for being easy to follow and to the point. The first half introduces you to Python programming, while the second half delves into more intermediate material, which makes it a great pace for newbies to programming.

Price $99 for lifetime access
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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Using Python, this course will let you practice key computer science concepts by building your own versions of popular web applications such search engine and social networks, and the projects you build will be reviewed by a coach. For those without programming experience, this should be an interesting option to look into.

Price $199/month after a 14 day trial
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

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Grok learning provides courses that will introduce you to programming through Python. There are one or two sample lectures for the beginner and intermediate courses, so you can try them out and see if you find them to be of help.

Price $20 AUD for one basic course, $30AUD for a course with online support
Suitable for Beginners without Programming Experience

Tips & Tricks

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As a site promoting the Python language, Python Central is aimed for beginner, intermediate, and advanced Python developers. The site covers the libraries/modules that are associated with Python and many of the tools that are incorporated along with it, so it should especially be of help for beginner and intermediate Python developers.

Price Free
Suitable for All Python Developers

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Probably the most obvious resource to check out for Python tips and tricks, Planet Python is a hub where you can see all sorts of Python-related blog posts that the site collects RSS feeds from. Although the sheer amount of blog posts may be overwhelming, it's still worth skimming through the pages to see if there's anything you'll find useful.

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Developers

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This site received several awards in the past from the Python Community for how helpful its content was. Thus, if you're getting into the more intermediate aspect of Python programming, this is definitely a great place to start out.

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Developers

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Mike Driscoll, the blog owner, uses Python almost exclusively to make his living, and he posts about things he found useful as well as several easy to follow tutorials. Mike is the author of Python 101, and also co-authored The Essential Core Python Cheat Sheet for DZone

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Developers

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This blog is a nice place to get some tips on Python. The blog owner originally started it to compliment his own learning of the language, though after 3 years now it should have plenty of content intermediate Python developers will find handy.

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Developers

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The blog author, Daniel Greenfeld, is a former NASA engineer and a frequent conference speaker on Python. His blog should be especially useful for those who are planning to develop with Django, as he has co-authored the book Two Scoops of Django with his wife Audrey Roy (creator of the cookiecutter), and also wrote a book on Django Best Practices.

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Developers

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Although not updated frequently anymore, this blog nonetheless has 162 articles tagged with Python, so there is bound to be something that will be of use if you dig around a bit.

Price Free
Suitable for Intermediate Python Developers

Developer Tools
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PythonAnywhere lets you easily create and run Python programs in the cloud without having to install any Python interpreter, as you can write your programs in a web-based editor or just run a console session from any modern web browser. What's more, you can preserve your session state through PythonAnywhere's server and access it from anywhere, which also saves you from paying for or configuring your own server. It can even work on the iPad! In short, it's a Python IDE right in your browser.

Price Free for beginners, while pricing plans start from $5/month

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As a Python IDE for Eclipse, PyDev is used and recommended by many Python Developers. It features things such as Django inegration, debuggers, code analysis, and more, which will be of great help to boosting your productivity as a Python Developer.

Price Free

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PyCharms has an integrated debugger and supports unit testing along with auto-fixes and error highlighting. The professional edition supports SQL and databases along with a plethora of modern web development frameworks such as Django, Flask, and Google App Engine. The professional edition also has cross-technology support for multi-languages such as Javascript, CoffeeScript, HTML/CSS and the like, so this should be a pretty handy IDE for web developers.

Price Free Community Edition, $99 for Professional Edition

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If you prefer working with the sleek Sublime Text everyone seems to be using nowadays, this plugin should be especially handy. It's based on Flake8, which basically checks your code for style conventions in PEP8PyFlakes and mccabe.

Price Sublime Text costs $70, but you can just use the Python tool Flake8 if you prefer

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Wingware is an IDE best known for its powerful debugging and unit testing features. Although you'll need to purchase the full version for access to all those nifty features, as a beginner you probably won't need to use those just yet, so you can always just give the 101 version a try as you're learning Python.

Price free beginner version, $45 for personal use, $95 for full-featured non-commercial use (Free for open source developers).

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As an alternative to the Python's standard unit testing tool, Pytest is an easy to use and popular no-boilerplate tool that will help you code better. It's used in many projects such as PyPy, the MoinMoin Wiki Engine, and more.

Price Free

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If you're using Python 2.7, this is a must-have library for testing in Python, as it can do things such as allowing you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. If you're using Python 3.3+, mock is a part of the Python Standard Library.

Price Free

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PyLint is a tool that is great for checking your code for errors and duplicates, and it's integrated in IDEs such as PyDev and Wingware. It also checks if your code conforms to coding standards and is highly customizable.

Price Free

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If you're planning to get into web development and need to scrape web pages for data, Scrapy is an essential tool. It is excellent at extracting patterns for specific data, as it can automate searching and walk through a site to extract very structured data you can specify through expressions.

Price Free

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Robobrowser is based on the requests library and beautiful soup. It lets you simulate a browser that goes out to the web, fetches html pages, lets you fill in forms, and submits those. Therefore, if you're a web developer who has to crawl a web page that requires forms or follow links to get to the data you want to get to and extract, definitely take a look at Robobrowser.

Price Free

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Want to build games with Python? Then check out Pygame. It's a set of Python modules designed for writing games, and it's simple and easy to use. You can see a plethora of projects created through Pygame on its site to get inspirations.

Price Free

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If you're interested in getting started with Python for data science and would like to run things locally, then Anaconda is the package that will install all the necessary libraries into your machine.

Price Free






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